
Trevor began gaming at a young age of three years old with his first video game being Fable. From there, he began playing Halo, Call of Duty, and eventually Minecraft. To this day, he has played hundreds of thousands of hours of games combined. In high school, he began creating videos for his YouTube channel including let's plays and tutorials. He then turned his head to competitive gaming with the release of Overwatch. At his peak, he became the number 5 Reaper main on the Xbox One in North America. After winning national competitions, he is here to share his experiences and advice on some of the games such as Ark: Survival Evolved, Borderlands, State of Decay, and many others in which he has spent hundreds if not thousands of hours playing.
TrevorTurtle's Rank: Total Noob
: 0
: 0
Gamer Since
Currently Playing
Destiny 2
Top 3 Favorite Games