What are the best perks for Driller?
Do you enjoy dealing massive area of effect damage? Do you enjoy blowing your teammates up with C4? Then the Driller is the class for you. The roster wouldn’t be complete without a dwarf that can open holes wherever he wants. The Driller’s arsenal specializes in area of effect and crowd control, and of course, the Reinforced Power Drills. They are the bread and butter of this class, enabling you to drill in the direction you need to go, and they can also function as melee weapons. To use all his tools efficiently, we managed to create a list of the best perks you’ll want to bring into Hoxxes II.
5. Deep Pockets
You mined that Gold vein, but you couldn’t carry all of it. You had to call Molly, but that Gunner keeps calling it back, arguing that “it’s closer to me”. To prevent more trips to Molly, and less time wasted, you can bring Deep Pockets! You will be able to carry more of each mineral if you choose this perk.
This perk gives you the following:
- Each of your mineral pouches hold +5 / 10 / 15 more valuables.
Why is Deep Pockets Great for Driller:
- It shortens the amount of trips you’ll need to take to deposit your minerals.
- You will waste less time waiting for Molly to arrive, enabling you to move faster throughout the map.
Link to this perk: https://deeprockgalactic.fandom.com/wiki/Deep_Pockets
4. Field Medic
Your whole team is being overwhelmed by waves of bugs, and your Scout went down again. You power through the waves with your flamethrower, burning all the bugs around you, but it isn’t enough; the Scout died in a weird place, and you have to be quick to revive him, or else you’ll be overwhelmed too. Fortunately, you brought Field Medic, and you revived him instantly, enabling you to go back to the fight! With Field Medic, you will be able to revive teammates faster, and you will also be able to revive a teammate instantly, once per mission.
Field Medic gives you the following:
- Passive: You revive teammates 15 / 20 / 25 / 30 % faster. [Tier 4 only: Upon reviving someone, nearby enemies flee.]
- ALL TIERS: Active: Once per mission, you can get a downed teammate instantly back on their feet.
Why is Field Medic Great for Driller:
- Being able to revive your teammates faster means that they can go back into the fray faster. No bugs = no problems.
- Being able to instantly revive one teammate per mission can mean the difference between you finishing the mission or waking up back in the medic bay.
- When this perk is maxxed, the fear can help you stave off the bugs that are surrounding your teammate, enabling you both to reposition and deal with the threat.
Link to the perk: https://deeprockgalactic.fandom.com/wiki/Field_Medic
3. Dash
The Driller likes to be in sticky situations. His massive area of effect arsenal is prime to deal with waves of Glyphids and Mactera, but sometimes even you get overwhelmed. That’s why we like to bring Dash, since it gives us a burst of speed, allowing us to reposition in the battlefield, and dish more ludicrous amounts of damage to the native wildlife. You gotta go fast!
This perk grants you the following:
- Active: Get out of trouble with a short burst of speed. (40 / 35 / 30 / 25 seconds cooldown)
- While dashing you ignore all slowdown effects.
Why Dash is Great for Driller:
- Dash grants you a burst of speed, enabling you to reposition properly to deal with the bugs.
- The Driller has no way of dealing with slowdown effects, so this perk will be helpful in those kinds of situations.
Link to this perk: https://deeprockgalactic.fandom.com/wiki/Dash
2. Vampire
When you first looked at Vampire, you might’ve thought “this seems underpowered”, but hear us out. The Drill Hands, your Pickaxe and even your Impact Axes are considered melee weapons, so you have lots of options to use this perk.. You can also spec the Reinforced Power Drillsto function as actual weapons, and with Vampire, you can go to town on the bugs, drilling through their skulls, and while at it, you get health back! It’s a really fun way to play the game, and very different from the usual.
This perk gives you the following:
- Regain 2 / 3 / 4 / 5 health when you kill a medium sized or larger creature with a melee attack.
Why is Vampire Great for Driller:
- If you’re using the Drill Hands, Vampire will keep your health topped up while you’re fighting through the waves.
- If you use Vampire with the number 1 perk, you’ll be virtually immortal. At least once per mission.
Link to this perk: https://deeprockgalactic.fandom.com/wiki/Vampire
1. Iron Will
You went on a mission with a Gunner, and the poor dwarf keeps dying, and you keep reviving him. But this time, you both get overwhelmed, dying in the process. You’re tilting, angry at Hoxxes II… But you got Iron Will! Time to fight back. Press that Spacebar, equip your Drill Hands, and if you’ve followed this tier list, you’ll also have Vampire, so go mental on the bugs that tried to take your lives. Iron Will lets you get back to the fight once per mission, after you’re downed, reloading your weapons and granting you a rage fueled strength. Rock and Stone!
Iron Will gives you the following:
- Active: Once per mission, get back into the fight with all your weapons reloaded and a rage-fueled strength for a 6 / 8 / 10 / 12 second last stand before going down for good.
- While in this state you move faster, hit harder, and are resistant to slowdowns.
Why Iron Will is Great for Driller:
- Iron Will makes you stronger during a short period, letting you destroy entire hordes with your Drill Hands, if necessary.
- Having a self-revive is very useful, either if you’re playing solo or with teammates.
- If you combo Vampire with Iron Will (which you should), you’ll regain health while killing the mobs with your Drill Hands, which is necessary since Iron Will doesn’t give you health.
Link to this perk: https://deeprockgalactic.fandom.com/wiki/Iron_Will