15. Frieza’s Debut
Frieza floats towards his henchman.
Frieza and his men have arrived on Planet Namek in search of the Dragon Balls. They destroyed many Namekian villages and killed many Namekians in their quest to find the dragon balls. When we meet Frieza, he already has four Dragon Balls in his possession.
What makes this scene one of the best Frieza scenes? It is the look of fear on Gohan and Krillin’s faces when they sense Frieza’s power level. Not even Vegeta had that kind of effect on those two. Let’s know how powerful and dangerous Frieza truly is.
Frieza and his two henchmen.
14. Frieza vs Nail
Frieza scans Nail’s power level.
Frieza arrives at the Grand Elder Guru’s place in search of a way to awaken the dragon balls. There he meets a Namekian warrior named Nail. Nail’s mission is to protect the Grand Elder from any threats, and with the arrival of Frieza at Guru’s place, Nail must stop him.
This fight right here was just a fraction of the type of enemy Frieza is. The strongest warrior that the Namekians have was unable to land a single hit on Frieza. And get this: Frieza was only using a tenth of his power when he defeated Nail. That just proved how terrifying Frieza was in the Namekian arc.
Nail’s attack does not affect Frieza.
13. Frieza’s second Transformation
Frieza transforms into his second form.
After his plans are foiled by Vegeta and his allies, Frieza starts to transform into his second form to put an end to their consistent meddling.
At the time, Frieza’s second transformation was the most powerful we had ever seen. It was also the first time we had seen someone transform in DBZ. In that form, Frieza just completely toyed with Gohan, Vegeta, and Krillin. He even stabbed Krillin in the chest with his horn. And Frieza just started swinging Krillin around like he was a stuffed toy.
Frieza transforms into his second form.
12. Frieza vs Piccolo
Piccolo charges right at Frieza.
A newly revived Piccolo had arrived on Planet Namek. After fusing with an injured Nail, Piccolo charges right onto the battlefield to take on Frieza. Frieza was shocked to see another Namekian who was still alive. Piccolo charges right at Frieza, and the fight begins.
This was the first time we have ever seen someone give Frieza an actual challenge. Piccolo brought the fight right to Frieza. This was hands-down one of the best Frieza fights in the series.
Frieza and Piccolo clash.
11. The Third Transformation
Frieza explains that every time he transforms, his powers grow.
Impressed by Piccolo’s skills, Frieza decides it is time to up the ante. He explains that he has two more transformations and that every time he transforms, his powers grow.
No matter who comes at him or how strong his opponents are, Frieza is always one step ahead of the competition. Even though Piccolo was able to keep up with him in his second form, Fireza was not worried at all about the Namekian. He had this permanent smile on his face. Frieza told Piccolo, "You might be able to handle this form, but let us see how you handle my third form.".
Frieza transforms into his third form.
10. The Final Form
Frieza has reached his final form.
Having enough of these pests, Frieza begins the process of transforming into his final form. Not wanting to witness this, Vegeta tells Krillin he has to hit him with his best shot so that Vegeta can be healed by Dende. But it’s too late. Frieza has taken his final form, and his power level is something that Gohan, Piccolo, and Krillin have never felt before.
The magnitude of this moment will forever live on in the history of anime. An enemy that the Z-fighters had trouble with earlier had just reached his final transformation. Frieza’s final form is so powerful that Goku can feel it in Frieza’s ship. Someone like Piccolo was shaking with fear as he felt Frieza’s power.
Goku senses Frieza's power level.
9. Frieza kills Dende
Frieza kills Dende.
Frieza sets his sights on the healer of the group, and that is Dende. With one blast, Frieza kills Dende, who was hiding behind Vegeta. Once the job was done, Frieza laughed and said, "That's one done, and I didn’t even have to break a sweat.
Realizing that Dende is the one who is healing these warriors and giving them a boost After he completes his final form, Frieza sets his sights on Dende and kills him without moving a single inch. That is truly how terrifying Frieza was that he was able to kill someone without moving.
Dende after being hit by Frieza’s attack.
8. Frieza Destroys a Prince
Vegeta throws a boulder at Frieza.
Vegeta challenges Frieza to fight on his own, believing that he can take on Frieza. Vegeta powers up and attacks Frieza. No matter how hard he tried, Vegeta was unable to get a hit on Frieza. And Frieza just demolished him.
This scene is great because it shows how powerful Frieza’s final form truly is. To be able to put the fear of God into someone like Vegeta is impressive. Vegeta was getting arrogant about being a super Saiyan after getting a boost from Dende, but Frieza humbled him.
Frieza is about to kill Vegeta.
7. Frieza Kills Krillin
Frieza hits Krillin with a strange beam.
After surviving the massive spirit bomb, a furious Frieza returns with a vengeance. First, he takes out Piccolo. Next, he hits Krillin with a strange beam and lifts him in the air, then Frieza blows up Krillin.
If you didn't know, Frieza was a menace before he is now. Not only did this man kill a Dende child, but he also killed Vegeta and took Piccolo out of commission. To put the icing on top, Frieza killed Krillin right in front of Goku. He did all those things with no remorse.
Frieza lifts Krillin in the air to kill him.
6. Frieza vs Super Saiyan Goku
Frieza tries to destroy Planet Namek.
After he killed Krillin, something awakened in Goku, and he transformed into a Super Saiyan. With this newfound power, Goku faces Frieza one more time. And Frieza is terrified that the legend is true and that a real-life Super Saiyan is standing right in front of him.
If we’re talking about the best Frieza scenes, we have to mention Frieza vs. Goku. One of the best fright sequences in DBZ history This scene gave us our first official look at a super Saiyan and the power that one gains once one becomes a Super Saiyan. We also got to see how strong Frieza truly is when he uses 100% of his powers.
A test of strength between Super Saiyan Goku and 100% Frieza.
5. The Destruction of Planet Vegeta
Frieza sends a massive ball of energy toward Planet Vegeta.
Bardock comes to challenge Frieza to defend his home planet. Frieza comes with a look of boredom on his face and just stares at Bardock. Bardock declares that the Saiyans are done following Frieza’s orders and sends an attack toward Frieza. But Bardock’s attack was absorbed by Frieza’s attack.
Frieza destroyed Planet Vegeta without breaking a sweat. He didn’t move his seat on his throne. Frieza just used one finger with one attack to destroy a planet. That’s how terrifying Frieza was. This man didn’t even care that his army was in the line of fire; he was going to kill them anyway.
Frieza’s supernova is set to destroy Planet Vegeta.
4. Resurrection F
Frieza is revived in a healing chamber.
The remaining members of the Frieza force head to earth to collect the dragon balls. And once they collected the dragon balls, they summoned Sheron. Frieza’s army wished for Frieza’s resurrection. They placed Frieza’s body in a healing chamber to help their master gain his strength back.
The monster is back. One of Dragon Ball Z’s greatest villains is back, and he is better than ever. After the events of the Android saga, we haven’t seen much of Frieza, only a few scenes here and there. It was great to see him. The reason this scene is great, in my opinion, is that Frieza is different this time. He learned from his mistakes. He knows that for him to beat Goku and his friends, he needs to get stronger. Essentially, what he is saying is that Goku and his friends are stronger than him, and that takes a lot of guts for someone as prideful as Frieza to admit.
Frieza plans his revenge.
3. Golden Frieza is born
Frieza transforms into Golden Frieza.
Frieza faces off against Super Saiyan Blue Goku in his final form, and he is getting his butt kicked. Deciding that was enough joking around Frieza puts all of his training to good use. He transforms into his golden form, and his power level grows as a result. Shocking the onlookers down below.
Just imagine how tough it’ll be for Goku and the others to face Frieza if Frieza decided to train during the Namek saga. Frieza realized that for him to beat Goku, he needed to train for the first time in his life. And we saw the results of that training: man has become even more powerful than he was before. In his golden form, Frieza was able to match the skill set and strength of a Super Saiyan covered in divine energy. The music that plays during Frieza’s Golden Form is top-tier as well.
Frieza shows off his new Golden form.
2. Frieza Collapses the Energy of Destruction
An assassin tries to kill Frieza with the Energy of Destruction.
When Goku and Frieza returned from the other world to compete in the Tournament of Power, They were met by a group of assassins from another universe. One of those assassins sent the energy of destruction toward Frieza, trapping him inside. Frieza screamed in pain as he struggled to contain the attack, but it was just a hoax by Frieza. Frieza escapes from the attack and shrinks it down.
I picked this scene as one of Frieza’s best scenes because of how strong he has gotten since his second death. This man was able to train his mind and body while trapped in a cocoon. While trapped, this man was able to master his golden form to perfection. This scene right here makes Frieza one of the most terrifying villains in the series.
Frieza controls the Energy of Destruction.
1. Goku and Frieza eliminate Jiren
Goku and Frieza charge right at Jiren.
Goku and Frieza face off against Jiren as time runs out in the tournament of powers. Together, they were able to knock Jiren out of the arena and win the tournament of powers for their universe.
What’s that saying? The enemy of my enemy is my friend or something like that. The point is that this scene right here is the number-one best Frieza scene in Dragon Ball. This man was able to put his pride aside to work with his greatest rival, Goku, to take down a powerful enemy like Jiren. And we got one of the best sequences in Dragon Ball history.
Goku and Frieza knock Jiren and themselves out of the ring to win the Tournament of Power.