
Jeshaiah is an experienced player who enjoys writing about her gaming experiences. She takes satisfaction in sharing her tale about her gaming adventure, which is driven by objectives and determination. As previously said, she communicates her experience through the power of writing. She is a professional in creative writing, which covers fiction and nonfiction. Among her graduating class, she receives the highest grades in creative writing and creative nonfiction. Moreover, she graduated with a 4.0 grade in a strand of Humanities and Social Sciences. She's currently engaged with Onmyoji Arena, PUBG, and Genshin Impact. Furthermore, she prefers to play MOBA games. As she writes her journey, she reminisces and helps other players which motivate her. She uncovers the depth of the game which brings her satisfaction because she exploring a game world. Lastly, She excels at providing character descriptions and gaming tutorials.
salvestrail's Rank: Total Noob
: 0
: 0
Gamer Since
Currently Playing
Onmyoji Arena and Genshin Impact
Top 3 Favorite Games