![[Top 10] Eren Yeager's Best Moments Worth Watching Again [Top 10] Eren Yeager's Best Moments Worth Watching Again](/sites/default/files/styles/responsive_image_600xauto/public/2022-09/top_10_eren_yeagers_best_moments_worth_watching_again.jpg.webp?itok=PFG_uSPj)
[Top 10] Eren Yeager's Best Moments Worth Watching Again
Hey Yeagerists! Welcome back to another Attack on Titan Article. Today we’re going to be talking and watching Eren Yeagers Top Badass moments worth watching again. Eren Yeager a protagonist or an antagonist, good or bad, this opinion depends on you. But hey no matter what the case you have to admit Eren Yeager is a badass. So let’s get into it.
1. Eren VS Warhammer Titan
Oh, man! Attack on Titans Season 4 has been a rollercoaster for the fans. This fight took place at Marley in Season 4. The whole world has now become one against the People of Paradis Island. The Tybur family is one of the people who stood against the First King and now stand against the whole island.
In this fight, Eren shows his monstrosity, power, and battle’s against the Warhammer Titan. The spectacular fight happens and everything is bonkers. The Warhammer Titan and the Jaw do all they can but are no match for the Ackermans and Eren. This Fight showcases Eren’s Power most extremely.
2. Declaration of War!
This is once again another episode from the famous Attack on Titans Season 4. At this moment the fans who were accustomed to the screaming and punching Eren Yeager suddenly see the cold and calculating person he has become.
We might have predicted that Eren would use his mind in the upcoming season but who in their wildest dreams thought that Eren could achieve the IQ level to combat like Yagami (The Main Protagonist in Death Note). If anyone thought that you can’t achieve tension by putting two people and letting them talk they found out that they were completely wrong.
3. First Fight Against Reiner
This was the first time Eren fought Reiner Braun. It started by Reiner telling him that he was the Armored Titan and Bertholdt was the Colossal Titan and asked Eren to come with them.
This fight took place in Season 2. Eren fought Reiner and almost defeated him with the moves Annie Leonhart and Reiner himself had thought him to fight, but Bertholdt answered Reiner’s call and helped him and then they both escaped, taking Eren with them by force.
4. Eren Blocking The Gate
This is the scene in which we see Eren Yeager who has gained the trust of the soldiers trying to plug the hole in Wall Rose with a ginormous boulder which he carries over his head. The Survey Corps rely on Eren to lift a giant boulder to plug the hole in Wall Rose and prevent more titans from entering the district.
However, Eren is initially unable to control the Attack Titan and even attacks Mikasa before knocking himself unconscious. With the Corps’ hopes in Eren seemingly dismayed, Eren recovers to plug the hole while Corps members rally and give their lives to protect him in the process. This occurs at a crucial time when the military is trying to decide whether Eren should be executed or not. This scene represents not only Eren’s fight against the titans but also his immense value to humanity.
5. Eren’s Second Fight Versus the Female Titan
When Annie is revealed as the Female Titan, Eren immediately becomes disillusioned. He struggles to believe that the Female Titan who murdered his friends is the same comrade who trained with him for years. While she continues to kill more scouts, Eren is unable to transform due to his refusal to accept that Annie is a traitor. Again, the scouts are counting on Eren and his resolve isn’t enough.
Eventually, Eren transforms and engages in a true no-holds-barred battle to the death with Annie, nearly destroying the entire city. Even after he loses limbs, Eren continues to fight Annie until she is defeated. However, Eren hesitates in the battle’s final decisive moment allowing Annie to freeze herself and evade questioning. Thus, humanity suffers another major blow with little to show for it.
6. First Use Of The Founding Titan
After the scout's rescue Eren from Reiner and Bertholdt, they must escape the horde of pure titans. Eren once again watches as his comrades are killed and sacrifice their life for him. However, this time he is too weak to transform due to battle injuries and witnesses the same titan who killed his mom also murder Hannes.
Pitted between Reiner and countless titans, the scouts are approaching their demise and Eren feels utterly powerless. He curses himself for being too weak and unable to do anything. It is the first time that Eren gives up and the stakes couldn’t be higher. Strengthened by Mikasa’s love, Eren regains his determination to fight and activates the power of the coordinate, a major turning point in the entire series.
7. Eren’s Second Fight Versus Armored Titan
Reiner and Eren fought again, except this time, Reiner's reinforcements played a huge role in dealing damage to Eren. Eren displayed his sheer strength during the fight and bested the Armored Titan with a few hits. Reiner is surprised to see Eren Yeager’s Hidden Power. This fight takes place at the battle of Shiganshina.
In the first two seasons, Eren might not have been the smartest guy around but after the events of the uprising arc, he relied more on his allies and also thought a lot before doing the punching. This difference was visible in his second fight with Reiner. Although in the first fight he cursed and screamed a lot, this time Eren predicted his opponent’s moves before using them against them.
8. Eren’s First Fight Against the Female Titan
While Eren’s first fight against the Female Titan ends in a swift defeat, the events leading up to it are pivotal. When the Female Titan initially appears, Levi gives Eren the choice to trust in his squad or to transform and fight. It is a difficult choice but reminiscing on the bonds that he has formed with Levi Squad, Eren entrusts the mission to them.
Unfortunately, the Female Titan escapes the Scouts’ trap and murders Levi’s squad. Once again, Eren watches friends die knowing that he could have prevented it. He questions himself and his resolve before madness overtakes him and he transforms into an unwieldy battle the Female Titan where his roars of sadness can be heard throughout the entire forest.
9. Eren Defeats the Colossal Titan
This is the moment from the last episodes of Season 3. In this fight, Eren tries to push back the colossal titan's leg, but Bertholdt kicks him back onto the wall. While Eren is on the top of the wall with Eren Armin tells him the plan and tells him what to do. Even though Eren does not like the plan he goes with it. Armin sacrifices himself to buy Eren time so that he seals the hole in the wall and comes back behind Bertholdt and is successful.
In the end, Eren defeats the Colossal Titan. Later on, Armin is revived by turning into a Titan and eating the Colossal.
10. Eren Saves Mikasa From the Kidnappers
This incident occurred when Murderers and Kidnappers attacked the house of Mikasa and killed Mikasa’s parents. Eren in the End then helps Mikasa escape and kill the Kidnappers.
These were Eren Yeager’s Top 10 moments that are definitely worth watching again. If you haven’t watched any moments in these then you should watch them as they are the most epic ones of them all.
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