While Umbral engrams can be a pain to deal with when your inventory and postmaster overflows, they’re undeniably useful. They can be decrypted at Master Rahool’s cryptarchy directly to gain World Drop weapons and armor, and while those aren’t the most useful things in the world of Destiny 2, Umbral Engrams have other purposes. One such purpose is focus decoding Umbrals into specific seasonal weapons. You can also focus decode Umbrals into foundry weapons, another useful trait. So here are the best weapons you want to watch out for when decoding Umbral Engrams.
10. Ogma PR6
How to get it: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=n3Tr5VD1T3Y
The Ogma is a sturdy, reliable weapon for both PvE and PvP, newly added into the World Drop Pool with the Witch Queen DLC. It can roll with anything from damage-enhancing perks to ability spam rolls like Demolitionist/Wellspring. Unfortunately, it lacks things like Kill Clip and Outlaw, and the weapon cannot be crafted. But it’s decent to be sure, and you can get a lot of work out of it.
- Ability-regenerating perks for ability spam builds
- Stats For All/One For All Perk Combo
- You can obtain it from Banshee-44 as well as Umbrals
Ogma PR6 full details: https://www.light.gg/db/items/2342054803/ogma-pr6/
9. Piece of Mind
How to get it: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=GvV7Bu8gBTo
This Rapid-Fire Frame Pulse Rifle feels good to aim and even better to shoot. But while Adaptive and Aggressive Frames still dominate the scene, Rapid-Fires are going to have to take a backseat–for now, at least. But in the meantime, you can focus Umbral Engrams at the War Table in the HELM to get red borders of this bad boy, as it’s fully craftable.
- Good-feeling, consistent sub-archetype
- Craftable
- Pulse Rifles dominate the current meta
Piece of Mind full details: https://www.light.gg/db/items/2097055732/piece-of-mind/
8. Snorri FR5
How to get it: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=-WS4BXuDt34
This one is another WDP weapon, and it’s as consistent as they come. I’m not sure I would pick it over my beloved Null Composure, but a Compulsive Reloader/Reservoir Burst roll makes my ears tingle. For the record, this is the weapon to which I’ve gotten the PvP god roll quite a few times now, so it shouldn’t be that hard to crack a decent Snorri out of an Umbral Engram.
- Good archetype, decent weapon stats
- Good perks for PvE and PvP
- The sheer amount of duplicates you get guarantees a good roll
Snorri FR5 full details: https://www.light.gg/db/items/4114929480/snorri-fr5/
7. Palmyra-B
How to get it: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=RiGuVlt99jo
If you’ve heard anything about this weapon, it’s that it’s the best legendary rocket launcher on the market right now. Those are high words for a rocket that doesn’t even come from a raid, but the Auto Loading/Explosive Light perk combo is nothing to sneeze at. As with all WDP weapons, you probably have a bunch lying about.
- Explosive Light/Auto-Loading holster is an available roll
- Craftable
- Best-in-slot rocket
Palmyra-B full details: https://www.light.gg/db/items/3489657138/palmyra-b/
6. Funnelweb
How to get it: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=UyZk0sikv68
This gun hasn’t been quite the rage it was when Void 3.0 came out in Witch Queen, but it certainly has stepped up to take its place in both the PvP and PvE meta. It still synergizes pretty well with Void 3.0, and it hearkens back to the days of the Mountaintop/Recluse meta in year 2 of D2. I can’t make the gun work in PvP for me, but a lot of other people do. Perhaps this is the weapon for you.
- Decent archetype
- Great perks for slaying out in PvE
- Custom reticle, good for controller users in PvP
Funnelweb full details: https://www.light.gg/db/items/3341893443/funnelweb/
5. Beloved
How to get it: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=vY5tBW0jyJ8
Now we’re talkin’. Though the best way to get a decent Beloved is to farm chests on the Leviathan, a good roll can be achieved through Umbral focusing via the HELM as well. There are better snipers for PvE, but I’m not sure of the same in PvP: Beloved is a top-tier sniper for the Crucible, and it’s available to free-to-play players. I definitely recommend getting a decent roll.
- Great archetype
- Insane Quickdraw/Snapshot Sights potential roll
- Base stats put it among the best Energy snipers in the game
Beloved full details: https://www.light.gg/db/items/3107853529/beloved/
4. Brigand’s Law
How to get it: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=sLD8_QUN3OU
Season of the Haunted had CALUS Mini-Tool, Season of the Risen had Funnelweb, and Season of Plunder has Brigand’s Law. Basically, the go to option is just the one with Voltshot, but it can do other fun things like my Pugilist/Swashbuckler roll. Feeding Frenzy/Voltshot is going to be your PvE god roll, and works just as well as CALUS Mini-Tool with Incandescent in a pinch.
- Lacks in range, makes up for it with stopping power
- Arc 3.0 synergy
- S-Tier for PvE
Brigand’s Law full details: https://www.light.gg/db/items/1298815317/brigands-law/
3. CALUS Mini-Tool
How to get it: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=UgC4yz0raO4
The era of Solar 3.0 may be over, but if you get a CALUS Mini-Tool with Incandescent you’re set for pretty much any PvE content. This is one of the weapons that is so powerful that the perk in the third column barely matters: just get one with Incandescent. Then all your problems will be solved.
- Engram Focusing available at the HELM
- Explodes stuff with Incandescent perk
- Solar 3.0 Synergy
CALUS Mini-Tool full details: https://www.light.gg/db/items/2490988246/calus-mini-tool/
2. Austringer
How to get it: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=rjS-q0zwcCM
Dubbed by some the best dueling hand cannon of all time, owing to its craftability and overall good package of stats. Personally, I don’t really buy into that stuff, but I believe it’s far better than what some people give it credit for. It’s okay in PvE, but PvP is where this weapon really shines. The gun’s stats are almost exclusively oriented towards the Crucible, so this gun really has only one role. It fills that role extremely well, though.
- Great in PvP
- Craftable
- Excellent selection of accuracy-enhancing perks
Austringer full details: https://www.light.gg/db/items/3055790362/austringer/
1. Taipan-4fr
How to get it: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=PZifyEjlPz4
Hands down, the best DPS option for New Light players. Getting a good roll can be a little tricky, but you’re sure to have copious amounts of this weapon lying around, as with many WDP guns. As icing on the cake, the Taipan is fully craftable. Owing to its world drop potential, however, you might not even need to craft it!
- Top DPS archetype
- Craftable
- Includes Damage-Enhancing perks and Ammo Economy perks
Taipan-4fr full details: https://www.light.gg/db/items/1911060537/taipan-4fr/
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