Top 25 Best Dystopian Movies and TV Shows That Are Highly Rated

Best Dystopian Movies and TV Shows That Are Highly Rated

Dystopian movies are set in a time when the world as we know it has ceased to exist, and now we must survive and rise from the ashes somehow. In a dystopian, you can expect to see a variety of different things, from abandoned cities to zombies and sometimes aliens. 

But what makes a dystopian worth watching is the incredible journey that the hero goes on to uncover secrets about this new society, save someone they love, or just discover the truth about themselves and the world. A dystopian should always leave you hopeful for the future of the character and the world.


1. Divergent - 2014

Divergent Trailer

The outside world is too polluted to venture beyond the wall of the city, so to keep the peace the founders organized everyone into five factions (Dauntless-Brave; Erudite-Smart; Abnegation-Selfless; Candor-Honest; Amity-Kind). Beatrice Prior is born Abnegation but when it’s time for her to make her choice, she learns something new about herself. She is divergent, in a society where order and labels are everything.

An interesting take on how even when we try to organize people into categories, it will never work in our favor. Society operates on creativity, individuality, and nonconformity.


2. The Maze Runner - 2014

The Maze Runner Trailer

Dropped into an all-boys camp with no memories of anything that happened outside of it. Young Thomas begins to question everything, especially when the first-ever girl is introduced to the camp as well. The world around them begins to crumble and soon, they will discover the truth.

An action-packed dystopian that will have you at the edge of your seat from the first moment it begins. There is danger at every turn, and you will never see the ending coming.


3. The Darkest Minds - 2018

The Darkest Minds Trailer

The children who survived the sickness have all been taken into custody by the government, and only the ones with the least threatening talents have been allowed to survive. Until Ruby uses her power to convince a guard that she does not possess the power that she has. One of the only few left with such abilities, she escapes custody and goes on a journey that will lead to the hardest decision of her life.

In this incredible dystopian, you will experience a whole spectrum of emotions. The friendship dynamics will have you smiling one minute and in tears the next.


3. In Time - 2011

In Time Trailer

The rich can live forever, but the poor have to beg, steal, and sometimes kill for enough time to live another day. Time is money, literally, and when a man named Will is accused of murder he will have to figure out how to end a system where even time itself is controlled by the wealthy.

A unique take on a dystopian where the time we have left in this world is in direct relation to our social class, and once we run out, so do our lives. What is it like to have to literally beg others for another few hours to be alive?


4. The 5th Wave - 2016

The 5th Wave Trailer

Aliens have landed and their destructive path to rid the planet of humans has only just begun. During the waves, Cassie is separated from her family and will do whatever it takes to get back to her younger brother. She teams up with a mysterious gentleman named Evan and together they must fight the invaders to be reunited with their loved ones.

Watch as two teens fight for survival, in hopes of getting back to the only people that matter. What lengths would you go to get back to your family, even at the potential cost of your life?


5. I, Robot - 2004

I’ Robot Trailer

Robots are owned by almost everyone now and they have advanced to be able to serve mankind in a variety of ways. But what will happen when one Robot escapes and does not obey its master? Or, more importantly, what will happen when all Robots turn against the humans who created them?

Starring Will Smith, this futuristic movie is suspenseful and beautifully executed. It will make you question where humanity begins and ends. And at what point does AI become more than just a machine?


6. The Hunger Games - 2012

The Hunger Games Trailer

The capital is rich, while the districts it rules over continue to suffer in silence. Every year there is a game held to remember the war, where 24 children are sent to fight to the death in an arena. What will happen when Katniss volunteers in place of her younger sister Prim, will the whole system fall apart?

A corrupt government is at the center of this dystopian, but what makes it unique is how just one person could cause the system to begin to crack. One small crack can cause it to break apart at the seams. 


7. The Host - 2013

The Host Trailer

We were destroying our planet until the host alien showed up and began being implanted into human brains, using us as vessels. They see themselves as saving our planet and making things better, but they are stealing the lives of our loved ones. What will happen when a human begins to refuse her host and fight back against the invasion?

This movie teaches us the power of friendship and not to judge any creature before we’ve got a chance to get to know them. There is action, romance, and adventure. Two sides join together in a common purpose because you never know where you’ll find your home.


8. The Book of Eli - 2010

The Book of Eli Trailer

The world as we knew it has been destroyed, and now chaos is rampant. An older man has set out on a journey to ensure that not everything human about us is lost. Specifically, the literature that we once clung to for hope. 

This action-packed movie will take you on the journey that you least expect. The suspense keeps you on your toes and you never know what’s going to happen next. But there is more to humanity than we may realize, even after everything we know is gone.


9. The Giver - 2014

The Giver Trailer

This may seem like an ideal society, but true utopias have never existed. When a young boy begins to learn from the man who keeps all the memories of the past, he realizes that this perfect world is an illusion. He must escape if he ever hopes to protect himself and everyone he loves.

Based on a popular book, The Giver has amazing visuals and keeps you on your toes from beginning to end. No society can ever be perfect, and in this movie, that becomes abundantly clear. So what happens when your amazing society turns out to be a nightmare?


10. Fahrenheit 451 - 2018

Fahrenheit 451 Trailer

Reading is illegal, but knowledge is power. In this dystopian society, all books have been banned. But one brave young man begins reading in secret and discovers an underground rebellion determined to bring back literature.

This movie features strong messaging destined to make you question important things about how society functions and the power of knowledge. There have been banned books in our society, but what would happen if we took away literature? Be reminded of the importance of certain freedoms and why they matter.


11. What Happened to Monday - 2017

What Happened to Monday Trailer

Too many children means a world that is overpopulated. In this society, everyone is only allowed to have one child. But what will happen when someone manages to have seven and keep them a secret until they’re adults?

In this action-packed movie, you can expect twists and turns that you never saw coming. What can you expect when the government imposes child limits on everyone? In this movie, find out what happens when you dare to defy the law and fight for your family, no matter what happens.


12. How It Ends - 2018

How It Ends Trailer

What would you do to get back to the woman/man you love? In this dystopian movie, the world is falling apart around them, but a man is determined to return to his pregnant wife. There is nothing he wouldn’t do to get back to his family.

Through every trial and tribulation, this character continues to fight. We all know that there is nothing more important than family. The suspense of finding out if he will ever get back to his makes this movie worth the watch.


13. The 100 - 2014

The 100 Trailer

Nuclear war has destroyed everything on Earth, the only survivors are those who were living in the international space stations. But when resources begin to dwindle at an alarming rate, they send 100 young prisoners down to Earth to see if they can survive. What will be waiting for them on the planet ransacked by radiation?

Action-packed and full of unexpected twists, the 100 is an amazing series, with excellent graphics. Learn what Earth might be like if nuclear war were to ever actually occur. Would life ever be able to return to normal?


14. The Handmaid's Tale - 2017

The Handmaid’s Tale Trailer

Women are property again in this totalitarian society, but the birth rates are still too low. The remaining fertile women are tasked with serving the leaders and bearing them children. But one strong woman dares to defy this society and fight to get back to the daughter she had before.

A chilling and thrilling series that will leave you on the edge of your seat. Sometimes it's hard to fight for what is right when it seems like everything is against you. But what would happen, if you continued to fight anyway?


15. Black Mirror - 2011

Black Mirror Trailer 

A modern-day rendition of the well-known series “The Twilight Zone”. Technological advancements are a necessary evil, but what happens when those advancements create awful scenarios? Follow a new character in each episode as they battle unintended consequences in the modern world.

Suspenseful and incredibly interesting, Black Mirror will have you questioning things going on in the modern world. We can almost all agree that technology is a great thing until it's not. What are the unintended ways in which technology could cause more harm than we anticipated?


16. The Walking Dead - 2010

The Walking Dead Trailer 

Zombies now roam the earth, willing to attack anyone who still has a heartbeat. Those who are left must learn how to survive and live in a world where death feels impossible to escape. How will they make it through this zombie-infested apocalyptic society? 

Loved by many, this show has so many different characters that develop and change throughout the seasons. You fall in love with the characters and their journey through survival. But will your favorite characters survive until the end?


17. The Last of Us - 2023

The Last of Us Trailer

Society as we know it has been destroyed by a pandemic that we’ve been unable to get under control. A young 14-year-old girl might be our last hope to save humanity, so a brave stranger makes it his mission to get her to those who are searching for a cure. But there will be more than a few obstacles in their way.

With dynamic visuals, an excellent storyline, and top-notch acting, this dystopian TV show is a favorite among fans of the genre. Be ready to enjoy an action-packed story that will leave your heart racing and wanting more.


18. Humans - 2015

Humans Trailer

Robots have become more human-like than ever, being purchased to do things within the home and walking among us. But have they become more human-like than we could ever have imagined, have they begun to even think like us? And what will happen when they no longer want to listen to what we want and begin to develop wants of their own?

In our technology-driven society, this series is a glimpse into what could happen if technology were to go too far. The thought-provoking plot will keep you glued to the story from the very beginning and have you questioning how much technology is too much.


19. Y: The Last Man - 2021

Y: The Last Man Trailer

One day every man on earth died mysteriously, except for one. The women left must figure out how to navigate this new society without the men who were once in charge. And they must discover what makes one man different than all the others.

An interesting take on a matriarchy, what would happen if only women survived? Society for so long has revolved around men and the patriarchy. But if everyone with a Y chromosome just ceased to exist, would there be peace?


20. The Society - 2019

The Society Trailer

When some teens returned home from a small vacation, they found their town empty. There were no adults left to restore order or keep them safe. This newfound freedom got old quickly as they attempted to figure out what happened and how to survive by themselves.

Though there is only one season, this show is one of the best teen dystopias. The character development and plot lines make you wish there was more to the story. What would it be like to be a teen in a world without adults?


21. Westworld - 2016

Westworld Trailer

In this western-themed amusement park run by androids, there are no consequences for your choices. Technology has advanced so much that you can enjoy any scenario you’d like within this park with no harm or fear of retaliation. In a world where any wish can come true, what would you wish for?

A technology-heavy series where anything is possible. Explore the innermost fantasies or thoughts of the characters and see what happens when we let those thoughts roam free. When anything is possible, you’d be surprised what some will think up.


22. Snowpiercer - 2020

Snowpiercer Trailer

The world has been frozen over for seven years, and those who survived live on a train circling the earth. But just because the world has frozen over doesn’t mean there isn’t still a class structure among those who are left. On this train, there are rich and poor alike but what will happen when someone begins to challenge this structure and fight for what they believe is right?

With amazing graphics, outstanding plot, and steamy romances, this dystopian series has it all. It will have you on the edge of your seat, binge-watching the entire series and still wanting more. 


23. Brave New World - 2020

Brave New World Trailer

Everyone has a place in this utopian society, everyone is connected, and everyone belongs to someone. There is no violence and people are at peace, or so it seems. But what will happen when one man begins to question whether this society is truly a utopia or if it’s all just an illusion?

Full of incredible twists and turns, what happens when a perfect world does not exist? Based on the 1932 novel by Aldous Huxley, this dystopian series has it all. Love, passion, suspense, action, and even a touch of violence.


24. Revolution - 2012

Revolution Trailer

Fifteen years ago, something happened that disabled all technology on the planet. We learned to survive, and some farms even began to thrive without technological interference. But when a young girl's father is believed to know what happened and murdered because of it, she takes off on a journey to discover the truth.

Love, action, and suspense at every turn. This series follows the character on an amazing journey to find the only person left that she cares for, but along the way, there will be so many unforeseen obstacles. And what if there is a way to turn the power back on?


25. Defiance - 2013

Defiance Trailer

Nine years after aliens first began to arrive on Earth, things are different now. In a town that used to be St. Louis, aliens and humans live in peace. But what will happen when something threatens to destroy the peace they’ve worked so hard for, will they be able to maintain it?

In this newer Syfy series, experience what it’s like to try to live alongside another species. One of the first series to have a game that you can play along with it. It’s action-packed and perfect for those who love a good dystopian with Syfy elements.

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With all these words trapped inside my head, I've learned to put my thoughts to paper in a way that captures the hearts of readers. A chaotic and hectic Simmer, with a passion for words.
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