Crusader Kings 3 Best Start Dates - Ranked Worst to Best

CK3 start dates ranked worst to best

There are two start dates (867 or 1066) to choose from in Crusader Kings 3, with three bookmarks to choose from for each. I have ranked all six below from worst to best. Do you agree with the list? What would you change?

My preferred game plan is to create my own character and hit various achievements. These rankings are based on how well the scenarios are for a free-play game.

6. 1066 Rags to Riches

This start has a lot of spread-out “main characters” (characters that the game recommends you start as). The titles are in pieces which can be good if you are planning on building a quick empire but know that the AI will constantly be trying to take them back.

The Good

  • Easy to pick up titles
  • If you start in Africa or the far East of the map, you won’t have a lot of AI push from Europe.
  • Any start in 1066 allows you to start with more technologies

The Bad

  • Shorter game since you’re starting in 1066 and the game ends in 1453
  • Europe is in chaos, and the AI is on a warpath

5. 867 Wrath of the Northmen

I love the 867 starts, but this one gets real old real fast. Vikings are everywhere. Think you’re safe in the East? Think again. Think you’re safe in Africa? Only for a few hundred years. Vikings are EVERYWHERE.

The Good

  • It’s pretty fun when you’re playing as the Vikings for a few hundred years
  • You get a couple extra hundred years to play before the game ends in 1453

The Bad

  • Vikings here
  • Vikings there
  • Vikings every-freaking-where
  • Playing as the Vikings? There are other Vikings.

4. 1066 The Fate of England

Another Europe-centered AI war machine. Fortunately, it’s more condensed in the north. This start makes playing in the Netherlands a bit rougher but leaves you open to more areas in England to start without an overly aggressive AI.

The Good

  • If you start in Africa, Southern Europe, or the far East of the map, you won’t have a lot of scenario-based AI aggression.
  • Scenario-based AI aggression is pretty contained to the North
  • Any start in 1066 allows you to start with more technologies

The Bad

  • Shorter game since you’re starting in 1066 and the game ends in 1453
  • Europe is in chaos, and the AI is on a warpath

3. 1066 Iberia in Pieces

All three of the 1066 starts are at the top of my worst list because it’s a shorter game, and you get a bunch of freebie technologies. This is my favorite of the three 1066 starts, mainly because it’s a bit different since it’s focused on the Iberian Peninsula. 

The Good

  • If you start in South Africa, Northern Europe, or the far East of the map, you won’t have a lot of scenario-based AI aggression.
  • Scenario-based AI aggression is pretty contained to the Iberian Peninsula
  • Any start in 1066 allows you to start with more technologies

The Bad

  • Shorter game since you’re starting in 1066 and the game ends in 1453
  • The Middle East is in chaos, and the AI is on a warpath

2. 867 The Great Adventurers

This start has the main characters spread out a bit again, which makes things tricky when you’re trying to do your own thing. You’ll want to aim for the far East to avoid scenario-based AI aggression.

The Good

  • You get a couple extra hundred years to play before the game ends in 1453
  • A lot of the main characters are smaller territories, so they aren’t as strong
  • This is the only scenario with an Africa-based main character, so if you’re interested in playing as a main character in Africa, this is the start for you!

The Bad

  • Scenario-based AI aggression is kind of all over the place

1. 867 The Carolingians

My favorite start is The Carolingians. All the main characters are bundled close together, and they tend to squabble against each other for a few hundred years before you have to worry about them. You can build up your own empire before you have to deal with them.

The Good

  • You get a couple extra hundred years to play before the game ends in 1453
  • All the main characters are bundled together
  • You can pretty much start anywhere except middle Europe without a lot of scenario-based aggression.

The Bad

  • Not much in the way of the bad, best start in my book!

The Carolingians is always my go-to start for custom games. I feel like it gives me the most freedom to play how I like to play. What would you change in this list?

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Casually addicted to gaming, I have been gaming since soon after the first Pokémon games came out. I play on PC, Mac, PlayStation, and Nintendo.
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Favorite Genre: RPG
Currently Playing: Horizon Forbidden West
Top 3 Favorite Games:The Witcher 3: Wild Hunt, Dragon Age: Inquisition, Bioshock Infinite