20 - Space Station Map

What the mod does: Space Station MOD is a custom map for Among Us that allows us to enjoy a new colossal map inspired by a space station, in which we can find new rooms with all kinds of utilities for the game. It is undoubtedly one of the best custom maps that can be found today, and the largest you will find.
Playing on the same maps can get a little tiring. This map adds fun to your game. You have new tasks and a new environment to play in and explore. You can have fun while trying to stop the killer or be the killer. Everyone should try this map.
The Space Station details: https://among-us.net/en/mod/custom-maps/space-station/
Space Station features:
- A map full of new rooms to explore.
- You can create new strategies in a new environment.
- The map is big, so if you like larger maps, you’ll love this one.
Fun Factor: 70/100
19 - Submerged Map

What the mod does: Submerged Custom Map is a new custom map for Among Us that has generated a significant impact on the gaming community. It is a new MOD containing a map for the game, developed by 5UP. In addition to the different rooms, the environment immersed in the ocean, and the background, we will also find new missions to perform while playing.
Everybody was excited when this map came out, mostly because 5UP was responsible for creating it. They have very fun tasks and a lot of new rooms, including an elevator that is very nice to play around with. One of the exciting things is the new sabotage that kills everybody who doesn’t have an oxygen mask.
Submerged details: https://among-us.net/en/mod/custom-maps/submerged/
Submerged features:
- You have brand new tasks to try and find out how to play.
- The map is fun and interactive, with a lot of elevators.
- You have a brand new sabotage to fix that is very fun.
Fun Factor: 73/100
18 - Minecraft Among Us

What the mod does: It transfers almost the entire game "among us" to Minecraft. choice of colors, pets, and tasks Two sides: Crewmate and Impostor. Most tasks, including Scan, Swipe Card. button to call all players to vote.
If your favorite games list includes Among us and Minecraft, this probably will be your favorite mod. Enjoy the animation of our characters in Minecraft style. If you’re getting tired of generic "Among Us" and Minecraft, combining the two may be a good idea.
Minecraft Mod details: https://www.curseforge.com/minecraft/mc-mods/among-us
Minecraft Mod features:
- Play with your two favorite games.
- Run away from the killer on a new, different map.
- Fun animations.
Fun Factor: 75/100
17 - The Haunted Mansion Map

What the mod does: The Haunted Mansion is a new unofficial map for Among Us that allows us to enjoy a completely new environment, with redesigns for all the rooms in the game, including the textures of certain tasks. It is one of the few unofficial maps of the game that is worth playing today, as usually, unofficial maps are not as high quality as The Haunted Mansion.
If you like horror elements, you’ll probably love this map. Among Us is by default a scary game because you’re constantly paranoid that you’ll either get killed or get killed. But this map adds a new layer to the horror vibe; you’ll feel like you’re inside a horror movie.
The Haunted Mansion details: https://among-us.net/en/mod/custom-maps/the-haunted-mansion/
The Haunted Mansion features:
- The map is big enough for you to explore.
- There are new rooms for you to play in.
- The environment affects the gameplay in an exciting way.
Fun Factor: 75/100
16 - Extra Roles

What the mod does: The new MOD Extra Roles for Among Us PC is a hit among the gaming community, as it includes several new roles and new options in just one mod. Downloading four new roles in a single mod is a luxury, not to say that today is unbeatable.
You’ll like this mod if you like new roles but think the other mods are a bit much. This is a simpler mod, and you’ll have a lot of fun with your friends. One of my favorite roles is the Joker, where you have to purposely scare your friends who are trying to get voted out.
Extra Roles details: https://among-us.net/en/mod/extra-roles/
Extra Roles features:
- 4 new fun roles for you to play with.
- You can protect your favorite player by being the medic.
- You can vent like the impostors and catch them in the act.
Fun Factor: 80/100
15 - Las Monjas

What the mod does: Las Monjas is a Spanish mod (available in English, Spanish, Chinese, and Japanese) for the latest Among Us version made by fans for fans without being affiliated with Among Us or the Innersloth Team; all rights are reserved to them.
It is a very fun mod to experience different cultures or your own culture. This mod allows you to play fun roles and has a lot of laughs. Besides that, there’s a custom map for you to explore and new colors if you are growing tired of the same old ones.
Las Monjas details: https://www.curseforge.com/among-us/all-mods/las-monjas
Las Monjas features:
- Enjoy 60 new roles.
- Adds 5 new colors.
- Custom Map and Custom Music.
Fun Factor: 80/100
14 - Skeld Mod

What the mod does: Skeld.net is the world's ONLY free-to-play public modded Among Us server. Ran by Arkatme and his amazing support staff, Skeld.net offers you endless hours of extra enjoyment if you have gotten bored of vanilla Among Us gameplay.
This mod allows you to play with a lot of different gameplay styles. You’ll surely never get tired, because you can always switch up to a brand-new game. One of my favorites is the 50-50 game. Half the lobby is transformed into clones; you can have your own twin!
Skeld.net details: https://skeld.net/
Skeld.net features:
- Allows you to play Cop and Robbers Mod.
- Allows you to play Slenderman Mod.
- Allows you to play Zombie Mod.
Fun Factor: 80/100
13 - Vampire Mod

What the mod does: Vampire MOD is a modification of Among Us that adds a new role to the game, which will be assigned to the impostors, who will have three new abilities. Downloading this new role will give you access to a completely different game mode, and being the impostor will be more fun than ever.
Vampires are a part of our daily life, so it wouldn't take long until they got Among Us as well. You can have fun flying around and biting people, but be careful with the garlic; it can end your life! Have fun trying to act naturally around people.
Vampire Mod: https://among-us.net/en/mod/vampire-role/
Vampire Mod features:
- You can place garlic on the floor to prevent a vampire from biting you.
- You can fly like a bat to move faster.
- You can throw black smoke that blinds crewmates.
Fun Factor: 80/100
12 - CrewBunny Mod

What the mod does: You and your friends are transformed into cute little bunnies. It is a pity that two of them are bloodthirsty killers…
Bunnies are one of the cutest things in the world. You can combine that with a killer game! Literally. And after the traumatizing event of watching a cute little bunny kill, you’ll also have to figure out with one of the bunnies killed…They look very similar.
Crewbunny Mod: https://gamebanana.com/mods/253172
Crewbunny Mod features:
- Cute assassin bunnies.
- You can play with other mods.
- Have fun trying to figure out who killed.
Fun Factor: 85/100
11 - CMDS Roles

What the mod does: The Other Roles is a mod in Among Us that adds many new roles, some custom hats, and settings. The host can set custom options for the roles.
This mod also adds a lot of new roles for you to play with. You’ll have fun with the variety of roles and trying to figure out how to use them. I mean, you can always read the manual, but that isn't fun, is it? What better way to learn it if not by being thrown into a game without any knowledge?
CMDS Roles: https://www.curseforge.com/among-us/all-mods/cmdsroles
CMDS Roles features:
- New Hacker role.
- New Ninja role.
- New Helper role.
Fun Factor: 85/100
10 - Crewmates With Hands

What the mod does: This mod aims to add a little more character to the crewmates. By giving them hands, I tried to make the animations more bouncy by making their hands swing back and forth when running.
How cute would it be if those strange little aliens had hands? And what about their pets? You can have a lot of fun with this simple but hilarious mod. Besides that, you’ll get new kill animations with them killing with their brand-new hands! That's wild. What is next? Having feet?
Crewmates with Hands: https://gamebanana.com/mods/253198
- Crewmates with Hands features:
- Hands to the Mini crewmate pet and Mini crewmate hat.
- Hands to all of the UI Elements.
New kill animations.
Fun Factor: 85/100
9 - Love Couple

What the mod does: Love Couple is an Among Us modification that adds a new win condition for two randomly chosen players. The primary objective of the love couple is to stay alive together. If they are among the last three players, they win. Each lover can win as an impostor or crewmate as well (secondary objective), for which reason both lovers do not know each other's role.
You will find love….In-game. This mod allows you to find love many times over and over, and the fun thing is that you can set that if your lover dies, you die too! But if you don’t like playing this way, you can always just chat and tell your lover who is around you, and if you end up getting killed, they will know who it was.
Love Couple: https://www.curseforge.com/among-us/all-mods/love-couple-mod
Love Couple features:
- If one gets killed, the other dies, like Romeo and Juliette.
- Both get a chat box where they can chat during the game.
- You can win with the crew or be selfish and win as lovers alone.
Fun Factor: 90/100
8 - ColorsPlus

What the mod does: Change colors every 15 seconds and be very confused with who killed, but also get away with killing!
This mod causes a lot of chaos, and I’m here for it. There are a lot of new colors. You can experience every single one of them. It will be very fun when you accuse Red (because it is always red, right?) of killing, but Red already changed colors, so you’ll be voting out an innocent crewmate.
ColorsPlus: https://www.curseforge.com/among-us/all-mods/colorsplus
ColorsPlus features:
- 252 new unique static colors.
- 4 New unique dynamic colors.
- This mod will work on Innersloth servers as well as private servers, but will only be visible to the players that have it installed.
Fun Factor: 90/100
7 - Mod Manager

What the mod does: In Among Us, Mod Manager is an open-source launcher for the popular game Among Us. It allows you to switch between many established mods in less than 2 clicks, so you can already play any mod you want with your friends. Let's try them all.
Well, this mod is perfect for you if you have a lot of mods and have a difficult time managing to switch between them. With this simple but life-saving mod, you can change mods with just a few clicks. Have fun with a simpler life.
Mod Manager: https://www.curseforge.com/among-us/all-mods/mod-manager
Mod Manager features:
- Switch mods easily.
- Have as many mods as you want.
- Use different mods at the same time.
Fun Factor: 90/100
6 - Cursed Mod

What the mod does: Ever wondered what "Among Us" would look like if demons made it? Fortunately for you, this mod came straight from hell to fulfill your mightiest desires. This mod is a maven of agonizing players with exacerbated tasks and other aggravating changes.
This mod will make you hit your head against the keyboard. But you can also have fun if you are the impostor and laugh at the suffering of your friends. Make their tears your tea. But if you are a crewmate, well, I wish you good luck.
Cursed Mod: https://www.curseforge.com/among-us/all-mods/cursed-mod
Cursed Mod features:
- Makes the game harder.
- Not noticeable for anyone without mod.
- Shouldn't conflict with something already implemented.
Fun Factor: 95/100
5 - Zombie Mod

What the mod does: You become an imposter you basically are the zombie and each time you kill the crewmate or touch the crewmate you are turning them into an among us zombie army. You must turn as many crewmates into zombies as possible before other crewmates find out that you are the suspect.
This game is an add-on to the Skeld.mod's zombie gameplay. Try to infect every single one of your friends (which is what you would do in real life anyways) or do your best and hide and play for your life. You can be the sole survivor of your friend group.
Zombie Mod: https://www.curseforge.com/among-us/all-mods/zombies-mod-addon
Zombie Mod features:
- This is an add-on for the Skeld.net mod; you can find out how to play their game modes from their website.
- Custom text for the start screen for both imposters and crewmates.
- Vitals are retextured to show who is affected by the zombies.
Fun Factor: 95/100
4 - Sheriff Mod

What the mod does: He is able to kill impostors. If he shoots a crewmate, he will lose his life instead.
You’ll play a real life detective and try to find out the impostor and shoot them down! Or you can just make your friends' lives a living hell with the rule that if you kill a person and they're innocent, you and the person will die. I find that hilarious, but not very advantageous for the crew.
Sheriff Mod: https://github.com/Woodi-dev/Among-Us-Sheriff-Mod
Sheriff Mod features:
- The visibility of the Sheriff can be set in the lobby game options menu.
- Playable on public Among Us Servers.
- Custom server regions to join private servers.
Fun Factor: 95/100
3 - Town of Impostors

What the mod does: Although Town Of Impostors is a relatively new MODPACK, since its release it has entered the club of MODPacks with more content and new roles. The only MOD that surpasses Town of Impostors today is Town of Us, which incorporates more than twice as many roles. Other options, such as Extra Roles or All of Us, add more or less the same content as the MOD we are presenting to you.
For me, this is the third most popular mod; you have a lot of roles, and it can be chaos at times, but it is a beautiful kind of chaos. Sure, your friends will probably unfriend you later, but for this mod, it's worth it. I guarantee a night full of laughs.
Town of Impostors: https://among-us.net/en/mod/town-of-impostors/
Town of Impostors features:
- There are a lot of new roles for you to play and have fun with.
- There are also neutral roles where you can win on your own.
- There are fun modifiers like Giant that can make you big.
Fun Factor: 100/100
2 - BetterCrewLink Proximity Chat

What the mod does: This mod will implement proximity voice chat in Among Us. Everyone in an Among Us lobby with this program running will be able to communicate over voice in-game, with no third-party programs required. Spatial audio ensures that you can only hear people who are close to you.
This is definitely one of the best mods to have. And you can play it with other mods; you can talk to your friends, make up crazy plans, talk to your impostor body or lover, or just listen to other people's conversations like a creep. Whatever works best for you After you play with this mod, the normal gameplay will seem very boring.
BetterCrewLink: https://among-us.net/en/mod/bettercrewlink/
BetterCrewLink features:
- Walls stop the chat sound, so we won’t be able to hear through them.
- You can spy on people talking and find incriminating evidence.
- Support for Mobile and Linux.
Fun Factor: 100/100
1 - Town of Us

What the mod does: Town Of Us is, without a doubt, the Mod Pack of MODs of Among Us the most outstanding of the moment, since it includes more than 20 new roles for the game. Downloading and installing this MOD will give you access to new ways to play and enjoy the game, preventing it from becoming repetitive.
This is by far my favorite mod. There are tons of new roles, and you are always confused about what game plan your friend is playing. They can be a jester, an impostor, a neutral party, or just acting very weird (which, let's be real, is the most likely option). Playing with this mod can get very addictive. You’ll never want to go back to the default among us.
Town of Us: https://github.com/eDonnes124/Town-Of-Us-R
Town of Us features:
- There are more than 20 roles for you to play, and you'll have a lot of fun.
- There’s an option where you can play as a cult.
- A new category of neutral players that have their own win conditions.
Fun Factor: 100/100
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