The world was introduced to Resident Evil in 1996, since then there have been close to 30 games released. Resident Evil has always been survival horror and has always had great replayability. Resident Evil has taken us around the globe, thrown insane monsters and challenges at us, but kept us all coming back for more. Here is my list of the most fun Resident Evil games to play for PC.
Resident Evil Memorable Characters
10. Resident Evil: Zero - Released 2002 (Gamecube / Nintendo Wii / PC / PS3 / PS4 / Xbox 360 / Xbox One / Nintendo Switch)
Resident Evil Zero Trailer
Resident Evil Zero is the prequel to the original Resident Evil (RE). Released in 2002 for the GameCube, the game made its way to the PC and other consoles in 2016. Rebecca Chambers and Billy Coen team up to deal with Umbrella Corp's tomfoolery.
Great about this game is the mechanics. Players can switch between characters. Rebecca can combine herbs, and Billy is a damage-taking tank that can do the heavy lifting. While the game has the classic RE camera angles, it constantly makes you wonder what could be coming at you. The enemy AI can be goofy, but the partner AI does a good job of staying out of the way but can also be controlled to move out of the way.
Billy is a convict, but he comes off as a 90’s action hunk. Rebecca is an Umbrella medic whose submissiveness makes her the least favorite of anyone's RE female characters. Why wouldn’t they make a great team?
The most fun is fighting the bosses. The giant scorpion can be a hassle as the first boss, but by the time you get to the Winged Spawn of Satan, you’re wrapped up in the story and the gameplay. If you’re not run off by the giant creepy crawlies, the T-virus bosses keep the story going. Fun Note: The trophies for killing the Bat Boss and 16 regular bats are Ace Ventura references.
Thank goodness for today’s internet, or else some of those puzzles would take forever. To solve the puzzles in this game, you have to pay attention to detail. Running around scared will have you missing the obvious clues. There are some that just take a little poetic understanding.
Trying to make it through the train causes such anxiety due to the cramped space. There is nowhere to run but back or forward, and forward is through a horde of zombies.
Replaying this game is fun because of the way it is built. The puzzles move from challenging to fun tasks. Zombies are now hurdles to try and speed past. But best of all is beating the game and unlocking Albert Wesker. In "Wesker Mode," Billy is replaced by Albert Wesker with T-Virus abilities. Wesker is a beast; with laser eyes, super sprint, and more, you wish he was the actual hero of the story.
Resident Evil: Zero starts off as one of the most fun Resident Evil games to play thanks to great storytelling, the appropriately used environment, and great general mechanics. The game was remade before remakes became a thing, and I believe it's the unsung hero that gave us the rest of our wonderful RE Remakes.
Rebecca attacked by a Vine monster
9. Resident Evil: Outbreak/ File #2 - Released 2004/ 2005 (PS2 / PC)
Resident Evil Outbreak Trailer
Resident Evil Outbreak File #2 Trailer
Capcom gave us the multiplayer game we wanted before we knew that we wanted it. RE: Outbreak and its sequel/DLC have become hot topics in the RE fan community since the release of RE:Verse.
Instead of a main storyline, we are given multiple scenarios and different characters to tackle them with. Team up with others online or play offline with AI partners. Original sales were lower than expected, and the servers were shut down in 2007. As of 2014, PC players can play together on fan-made servers.
The various amounts of decision-making available with each scenario add a lot of depth to the game. The decisions you make can change how you escape, what boss you’ll fight, or if you’re extra unlucky, how many bosses you’ll have to take on.
A fun game challenges you but gives you that lottery winning feeling when you make it past the first level. The team dynamic here cranks that feeling up. Unfortunately, the game does not have a communication system, but players have taken to discord to take down infected elephants and giant fleas.
Each character has something that makes them unique, including lock picking, a more powerful pistol, or extra backpack space. Not playing with the lockpicker? That’s fine, just pick up a lead pipe and break down the door. To add to the intensity while playing, the game does not pause. This adds great realism to the game; did you think you were going to pick up that document and read it—not while the infected are in the same room.
While I combine the two into one for this ranking, I will take a moment to put Outbreak: File #2 as the front-runner of the two. While there is not much of a change visually or mechanically, the scenarios bring more to the RE World. We find out how Marvin ended up stuck in the Racoon City Police Station. Getting to see how the outbreak affected the rest of Racoon City gives us more to enjoy in the lore that is Resident Evil.
The largest land mammal has been infected
8. Resident Evil: 3 remake - Released 2020 (PC / PS4 / PS5 / Xbox One / Xbox Series X/S / Amazon Luna)
Resident Evil 3 Remake Trailer
Released after the Resident Evil 2 remake, the Resident Evil 3 remake uses the same RE engine, bringing us a beautiful look at the rest of Racoon City. Although this RE is a survivor game, it plays more like an action game.
Jill Valentine returns to us trying to escape Racoon City with the Umbrella Corp's creation, Nemesis, on her tail. With some upgrades to her character from the 1999 release, moving around is much easier with her dodge roll. Zombies just barely miss their target, and perfect timing allows a few seconds of slow-mo to give time to escape.
Carlos is more like Rambo in looks and accessories. With his assault rifle, he cuts through infection as if he were trained for it. Carlos is playable in 2 sections of the game, and he owns every minute of it. One section is reminiscent of No Way Out from the RE2 remake.
While the play time is short for a Resident Evil game, coming in at about 6 hours, it does also give it great replayability. Beating the game and unlocking the shop allows players to buy unlockables with milestone points, so you can run through the 2nd or 3rd time with ease. As well, there’s much to explore in the city, so if you can take down Nemesis, go check out the supermarket for some Umbrella Noodles.
Completing challenges and trying to speedrun this game could keep anyone entertained for hours. There are hardly any serious puzzles to deal with, so the game is more about getting from place to place. With the Nemesis chasing Jill around Racoon City, sections of the game have you on the edge of your seat, trying to survive. This is a great RE game to play if you want something quick and fun to run through.
Nemesis surpises Jill
7. Resident Evil: 6 - Released 2012 (Gamecube / Nintendo Wii / PC / PS3 / PS4 / Xbox 360 / Xbox One / Nintendo Switch)
Resident Evil 6 Trailer
Resident Evil 6 doesn’t just take steps, but runs from the traditional RE gameplay. going from a survival game to an action adventure reminiscent of Tomb Raider. This game is packed full of action sequences and quick-time events.
With four different campaigns to play, the game has max replayability. Playing just one campaign won’t give you the whole story. After playing them all (Ada Wong’s last), you see how the characters run into each other and tell a larger story.
Nonstop action is what makes this game so fun. Taking control of Chris Redfield, we become Kung Fu action heroes doing punches, chops, and powerbombs. The developers gave us the ability to slide and be able to shoot from the ground. The game feels like a cinematic movie fit for the big screen.
This is not the game to expect the usual slow and creepy zombie action. When you first start playing, you can expect anything from riding a motorcycle through infested streets to people turning into giant fly creatures and even taking down a zombified T-rex-like creature.
RE6 is so much fun because it throws so much at you, not just in the campaign but with the bonus modes as well. Mercenary mode is that good ol’ "survive the horde" that many of us want in a zombie game. After working out the kinks from RE5, the co-op gameplay feels fluid and not like an afterthought.
In over 20 hours of gameplay, Capcom throws everything they can think of at the player. The game is so fun because there is always a surprise, not just from the enemies but from how the characters handle them. There are enough explosions to make Michael Bay blush, and the game ends in normal Resident Evil rocket launcher fashion.
Resident Evil 6 monsters are larger and nastier than ever
6. Resident Evil: 5 - Released 2009 (PS3 / Xbox 360 / PC / PS4 / Xbox One / Nintendo Switch)
Resident Evil 5 Trailer
Resident Evil 5 takes the RE realm across the globe. Chris Redfield teams up with local agent Sheva in this co-op. The two are in Africa fighting a parasite called Las Plagas. The infected are called Majini, and this is not your normal zombie virus.
Mind control is the game here. Instead of killing the undead, we are taking down mind-controlled villagers. This kind of plot hits you right in the feels. Unless you enjoy taking down the innocent, looking at you GTA fans.
Villager casualties aside, the game is an action-packed ride taking you from a village in Africa through swamps and to a castle. The game brings back combo moves that can be combined with your partner. Resident Evil gives up uppercuts, neck snaps, and pro wrestling-style head flips.
When playing the game solo, Sheva makes a great extra backpack to hold unnecessary gear or extra ammo. Playing co-op is a bit less scary and a lot more fun with someone having your back. We're shooting enemies with machine guns from Humvees, boats, and there's even a section where you fight in a volcano.
RE 5 is a wild ride. Thanks to the in-game market, you don't have to wait to get that sniper rifle you’ve been wanting. Just save up. This makes the game feel more like it was meant to be played for fun. Take some time to check out Resident Evil 5, where we only kick open doors.
Chris and Sheva in action
5. Resident Evil: 4 - Released 2005 (Gamecube / PS2 / Nintendo Wii / PC / PS3 / PS4 / Xbox 360 / Xbox One / Nintendo Switch)
Resident Evil 4 changed Resident Evil. Gone are the tiny corridors. This was the introduction to a larger world. RE4 takes Leon S. Kennedy on a mission to Spain to save the president's daughter, who has been kidnapped by a cult.
If you think you have to play the other RE games to play this one, no worries. This game stands alone on its own as just a great game—so great it’s been ported to any and every possible system.
This game roundhouse kicks action and adventure in the face. Leon goes from a small village, fighting confused locals and harpooning an infected swamp monster, to a Devil May Cry-type castle. This game does not take itself too seriously. The dialogue allows the player to take a breather from the tension.
Don't fall asleep while watching the cut scenes; they're packed with quick-time events that will have you mashing keys when you least expect it. The game keeps you on your toes, attacking you with new enemies with new weaknesses. Plus, you don’t want to miss out on the story.
The levels are creative and beautifully rendered. Once you beat the game, you’ll be going back in to unlock new skins to run through with. Weapon upgrades keep things from being tedious and will make the merchant your new best friend.
Leon faces off against cult members
4. Resident Evil: Revelations 2 - Released 2012 (Nintendo 3DS / PS3 / Xbox 360 / PC / PS4 / Xbox One / Nintendo Switch / Wii U)
Resident Evil Revelations originally came out for the 3DS. The game has been ported to all other systems, working wonderfully on the PC but still being held as one of the best Resident Evil handheld games.
In Revelations 2, Claire has been kidnapped and dropped onto the creepiest island that could be found. Claire is accompanied by a little girl who has been kidnapped as well, and they must make it through the torture hospital and more to make it out. The game switches back and forth between Claire’s story and a father trying to find his daughter; this adds atmosphere to the game as two different stories are brought together.
The game comes across as a horror soap opera. Levels begin with "Previously on..." and end with "Next time on..." If you have to put the game down and come back, it's nice to remember where you are in the action. The scenes even play like you're watching from an old VCR (that’s how we watched movies at home before DVDs).
The place where this game excels is Raid mode, similar to mercenaries in previous RE games, but without the timer. Blasting your way through enemies to reach the goal rewards with upgrades and leveling up. Getting new weapon pieces and leveling up will have you playing one more round to use your new powers.
There are 20 different Raid scenarios and a bonus stage that is extra juicy. The scenarios are a great challenge and, honestly, steal the show from the main gameplay. Raid mode can be played single-player or co-op, and nothing is more fun than blasting through enemies and leveling up with a friend.
Enemies are tougher than ever. Even the most basic zombie can take a full clip and still come at you. Not only are the enemies resilient, but they have apparently been taking boxing lessons. Trying to get headshots in this game will take skill as the enemies bob and weave as they move. better be happy with those few body shots and try to rush past.
The usual RE feeling of claustrophobia is still there. Trapped in small spaces with 2 or 3 enemies shambling towards you, the game turns intense quickly, but the fast-paced action is buffered by up-close and personal action. While there will be times to go in with your guns blazing, sometimes stealth is the better tactic.
Whether it’s fighting invisible enemies in the snow, and by the way, the snow hates you, or if you’re wading through waist-deep water waiting for something giant to jump out at you, the game constantly excites you.
Claire taking a headshot
3. Resident Evil: Biohazard - Released 2017 (PS4 / PC / PS5 / Xbox One / Nintendo Switch / Xbox Series X/S)
Resident Evil Biohazard Trailer
Resident Evil comes back with a vengeance. Ethan Winters is a husband looking for his wife, Mia, but ends up a prisoner of the infected Baker family. While most of the story is spent on the Baker property, we do have a section spent on a massive freight ship with Mia.
Visually, the game is stunning. The environment creeps you out, as if you’ve stumbled into an abandoned house and found out you’re not alone. The whole Baker family isn’t together often, which is probably a good thing because Jack (the father) is hard enough to deal with on his own.
The boss battles in this game are epic with amazing transformations and environments that can help or hinder you. Jack does a great job of being the tyrant stalker in this game. I’ve never been so scared of an old man in my life. Mrs. Baker is one of the creepiest things you’ll battle, coming at you like a spider woman. This game will kill you and make you want to come back for more.
The story line makes more sense than other RE games, and Madhouse Difficulty does something no other RE game does—it changes what you expect. With the change in difficulty, the placement and number of enemies change, so if you finish on Normal and think you’re going to go back and just unload more clips, something's going to jump out when you least expect it.
The main game is something that can be replayed over and over again because you never really feel like you’ve had enough. The Baker family grows on you, like mold in a damp cellar. The DLC simply adds to the value of an already excellent game.
One DLC lets you play as Chris Redfield, trying to collect a virus sample. Another has you taking on the role of Jack's brother fighting in order to save his niece, but the most important of all is Jack's birthday. Run through the Baker house, fighting off enemies, trying to find enough food to fill Jack up.
Re-Biohazard will push you to your limits. The story will make you want more. This game is an instant greatest hit.
Dinner with the Baker family
2. Resident Evil: Village - Released 2021 (PS4 / PC / PS5 / Xbox One / Nintendo Switch / Xbox Series X/S)
Resident Evil Village Trailer
Ethan Winters is back in this follow-up to RE: Biohazard. Ethan finds himself in a European-style village searching for his kidnapped baby. Although the game gives a slight recap of RE Biohazard, you probably want to play Biohazard first to get the full understanding of what is going on with Ethan and his regenerating parts. The Village is under the control of a crazy host of villainous characters and overrun with Lycans (werewolf-type creatures).
RE Village takes the action and classic RE intensity and combines them into a rollercoaster ride. While you may be taking your time exploring and looking for items, you might end up surrounded by enemies in an all-out battle royal (not talking about Fortnite kids).
The game is reminiscent of RE4 and RE5 with the open village style of play. Capcom has taken a previous idea that fans enjoyed and elevated it. While the Village could be considered the central hub, you branch off into different sections of the map to explore and unravel more of the mystery. Returning to the Village allows for unlocking previously unreachable rooms and key items.
The storyline wraps you in, especially if you’ve followed Ethan over from the Baker house. The villains are like a dysfunctional family, while you should be scared of what they may do next to you, you can’t help but chuckle at their dialogue with each other, giving the game relief from the tension.
The game mechanics are also similar to the previous game, except for the inventory. Back is the RE4-style tetris jumble of a briefcase. Navigating the inventory screen takes getting used to, but is not complicated at all. As well, save up some cash you got from killing crows and buy yourself extra briefcase space. The merchant allows you to buy new weapons and upgrade the ones you have to easily fight through the crowds.
In typical Resident Evil fashion, this game will take you to places you never expected to go, as well as some you would expect from any RE game (castles).Boss battles will be more than just shooting until they're down; they will take some strategy and plenty of dodging. Speaking of dodging, perfect dodging will allow Ethan to push enemies back, giving him a little extra time to shoot or turn and run.
RE Village is the latest game in the world of Resident Evil. The game comes with extras like Mercenaries Mode (a classic), but the main game can stand alone on its own. This is another great game with plenty of replayability.
Lady Dimitrescu will not allow Ethan to leave caslte Dimitrescu
1. Resident Evil: 2 remake - Released 2019 (PS4 / PC / PS5 / Xbox One / Nintendo Switch / Xbox Series X/S)
Resident Evil 2 Remake Trailer
Resident Evil 2 remake seems to be the holy grail of Resident Evil. The original RE2 was a hit when it first came out in 1998 for the PS2, and fans could not wait to get their hands on this remake.
RE2 catches Leon S. Kennedy on his first day at the Racoon City Police Department. On his way in, all hell breaks loose and he runs into Claire Redfield, a college student looking for her brother. The game allows you to play each character's story, and although they get separated before the game even begins, they run into each other throughout the main and secondary stories.
Both characters must make it through the Racoon Police Department (RPD), ending up sloshing through the sewers and into a secret underground lab. While Leon is a cop on a mission, Claire finds a little girl in need of help (Sherry) and makes it her mission to make sure Sherry gets to safety.
RE2 remake takes the original and ramps up the intensity. The zombie graphics are beautifully done, terribly scary, and grossly disgusting. Traveling through the game, there are surprises behind every corner. Try and sneak past the dead if you want; their reach will surprise you.
Leon and Claire are stalked by the monstrous Mr. X. You constantly feel like you have to look over your shoulder, and when you hear his big boots stomping towards you, it puts you on the edge of your seat.
Beating the game unlocks scenarios to play through, either escaping an abandoned orphanage, playing as the unknown soldier getting to the extraction zone, or as different types of tofu warriors. This is a game that you’ll want to play again and again for the fun, for the challenge, and for the unlockables. Once you’re in, there’s no way out.
Leon meets his coworkers
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