There are 3 types of bows in Assassins Creed Valhalla, hunter, predator, light. The light bow has limited range and damage but makes up for it in speed and fire rate, the predator bow has huge damage and range but is slow and not useful in combat, the hunter bow is the baby bears porridge of bows. Can be aimed like the hunting bow but more useful in combat, has a great fire rate and can be very powerful. It really is the most all-round bow in the game, and these are the 5 best.
Video linked here has their locations and how to get as a little bonus bit of help. If the video doesn't load copy and paste this- https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=gxx2D0xxb3I&t=9s
Above is a video helping you on your way to finding the 5 best hunter bows in AC Valhalla.
5.Dokkalfur Bow
One of the deadliest Hunter bows in AC Valhalla, the stats of this bow are great, however you have to buy this bow as part of the premium DLC starter pack in the Ubisoft store. You do get a lot of goodies in the pack however with a price tag of £24.99 it is a bit costly.
The bonus trait increases your critical chance when the character is near a full health bar, so for stealthy or distant combat encounters, where you aren’t being hit this bow hits the target.
Why the Dokkalfur Bow is great?
- Great stats
- If you’re prepared to spend the money, it's very easy to get
- Bonus trait fits with the hunting bow play-style
Max Stats
- Attack-83
- Speed-41
- Stun-100
- Critical Damage-90
- Weight-11
- Headshot Damage-77
How to get it?
You buy the Premium DLC Starter pack. Timestamped 0.08.
4. Mayger Hunting Bow
Something of a secret weapon as it doesn’t say on the delivery screen that you will get this after. The bonus trait increases your stun damage when hitting the weak points, this is great to stop a powerful charging enemy so you can put some distance between yourself and it.
Why is the Mayger Hunting Bow so great?
- Huge stun stat
- Fairly easy to get
- Great storyline to go with it
Max Stats
- Attack-94
- Speed-47
- Stun-121
- Critical Damage-101
- Weight-11
- Headshot Damage-90
How to get it?
You need to complete all of the hunting deliveries at the hunter's hut in Ravensthorpe. Timestamp: 0:22
3. Hunnish Bow
This bow just like Varin’s Axe which you also get at the start of the game can carry you right through to the end of the game and through each DLC. The bonus trait is increased damage when you hit your opponent's weak spots, for a bow and style built for accuracy this bonus becomes so crucial.
Why the Hunnish Bow is great?
- You get it instantly
- The stats build throughout the game.
- With the right play style you won’t need a different weapon
Max Stats
- Attack-90
- Speed-41
- Stun-110
- Critical Damage-92
- Weight- 11
- Headshot Damage-77
How to get it?
You get it at the start of the game. Timestamp 1:06
2. Arc of Elan
Offensively this bow is powerful as Helhiem, with 3 rune slots to use and high damage you could do a lot worse than this bow. The headshot damage is the party piece of this bow, at a very commendable high stat, this bow allows you to fight from a distance very well.
Why is the Arc of Elan so great?
- Looks brilliant
- Can be obtained while just playing the game
- Commendable stats
- Don’t have to pay real money for it
Max Stats
- Attack-93
- Speed-40
- Stun-108
- Critical Chance-83
- Weight-12
- Headshot Damage-72
How to get it?
After conquering Essex you receive a message from Birstan to go hunting with him. Go speak to him complete the mission and a few in-game days later he sends you the bow as a reward. Timestamp: 1:34
1. Noden Bow (isu)
The secret isu bow of Assassins Creed Valhalla requires patience and quite honestly a 'how to' guide. This bow was found via hints in the raven artwork of the games collectors edition, this didn't just break the fourth wall, it destroyed it. One of four weapons in the game created by the isu or the first civilisation if you prefer. Noden was a worshipped by the Celts as a god of healing, a "Noden" also appears in the mythos of Cthullu by H. P Lovecraft as well as a possible influence in Tolkiens world as Celembrimbor.
This bow is by far the best looking in the game, it could be the best looking weapon overall. With great staffs, an interesting backstory and a thrilling quest to get it. It is well worth the adventure.
Why the Noden bow is so Great?
- Looks incredible
- Is the only Isu Bow in the game
- Incredible stats
- Great bonus Trait
Max Stats
- Attack-106
- Speed-45
- Stun-85
- Critical Damage-81
- Weight-15
- Headshot Damage-79
How to get it?
You can get this bow by breaking a glowing rock stack on an island on a lake in-between Jorvik and Hadrians Wall (pictured below). You have to hit this stone multiple times at sunset with Excalibur. Timestamp: 2:12
So theres the top five hunting bows in Assassins Creed Valhalla, they require mostly the same builds throughout the game with a little deviation which hopefully this guide will help your choices. As someone who has played over 100 hours of this game, the Hunnish bow is a great choice, and can be improved by having its appearance changed to that of the Noden Bow.
Quite literally happy hunting.