15 - Evelyn Marcus

Appearances: Resident Evil Netflix
Evelyn Marcus is an original villain created by Netflix in 2022, she is the CEO of The Umbrella Company, at the time she was working on a new pill, Joy, an anti-depressive that later was discovered that could lead to another Raccoon City if taken too much, Evelyn disregarded the concerns and her son end up being bitten by an infected, she killed him as an act of mercy. After her son’s death, no one could bring down her narcissistic tendencies.
After the second outbreak, she took Billie, the one who killed her son, under her wing, but it backfired because now Billie is controlling her and her actions. Before the outbreak she had a wife and a son, but many think she didn’t really care about her wife because, when she found out the pill she was making could take people’s anger away and turn them into happy "zombies," she didn’t hesitate to give it to her without her knowledge, of course. So I’m not really sure if her son would still be alive if she had become a better person. By the end of the season, a horde was coming their way and Billie left Evelyn for dead, but we are not sure if she survived or not.
See Evelyn Marcus:
14 - Brian Irons

Appearances: Resident Evil 2 | Resident Evil: The Darkside Chronicles
Brian Irons was the Chief of the Police Station in Raccoon City, he was know to be a corrupt cop, he would take many bribes fro The Umbrella Corporation to not investigate their dirty doings. He was also a very violent men towards women. During the outbreak, he killed many of his officers and innocent people in general because he believed he was infected and wanted everybody to die with him. Brian also took the officers' guns away to make it harder for them to fight the zombies. He was also suspected of being a serial killer, but since he was the police chief when the outbreak happened, we don’t have any evidence.
When we are playing Resident Evil 2, we can see that the chief has very disturbing tendencies and a fascination with taxidermy, which leads us to believe that he was in a room where somehow his "trofies" went from animals to humans. We can see by the way he treated Claire and Sherry that he was definitely a mysonist. It is believed that he killed his secretary right before the outbreak because she found out about his deal with the Umbrella Corporation. Anyways, what I got from my reserach is that he was just a delight of a person.
See Brian Irons:
13 - Lisa Trevor

Appearances: Resident Evil | Resident Evil: The Umbrella Chronicles | PACHI-SLOT biohazard | Minna to BIOHAZARD Clan Master | Resident Evil: Welcome to 2021 Raccoon City Roberts | Resident Evil: Netflix
Lisa and her family were invited to have dinner with Oswell Spencer; her dad couldn't make it, so she and her mom went alone. When they arrived, they pretty much got kidnapped and were thrown in a cave, where they began experimenting on both of them. Her mom was killed because she was considered a failed experiment, while Lisa gained new abilities with the virus on her. Years passed and she reached adulthood, but she was still a prisoner being kept in chains, and her condition continued to deteriorate.
They did more and more experiments on her, which made her become more and more violent; at some point, they decided she was a risk and executed her. But she had regeneration abilities, so she recovered from them and went to live as a free woman. Lisa was found by S.T.A.R.S. but she managed to escape; after that, she saw Albert Wesker, one of the people who experimented on her, and she went on and tried to kill him in a mansion. He managed to escape, but the mansion blew up with Lisa inside, killing her. Honestly, I cannot blame this lady for trying to kill everyone; if I were her, I would do the same.
See Lisa Trevor:
11 - Karl Heisenberg

Appearances: Resident Evil Village
Karl Heisenberg was the only member of the Heisenberg family and owner of the Heisenberg Factory. Mother Miranda kidnapped him and conducted experiments on him, which led him to become a mutant. Eventually he became one of her lieutenants, but he still held a grudge against her and was planning to kill her. He built an army of cyborgized reanimated corpses in hopes of taking her down; he also wanted to use Ethan’s baby, Rose.
He tried to get Ethan to join him and destroy Mother Miranda together, but Ethan refused, and Heisenberg tried to kill him. But it goes sideways and the two end up fighting, in the mean time, Chris Redfield was putting bombs inside his beloved factury. When he explored it, he was consumed by anger. Ethan managed to kill him, and his last words were that he needed to kill Mother Miranda. Yeah, I get all the mommy issues he was having, but he did not have to bring innocent Rose into this. He got what he deserved. But I do have to say, between all the lieutenants, I think he was the most human.
See Karl Heisenberg:
12 - Carla Radames

Appearances: Resident Evil: The Marhawa Desire | Resident Evil 6
Carla Ramades was a top researcher and was responsible for the creation of the C-Virus, so she is a terrorist. But alas, Carla can prove that even mass murderers have a heart because she had a big crush on Derek Simmons. She would do everything to make him recognize her. In the mean while Simmons has obssesed with Ada Wong, so he and Carla were trying to recreate Ada through a virus. As an act of desperation, Simmons ordered that Carla become a test subject. And the experiment was a success.
After the experiment, Simmons taught her how to act and speak like Ada Wong. And finally, she won his affection. She was brainwashed into believing she was really Ada Wong. But subconsciously, she started to hate Simmons for what he did to her. The woman was struggling with her identity and devotion to Simmons. Meanwhile, of course, as a good terrorist, she did some deeds around the world, killed some BSAA agents, and turned Simmons' lieutenants against him. She planned to infect Simmons, and it was a success. She called him to mock him, being finally free from his hands, but she still firmly believed she was Ada Wong. She even went further and contacted Ada herself, trying to kill her many times, claiming she was the better Ada. She was presumed dead when a helicopter shot her and she fell off a tower. But later on, Ada found her, and she mutated in a last effort to kill Ada, but that didn’t work out, and the last time we saw her was when she exploded with the ship.
See Carla Radames:
10 - Billie Wesker

Appearances: Resident Evil Netflix
She and her sister were the products of a genetic engineering project made by their father to keep him alive. He was a clone of Albert Wesker. Billie was bitten by a dog with the T-virus, and she experienced heavy symptoms and hallucinations, causing her to bite her sister’s boyfriend. After that, they escape the city with their uncle; it is unknown what happened after until her adulthood, but she came back to the Umbrella Company, where she gained a senior position.
She managed to control the CEO, Evelyn Marcus, with the Joy pill and became the leader of the company. She started to have the same problems her father used to have, and her solution was the same as his. She haunted her sister, wanting to use her blood to slow her body’s degeneration. She managed to find her on a ship, and even though her sister turned herself in, she ordered that the people on the ship be killed. Her sister managed to escape by bringing a horde of zombies to them. She left Evelyn for dead and headed to a helicopter, but she found her sister’s daughter in the process, she kidnapped her, hoping that her blood would be able to help her and shot her sister for her not to follow them. Quite a family drama I have to say.
See Billie Wesker:
9 - Oswell Spencer

Appearances: Resident Evil 5
Oswell Spencer was one of the founders of Umbrella Pharmaceutics; he was the CEO and President. His goal was found when he met a woman named Miranda, who was a biologist and taught him how mold can mutate. Their paths drifted but he was driven to have the same archiviments Miranda did, as years went by he lost faith in humanity and believed that he needed to evolve mankind. He made a lot of experiments throughout his life, and in one of them he discovered a progenitor virus. He and another scientist, Dr. Wesker, believed that only superior humans could evolve.
They kidnapped children and conducted experiments on them. He made a deal with the USA goverment to create biological weapons and the company begun experimenting on a T-Virus. He became more and more paranoid, and, let's just say, he killed a lot of his coworkers. Eventually, Umbrella Pharmaceutical was shut down as a result of their exposure to bioweapons. Eventually everything went downhill when William Birkin dropped T-Virus on the ground and infected rats, then the water, and soon enough, humans. He spent his last years of life trying to find a virus that would make him young again, but he was betrayed. After that he let Albert Wesker find him and shared his beliefs in a last effort to keep the Wesker Porject alive. He was killed right after that.
See Oswell Spencer:
8 - Eveline

Appearances: Resident Evil 7: Biohazard | Resident Evil Village
Eveline is a genetically modified human created to kill her enemies without the need to fight them. She has the ability to control the minds of those who come into contact with her. When she was being escolted by agents, her obessesion to have a family became aperent. She kept referring to Mia as Mommy, and when they were found by the Baker family, she mind-controlled everyone and forced them to kidnap homeless people and tourists to form the perfect family. and then killed them when they were deemed unfit for the family.
She has a grudge against Ethan because he freed Mia from her mind control and destroyed her perfect family. Ethan managed to kill Eveline, but her consciousness survived through Ethan and was absorbed by the fungal root. When Rose goes inside, she holds a huge grudge against her because she is envious of her. She tries to kill her, claiming nobody loves her. Michael, who is Ethan’s counsciouness, saves Rose. That was the last time we saw her. It is safe to say she has both mommy and daddy package issues.
See Eveline:
7 - Mother Miranda

Appearances: Resident Evil Village | Shadow of Rose
Miranda was born in a mountain village; she had a daughter who, ten years later, would die of the Spanish flu. Miranda was overcome with grief and went into a cave near by to kill herself. She came into contact with an ancient fungal infection and was infected by it. Seeing her daughter, who was consumed by the "mold," as she called it, her life purpose became to bring her daughter back to life. When she returned to the village, Miranda infected everybody with the mold; she formed a cult and became known as "Mother" Miranda.
She started to conduct experiments on the people of the village. Eveline was supposed to be the host of her daughter, but she was killed by Mia and Ethan Winters, but she managed to infect them before her death, and they had a child after that, so she kidnapped the baby. Having her host, she started the ritual to make the perfect host for Eva. Rose gained some of Miranda’s powers, making her vulnerable, which allowed Ethan to kill her. In the realm of consciousness, she tried again to take Rose, but Ethan's consciousness helped hope to defeat her, erasing her from existence. Honestly, she is a horrible person, but her aesthetic is cool.
See Mother Miranda:
6 - Derek Simmons

Appearances: Resident Evil 6
His family legacy is to control the world behind the scenes. So he was a double agent infiltrating the government. He met Ada and gave her missions to complete for him. Soon enough, he developed feelings for Ada, but she never returned his feelings. His obsession ran so deep that he created Project Ada to recreate Ada Wong only for him. He made his partner on the project experiment on herself, and it worked. So he programmed her to act just like Ada; he basically brainwashed her.
The president wanted to come clean with what happened in Raccoon City, so he indirectly murdered the president. He also manipulated Sherry into finding Jake Muller, the son of Albert Wesker, to make the C-virus stronger. He was betrayed by Carla; she started a bioweapon attack on China and infected him with the C-virus. Simmons tried to kill everyone after that, including Ada, who he thought was Carla, Leon, Helena, and everyone else in his way. He ended up being killed by falling from a rooftop and being impaled. It is safe to say that brainwashing will only lead to your death.
See Derek Simmons:
5 - William Birkin

Appearances: Resident Evil 2 | Resident Evil 0 | Resident Evil: The Umbrella Chronicles | Resident Evil: Degeneration Movie | Resident Evil: The Darkside Chronicles | Resident Evil: Uprising | Resident Evil Operation Raccoon City | Minna to BIOHAZARD Team Survive | BIOHAZARD x DRAGONPOKER | PUBG Mobile X Resident Evil 2 | Resident Evil Resistance | Resident Evil: Welcome to Raccoon City Movie
William Kirkin began working at Umbrella Pharmaceutical at a young age. He soon started his own research and discovered a new virus. He married a fellow scientist and had a daughter with her, but he was more focused on his career. Birkin began plotting to betray The Umbrella Company from within soon after the T-Virus broke out on the Arklay Mountains.He started to sabotage them and planned to sell G-Virus to the military. The company found out and sent a team to kill him. Before that happened, he infected himself with the G-virus and destroyed T-virus samples, which led to the outbreak in Raccoon City.
In Resident Evil 2, we can see him following his daughter Sherry and carrying his parasitic larvae. We also see him kill the Tyrant and Brian Irons, either to protect Sherry or it was just instintcs, we don’t know. He continues to follow Sherry, and soon enough, his wife shoots him, and he transforms into something else. Last we saw of him, he was on the train to leave Raccoon City, where he was killed by an explosion.
See William Birkin:
4 - Lady Dimitrescu

Appearances: Maiden | Resident Evil Village
Alcina Dimitrescu was born in a mountain village with a blood disease, but soon she left to explore on her own. When she came back, the village became some kind of cult led by a woman named Mother Miranda, who managed to trap Alcina in a crypt and infect her with a parasite. It gave her superhuman powers, but she still had her disease, so she had to drink fresh human blood to survive. She became one of the four lords of the village, and that allowed her to kill people in her dungeon and drain their blood.
She had three daughters, and all of them lived in the Dimitrescu castle. Once Mother Miranda found Rose, she charged the four lords to each hold a piece of her. Soon after, her father came looking for her, and he ended up killing her three daughters. Consumed by rage, she transformed into a dragon and tried to kill Ethan, but she ended up dying when he stabbed her with a poisenous dagger. Many will remember Lady Dimitrescu with love and fear in their hearts. May she rest in peace.
See Lady Dimitrescu:
3 - Mr. X

Appearances: Resident Evil 2 | Resident Evil: Operation Raccoon City
T-00, Tyrant, or Mr. X, was given a task on the night of the outbreak in Raccoon City. He was given two tasks, actually. Find the G-Virus, which was in a pendant that belonged to Sherry Birkin, the daughter of the creator of the virus, and kill every police officer and civilian found in the Raccon Ciry Police Station. So his path was crossed by Claire Redfield and Leon Kennedy.
Appearing in a very scary way in the station, he follows Leon the entire time, trying to kill him every time, and Mr. X is not killed easily. So Leon has no choice but to run far away from him. When playing with Leon, Mr. X actually becomes very buff by the end of Leon’s gameplay, which is very scary. But Leon manages to kill him by firing a rocket right through him. With Claire, he also appears very scary and starts to follow her around, causing much tension and stress, but he dies by the hand of William Birkin, who is mutated by the G-Virus, when he is trying to kill Sherry in an elevator. Either way, I had nightmares about this dude.
See Mr. X:
2 - Nemesis

Appearances: Resident Evil 3 | Resident Evil Survivor 2 – Code Veronica | Resident Evil: The Umbrella Chronicles | Resident Evil: Operation Raccoon City | Resident Evil: Resistance | Resident Evil: Apocalypse Movie
Nemesis is a bio-organic weapons experimentation project.They were made with the purpose of taking over the B.O.W.’s brain function, but they had problems finding survivors who could survive the procedure. Following the procession, two Nemesis were reported to have self-awareness and attempted to flee the facility.Several Nemesis-T types were made, but only one had experience in combat: the one who was sent to kill the S.T.A.R.S. members in Raccoon City.
They named him Pursuer. When he got to the city, there were only two members left. Brad Vickers and Jill Valentine Brad was killed by the zombies, so he focused on Jill. Nemesis followed her through the city, trying to kill her and her new colleagues. He was injured by a train exposure, so he mutated to help him recover. Soon after, he engaged in a fight with Valentine and managed to infect her with the T-virus. He survived the encounter and went to pursue Jill again, who had already been cured. He was exposed to corrosive chemicals, which made him become a giant blob. He was killed by Jill soon after. very scary and ugly monster, I must say. I'm hoping to see him again!
See Nemesis:
1 - Albert Wesker

Appearances: Resident Evil | Resident Evil Code; Veronica | Resident Evil 0 | Resident Evil 4 | SNK vs Capcom Card Fighters DS | Resident Evil: Deadly Silence | Resident Evil: The Umbrella Chronicles | Resident Evil: Extinction Movie | PACHI-SLOT biohazard | Resident Evil: Genesis | Resident Evil 5 | LovePlus | Resident Evil: The Darkside Chronicles | Resident Evil: Afterlife Movie | Marvel vs Capcom 3: Fate of Two Worlds | Resident Evil Mercenaries VS | Resident Evil: The Mercenaries 3D | Biohazard Outbreak Survive | Ultimate Marvel vs Capcom 3 | Minna to BIOHAZARD Clan Master | PACHI-SLOT BIOHAZARD 5 | Resident Evil: Retribution Movie | Minna to BIOHAZARD Team Survive | Resident Evil: Revelations 2 | CR biohazard 0 | BIOHAZARD X DRAGONPOKER | Resident Evil: The Final Chapter Movie | BIOHAZARD x Castle & Dragon | TEPPEN | Resident Evil: Welcome to Raccon Ciry Movie | Resident Evil Netflix | Resident Evil: PROJECT W Dead by Daylight | Resident Evil Village
No one knows a lot about his childhood; we don’t even know his name. Oswell Spencer abducted him from his parents at a young age to be a part of a project that took unusual genetic children and raised them to be infected with the progenitor virus.All those kids were named Wesker, after the project leader. He was soon offered a position at The Umbrella Pharmaceutical Company. He started working with Drs. Marcus and William Birkin to develop the T-virus. Spencer ordered the deaths of Dr. Marcus and Albert, who stole the research data and kept it to himself. Wesker disagreed with their next project to develop a G-Virus; for him, it had no purpose, so he went to work with the U.S. Army as a mole to find answers. Soon he became captain of the S.T.A.R.S. and was given orders to gather combat data and kill his teammates in a mission.
In the mansion, he infected himself with the T-Virus and told his team the entire plan before sending a Tyrant to kill them. Wesker was also stabbed by the Tyrant, and he was presumed dead before waking up hours later. He decided to sell the data he collected to a rival company. After being contacted by Spencer and being told the secret of the Wesker Project, he killed him. Soon after, Chris and Jill, whom he had abandoned at the mansion, burst through the door to arrest Spencer but instead found him. He and Valentine fall off a cliff but survive, and he keeps her under his control. A few years later, Chris found him and freed Jill from her mind control. He followed Wesker and managed to kill him by throwing him in a volcano and incinerating him. Needless to say, man has done a lot of wrong in his life. But you've got to admit his style as "Blade" is super cool.
See Albert Wesker:
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