Best Hip Fire Loadouts You Will Wish You Knew Earlier

Under the hip or under the armpit, the result is the same - there will be holes all over the place!
Call of Duty Warzone is one of the most popular FPS titles in history. The game has over 100 million registered users, and each one of them has a unique approach to shooting down enemies. Some prefer hitting targets from a distance, but most people prefer rushing enemies while they are not looking, the honest, manly way.
If you belong to the latter group, you need an effective close-range weapon to get things done. Let me take you through some of the best hip-fire weapon setups that will help you clear out multiple enemies in seconds. You are welcome.
What Is Hip Fire and Why You Should Use It
Hip fire is the process of firing a weapon without aiming down the sites. Most weapons have high recoil, making them extremely bad for hip firing. However, if you manage to create a loadout with fast and accurate hip-firing guns, you'll get a massive advantage over your enemies.
Instead of having to pull your sights up, you can simply shoot people down while moving. Of course, firing from the hip is far less accurate than actually aiming the gun, but it can be a life-saver in close combat situations. Hip firing will help you stay on target while you're moving and can often help you take down enemies more effectively.
Nagasaki in that barrel!
- 200 bullet magazine
- High damage
- Low recoil
- Ideal for clearing rooms
The FiNN LMG is rarely among a Warzone player's favorite weapon choices, but with the right configuration, it can become one mean hip-firing machine. The gun has always been a high-damage dealer, but it has slow ADS, which means you'll lose most close combat encounters.
Here's a build that will turn the tides in your favor, but you'll lose some range too. Get your basic FiNN and install the following attachments:
- Monolithic suppressor
- FTAC VC-8 Harrier Adverse barrel
- Tac Laser
- XRK ChainSAW stock
- Sight of hand perk
Most attachments are standard, but the key is in the ChainSAW stock. It's a crazy setup, but it practically gives you a hip-firing laser with an endless supply of bullets.
2. CX-9
Once you discover her assets you will shred your cheese with it
- Fast movement speed
- High rate of fire
- Excellent ADS
- Fun to use
If you're a fan of crazy fast SMGs that allow you to plow through an entire squad of campers without aiming down the sights, the CX-9 is an excellent choice!
While the CX-9 is far from a meta weapon, the right build can turn it into a hip firing shredder. The key is to combine the right attachment pros to increase hip firing accuracy as much as possible. I use a CX-385 barrel, the five mW lazer, the merc foregrip, a 50-round mag, and the CR-FR stock. When combined, the attachments cancel the otherwise clunky CX-9 experience.
So, if you need a break from your standard close-range tools, why not try this one?
3. MP7
Looks so stylish you'd want to wear it as an accessory
- 60-round magazines
- Fast movement speed
- Excellent hip-fire accuracy
- Impressive TTK
We can't make a list of the best hip-fire guns without mentioning Modern Warfare's MP7. It's got one of the fastest TTK stats and can become an absolute monster with the right hip-firing attachments. Here's the build you should go with:
- Monolithic Suppressor
- Merc Foregrip
- 60 Round Mag
- 5mW lazer
- No stock
If you think that a lack of stock is a problem, you'd be wrong. While most guns get increased hip-firing accuracy with the right stock, MP7 actually works better without a one! The fast rate of fire and responsive turning speed makes this weapon one of my favorites still. The damage drop-off is the only problem you might have at first, but you'll get the hang of it over time.
4. OTS-9
- Fast movement
- High TTK
- Excellent for close-mid battles
- Accurate
Even though the OTS-9 saw multiple nerfs already, it's still one of the best hip-firing guns in the game. A number of the previous attachments were changed completely, so you might need to update your build to increase hip-fire accuracy. Here's the build that works best:
- Sound suppressor
- 8.1" Task Force barrel
- GRU 5mW Laser Sight
- Bruiser Grip
- VDV 40 Rnd Fast Mag
The OTS-9 is one of the fastest weapons by default already, and the attachments on this list increase movement speed even further. The best thing about the OTS-9 is its accuracy and TTK. You don't need more than a second to shoot an enemy down, even when hip-firing, a very annoying feature if you are on the receiving end of the bullet.
5. Uzi
The Uzi is another MW classic used by snipers far and wide. It's one of the weapons with the highest mobility, and when paired with a sniper, it can be extremely deadly in close combat. Unlike all previous builds, this one doesn't include a suppressor, so it's best to use it in self-defense. The attachments you want are:
- 8.5" Factory Mini barrel
- 5mW Lazer
- Merc Foregrip
- 41 AE 32-Round Mag
- No Stock
You can compare this build to almost any other hip-fire weapon build and you'll see that it has the highest mobility of all. Moreover, it also has a significant boost in accuracy and damage. If you want a fast and efficient hip-firing gun, the Uzi won't disappoint.
What's Your Fav Hip-Fire Gun?
Well, that brings us to the end of the top 5 best hip firing guns in Warzone. You must have already tried some of them, but make sure to run through the entire list. 3 out of the five guns are fun to use, and if I had to choose just one, I'd say the MP7. What's your favorite hip-fire setup and why?