[Top 15] Bleach: Brave Souls Best Arrancar Characters That Are Powerful (Ranked)
Bleach Brave Souls Coyote Starrk.
Arrancars are one of the main threats to the protagonists of Bleach. With different versions, from their released resurrection forms to Can’t Feel Your Own World, these arrancars became even more powerful and are forces to be reckoned with. With so many released versions of your favorite arrancars, we've compiled a list of the best ones that you should definitely roll for.
Here are the best arrancars that are powerful in Bleach Brave Souls:
15. Luppi Antennor (Resurrection Version)
Bleach Brave Souls Luppi Antennor.
Having been one of the espadas and replacing Grimmjow as the 6th espada, this arrancar is one of the must-get characters in Bleach Brave Souls. You, like Luppi, can go on a rampage and brag about your strength and power to your enemies.
What’s Great About Luppi Antennor (Resurrection Version):
- Has a very useful set of skills that will surely help you climb the ranks.
- Perfect character for paralyzing enemies because of his melee attack style which applies paralysis status.
- Dangerous paralysis unit because of skills, such as Debilitator, which increases the duration of paralysis.
14. Cyan Sun-Sun (Resurrection Version)
Bleach Brave Souls Cyan Sun-Sun.
Although she is not one of the espadas, this calm, collected, composed, and intelligent fraccion brings a lot to the table and is undeniably powerful. With Sun-Sun, you can finish off your enemies with grace and power.
What’s Great About Cyan Sun-Sun (Resurrection Version)
- Has a very reliable set of skills, which will make you stand out and clear every area.
- Has really great damage because of her soul trait, which boosts the damage of her strong attack damage by 25%.
13. Coyote Starrk (Resurrection Version)
Bleach Brave Souls Coyote Starrk.
Another calm and collected arrancar makes it to the list. With Coyote Starrk, the Primera Espada, your victory is guaranteed. He's so strong that enemies will falter with just his presence.
What’s Great About Coyote Starrk (Resurrection Version):
- Best normal attack damage dealer because of his extremely strong and fast hits.
- Has a perfectly-balanced kit with his soul trait which gives him a normal attack damage boost by 20% and reduces the damage he takes by -12%.
12. Tier Halibel (Swimsuit Version)
Bleach Brave Souls Tier Halibel Swimsuit.
Give way to the queen of the water duels. The 3rd Espada, Tier Halibel, brings water play to the battlefield. This unit will absolutely astound and drown the enemies.
What’s Great About Tier Haribel (Swimsuit Version)
- Has high Spiritual Pressure, which gives damage boosts to your strong attacks
- Has a reliable kit, which balances her playstyle.
- Majestic character design and Special Move animation.
11. Barragan Ruzeiban (Resurrection Version)
Bleach Brave Souls Barragan Ruzeiban.
Another famous espada makes it to the list. Barragan, the 2nd Espada, brings the power of the underworld to the fight. Donning his horrifying resurrection form, enemies will bow down to this powerful king of Hueco Mundo.
What’s Great About Barragan Ruzeiban (Resurrection Version):
- His second soul trait, Last-Ditch Survival, gives him an 80% chance of resurrecting, making him the perfect embodiment of the king of the underworld.
- Viable for PVP because of his reliable arena skills.
- Amazing set of skills, which amplifies his overall performance.
10. Nnoitora Gilga (Arms To Killing You Version)
Bleach Brave Souls Nnoitora Gilga Arms to Killing You.
This list wouldn’t be complete if the very man who fought against Kenpachi and Ichigo is not here. Nnoitora Gilga, the 5th Espada, brings his tenacity and six arms to cut every foe that gets in his way.
What’s Great About Nnoitora Gilga (Arms To Killing You Version):
- One of the best Normal Attack Damage dealers, especially with his soul trait, which gives him a normal attack damage boost of +20%.
- Long Reach, Adrenaline, and Flurry makes him an absolute beast in Normal Attack Damage.
- His second soul trait, Last-Ditch Survival, makes him an even more reliable unit.
9. Nelliel Tu Odelschwanck (Japanese Parasol Version)
Bleach Brave Souls Nelliel Tu Odelschwanck Japanese Parasol.
If Nnoitora made it to the list, then there’s no way Nelliel won’t. The fan-favorite and former 3rd Espada, Nelliel, donning a classic Japanese outfit, brings strength and beauty to another level.
What’s Great About Nelliel Tu Odelschwanck (Japanese Parasol Version):
- High ATK stat, which boosts her overall damage.
- Viable for PVP because of her arena abilities, which maximizes her damage and defense capabilities.
- Her kit makes her a well-rounded damage dealer.
8. Grimmjow Jeagerjaques (Spirit Society Version)
Bleach Brave Souls Grimmjow Jeagerjaques Spirit Society.
Famous for his fight with Ichigo, Grimmjow, the 6tth Espada, will assist you in every battle. This unit brings Grimmjow’s brutality and bloodlust in battle to another level.
What’s Great About Grimmjow (Spirit Society Version)
- High Spiritual Pressure, which boosts the damage of his special move.
- Damage focused kit, which mainly boosts the damage of his normal attack and strong attacks.
7. Tier Halibel (Can’t Feel Your Own World Version)
Bleach Brave Souls Tier Halibel CFYOW.
A version of Tier Halibel that outmatches her arrancar prowess climbs the ranks. Unlocking the form and power that transcends her resurrection form, Halibel will be a great aid in your battles.
What’s Great About Tier Halibel (CFYOW Version):
- Balanced stats, which makes it easier for you to make her even stronger.
- Viable for PVP because of her arena abilities, which boosts her overall damage.
- Reliable set of skills, especially her Havoc, Berserker, and Devastation.
6. Grimmjow Jeagerjaques (Can’t Feel Your Own World Version)
Bleach Brave Souls Grimmjow Jeagerjaques CFYOW.
This arrancar will always join the best of the bests. With a new power that is stronger than his released resurrection form, Grimmjow will surely annihilate every adversary that will come your way.
What’s Great About Grimmjow Jeagerjaques (CFYOW Version):
- Balanced stats, which makes his damage even more stronger.
- Specialty is inflicting Laceration to enemies, which damages enemies over a period of time.
- Viable for PVP because of his set of skills and arena abilities.
5. Ulquiorra Shifar (Segunda Estapa Version)
Bleach Brave Souls Ulquiorra Shifar Segunda Estapa.
It is only fitting for the arrancar that put a hole in Ichigo’s chest to be on this list. Ulquiorra, the 4th Espada, brings his resurrection form, with the limbs of a beast, to aid you in your battles.
What’s Great About Ulquiorra Shifar (Segunda Estapa Version):
- Has high Spiritual Pressure, which boosts the damage of his special move.
- Amazing for PVP because of his arena abilities, which boosts all of his stat and strong attack damage.
- Excellent in dealing ranged damage, aided by his reliable set of skills.
4. Nelliel Tu Odelschwanck ( Can’t Feel Your Own World Version)
Bleach Brave Souls Nelliel Tu Odelschwanck CFYOW.
Nelliel makes it to the top again. With this version, her resurrection form becomes even more fatal and beautiful. You can push through anything with this version of Nelliel.
What’s Great About Nelliel Tu Odelschwanck (CFYOW):
- Balanced ATK and Spiritual Pressure stats, which makes her a stable damage dealer.
- Very reliable in PVP because of her arena abilities, which boosts her crit rate, stats, and normal attack damage.
- Commendable set of skills, which amplifies her overall performance.
3. Lilinette Gingerback (Halloween Version)
Bleach Brave Souls Lilinette Gingerback Halloween.
Lilinette is not one of the espadas, but this arrancar brings fun and power at the same time, making her stand out more than any other. Starrk’s lone fraccion will wipe the floor when it comes to any battlefield.
What’s Great About Lilinette Gingerback (Halloween Version):
- Fun gameplay because of her amazing and unique attacks.
- Balanced kit because of her damage, defense, and healing capabilities.
- Pretty reliable in autoing because of her amazing set of skills.
2. Ulquiorra Shifar (Third Anniversary Version)
Bleach Brave Souls Ulquiorra Shifar Third Anniversary.
Ulqiorra makes it to the 2nd spot, but with a different version. This new form of Ulquiorra is seen as the new face of goodness, but his looks are not all there is to this version. With this form, Ulquiorra can easily defeat enemies.
What’s Great about Ulquiorra Shifar (Third Anniversary Version):
- Amazingly high Spiritual Pressure, which significantly boosts the damage of his special move.
- Perfectly balanced kit, which gives him buffs, barriers, and inflicts weakened status to enemies.
- Extremely good for PVP because of his set of skills and arena abilities.
1. Nnoitora Gilga (Can’t Feel Your Own World Version)
Bleach Brave Souls Nnoitora Gilga CFYOW.
Nnoitora beats even the first espada. This new form of Nnoitora transcends the strength and power of his resurrection form. With his even sharper blades, this Ulquiorra will cut and destroy anyone that dares to come in his way.
What’s Great About Nnoitora Gilga (CFYOW Version):
- He can’t be easily defeated because of his high stamina and star barriers.
- Top tier in PVP because of his damage and arena abilities, which boosts his normal attack damage.
- Good at immobilizing enemies because he can inflict paralysis status on enemies.