While the three lanes of most MOBAs are filled with various brawls and battles, one position is the most elusive and active of them all: the jungler. These characters, as their name suggests, prowl the map's wilds, taking down and farming the neutral foes that live there for money and experience to assist their teammates via ganking.
It makes sense that the jungle is one of the most difficult roles to perform because it carries such a weighty duty. For this same reason, it may also be one of the most intimidating for new players. If the jungler role does fit your playing style, you might want to know who is the best jungler to build.
Fortunately for you, I have compiled a list of all the finest jungler on Onmyoji Arena. Here are the top 10 best Jungler to play!
10. Shiranui
“Look at the flames as they light up the sky. May this moment last forever.”
You might be wondering who Shirani is here while she is a mage shikigami. Well, because she is built for either a Jungler or a Mage! That is why Shiranui is the shikigami that is to die for in this latest patch! Trust me, building her is not a waste of time because she is used in both PvP and PvE.
In PvE, her core squad should consist of two SSRs like Shuten, Kujira, and so on. In PvP, she should also aim to stay in her first form for as long as possible because it provides a significant boost to the team. Her secondary form is a final resort.
What makes Shiranui a Great Jungler:
- A wide variety of souls that both support and assault. Offensive souls include Kyoukotsu or Seductress, for instance. She has respectable offensive stats to utilize these souls effectively.
- Shikigami DPS under the Sorrowful state. Because Sorrowful's Crit% is boosted by 30%, it is incredibly easy to develop Crit Dmg against her. She only needs 70% crit to become fully sorrowful. I would suggest utilizing HP% in one of the main stats to keep her from entering Sorrowful too soon.
For further fine points about Shiranui, click here: https://onmyoji.fandom.com/wiki/Shiranui
9. Hakuzosu
“I don't run away.”
He makes for a very capable defensive support. One of the spirits that match him nicely is Soul Edge. Using Soul Edge can significantly reduce the risk of powerful single-target attacks from characters like Onikiri. Hakozosu's ability already distributes damage. You merely don't make the first move in this situation.
Hakuzosu is a powerful tracker with a ton of damage and endurance. His unique ability to become invisible after two seconds of standing in the bushes allows him to sense the locations of any foes who have been marked with Burning Shadow. Several of his skills cause him to have these marks. Due to his capacity to provide the adversary visibility, this Shikigami is ideal for any squad, whether in or out of combat.
HP should be a top priority because Hakozosu needs high HP to be able to take greater punishment. SPD is yet another crucial statistic. Hakosozu enters the combat with an additional 60 SPD, making him the easily fastest Shikigami. In this scenario, having SPD as a primary attribute at position 2 is practically required to ensure that he beats Enma. The characteristic to concentrate on is Effect RES because Hakosozu has to avoid status effects during a protracted battle. Potential Crit% can be helpful, but it will be difficult to focus on so many things, in my opinion.
What makes Hakosozu a Great Jungler:
- One of Hakosozu's key designs is to counter Onikiri. With him on the squad, the team should be relatively protected from opposing Onikiri taking down one or two core troops during the first wave or two. This indicates we don't expect these teams to be speedy or to impose great control or attacks. The goal is to be able to withstand attacks and disrupt the enemy's attack flow to your advantage.
- Without a question, Hakosozu is one of the best defensive support players in the game right now. He resembles a living Soul Edge in many ways. Hakosozu must be free of any controlling effects to be used to his greatest potential. Due to the abundance of controlling effects in high-level Duel, this restricts his use.
For further comprehensive details about Hakuzosu, please click the link: https://onmyoji.fandom.com/wiki/Hakuzousu
8. Ibaraki Doji
“Unlock the accessory Dark Snowball.”
He slices your soul with the arm of the devil. His special ability, "Infernal Hand," has a maximum level damage deal of 283% to a single target. His chances of successfully killing a victim with this skill are exceptionally strong because it deals the most damage of any skill in the game. By dealing 50% more damage to the remaining adversaries, his passive talent [Rage Outlet] perfectly complements this.
I consider him to be the game's finest farming DPS. In addition to being able to carry weaker fodders, he can do it much more quickly than other DPSs, speeding up the process. Surprisingly, if he doesn't manage to kill an enemy, his Rage Outlet now increases his damage. It's tough to kill foes with a single hit in harder content, thus this 100% additional damage is quite helpful.
What makes Ibaraki Doji a Great Jungler:
- SSR Shikigami is wanted. He is one of the finest farmers in the game, in my view, especially when he has a reasonable Critical Chance and high Critical Damage. He can use one talent to instantly defeat all enemies and obtain quick EXP!
For fruther information about Ibaraki Doji, click here: https://onmyoji.fandom.com/wiki/Ibaraki_Douji#:~:text=As%20the%20Shikigami%20with%20the,the%20direction%20of%20his%20enemy
7. Kosodenote
“Our hearts are connected, even across the battlefield.”
[Connected Thread] is Kosodenote's signature skill, and it is not affected by Soul effects. As a result, her Soul choices aren't limited in any way. With PVE in mind, I chose Fortune Cat because she's swift and can serve as a source of Orb while summoning Needle. Other options are available based on the team configuration.
SPD is always necessary for support. Effect RES is simply there to ensure that she is not restricted in her actions. HP is there to help you survive. If you want to use ATK% and Crit% to make her a secondary DPS, go ahead. Her ATK and Crit aren't particularly strong, but they should suffice as a backup, especially because her Special Skill is attack-oriented.
What makes Kosodenote a Great Jungler:
- By copying controls, she ought to be able to have an impact on PVP as well. The main negative is Needle randomly links adversaries, thus there would be unpredictable moments. Notable partners include Enma, Red Imp, etc.
- She is not a horrible Shikigami overall, but there are better candidates for G6, so I wouldn't give her top priority. She works well with Ushi no Toki or in place of it to maximize
For further fine points about Puppeteer, click here: https://onmyoji.fandom.com/wiki/Kosode_no_Te
6. Puppeteer
"Step, turn, jump!”
The Puppeteer is similar to a flying blade or the definition of a ninja. Her stats aren't particularly impressive, however, a recent update has improved her output damage. This makes her more useful, though I'll have to put her through some tests to be sure. On paper, her Seductress-like passiveness should not be underestimated. Especially with Seductress installed. She's now a good ST DPS with high HP for PvE bosses, in my opinion. Her opponents' health is insufficient for her to be useful in PvP.
Seductress is the finest option for an offensive build. Puppeteer's 5-hit strike is one of the explanations. The Soul also has the effect of reinforcing the Puppeteer's passive.
What makes Puppeteer a Great Jungler:
- The Flying Blade Shikigami. You can inflict a lot of harm in PvE. This is a great finisher in Soul 10 if you have two capable and reliable AoEs or are employing an AoE plus Yoto. She's a viable option if you're looking for a pure PvE single-target attacker.
For further comprehensive details about Puppeteer, click here: https://onmyoji.fandom.com/wiki/Kairaishi
5. Itsumade
“I will end all this!”
A jack of all trades and a master of none. One of Itsumade's most advantageous traits is her flexibility. She is not one of those Shikigamis you have to G6 straight away, but her damage potential is undeniable, therefore I would expect to see some deadly Itsumades in PvP.
The stat priority of many AOE DPSs is shared by Itsumade, more specifically Ubume. Crit% and AKT are essential. Crit DMG is a useful addition after Crit% is maximized. When using control Souls, Effect HIT should be in position 4. As a DPS, I believe Itsumade could handle more duties than control.
What makes Itsumade a Great Jungler:
- The multi-attacker Shikigami. A highly skilled Itsumade can deal with up to four normal attacks at 100% damage each. AOE deals 80% damage twice and then bursts each feather for 50% ATKD per feather. Debuff now causes 27% more damage and, when fully stacked, offers to heal.
- She can do it all. According to the statistics, she is capable of handling practically any situation. She has a rating of 8.3 out of 10 in farming, duel, boss battles, and souls.
For further information about Itsumade, click the link: https://onmyoji.fandom.com/wiki/Itsumade
4. Ubume
“Watch and learn how I fight.”
Her special talent [Flying Slash] is a multi-hit AOE strike that nicely complements the Soul Seductress. Her passive skill [Help] grants her a 30% chance to assist a teammate with a normal attack. With her standard attack [Umbrella Blade] ignoring 20% protection, the damage delivered is rather large if this occurs frequently during a fight.
With all these benefits, she is the greatest SR Shikigami for all free players to train up to 5-star or 6-star.
Other popular AOE DPS Shikigamis include the Ootengu, Ibaraki Douji, and Kuro Mujou. Given that the Ootengu and Ibara Douji are SSR Shikigamis, which means summoning them is extremely tough, Ubume is the next best option.
What makes Ubume a Great Jungler:
- Ubume is unquestionably the best SR AOE DPS Shikigami in Onmyoji, as well as one of the best Farmers in the game. Ubume is worth high-level training. You will not be disappointed.
- Ubume is regarded as one of the best Shikigami all-around. She can be used in farming, Soul dungeons, Arena PvP, and probably all game modes.
For further details about Ubume, please click the link: https://onmyoji.fandom.com/wiki/Ubume
3. Onikiri
“I am Onikiri, the blade that demons fear!”
Since his debut, Onikiri has become the default DPS. There are better options for PvE depending on the combat, but there is no match in PvP. He'll have a significant influence every time he attacks if he can acquire enough protection from teammates. It's also unlikely that he'll need many hits to end the fight. In many circumstances, whoever has the faster Onikiri will likely win the fight because there is nothing that can stop Oniki's follow-up assault.
He is a critical G6 in PvP who requires full skill up. You won't be disappointed. Especially when Onikiris may be found everywhere in Duel. Otherwise, you'd be at a disadvantage. He is, however, an extremely strong Shikigami who is not invincible. He, like everyone else, would crumble in the absence of sufficient support. Because we are back to the speed game in Duel, expect the quicker team with Onikiri to win the fight for the years ahead.
What makes Onikiri a Great Jungler:
- Onikiri is without a doubt the best PvP DPS right now. It is unprecedented for him to be able to deal with AOE damage while being immune to adverse effects. This means that if you have a speedy squad, you don't always need a Hannya to go before the AOE DPS. This combines the two responsibilities and frees up a team place.
- This Shikigami effectively revived PvP fast teams. Fast teams can now be more confident that their Onikiri will not suffer any negative repercussions from the AOE attack on the adversaries. This significantly reduced the length of PvP battles.
For further information about Onikiri, click the link: https://onmyoji.fandom.com/wiki/Onikiri
2. Yoto Hime
“My blade craves blood!”
Yoto Hime is a big favorite among Onmyoji fans. How can you not love her when she's as adorable as she is lethal? Yoto Hime's role is straightforward: deal massive single-target damage. She has been the game's top single-target attacker since her release. So, if you're lucky enough to get her, max her out as quickly as possible, and don't look back.
Her abilities are focused on dealing with damage. [Savage Combo] has six hits that might substantially benefit from Seductress. [Extra Slice] adds a chance for an extra attack every time she deals damage to [Savage Combo]. You'll lose track of how many times Yoto Hime assaults in a round with Seductress.
What makes Yoto Hime a Great Jungler:
- Yoto Hime does well as the primary DPS in a variety of teams. I believe she is the best single-target DPS in the game. Yoto Hime excels in PVP and Bosses, even though she is employed almost everywhere.
- Yoto Hime equipped with Seductress is the reasonable choice for killing bosses. Seductress has a very strong damage output against foes with extremely high HP. There aren't many techniques here other than forming a squad around Yoto Hime to ensure her survival for as long as possible.
For further comprehensive details about Yoto Hime, click here: https://onmyoji.fandom.com/wiki/Youtou_Hime
1. Kainin
“My shadow is enough to beat you.”
Kainin, who has a ton of movement abilities and burst damage, is unquestionably the strongest jungler in the game. Because of the nature of their talents, Seductress and Scarlet are the most preferred choices. If Seductress is successful with her abilities, she has the potential to wreak significant harm. Scarlet's abilities are more synergistic and are more likely to trigger when the soul procs.
She would need some SPD to enter stealth mode as frequently as possible. The remaining stats should be used to determine building damage. She should be able to live with roughly 80% Critical, hence position 6 might be Critical Damage if possible.
What makes Kainin a Great Jungler:
- Blast Damage Shikigami. It's extremely impressive that she can approach her opponents in two different ways. Additionally, she possesses a first skill that slows the foe as well as an ultimate attack that knocks back all-around enemies.
- A skill-damaging ninja build. Give her a grass-cutting blade as she is not a basic attacker and both of these things boost ability damage. The remaining damage she does can be neutralized by penetration.
For further details abour Kainin, please click the link: https://onmyoji.fandom.com/wiki/Kainin