The Driller is very well known for his tendencies to… Commit war crimes. From exploding C4 under Scouts, to shooting corrosive sludge at anything that moves, this class brings a lot of variety to the game. In this article, we’ll be showcasing some of our favorite builds for the CRSPR Flamethrower, the default primary weapon for the Driller.
The Flamethrower can perform well at any difficulty, being a reliable damage and crowd control tool, with its reach, area of effect and its sticky flames. This weapon isn’t known for its single target (mostly). You can build the weapon with single target on your mind, but it will be overperformed by other weapons this class can choose from.This weapon can perform different playstyles; direct damage from up close, a mix between direct damage and setting up walls of flames, and going full into the sticky flames playstyle.
Don’t shy on the CRSPR Flamethrower! It’s the Driller’s default weapon, but it performs as well as the others, and you won’t ever go wrong by bringing it with you. Rock and Stone!
3. Sticky Additive

For the first build we’re showcasing, we chose to use Sticky Additive as our overclock. This overclock adds a bit of damage and more Sticky Flames duration, making it an all rounder for the Flamethrower. We made this build as a jack of all trades, but you can always tweak it to your needs. If you want to use the Flamethrower as a serviceable all around weapon, this build will definitely help you achieve that!
What Sticky Additive Excels In?
- This build is suitable for most situations, making it very versatile.
- We’re using a clean overclock, which brings no downsides to the build.
- Sticky Additive is very flexible, letting you build however you want.
- The flamethrower is a strong weapon, and this build doubles down on its strengths.
Use This Build If…
- You want a solid weapon for most missions
- You don’t want to build around the downsides other overclocks bring
- You want to bump up the effectiveness of the Flamethrower in most situations
Build Details
High Pressure Ejector: We picked this one because the extra reach will let us start doing damage sooner. If you feel that you want more fuel capacity, you can take High Capacity Tanks.
Unfiltered Fuel: This overclock increases the direct damage dealt by the flames. If you prefer to go towards the Sticky Flames route, you can pick Sticky Flame Duration.
Sticky Flame Slowdown: Since we’re building the Flamethrower as an all-rounder, we like to take this perk with us. It will let our flames slow enemies for a bit, bringing some crowd control to our loadout.
More Fuel: This perk is self explanatory. Having more fuel helps you keep burning things to a crisp before needing a resupply.
Targets Explode: Taking this perk helps with your area of effect, giving your flames a 50/50 chance to explode the targets as they die from direct damage.
Overclock: Sticky Additive
- +1 Damage
- +1s Sticky Flame Duration
2. Sticky Fuel
For this build we’re going all in on the Sticky Flames playstyle, by bringing Sticky Fuel. This overclock increases the damage and duration of the Sticky Flames, while decreasing the tank size and max fuel. This changes how you use this weapon; you want to create walls of fire on chokepoints, so that the bugs have no choice other than going through them. These flames pack a punch and slow down the enemies, helping you and your team kite enemies around.
What Sticky Fuel Excels In?
- This build brings good crowd control and area damage, helping you and your teammates deal with the swarms.
- The Sticky Flames are extremely effective against most enemies, slowing them down while they grill.
- This playstyle is somewhat ammo efficient, since you just need to set the terrain on fire and kite around the flames.
Use This Build If…
- You want a different playstyle for the CRSPR Flamethrower.
- You like to set the world on fire.
- Your team needs area of effect damage.
- You like ammo efficient playstyles.
Build details
High Capacity Tanks: We like to bring this overclock since the tank size is reduced by the overclock. This way you won’t see yourself reloading as much.
Sticky Flame Duration: Since we’re going all the way into boosting our Sticky Flames, we like to up the duration that they stay burning.
Sticky Flame Slowdown: This perk is great for this playstyle, since it increases how much the flames slow enemies. If they stick on your flames for longer, the more damage they take!
Sticky Flame Duration: We double down on the duration by taking this perk, but if you prefer more fuel you can always take More Fuel.
Targets Explode: This perk will give you a 50/50 chance of exploding anything that dies within your direct flames. Since the other perk doesn’t create sticky flames, this one is the one that gives you a bigger edge on the battlefield.
Overclock: Sticky Fuel
- +10 Sticky Flame DPS
- +6s Sticky Flame Duration
- -25 Tank Size
- -75 Max Fuel
1. Face Melter
Ah yes, the Face Melter. This overclock is as badass as it sounds, since it bumps up the damage and flames flow rate of the Flamethrower. You want to take this build if you don’t want to watch things burn slowly but instead you want your flames to vaporize anything they touch. With this setup, you’ll be able to tackle any situation that comes your way; it has great direct damage, so anything that is near your flames will be roasted. You will need to build around the downsides, but overall, this whole build brings out the best the Flamethrower can offer.
What Makes Face Melter Great?
- This build brings great amounts of damage to the Flamethrower, making it a menace in all situations.
- You won’t have to worry about kiting that much since everything dies quickly.
- You’ll still be able to set things on fire, which brings more damage to the table.
Use This Build If…
- You prefer engulfing everything in flames.
- Burning things quickly and effectively is your jam.
- You want a strong damage dealing weapon on your loadout.
- Your team lacks damage somehow, and you want to carry in that regard.
Build details
High Pressure Ejector: Since the overclock we’re using lowers reach, we’re addressing that weakness with this perk.
Unfiltered Fuel: We already had damage, but what about more damage?
More Fuel: We like to bring this perk so we can spew flames for longer, but if you want to go full all-in in terms of damage, you can take Oversized Valves.
It Burns!: We like having the Fear debuff for this build, since it doesn’t reach that far. This will make it so that bugs affected by it will run away while being doused in your flames. If you prefer, you can bring more ammo instead.
Targets Explode: This perk gives you a 50/50 chance of exploding bugs that die from your flames, dealing damage around them. This works great with Face Melter because you kill enemies very fast, which will let you win the 50/50 quicker! You can try Heat Radiance, but we do recommend taking Targets Explode instead.
Overclock - Face Melter: This overclock increases the Flamethrower’s damage and flow rate, while decreasing the flames reach and tank size.
- +4 Damage
- +1.8 Fuel Flow Rate
- -3m Flame Reach
- -15 Tank Size
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