
Brandon Williams A.K.A. Slade VonParade, a dungeon master who has created many years of stories for players and developed heartwarming and heart-wrenching legends. Creating and understanding stories is not about knowing the basic formula to produce one, it is understanding that each character is going through their own. Developing these epics is something I have perfected over my years of writing. This is due to the admiration of other stories, such as the Mass Effect series and their amazing character building, to the alternative space opera, Halo, and its developing world-building. These are such titles I enjoy writing about, as well as anything that tells us a good story, that touches our hearts.
Slade VonParade's Rank: Total Noob
: 0
: 0
Gamer Since
Currently Playing
Ark, Skyrim, Darkest Dungeon, Stellaris
Top 3 Favorite Games