What are the best overclocks for Deep Rock Galactic's Scout?
Deep Rock Galactic offers a great way of improving your weapons, through overclocks. These fine pieces of equipment will enhance their associated weapons in various ways, to the point of completely changing how they work! We’ve been testing out Scout’s selection of overclocks, and after some research and testing we bring you the most useful overclocks you can get for this class. There are no bad overclocks in DRG, and others might fit your playstyle better, so experiment away! Without further ado, we present the best overclocks for Scout!
10. Impact Deflection - DRAK-25
Impact deflection, also known as “Bouncy Bullets”, will make your DRAK-25’s bullets bounce! This improves your waveclear, making this overclock great against hordes. It’s very flexible to use, as you can build almost anything with it, but you’ll always want the Plasma Splash perk, since it enhances Bouncy Bullets even further. This overclock suffers in terms of single target damage, so make sure you make up for it with your secondary weapon.
What Makes Impact Deflection Great?
- This overclock increases the Plasma Carabine’s area of effect immensely.
- The loss of rate of fire is barely noticeable, and you can make up for it with the weapon’s perks.
- Your playstyle will change slightly while using this overclock, since you want to aim towards the terrain in front of the bugs, so that the bullets bounce on them.
Overclock details
- Projectiles will bounce 1 time, either off of terrain or enemies
- -2 Rate of Fire
- If the "Plasma Splash" mod is equipped, the projectile deals splash damage when bouncing off terrain; making it possible to deal x2 splash if you shoot the floor in front of enemies (splashing on contact with floor, then bouncing into the enemy, dealing direct + splash damage again).
9. AI Stability Engine - Deepcore GK2
AI Stability Engine provides the Deepcore GK2 with much needed buffs. This overclock makes it so that this weapon has pinpoint accuracy, by removing all recoil and reducing spread! It also increases weak spot damage, which lets this assault rifle down high priority targets.
What Makes AI Stability Engine Great?
- With this overclock equipped you’ll have great accuracy at all ranges.
- This overclock increases the weak spot damage of this weapon, making it a fantastic boss killer.
- You can use Born Ready to bypass the reload times of this weapon, lowering your downtime.
Overclock details
- x0 Recoil
- x9 Spread Recovery Speed
- +40% Weakpoint Damage Bonus
- -2 Damage
- -2 Rate of Fire
8. Hoverclock - M1000 Classic
What’s not to like about soaring through the skies? Hoverclock will let you slow fall while charging the focused shot on the M1000 Classic. The M1000 is a fantastic weapon by itself, but if you plan on using this overclock, you’ll become a… bird in no time. With practice you’ll practically never touch the ground, especially if you combine it with your grappling hook and Special Powder! Be careful not to fall too much.
What Makes Hoverclock Great?
- Hoverclock enables a fun and challenging playstyle, that when mastered, is one of the most fun things to do in Deep Rock Galactic.
- This is a clean overclock, which means that it has no downsides!
- If you’re high up in the air, not many enemies can hurt you.
Overclock details
- Focused Shot Hover: Whenever Focus mode is used midair the Player movement gradually slows down and lasts for a short period, the slowdown can get refreshed by killing or by touching the ground.
- Max slowdown: 80%
- Time to reach Max slowdown: 0.58s (100% Focus Speed) / 0.37s (160% Focus Speed)
- Max slowdown duration: 0.93s (100% Focus Speed) / 1.14s (160% Focus Speed)
- Slowdown duration with a fully focused shot: 0.71s (100% Focus Speed) / 1s (160% Focus Speed)
7. Jumbo Shells - Jury-Rigged Boomstick
The Boomstick is by itself a great weapon, and if you feel it lacks damage, just slap Jumbo Shells in it, and you’ll be able to dish large amounts of single target damage! This overclock increases this weapon’s damage drastically, letting you reach damage breakpoints that will let you one shot most things that are trying to eat you.
What Makes Jumbo Shells Great?
- Jumbo Shells increases the Boomstick’s damage greatly, taking it to the next level.
- If you lack single target on your primary, this overclock will be able to round your loadout!
- You can build the Boomstick for area of effect, and with Jumbo Shells you’ll have a reliable weapon to deal with hordes.
Overclock details
- +8 Damage
- -10 Max Ammo
- +0.5s Reload Time
6. Aggressive Venting - DRAK-25
With this overclock you can vent, aggressively! If you’re using this overclock, every time the Plasma Carabine overheats, you’ll burn anything that’s nearby. That’s how aggressive it is! We recommend pairing this overclock with Hot Feet and Manual Heat Dump, so you can force overheating whenever you want, and get a speed boost while the weapon is cooling down. This makes it so that your mobility as a Scout gets taken to the next level! Go vent on those bugs, soldier!
What Makes Aggressive Venting Great?
- Aggressive Venting is a clean overclock, which means that it brings no downsides.
- The area of effect damage you deal is significant, and if the bugs don’t die, you’ll also fear them, relieving some pressure off of you.
- Using Manual Heat Dump will let you control exactly when you want to trigger the overclock effect, letting you deal more damage whenever you want.
- Hot Feet also pairs well with Aggressive Venting because the burst of speed can help you maneuver through the battlefield.
Overclock details
- Burn AoE on overheat: Upon overheating, deals up to 6 Fire+Heat damage, 60 heat, and 500 fear within a 5 meter radius. These values all scale with %heat at overheat, so at 50% heat, all of them will be halved.
- x0.8 Overheat Duration: This overclock reduces the base overheat time by 0.5 seconds. As a result overheating at 50% heat with Manual Heat Dump will give an approximately 0.65 second overheat duration.
5. Trifork Volley - Nishanka Boltshark X-80
Trifork Volley is an interesting overclock, since it lets you shoot three bolts at once! This will make it so that if you hit all three bolts on a weak spot, you’ll likely kill or at least heavily injure the target you intend to take down. You can pair this overclock with Taser Bolts for massive damage, and our favorite, Magnetic Shafts. This perk will make it so that if a target is affected by electricity, all three bolts will converge onto the middle one, letting you dish out tons of damage instantly! Equipping the IFG grenades or bringing the DRAK-25 with electricity greatly increases the potential of this overclock.
What Makes Trifork Volley Great?
- This overclock increases your normal bolt damage, making it a very capable high priority target killer.
- You can build around Magnetic Shafts, letting you have homing bolts!
- We recommend bringing Pheromones with this overclock, since you won’t be able to recover the special bolts anymore.
Overclock details
- 3x Normal Projectiles
- 20% more ammo capacity
- Bolts are no longer retrievable
- 15% less damage per projectile
- 1.5x Reload Time
4. Overtuned Particle Accelerator - DRAK-25
The DRAK-25 is by itself a fantastic choice for the Scout, since it fires quickly, letting you kill any threats that come your way with ease. The Overtuned Particle Accelerator will bring the Plasma Carabine to new heights, since it increases its damage drastically! This overclock will increase your spread, making this weapon much less accurate, but it’s worth the downside, since with this much damage nothing close-by will survive.
What Makes Overtuned Particle Accelerator Great?
- The increase in damage will let the Plasma Carabine reach the much needed breakpoints, letting you kill things easily.
- You can build around the downsides easily, making this overclock a must-use.
- This overclock will let the DRAK-25 excel at close and mid range, so be sure to bring a long range option as your secondary!
Overclock details
- +8 Direct Damage
- x0.8 Battery Capacity
- x1.5 Heat per Shot
- Increased Base Spread
3. Special Powder - Jury-Rigged Boomstick
We all know that Scout’s main appeal is his mobility. He can reach anywhere inside the caves, zipping around and defying gravity. If a Scout has Special Powder in his arsenal, he’ll be able to propel this mobility even further! This overclock will let you launch yourself in the air, increasing the height you can reach. With enough practice, you’ll be able to reach anywhere you want! You can also stop fall damage if you shoot the ground right before landing, making this overclock a great tool for the Scout!
What Makes Special Powder Great?
- You will be able to be extremely mobile if you bring this overclock with you!
- With this overclock you’ll be able to reach new heights, escape from dire situations, and stop yourself from taking fall damage.
- This is one of the most fun overclocks for the Scout, and we highly recommend you try it once you get it!
Overclock details
- Shotgun Jump: Whenever the weapon is fired and the player is not on the ground they will get pushed in the direction opposite of the pellet's direction, a well-timed shot can push the player up to 16 meters in the air. If both shots are unloaded in quick succession, the amount of distance covered goes up to a maximum of 47 meters. It is affected by the player's current speed and direction.
2. Embedded Detonators - Zhukov NUK17
Who said only the Driller was able to blow up things? With this overclock, your bullets become mini explosives that bore into the bug’s bodies, letting you detonate them for massive damage when you reload. This makes the Zhukov NUK17 fantastic single target weapons, while also bringing respectable swarm control. If you’re fighting Dreadnaughts or any other type of boss, bring your Zhukovs, and make boom happen!
What Makes Embedded Detonators Great?
- This overclock increases the damage potential of the Zhukovs, letting you deal with high priority threats easily.
- The Akimbo Uzi’s reload quickly, which means you’ll have virtually no downtime while dealing damage!
- The Zhukovs have a high fire rate, letting you place tons of detonators inside a target before blowing it up, letting you chunk their health pool quickly and reliably.
Overclock details
- +Embedded Detonators
- -6 Damage
- -20 Combined Clip Size
- -400 Max Ammo
- When reloading each bullet fired that hit an enemy will explode, including enemies hit through penetration. Several enemies can be affected at the same time. The explosion does not have any AoE to it, only affecting the creature it explodes in.
- Damage: 38 Internal (per bullet that damages the target ; damage is not affected by hitting Weakspots or Armor ; unaffected by the T5 Conductive Bullets Perk)
- A reload via Born Ready does not activate Embedded Detonators. This makes it possible to store multiple ED magazines in an enemy at the same time.
- A full reload is not necessary to activate Embedded Detonators. It will trigger at the beginning of the animation. Canceling the reload, by switching weapons for example, will still activate the effect.
1. Hipster - M1000 Classic
Hipster is a very flexible and reliable overclock for the M1000 Classic. This overclock will double your ammo capacity, increase the rate of fire and reduce recoil, all this for the cost of some damage. If you look at the stats, you’ll see that you’ll be losing a lot of damage, but this is not an issue; the M1000 is still able to be built as a hip fire or focused shot weapon, while still achieving the breakpoints necessary for it to be reliable and comfortable to use. This overclock just does everything right for what Scout needs, and we highly recommend you giving it a shot the moment you get it.
What Makes Hipster Great?
- Hipster is a very flexible overclock, letting you build the M1000 anyway you want.
- Double ammo capacity paired with fire rate is fantastic, letting you hip fire quickly and accurately!
- The reduced recoil synergises with the faster rate of fire well, making this weapon great for either hip firing or using focused shot.
- The reduced damage isn’t noticeable, since even with this overclock equipped, the M1000 is still able to deal with anything that gets thrown your way.
Overclock details
- x1.913 Max Ammo
- +3 Rate of Fire
- x0.5 Recoil
- -17 Damage
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