[Top 10] Dead By Daylight Most Annoying Killers That Are Fun To Play

03 Jun 2022

Many Killers in Dead by Daylight may seem considerably annoying to play against, but when you decide to switch sides, you may find that they are actually quite fun to play as. Now you can subject others to the same or similar nuisance of a Killer you’ve endured for so long.


10.) The Hag

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The Hag is a Killer that uses magic traps to confuse and terrify the Survivors while also providing good map control. Each time a trap is triggered by a Survivor, a phantasm made of mud will appear and will allow The Hag to warp to it. If you know the best places for putting the phantasm traps down, it will cause a great deal of distress for the Survivors, making The Hag one of the more annoying Killers to face up against as a Survivor. Additionally, the Hag’s perks are always useful to Killers and are often a nuisance to Survivors.


What Makes The Hag Great?

  • The Hag is difficult to master, particularly with the placement of traps. People usually place the traps by vault locations, near pallets, and other objectives like Hex Totems, hooked survivors, and generators. This makes Hag one of the best killers in terms of map control and in a sense high mobility.
  • The Hag has a relatively smaller build in comparison to the other Killers, which enables her to do certain mind games better than other Killers. 

9.) The Trickster

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The Trickster is a ranged Killer who utilizes glass throwing knives and a customized bladed bat. Unlike other ranged Killers, The Trickster’s power has to build up a meter in order to injure or down Survivors, this is referred to as the Laceration meter. But what makes him different, is that he can unleash a flurry of blades and as such he has a much faster rate of fire, which increases over time with greater recoil. This power is not great at long range, but it can be used to injure or down someone if the laceration is full. It is better to use the blades at close or medium range, and it’s better at times to use The Trickster’s power over a basic attack due to the time it takes to recover from a successful hit. Survivors will often find Trickster to be annoying due to the number of blades being flung at them, but also due to his perks.


What Makes The Trickster Great?

  • The Trickster’s perks are great as they give any Killer the upper hand in certain situations.
  • He is fun to play simply from his power, it’s very fun to just fill Survivors up with blades while you’re hunting them down.
  • The Trickster has one of the coolest designs and cosmetics.
  • He has a very cool and flashy mori animation.
  • Has one of the best and most interesting character backgrounds in the game.

8.) The Nurse

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The Nurse is a Killer with a steep learning curve, but once mastered she proves to be one of the more annoying and lethal Killers in the game. Her power is simple, she can teleport through walls and floors up to 20 meters by pressing and holding the power button. The Nurse can charge up a blink depending on how long the power button is held down and the blink’s distance will increase. After one blink, there is a small window where The Nurse can perform a second shorter blink of up to 12 meters which cannot go through walls or surfaces, but it is very useful for closing the distance between you and a Survivor if you miss the initial blink. After a blink, the Nurse will suffer from fatigue for 2 seconds, but you can use add-ons to slightly decrease this time.


What Makes The Nurse Great?

  • The Nurse is considered to have some of the best perks in the game, making her a good place to start for unlocking teachable perks to unlock on every Killer.
  • As stated previously, Nurse’s Blink ability is difficult to use, but it allows for great map coverage, and if executed correctly can injure multiple Survivors who are grouped together.

7.) The Doctor

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The Doctor uses blasts of electricity causing survivors to be afflicted with madness as well as scream when they are hit by them. His maniacal laughter and repeated shocks are quite annoying for Survivors, but hindering them and tormenting them is fun. It is annoying for Survivors as their madness level goes up they see images of the doctor and can give them frights and spook them off of generators causing them to explode.


What Makes The Doctor Great?

  • The Doctor is a great option for players who are looking to try playing Killer for the first time.
  • Though his power is simple, there is still complexity in its simplicity. You will learn to utilize it in different scenarios, and as a result, you will learn the best ways to use it as effectively as possible. 
  • The Doctor’s power helps find and inhibit Survivors. It can be used to prevent Survivors from vaulting and dropping pallets, therefore allowing you to catch up to them. At tier 3 Madness, Survivors cannot perform most actions due to the continuous screaming, which will allow you to hinder healing and generator repairs.


6.) The Onryō (Sadako Yamamura)

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The Onryō makes use of TVs scattered across the map that she can teleport to. This gives her good map control. These TVs are often located near generators and can be used to pressure Survivors and add Condemned to them. This can be quite annoying for the survivors to deal with as if they do not get rid of the Condemned, they will be revealed via Killer Instinct, and once put into the dying state The Onryō can kill them with her built-in Mori.


What Makes The Onryō Great?

  • Teleporting through TVs is fast and fun.
  • Doing a mini mori on a fully condemned survivor is fun and satisfying.
  • The Onryō has great map control and can disappear and reappear at any given moment, pressuring and terrifying the Survivors.
  • The Onryō’s actual mori is violent and quite gruesome in detail.

5.) The Plague

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Infect people with the Plague. This gruesome killer uses vomit, known as Vile Purge, to infect survivors. Once they are fully infected, they are put into the injured state and suffer from the Broken status effect, meaning that they cannot heal any further. This can be annoying to Survivors because when infected they can infect the things around them, such as pallets, vault locations, and generators. The infection can spread between Survivors either by touching a generator that an infected Survivor was just working on or is currently working on, being healed or healing an infected Survivor, or even unhooking an infected Survivor. Also, Survivors who come in with a medkit will find it of little to no use as there are Pools of Devotion scattered around the map that not only cure them of infection but heal them back to the healthy state. When this happens the Pools of Devotion become corrupted, allowing The Plague can transform her Vile Purge into Corrupt Purge. When Corrupt Purge is used, instead of getting infected, Survivors will take damage.


What Makes The Plague Great?

  • The Plague’s power encourages creativity within the playstyle and is just generally fun to use.
  • Plague has some great add-ons, some even consider them to be some of the best in the game, making her a dangerous and powerful Killer.
  • When using Corrupt Purge, it acts as a powerful long-range attack that can down multiple survivors with a single stream if used correctly.
  • Plague has some great perks which can be unlocked for other Killers in the Bloodweb.

4.) The Nightmare (Freddy Krueger)

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Live the dream as the American Nightmare, Freddy Krueger. Ever since his rework, he has been one of the most powerful Killers in the game. And is quite troublesome to play against as a Survivor. His power allows him to teleport to any generator on the map and puts Survivors to sleep after a certain amount of time, causing them to suffer from the Oblivious status effect, meaning that if they are not careful they will be caught off guard very easily. Additionally, Survivors who are asleep will see fake pallets and can trigger Dream Snares, which will slow them down during chases. 


What Makes The Nightmare Great?

  • Being able to teleport to any generator on the map means that this Killer has excellent map control. 
  • The Nightmare’s perks can be insanely useful under the right circumstances and with the right builds.
  • Count bodies while the Survivors count sheep.

3.) The Ghost Face

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The Ghost Face is a killer who's main draw is his stealth. His ability is Night Shroud which gives him the insidious status effect, negating his Terror Radius. In this, he can stalk survivors which fills up a meter that, when it becomes filled, exposes the survivor and can be downed in one hit. This can be annoying to survivors as without knowing where the killer is they can be exposed. It is also important to note that Ghost Face can crouch, making him harder to see. He also has a lean and stalk ability where he can look around corners at survivors, making him harder to see.


What Makes The Ghost Face Great?

  • His stealth is highly useful
  • His new chase music is amazing
  • Stalking and downing a survivor is fun
  • His Mori is one of the best in the game

2.) The Oni

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The Oni is a fearsome monster that makes Survivors crumble under his deadly Kanabo club. His power allows him to use the blood of his enemies to empower him. When Survivors are injured, they will drop blood orbs which he can absorb to power up his main power: Blood Fury. While Blood Fury is active, the Oni switches his Katana for his Kanabo. This gives him the ability Demon Dash which makes him run at high speeds, allowing him to easily cover large distances and close in on his prey, and instantly put any Survivor into the dying state with Demon Strike. Blood Orbs can be insanely annoying to survivors as they can help the Killer find them as they leave a trail of them even when not sprinting. His ability to put survivors into a dying state can be quite troublesome to deal with because one minute they are fine and the next are not.


What Makes The Oni Great?

  • Demon Dash is fun to use and is great for map control.
  • It is satisfying to put a Survivor into a dying state instantly, and if paired with a perk like infectious fright you can easily chain hits together.
  • The Blood Orbs greatly help with finding and tracking Survivors.

1.) The Spirit

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The Spirit is arguably the best and most powerful Killer in Dead by Daylight. With her power, Yamaoka’s Haunting, she can traverse the map at increased speeds completely undetected. This not only gives her amazing map control but also enables her to confuse and surprise Survivors. 


What Makes The Spirit Great?

  • Coming out of Yamaoka’s Haunting and hitting or even grabbing a Survivor is satisfying.
  • You can mind game quite easily by simply standing still, which leaves the Survivors with 2 options: Stay still and get hit by you if you phase, or run straight into you and get hit.
  • Yamaoka’s Haunting is great for getting from one place to another quickly
  • The Spirit is an insanely powerful Killer with basically no way to counter her properly.

A Killer can be annoying either through how someone chooses to play, but also their power and perks. But in turn, they can still be very fun to play, and in the end, it is simply up to who you want to play, how you want to play them, and most of all to try to have as much fun as possible.



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