Exotic weapons are the highest rarity of weapons in the game. They are difficult to come by since their drop rates are low and function differently from normal weapons. With such high stature comes a new way to play once you obtain one. All exotic weapons come with unique perks that only come on those weapons. They can influence playstyles or provide a brand-new ability that can only be found on that specific weapon. These weapons are important, because of their capabilities in battle. Being the most efficient killing machine is always beneficial in a game like Destiny, and these high-rarity items find interesting ways to do so.
#15: Sunshot

Sunshot is an exotic energy hand cannon that brings the wrath of the sun on its enemies. Being the last 150rpm hand cannon in the game, it is efficient at causing solar explosions as you get kills with the weapon. That faster fire rate makes it more capable of mowing down more enemies in a shorter amount of time. Combining that with solar 3.0, it has risen in popularity. Scorching targets should not be limited to your abilities. Considering this weapon for your arsenal would be beneficial if you're a fan of explosions.
What is great about this weapon is it excels in crowd control, synergizes well with the Sunbreaker subclass, and is an easy-to-use hand cannon overall in both PVE and PVP.
Choose this weapon if
- You are looking for a solar primary weapon to use for your solar build thanks to its natural solar affinity
- You want a weapon with a low skill ceiling as the weapon is quite easy to use
- You want to specialize in ad control via solar explosions
- You think the weapon looks fun to use
Exotic Perks:
Sunburn: This weapon fires explosive rounds and highlights targets that take damage from Sunshot
Sun blast: Targets killed with Sunshot explode with solar energy
How to get Sunshot: Pinnacle drops, exotic engrams, Xur, exotic kiosk
#14: MIDA Multi-Tool

MIDA Multi-Tool makes up for its lackluster appearance in its efficiency. This is one of the most effective all-around weapons you can take into combat, as it has solid stats and good perks that do not overwhelm you with a new mechanic. If this weapon had a catchphrase, it would be about reminding everyone that there is beauty in simplicity. When Destiny 2 launched, this was the go-to pick for most Guardians, as its simplicity ruled over The Crucible with an iron fist. It also benefits Titans in the field that they tend to fall short in, which is their mobility.
What is great about this weapon is that it is easy to use, and its perks are easy to understand, increasing your overall mobility and flexibility to be used in any playstyle.
Choose this weapon if:
- Style does not matter to you
- Efficiency in gunfights is more important than finding a groundbreaking way to play
- You want an extra boost to your overall speed thanks to the exotic perk
- You think the weapon looks fun to use
Exotic Perks:
MIDA Multi-Tool: This weapon boost movement speed
MIDA Radar: Radar stays active while aiming down sights
How to obtain: Exotic kiosk
#13: Chaperone
The king of precision shotguns, Chaperone has been a hot-button topic amongst a lot of PVP players. Being a slug shotgun, it is most efficient when aiming down sights. While doing this, combined with its exotic perks, it can manage to kill a target from seventeen meters away. This is above the average kill distance found on most shotguns in the game. This gun has been nerfed, buffed, then nerfed again due to this fact, and can be even stronger in the hands of a Titan. If one uses the No Backup Plans exotic gauntlets with this shotgun, it will grant them an over shield with every kill so long as they have a full void melee ability. Despite this build not being as efficient as it was in Destiny 1, it can still scare any player that was around for that meta.
What's great about this weapon is that it can hit targets from longer ranges, single target damage per second, and a high aim assist stat.
Choose this weapon if:
- You like getting one-shot headshot kills thanks to its exotic perks being tied to a slug shotgun
- You are looking for one of the best PVP weapons available in the current sandbox
- You like using a shotgun with your void builds thanks to No Backup Plans
- You think this weapon looks fun to use
Exotic Perks:
Precision Slug: Fires a single-slug precision round
The Roadborn: Precision kills briefly grant bonus handling, range, and precision damage with this weapon
How to obtain: Exotic quest from Amanda Holiday, Exotic Kiosk
#12: SUROS Regime

Being the old community manager’s favorite exotic and one of the oldest and most iconic weapons in the franchise, SUROS Regime has been a solid choice for Guardians for the last eight years. What makes this gun so reliable is its optional firing modes, a slower fire when aiming down sights or a faster fire rate that gets faster the longer you hold the trigger, and its ability to regenerate the user’s health when getting kills with it. Titans benefit from auto rifles thanks to an exotic chest piece named Actium War Rig, which allows your auto rifles to be reloaded from reserves as you continuously fire the weapon. Whether you want to be precise in The Crucible or efficient in PVE, this weapon has you covered.
What's great about this weapon is that it provides players with optional playstyles that you can switch between depending on the situation, keeping you alive so long as you continue to get kills with the weapon, and synergy with an exotic that can benefit a Titan looking to prioritize auto rifles.
Choose this weapon if:
- Regenerating health over time is a priority of yours
- Having options within a single piece of gear sounds appealing, spinning up and dual-speed receiver
- You are looking for a solid primary weapon choice that performs well in PVP and PVE due to its exceptional stats and quality-of-life perks
- You think the gun looks fun to use
Exotic Perks:
SUROS Legacy: The bottom half of each magazine deals bonus damage and has a chance to return health on kills
Spinning Up: Holding down the trigger increases the rate of fire
Dual Speed Receiver: While aiming down sights, the weapon’s rate of fire decreases while weapon damage increases
How to obtain: Exotic engrams, pinnacle activity drops, Xur, exotic kiosk
#11: Jotunn
What's great about this weapon is its crowd-controlling capabilities, solar 3.0 synergy, and overall combat effectiveness in PVP activities
Choose this weapon if:
- You are a fan of fusion rifles and are looking for one that breaks the traditional mold
- You are looking for a special weapon that excels in PVP since its tracking projectiles are a one-shot kill
- You are looking for a solar exotic to synergize with your Solar subclass abilities due to its scorching capabilities
- You think the weapon looks fun to use
Exotic Perks:
Charge Shot: Hold down the trigger to charge up a tracking shot that explodes and burns on impact
Shield Disorient: Energy-matched shield explosions disorient nearby combatants
How to obtain: Exotic kiosk
#10: Salvations Grip

When Stasis was first released, the dialogue was predominantly about its imbalance and not about any build viability. It was easier to yell at its imbalance. Now, crafting builds with Stasis does not seem like a crime to players. For the Titans, they got to benefit from an exotic that got pushed to the sidelines amongst the chaos. Salvations Grip is a grenade launcher that creates stasis crystals instead of shooting typical grenades. Why this is important to the Titan Stasis subclass because certain builds benefit from having stasis crystals constantly on the field. If they are, the user can get an increase in damage resistance. Stacking this with a maxed-out resilience stat and you can become quite hard to kill.
What's great about this weapon is its crowd-controlling capabilities, keeping your abilities up at any time when synergizing with Stasis, and providing unique ways to place stasis crystals on the battlefield.
Choose Salvation Grip if:
- You are looking for a weapon to compliment your Stasis Titan well, so long as you build into stasis crystals
- You are looking for a unique grenade launcher that breaks the mold
- You think the weapon looks fun to use
Exotic Perks:
Cryocannon: Hold to charge, release to fire. This weapon's projectile creates Stasis crystals and freezes nearby targets
Flash Freeze: Charging this weapon increases the freeze radius and amount of Stasis crystals created
How to obtain: Exotic kiosk
#9: Dead Man’s Tale

The space cowboy fantasy has always been a prominent theme in the Destiny franchise. The newer addition to the game that amplifies that fantasy is the notorious Dead Man’s Tale. Yet another weapon that was a menace for an extended period is now in a tamer state. That does not mean, though, that it does not have its uses. Capable of getting random rolls for its last perk slot, it allows everyone to prioritize a different version of the weapon. While for PVP the list of perks is straight straightforward more specific perks that benefit Titans in PVE.
What's great about this weapon is that it can continuously dish out single target damage, being now easily obtainable, and pinpoint accuracy that is even more so for those who play on a mouse and keyboard
Choose Dead Man’s Tale if:
- You want this to be a main form of DPS once your other options are drained by taking advantage of rally barricades and the Fourth Times the Charm perk
- You are looking for a decent scout rifle that rewards accuracy because of its exotic perks
- You think the weapon looks fun to use
Exotic Perks:
Cranial Spike: Chaining precision hits grants bonus target acquisition and range
Transformative: Future drops of this weapon will have random rolls
How to obtain: Xur
#8: Sweet Business

What is easily mistaken as a machine gun instead of an auto rifle, Sweet Business sets out to achieve one thing: mow everything down with a sea of bullets. With a large magazine and perks that help return rounds back into the gun, it ensures the oppression does not stop coming. On top of that, it also arguably synergizes best with the Actium War Rig exotic chest piece for Titans. Doubling down on ammunition returns is what makes this weapon superior at ad control.
What's great about this weapon is its ammunition economy management, sustained fire on either a single target or a group of enemies, and synergizing with the best exotic chest piece for titans looking to use auto rifles
Choose Sweet Business if:
- You are a player that likes to lean on the trigger and see results, as this weapon is more than capable of providing that thanks to its exotic perk alone
- You want a good ad-clearing weapon that can complement a high resilience-based build
- You think the weapon looks fun to use
Exotic Perks:
Payday: Larger magazine. Increased accuracy when firing from the hip. Picking up special or heavy ammo immediately reloads this weapon
Business Time: Sustained fire increases the range and rate of fire
How to obtain: Exotic engrams, pinnacle activity drops, Xur, exotic kiosk
#7: Duality

Choices can be what makes an exotic weapon stand out from the others. Duality encapsulates that sentiment with ease. Capable of switching between a spread and a slug shotgun, it can thrive in any situation a shotgun needs to be in. Much like previous exotics on this list, it synergizes well with other pieces of gear and subclasses. However, since it is the weapon’s nature, it can manage to synergize well with multiple build options. You can either go for the No Backup Plans build like Chaperone or a Solar 3.0 build.
What's great about this weapon is it gives the player optional playstyles, synergizing with multiple aspects of the Titan as supposed to just one, and PVP activities due to shotguns being a strong choice.
Choose Duality if:
- You are looking for a versatile solar special weapon that you can use in your solar 3.0 builds
- You are looking for a shotgun with optional firing modes that can work with No Backup Plans instead of a shotgun that stays in one firing mode
- You think the gun looks fun to use
Exotic Perks:
Compression Chamber: Fires a pellet spread in hip-fire or a single high-damage slug while aiming
On Black Wings: Pellet final blows grant a stacking precision damage and reload speed buff. Precision hits with slugs extend the duration.
How to obtain: Exotic kiosk
#6: Tommy’s Matchbook

Want to see what would happen if a Tommy gun and a flamethrower had a baby? If yes, then you are in luck. Tommy’s Matchbook packs the heat in a drum mag that holds the key to its success. Be careful, though. That key tends to burn sometimes.
What's great about this weapon is how strong it is at ad control due to its auto rifle nature, and its magazine size of 72 so that way you have plenty of rounds to send in your enemy’s direction, synergizing with exotic pieces of gear such as Actium War Rig and being a strong choice for solar 3.0 builds.
Choose Tommy’s Matchbook if:
- You are looking for a strong solar weapon that will work well with your solar 3.0 builds
- You wish to tie that solar synergy with the Actium War Rig chest piece to ensure a steady flow of bullets
- You can counteract the negative edge of this weapon as it slowly does damage to you while you fire
- You think the gun looks fun to use
Exotic Perks:
Ignition Trigger: Sustained fire with this weapon overheats it, increasing damage but burning the user
Heat Sink: Overheat damage is reduced while not aiming down sight
How to obtain: Exotic kiosk
Number 5: Monte Carlo

While you cannot use this weapon in the way that you would expect to use it, Monte Carlo’s priorities are within a similar vein. This gun is all about maintaining your melee ability. It rewards you for using it and can ensure that you get it back with ease. Ability management is a huge priority in high-level content, and any weapon that can ensure that is a beneficial choice. On top of the fact that Titan melee abilities are quite strong, and you have a weapon that earns its high spot on the list.
What's great about this weapon is how it manages your abilities, synergy with Actium War Rig, and enhances its damage for using your melee abilities
Choose Monte Carlo if:
- You have a build that focuses on your melee abilities
- You want a weapon that ensures your build has a consistent uptime thanks to this weapon’s exotic perks
- You are looking for a weapon that has a continuous loop that is efficient and powerful
- You think the weapon looks fun to use
Exotic Perks:
Monte Carlo Method: Dealing damage with this weapon reduces your melee cooldown and grants a chance to fully charge your melee ability with each kill
Markov Chain: This weapon gains increased damage from melee kills with this weapon. Melee kills grant ammo for this weapon
How to obtain this weapon: Exotic engrams, pinnacle activity rewards, Xur, exotic kiosk
#4: Bad Juju
A notorious exotic from Destiny 1 still manages to find its way to the top of the list eight years later. Bad Juju is one of the simplest exotics to use, but what comes from that simplicity can be rewarding. Only this time, there is no luck of the draw exotic quest tied to it, making it easier to obtain and use.
What's great about this weapon is its consistent damage buff, replenishing super energy on kills, and its capability to be used in any subclass build.
Choose Bad Juju if:
- You are someone who wants to focus on your super’s uptime thanks to the first half of this weapon’s exotic perk
- You want that extra bump in damage from the second half of its perk to ensure enemies die faster so your super can recharge faster
- You did not have any specific exotic requirement tied to your build and want something simple
- You think the gun looks fun to use
Exotic Perks:
String of Curses: Kills refill the magazine, increase damage for a short amount of time, and grant super energy based on the strength of String of Curses. Fires full auto.
Hi Fire Grip: Increases accuracy, stability, and precision hit targeting when firing from the hip.
How to obtain: Exotic kiosk
#3: Gjallarhorn
Without question, Gjallarhorn is the most iconic weapon in Destiny’s history. In Destiny 1, this weapon was essential for achieving some of the best DPS possible. So much so that when Destiny 2 launched and this weapon was left behind, players debated as to whether it would be healthy for the game if it came back. Regardless of where players stood on that matter, it returned with the 30th-anniversary event and its glory remains intact.
What's great about this weapon is its high DPS, ad control, and supportive mechanics for your teammates.
Choose Gjallarhorn if:
- You are looking for an easy-to-use DPS weapon that can always perform well so long as you are aiming at your target
- You like having a weapon that is great at both single-target damage and crowd control thanks to its Wolfpack Rounds
- You want to give your fellow teammates that are using rocket launchers an extra bump in damage by giving them Wolfpack rounds since you are using this weapon
- You think the weapon looks fun to use
Exotic Perks:
Wolfpack Rounds: Rounds fired split into tracking cluster missiles upon detonation
Pack Hunter: Gain increased handling and reload speed when standing near allies. Firing this weapon also grants Wolfpack Rounds to nearby allies wielding non-exotic rocket launchers
How to obtain: Exotic quest from Shaw Han
#2: Riskrunner
Some Guardians believe there is no reward without taking risks. Arc Titans preach this more than anyone, and they can often be seen wielding the Riskrunner exotic submachine gun. Being an SMG, it is the perfect weapon archetype for the Titan who wants to be rewarded for getting hit with Arc energy. Whether it’s the enemies or their own. Encapsulating their destructive nature into an arc weapon that can cause such electrifying chain reactions makes this a go-to pick for anyone enticed by lightning.
What's great about this weapon is its crowd-controlling capabilities, synergizing with arc 3.0 builds, and being easy to use.
Choose Riskrunner if:
- You find yourself using Arc builds more than the other subclasses
- You want a weapon that only benefits from you being in the heat of battle as an Arc Titan thanks to its exotic perk
- You think the weapon looks fun to use
Exotic Perks:
Arc Conductor: While taking Arc damage, this weapon becomes more powerful and resists incoming Arc damage. Kills extend the time in this overcharged state.
Superconductor: When Arc Conductor is active, shots fired have the chance to become chain lightning and return ammo
How to obtain: Exotic engrams, pinnacle activity rewards, Xur, exotic kiosk
#1: Traveler’s Chosen
Two things influence a Guardian’s potency: the weapon they wield and keeping their abilities up as often as possible. This little sidearm manages both of those things ideally in this current sandbox. As of the time of writing this article, sidearms in general are in a fantastic place within the sandbox and Traveler’s Chosen is one of the best ones you can pick. Combining its impressive stats with the reliability sidearms guarantee and its exotic perk puts this weapon at the top of the list.
What's great about this weapon is it keeps abilities always charged, the viability in both PVE and PVP, and is within an archetype that is a popular choice now.
Choose Traveler’s Chosen if:
- You want a weapon that can guarantee your abilities will be charged due to its exotic perk
- You want a weapon that has its performance improved as you strive to keep your abilities charged
- You want a weapon that you can bring with you into all activities and still see the same promising results
- You think the weapon looks fun to use
Exotic Perks:
Gathering Light: Final blows with this weapon grant stacks of Gathering Light. Alternate weapon action: Consume stacks, granting melee, grenade, and class ability energy based on the number of stacks.
Gift of the Traveler: Each stack of Gathering Light improves this weapons reload, handling, and target acquisition.
How to obtain: Exotic kiosk
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