[Top 25] AoT Best Deaths That Were Awesome

[Top 25] AoT Best Deaths That Were Awesome
08 Sep 2022

[Top 25] AoT Best Deaths That Were Awesome


Attack on Titan is an anime that has achieved high popularity worldwide. The anime has gained a great reputation globally. Today we will talk about the best deaths that took place in the anime.


1. Sasha Braus/Blouse

Sasha's death is easily one of the most frustrating and saddening moments in the entire show. The fact that it led to the entire fanbase uniting against Gabi is a testament to how beloved this character was.


2. Erwin Smith

In a bid to help Levi capture the Beast Titan, Erwin decided to lead the Survey Corps on a suicide mission to charge the Beast Titan and become a target of their projectiles. It was a bold move that ultimately paid off

Unfortunately, Erwin paid for this move with his life, when a rock struck him in the abdomen. While Levi could've brought Erwin back to life, he rescinded from doing so after realizing just how much of a hellish life he had lived and how he finally escaped it with his death


3. Faye Yeager

Faye Yeager was Grisha's younger sister and Eren's aunt. Unfortunately for Eren, he never got to meet her because Grisha and Faye lived in Marley, a police state that treated Grisha and Faye poorly due to their Titan-connected heritage. On a day when Grisha had them sneak into a prohibited area to see airships, the Marley police caught them and while one of them beat Grisha, the other lied and said he would take Faye home

What had happened was that the man had fed Faye to his dogs while she was still alive! Faye's innocence and horrific murder is by far the most shocking death in the entire series


4. Kenny Ackerman

Kenny Ackerman was a mysterious character who had played a significant role in Levi's history. The Anti-Personnel ODM Gear that he and his crew used ended up appearing again during the battle in Marley.

He was the uncle of Levi Ackerman and was a cutthroat.

After Rod Reiss turned into a massive titan, Kenny was fatally injured by falling debris. Before his demise, he gave the Pure Titan formula to Levi, which played a critical role in saving Armin's life


5. Carla Yeager

In the brief time, that we see her, Carla makes an impression as a good mother and hard-working citizen. Her death is the first shock of the series. When the wall to Shiganshina is compromised, a mass of titans flood the city and devour people at will. Carla is trapped in the wreckage of her home, too badly injured to escape


6. Mike Zacharias

Mike Zacharias' death is nothing short of sickening. In his encounter with the Beast Titan, Mike mistakes it for an abnormal and comments on its size and appearance.  However, when Mike hears the Beast Titan speak, he is left speechless. The Beast Titan tells the other titans around them to stop and not eat Mike

It questions him, but soon loses interest and permits the other titans to resume eating. This scene stands as one of the most horrible and frightening in the show so far


7. Bertholdt Hoover

Bertholdt was a soft-spoken man who was one of the Marley Warriors tasked with getting the Founding Titan and its powers back. His betrayal of the Survey Corps was quite hard to fathom, making him a target who had to be captured to understand the motive of the enemy once and for all

However, after Armin and Erwin edged closer to their demise, it was decided that he would be sacrificed to let one of them survive. Bertholdt might've died a painful death, but it was ultimately for the greater good


8. Grisha Yeager

Though Grisha is one of the first characters to die, fans are unaware of it for a long time. After the Colossal Titan and Armored Titan break into Shiganshina, Grisha finds Eren and injects him with titan serum

By having his son eat him, Grisha gives Eren his Founding and Attack titans. However, due to Eren not remembering this, he thinks that his father is still alive, only to learn that he ate him years prior.


9. Rod Reiss

The Royal Family was nothing more than a huge sham that had forced Paradis into ignorance for the longest time. At the head of this was Rod Reiss, the head of the Royal Family who tried to bring the power of the Founding Titan back into their fold once again

However, he failed and transformed into a massive Titan in a desperate bid to get the Founding Titan's powers back. He met his end at the hand of his daughter, who ascended to the throne after being recognized as Historia Reiss

10. Marco Bott

Marco Bott was a trainee in the 104th Cadet Corps with Eren Yaeger. He often encouraged his fellow cadets when they felt hopeless and reminded them of the value they each possess. It’s safe to say that he was a favorite among his teammates, which makes his death a tragic loss.

The cadets are initially uncertain how Marco died and assume that he lost a battle with a titan. In reality, he was simply in the wrong place at the wrong time. Fellow cadets, Bertholdt and Reiner, are titans in disguise, secretly working against their comrades. Neither of them notices that Marco has come up behind them. When he confronts Bertholdt and Reiner about overhearing their conversation, Reiner decides they have no choice but to kill Marco.


11. Hannes

Hannes is one of the most likable characters in the entire show. He might not have given the greatest first impression, but it's after the attack on Shiganshina that he really redeemed his character

Unfortunately, he met his end while trying to save Eren and Mikasa from the Titan that ate Carla Yeager. It was a sad moment that triggered a moment of rage in Eren and made him unwittingly use the power of the Founding Titan on Dina Fritz's Pure Titan form


11. Hange Zoe

After Eren begins the Rumbling, the soldiers and warriors join forces to stop him. As they try to catch up to their former comrade, Floch, Eren's most loyal follower, delays them.

Knowing that every second would count, Hange tells Armin that he is the next commander of the Survey Corps before sacrificing their life in hopes that their friends will escape. Upon death, Hange wakes up in the afterlife and is greeted by the soldiers that died before them


12. Dina Fritz

A member of royalty who wanted to rise against the injustices of Marley, it's a shame how Dina was sold out by her child. Of course, the fact that she raised her child to be a tool instead of a loving mother was her fault.

However, her transformation into a Pure Titan sparked a chain of events that led to Eren hating all Titans with a vengeance. Even before her death, making contact with her allowed Eren to channel the power of the Founding Titan and uncover the secret to defeating the forces that plagued humanity once and for all

13. Ymir Fritz

The original power of the Titans was held by none other than Ymir Fritz herself. Unfortunately, this supposed deity turned out to be nothing more than a person with no free will of her own

She was used by the King of Eldia time and time again, before sacrificing herself for this despicable figure. Ultimately, her death was what led to the creation of the Nine Titans and immortalized her presence in the Paths


14. Porco Galliard

Porco was the younger Galliard sibling that inherited the powers of the Jaw Titan after Ymir's years were up. He was a worthy successor of this Titan but sustained massive injuries during the fight against Eren and Zeke.

Realizing that his wounds were too severe to be healed, Porco decided to sacrifice himself and save Falco. It was a noble moment of redemption for a character who had been oppressed by the people around him time and time again.


16. The Scout Regiment Recruits

Before the battle with the Beast Titan, the Scout Regiment experiences a surge of recruits excited to take back Wall Maria after the Scout’s recent victories. These eager young soldiers (including newly-transferred Marlowe) have mostly come from sheltered homes. Some have not even seen a real titan before joining the military.

However, they quickly realize how misguided their ideas were. The recruits are bombarded by large boulders and crushed to death by the Beast Titan while trapped between it and the wall. By the end of the battle, only one recruit, Floch, manages to pull himself from the wreckage


17. Petra Ral

Petra was a member of the original Levi squad entrusted with protecting Eren after he discovers his powers. Petra stands out as one of the first Scouts to connect with Eren.  Petra is a talented fighter and excellent team player

When she and her squadmates are killed by the Female Titan, Eren is truly blindsided. Their violent deaths are a wake-up call that even the best fighters cannot be prepared for everything the Titans throw at them. To make things even sadder, as the Scouts return from their mission, Petra’s father humbly approaches Captain Levi. He thanks him for believing in his daughter and expresses his pride in her but admits that he is concerned for her safety as a member of his squad. Mr. Ral does not yet know that Petra is already dead


18. Lara Tybur

The inheritor of the Warhammer Titan was a powerful foe that Eren had to deal with during his assault on Liberio. She was a tough cookie to crack, with the crystal surrounding her being a pain to crack 

However, Eren managed to grab the Jaw Titan and use his powerful bite to break her shell open. This led to Eren ingesting her remains and gaining the power of the Warhammer Titan for himself.


19. Ramzi and Halil

Ramzi and Halil were brothers that died next to each other during the Rumbling. When Eren goes to Marley, Eren sees Ramzi. Knowing that he would be responsible for this child's death, Eren cries and apologizes to him

When Ramzi is with Halil, the two notice people running away from the Rumbling and try to escape as well. However, a Colossal Titan steps on the two of them and they instantly die


20. Marcel Galliard

In Marley, Eldian children are trained to become warriors, inherit one of the Nine Titans, and fight for the country they live in. Marcel is a warrior candidate that inherited the Jaw Titan

When he goes to Paradis with Reiner, Bertholdt, and Annie, Ymir almost ate Reiner. However, knowing that the inheritor of the Armored Titan was there because of him, Marcel pushes Reiner out of the way and is eaten instead.


21. Udo and Zofia

It might be cheating to include two people on this list, but the deaths of both Udo and Zofia accomplished one single purpose. It stoked the flames of rebellion within Gabi, which led to her carrying out many rash and impulsive decisions. Her hatred for the Island Demons led to her shooting Sasha in cold blood, before being captured and brought back to Paradis Island. This led to a series of events that finally made her open her eyes and understand just how needless this conflict was.


22. Marlowe Freudenburg

While getting to know his fellow MPs, Marlowe realizes that corruption and greed are the only things driving his superior officers. He is so driven to make a difference that he becomes part of the Scout Regiment, a section of the military willing to brave the world outside the walls to learn more about the Titans

Sadly, Marlowe does not last long in the Scouts. He is among those bludgeoned to death by the Beast Titan in the battle to retake Wall Maria. Watching Marlowe die in terror is a crushing dose of reality in the Titan universe


23. Willy Tybur

Willy Tybur was the brother of Lara Tybur. He spurred the whole world into action against the Residents of Paradis Island. 

Willy Tybur gave his life and was eaten by Eren Yeager at the event of the “Declaration of War” and fueled the fire.


24. Commander Shadis

Keith Shadis and Theo Magath sacrificed themselves to blow up the only ship that the Jaegerists could use to chase and obliterate the resistance. Magath, during his final chat with Shadis, told the Eldian commander that his death is going to be remembered as a heroic act that saved the world. However, such a scenario is highly unlikely

25. Theo Magath

As hordes of the Yeagerist got on board the other ship, Keith Shadith and Theo Magath team up to stop the vessel. The pair use a bunch of extra explosives under the ship to demolish it, but it costs the pair their lives. Both Shadith and Magath are killed in the suicide bombing, but they have a brief chat first about why they've chosen to team up.

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