[Top 10] Dragons Dogma: Dark Arisen Best Weapons (And How To Get Them)
In Dragon’s Dogma, the best gear is often found within the late game of the Bitter Black Isles. It will also provide ample opportunity to dragon forge (upgrade) this gear. However as many will know, it can be difficult to get the gear that you want, due to its rarity-based loot drop mechanics.
In today's article, we will discuss what tier is needed to obtain the item as well as where you can find its upgrade components. You will also note on this list that balanced weapons are the weapon of choice, but this can vary depending on how your character's stat allocations are managed. This list states weapons that would most commonly be the most beneficial.
10. Sanguine Stalk (Sorcerer)
Location: Can be obtained by purifying Bitterblack Weapon Lv.3.
Enhancement Item Locations:
Gargantuan Skull
Dropped by a Skeleton Brute.
Fetid Gallstone
Dropped by a Poisoned Undead.
Bloodied Chain
Dropped by an Eliminator.
Phantom Orb
Dropped by Living Armor.
This is the best Archistaff you can get in the game based on its immense magical stat buff. Having you and your pawn being Sorcerers will help for the chance system on getting this high-tier staff. You will also only obtain this item from Lv 3. Bitter Black weapon drops.
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9. Dominion Claw (Mage, Mystic Knight, Magick Archer)
Location: Can be obtained by purifying Bitterblack Weapon Lv.3.
Enhancement Item Locations:
Macabre Eye
Dropped by a Gorecyclops.
Dropped by a Cursed Dragon.
Bloodred Crystal
Dropped by a Strigoi.
Increased chance if it drains blood from the Arisen/Pawns.
Bone Lantern
Dropped by Death.
This is the best Staff you can get in the game based on its immense magical stat buff. Having you and your pawn being Mages is your best bet at obtaining this item. You will also only obtain this item from Lv 3. Bitter Black weapon drops. While still not as powerful as some Archistaves get, this item can be used with several other classes.
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8. Sapphire Daggers (Strider, Assassin, Ranger, Magick Archer)
Location: Can be obtained by purifying Bitterblack Weapon Lv.2.
Enhancement Item Locations:
Ember Crystal
Dropped by a Hellhound.
They will be first encountered in The Tainted Mountain Temple. During Post-Game, they can be found in various chambers in the Everfall and across Gransys.
Amber Dragon Scale
Dropped by a Drake.
One can be encountered in Devilfire Grove. During Post-Game, a Drake can be encountered in Conqueror's Sanctuary, Estan Plains, and in the Chamber of Fate in the Everfall.
Infernal Hide
Dropped by a Pyre Saurian.
Bright Amber Scale
Dropped by a Firedrake.
This is the best Dagger set you can obtain in the game, while technically having a lower Strength benefit and less knockback/stagger than another dagger set. The fact that this weapon has physical and magical damage makes it far stronger, due to the added benefit of being able to use physical and magical buffing items. It also has a debuffing effect on enemies hit by them that lowers defense, making these outright one of the strongest weapons in the game.
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7. Blackwing Bow (Magick Archer)
Location: Can be obtained by purifying Bitterblack Weapon Lv.3.
Enhancement Item Locations:
Siren Patagium
Dropped by a Siren.
Great Dragon Alula
Dropped by all Dragonkin on the destruction of a wing.
Supple Dragon Pelt
Dropped by a Firedrake, Frostwyrm, or Thunderwyvern.
Daimon's Claw
Dropped by Daimon.
This is the best Magick Bow you can obtain in the game. Offering the highest magical damage, and high staggering effect. Unfortunately, the weapon has no permanent elemental buff or any debuffing effects. The best way to obtain this is to purify a cursed item while you are a magical archer; your pawn would have no way of helping with the rarity chance.
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6. Dragon’s Ire (Strider, Assassin)
Location: Can be obtained by purifying Bitterblack Weapon Lv.2.
Behind one of the Moonbeam Gems doors in Duskmoon Tower: specifically the area with two doors north of the entrance to the Ward of Regret. Of the two doors, it is located behind the door on the left.
Enhancement Item Locations:
Amber Dragon Scale
Dropped by a Drake. Located in Devilfire Grove.
In Post-Game, additionally located at the Conqueror's Sanctuary, Estan Plains, and in the Chamber of Fate within The Everfall.
Lava Rock
Can be mined from Ore Deposits on Bitterblack Isle.
Crimson Stone
Rare drop from Pyre Saurians
may also be stolen from them using Master Thief.
Firedrake Fang
Dropped by a Firedrake.
This is the best Shortbow you can obtain. Much like the daggers this physical and magical balanced weapon will always be able to outdo only physical weaponry, provided the user uses Periapts and other buffing items.
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5. Dragon’s Glaze (Ranger)
Location: Can be obtained by purifying Bitterblack Weapon Lv.2.
This weapon is found behind one of the Moonbeam Gem doors in Duskmoon Tower, in the area with three doors directly across from the door unlocked by the first Void Key. Of those three doors, it is the middle door.
Enhancement Item Locations:
Purpure Crystal
Dropped by a Saurian Sage or Giant Saurian Sage
and can be stolen from them using Master Thief.
Azure Dragon Scale
Dropped by a Wyrm or Frostwyrm.
Moonshimmer Pelt
Dropped by a Giant Saurian Sage
and can be stolen from them using Master Thief.
Frostwyrm Scute
Dropped by a Frostwyrm.
This is the best Longbow you can obtain. A perma-enchant weapon with an Ice enchantment. This is especially nice, due to Ice being a prominent weakness for late-game enemies. The best way to obtain this is by following the permanent item location within the game. If you were to get another for your pawn, you will both need to purify a Lv. 2 weapon while both being Rangers.
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4. Cursed Light (Assassin, Fighter, Mystic Knight)
Location: Can be obtained by purifying a Bitterblack Weapon Lv.2.
Enhancement Item Locations:
Great Dragon Alula
Dropped by all Dragonkin on the destruction of a wing.
Indurated Dragonsblood
Dropped by all Dragonkin besides Grigori.
Corrupt Remains
Dropped by the Dark Bishop
which can be encountered in the Forsaken Cathedral on Bitterblack Isle.
Ruinous Relic
Dropped by the Dark Bishop.
This is the best Sword you can get, with its high physical and magical output. Utilizing a holy perma-enchant will be effective on almost all foes in the game, and will not require the buffing aid of a pawn ally.
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3. Boltbringer (Warrior)
Location: Can be obtained by purifying Bitterblack Weapon Lv.2.
Enhancement Item Locations:
Astracite Shard
Dropped by a Phantasm.
Located at the Barta Crags at night, and in Soulflayer Canyon.
Dropped by a Phantasm.
Located at the Barta Crags at night, and in Soulflayer Canyon.
Moonshimmer Pelt
Dropped by a Giant Saurian Sage.
Rotwood Depository (First Floor)
The Black Abbey (Post-Daimon, they appear along with a Frostwyrm)
Thunderwyvern Horn
Dropped by a Thunderwyvern.
This is the best Longsword you can get. Most Warriors will strive for higher strength, but almost every arisen or pawn has played around with other classes, providing magical benefits to your stats that are simply wasted if you are not using an enchanted weapon. This weapon in particular uses a lightning perma-enchant.
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2. Twinterfang (Warrior)
Location: Can be obtained by purifying Bitterblack Weapon Lv.2.
Enhancement Item Locations:
Frozen Holy Water
Sold by Camellia at Camellia's Apothecary in Gran Soren.
Sold by Akim on the exit level of the Post-Game Everfall.
Azure Dragon Scale
Dropped by a Wyrm.
Located Post-Game at the Offering Chamber within the Watergod's Altar and in the Chamber of Distress within the Everfall.
Bright Azure Scale
Dropped by a Frostwyrm.
Frostwyrm Scute
Dropped by a Frostwyrm.
This is the best Warhammer within DD. Offering some of the highest knockback and staggering effects in the game, while also a perma-enchant weapon with an Ice enchantment. Ice is the bane of many high-level creatures with the Isle, so using this to swing past enemies will be a boon to you and your party.
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1. Magebreaker (Mystic Knight)
Location: Can be obtained by purifying Bitterblack Weapon Lv.2.
Enhancement Item Locations:
Hex Runes
Dropped by a Giant Undead.
Found in Post-Game on the Manamia Trail and in the Everfall.
Black Crystal
Dropped by a Wight.
Found at night at the Miasmic Haunt and northern Barta Crags. Also within the Post-Game Everfall.
Sold by Delec in the Chamber of Estrangement (Post-Game Everfall).
Bloodred Crystal
Dropped by Strigoi
only if they manage to drain blood from the player or their pawns.
Scythe Shard
Dropped by Death.
This is the best mace that can be found in DD. Bash your enemies with this Ice hard mace that lowers the enemy's magick with its debuff effect. This is extremely useful in Bitter Black Isle, due to most enemies attacking with a combination of physical and magical attacks, including the big boss, Daimon.
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