
I am an experienced gamer, I started gaming at the age of 6, when I was given a red Nintendo DS Lite for my birthday. Today, I play Super Smash Bros. Ultimate and Overwatch daily. I love the adrenaline of competition and the sense of camaraderie from co-op games. I am a gamer, nerd, and geek through and through. With English being my best subject in high school (and fittingly enough the best score I got on the ACT) I have always had a fondness for writing. I specialize in writing about Nintendo and PC Games as those are the machines I have always played my games on. I can tell you at any given moment who the top Smash Bros. Ultimate player is, or what the best price to buy turnips in Animal Crossing is, or even the optimal team composition in Overwatch. I have a passion for writing about games. Game journalism is not only a job for me but also a hobby as well as a lifetime love. Playing games and writing about them is something I have always enjoyed and I like sharing that enjoyment with the internet.
TNTerminator's Rank: Total Noob
: 0
: 0
Gamer Since
Currently Playing
Animal Crossing: New Horizons
Top 3 Favorite Games