The Gunner is the Deep Rock Galactic’s class that has decided that he should bring the biggest guns to the caves. The "Hurricane" Guided Rocket System is no exception, since it is literally a rocket launcher where you can guide the rockets with your crosshair. The Hurricane is mostly an area of effect weapon, being able to clear the swarms with its splash damage while having respectable direct damage. With the right build, you can also make it a serviceable single target weapon, making this gun a blast to use in every situation!
We won’t hold you off any longer, so we present to you our selection of builds for the “Hurricane” Guided Rocket System.
3. Minelayer System
We introduced the Hurricane as a rocket launcher, but our first build will feature a “slight” change to its playstyle. Instead of rockets, you will fire mines that you can spray around the terrain, creating a minefield that will blast anything that gets too close. These are great in chokepoints, letting you protect yourself and your team from harm! The manual guidance of the rockets will be cut off if you use this build, so instead of trying to shoot the rockets directly, you should place the mines preemptively, before your team gets attacked.
What Minelayer System Excels In?
- This build changes the Hurricane playstyle, so if you’re looking for something different, this build is for you.
- The mines are great at defending tight passages!
- This build will let you fire your rockets and forget, so you can focus on using another gun and dealing with bigger targets while the mines are taking care of the smaller enemies.
Use This Build If…
- You want a different playstyle from shooting rockets.
- You like placing mines and watching everything explode.
- You want a serviceable build that can deal with most enemies easily and comfortably.
Build details
Increased Blast Radius: This perk will make the mine’s area of effect bigger, making them more effective.
Bigger Jet Engine: You’ll be able to place the mines quicker by taking this perk.
Nano Missiles: A bigger magazine means less reloads!
Zip Fuel: This build focuses on the area of effect of the mines, so the area damage will synergise very well with it.
Uncontrolled Decompression: Your mines will be able to stun enemies, helping your team with some crowd control.
Overclock - Minelayer System: With this overclock you’ll be able to place mines on terrain, for the cost of max ammo and losing the guiding system.
- When missiles impact terrain, they transform into mines that will detonate when enemies get too close. Mines have a 15 second lifetime, do 2.75x Area Damage, have a x1.5 AoE Radius, and trigger when enemies get within 2m.
- While the mines do benefit from Nitroglycerin Rounds, they only accumulate the damage bonus while in flight. After impacting terrain the mine will not accumulate any further bonus damage from Nitroglycerin Rounds.
2. Jet Fuel Homebrew
Unsurprisingly, we’re changing the Hurricane’s playstyle once again. This time it isn’t as drastic, since you’ll still be able to guide your rockets… Somewhat. With this build we’re making the Hurricane your dedicated single target weapon. Jet Fuel Homebrew will make your rockets go very, very fast, and they will be harder to maneuver because of that. Instead, you’d rather lead your shots, like an old school rocket launcher! This build brings the most direct damage to your shots, letting you rip and tear through enemies, sending them back to bug hell.
What Jet Fuel Homebrew Excels In?
- This build is all about direct shots, so if you like that playstyle, you’ll love using this build.
- You’ll be able to mow down through high priority targets, including bosses!
- Your rockets fly at a great pace, helping you be accurate with your shots.
Use This Build If..
- You don’t want to guide your rockets that much, and prefer to shoot them old school style.
- You want a great boss killer weapon!
- You listen to the Doom soundtrack while playing DRG.
Build details
Pressurized Gas Cylinders: More damage? More damage!
Bigger Jet Engine: You can also take the armor breaking perk, but we like even more rocket speed for maximum destruction.
Nano Missiles: Never stop shooting! That’s why we like having a bigger magazine size.
Shrapnel Load: This perk will increase your weak spot damage, letting you shred through high priority targets.
Uncontrolled Decompression: Since the rockets will be too fast for Nitroglycerin Compound effects to be noticeable, we take this perk to be able to stun targets. It won’t work on Dreadnaughts, but it will definitely stop Praetorians and Oppressors!
Overclock - Jet Fuel Homebrew: This overclock will up the rocket speed and direct damage, by stripping the Hurricane from its area of effect capabilities.
- x2.5 Direct Damage
- x1.5 Max Velocity
- Projectiles Start at Max Speed
- x0.5 Area Damage
- -0.5m AoE Radius
- x0.75 Magazine Size
- 72 Max Ammo
1. Fragmentation Missiles
Finally, a build that caters to what the Hurricane does best: dealing area damage. With this very simple yet effective build you’ll be able to mow down through any swarms that the caves throw at you. This build is focused around area of effect, which will make you need a single target weapon as your secondary, but it will be extremely serviceable when it comes to dealing with the swarms! The splash damage of this build is immense, which also makes this build ammo efficient, letting you keep shooting to protect yourself and your teammates from certain doom.
What Fragmentation Missiles Excels In?
- We’re using a clean overclock with this build, letting the Hurricane’s specs shine!
- This build is all about area of effect damage, letting you blast through waves quickly and comfortably.
- The Hurricane’s missiles will be easily guided, enabling you to use ammo efficiently.
Use This Build If…
- You prefer to use the Hurricane for its area of effect capabilities.
- You like using clean overclocks, since they bring no downsides.
- You don’t need single target damage on your primary weapon.
- You enjoy having flexibility in your builds.
Build details
Pressurized Gas Cylinders: You can also take the effect radius perk, but we do like having some direct damage to complement the already strong area damage of this weapon.
Bigger Jet Engine: There’s a case for using Anti-Tank Missiles in this tier, since we’re also using Nitroglycerin Compound, but we like to hit things quicker, so we take this perk.
Improved Feed Mechanism: If you prefer you can take magazine size, but we like the increased rate of fire in this build, helping us carpet bomb any area quicker.
Zip Fuel: This build is all about area damage, and this perk increases it!
Nitroglycerin Rounds: This perk increases the area damage for each 0.75 seconds the missile has been in the air, further helping the Hurricane deal with enemies.
Overclock - Fragmentation Missiles: This overclock increases the Hurricane’s area damage and rate of fire.
- +2 Area Damage
- 0.5m AoE Radius
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