Using turrets in Bomber Crew is like drinking water - it's a necessity. You simply cannot progress without them unless you want to find yourself screaming towards the ground. But surely you want to pack the biggest punch you can and shoot down as many aircraft as you can before they can you, yes? Then here are the best five turrets to use on your bomber!
5) .303x2 Mk 1
- 133 Damage Per Second
- 900 Ammo per Belt
- 550 Weight
This is a fantastic weapon to start with, available with or without ammo feed, although you really should have the ammo feed to avoid leaving your guns vacant. The fast reload time and quick velocity mean you will destroy most early enemy aircraft with ease.
This turret, however, isn’t the best later in the game; its firepower doesn’t cut it for later missions.
4) .50x2 Mk 1
Weapon Statistics:
- 211 Damage Per Second
- 600 Ammo Per Belt
- 550 Weight
Bigger guns mean more damage, right? Sort of. While it deals more damage, it fires fewer rounds in the same amount of time; however, its damage output is slightly better than the .303x2 Mk 1. Available with and without ammo feed (and weighing the same with ammo feed), you can’t go wrong with a good 50-caliber machine gun ripping your enemy to shreds.
3) .50x2 Mk 2
Weapon Statistics:
- 263 Damage per Second
- 600 Ammo Per Belt
- 650 Weight
Upgrading to a better version of the same gun isn’t bad, especially when it deals a lot more damage to your foes while remaining relatively light in terms of gun turrets. This is a highly capable midgame turret that can easily damage most enemies in the game without issue, available with or without ammo feed for ease of use.
This gun is slightly heavier than the .50x2 Mk 1, though not by much. Just be careful when trying to balance weight.
2) .303x4 Mk 3
- 373 Damage per second
- 1200 Ammo Per Belt
- 1150 Weight
This is where the guns get really good! No longer are you restricted to the simple dual guns; now you get quad guns! These deal twice as much damage because, well, they’re twice as many guns as before. They spew out bullets a little faster, too. These will keep your bomber safe from everything if you’re quick enough to react to incoming attacks. Available in both ammo feed or without, personally get the ammo feed and watch the planes drop out of the sky.
As always, a bigger gun comes with more metal and ammo; it's heavy. Very heavy, in fact. They weigh nearly double than the dual guns, so take this into consideration before installing them.
1) .50x4 Mk 3
- 589 Damage Per Second
- 900 Ammo Per Belt
- 900 Weight
These guns are really the cherry on top of the wartime-rationed cake. Quad 50-caliber heavy gun turret - you really cannot get better than this in terms of firepower. While yes, the fire rate is a little lower than the last one, it deals a hell of a lot of damage to the enemy. So much so that you’ll see squads of enemy planes explode before even getting close to you. This is available in both ammo feed and without; you will not be disappointed in these weapons at all!
While heavy, they aren’t as heavy as the .303x4 Mk 3, but you should still consider your weight before installing these turrets on your bomber.
How to Choose the Right Turret:
Consider the weight of the turret. Heavier turrets will make your bomber heavy, so you'll need to make sure your plane can handle the weight.
Be wary of ammo capacity when it comes to turrets, as turrets with lower ammo counts will need to be reloaded more frequently. That gives the enemy a window to shoot freely at you.
Take into account how fast your turret fires; a slower traveling round will give the enemy a little more time to approach you and get off a few shots, even if he is shot down.
If you’re facing a heavily armed jet, you don’t really want a small gun like the .303x2 to take them on. You’ll want something with either bigger guns or a much higher fire rate like the .50x4 to combat them before they can release their devastating payload.
Final Thoughts:
Your turret is your best friend when you invade enemy airspace, and it needs to be manned properly to do its job efficiently. Remember to keep your hydraulics repaired and updated to prevent your turrets from failing. Keeping your gunners ready for anything is what matters most, so tag those enemy fighters and watch them drop out of the sky!
Bring that bomber back, your country needs you!