Spidery whispers invade the psyche, hellish landscape that rends the eyes. The multiverse is home to a myriad of alien entities which would like nothing more than to expand their influence…and you can help them!
Perhaps you are a devout student of the occult, the forlorn lover of a fey courtesan or even a gambler way over their head, it matters not, for if your pact does not kill you, the dangers of the world might, worry not friend, for our overlords compel us to aid you in your quest…for a price.
The Price of Power
Eldritch runes and forbidden tomes. Forgotten debts and fiendish lessors. Warlocks draw their powers by reaching an accord with the whims of extra-planar sugar daddies who oh so readily imbue them with the power to conquer worlds…if they read the fine print.
With the potential to become extremely versatile, dish out punishment and fit any play style, Warlocks are one of 5th edition Dungeons & Dragons’ most famous classes.
It can be a daunting task to choose from the long list of invocations, find fitting spells, and pick the right flavor of Eldritch Blast, but worry not, today only we will guide you through 5 powerful builds that draw out your potential, free of charge…or is it?
These builds are not meant to be followed strictly, but rather we invite you to customize them to fit all your roleplaying needs. We’ll be using options from the Player’s Handbook (PHB), Sword Coast Adventurer's Guide (SCAG), Xanathar’s Guide to Everything (XGtE), Mordenkainen's Tome of Foes (MToF), and Eberron - Rising from the Last War (E: RftLW).
5. The Eldritch Battery.
Be not afraid, said the non-Euclidean angel which revealed itself to our Warlock. After that fateful meeting, they unlocked the divinity kept within them, wielding magic from the outside as well as from the inside.
The Eldritch Battery is a Sorcerer – Warlock multiclass, which is probably the most complicated out of the five builds.
We exchange some of our spell progression for better healing capabilities as well as a considerable boost to our spells per day.
Keep in mind that multiclassing is an optional rule in 5th edition, so make sure that your table allows it before building your Eldritch Battery.
What the Eldritch Battery Excels in
- Extra healing and utility. Multiclassing into sorcerer gives our Eldritch Battery 4 new cantrips to play with as well as 2 more spells.
- More Spells per day. By taking some levels in sorcerer, we can now convert our warlock spells slots into sorcery points and then into sorcerer spell slots after every short rest.
- Low maintenance. Unlike most spellcasters, the Eldritch Battery can go on longer without a proper full rest thanks to its ability to recycle its warlock spells slots.
Build Details
- Ability Scores. Using the standard array, we’ll get the following: 15 Dexterity, 14 Charisma, 13 Constitution, 12 Wisdom, 10 Intelligence, 8 Strength. Charisma is our main priority with this build.
- Race. Starting as Half-elf, preferably the Dark elf heritage, let’s us bump our Dexterity and Charisma to 16 and our Constitution to 14. As if it weren’t enough, at 3rd level we get access to the Faerie Fire spell, one of the best crowd control abilities in the game!
- Background. Choose backgrounds that fit with your character concept. Adept or Cloistered Scholar work nicely.
- Equipment. This build focuses on spellcasting, so there are no particular gear requirements for it to work.
- Class. Start at level 1 in the warlock class. We begin with warlock because it gives us more hit points as well as light armor proficiency.
- Pick the Celestial patron from Xanathar's Guide to Everything. This gives us even more cantrips to play with as well as a pool of d6’s that can be used to heal others as a bonus action.
- At 2nd level, our pact strengthens with Eldritch Invocations. We recommend picking Armor of Shadows and Agonizing Blast. Although a common choice, it bolsters our defense as well as our offense.
- Once you reach level 3, pick the Pact of the Tome. This gives us 3 cantrips from any class. Grabbing Shillelagh gives you a melee alternative that scales off of your Charisma!
- At level 4, take your first level in sorcerer. We recommend the Divine soul in the spirit of our holy countenance. With this, we now have even more spells as well as an emergency buff to our d20 rolls.
- At level 5, take another level in sorcerer. Now, with the Font of Magic feature we can, as a bonus action, convert spell slots into sorcery points. Since it doesn’t specify sorcerer spell slots, we can get more uses from our spellcasting!
- From here on, we recommend leveling up as Warlock. This will allow you to benefit from Ability Score Increases faster as well as unlocking the power of the heavens!
- Every time you gain an Ability Score Increase, make sure to increase your Charisma by 2 until you reach a score of 20. Afterward, consider increasing your Dexterity score. If your game uses feats, take War Caster or Resilient (Constitution) if you had not already acquired one or the other.
Spell Selection
As a build geared towards spellcasting, you’ll likely find spells that fit your roleplaying needs. Here are our recommended spells that are great overall:
- Warlock Cantrips: Eldritch blast.
- Warlock 1st-level spells: Hex, Armor of Agathys.
- Sorcerer 1nd-level spells: Shield, Featherfall.
Build Overview.
Ability Score Priority. Charisma, Dexterity > Everything else is Interchangeable.
Class. Divine Soul Sorcerer/Celestial Patron Warlock.
Race. Half-elf (Dark Elf).
4. The Bladelock.
Cleaving through foes with their glaive as often as they vaporize them with a spell, the “Bladelock” is a fun build that focuses on dominating the battlefield as a frontline battler.
By selecting the Hexblade patron from Xanathar’s Guide to Everything, we get rid of the melee warlock’s multi-attribute dependence and can focus strictly on charisma for combat. As you gain more levels, you will grow your repertoire of options and can mix and match your play style.
What the Bladelock Excels in
- A mix of sword and sorcery. While the Pact of the Blade was always available, now our Bladelock can rush into the field of battle relying only on their ferocity!
- Being durable. The Hexblade patron gives our Bladelock medium armor and shield proficiencies. This means that you’ll have 16 to 18 Armor Class (AC) depending on your ability scores.
- Battlefield presence. Rather than using Eldritch Blast as your main source of damage, you can choose how to engage your enemy in a way that benefits you!
Build Details
- Ability Scores. Using the standard array, we’ll have: Constitution 15, Charisma 14, Dexterity 13, Strength 12, Wisdom 10, Intelligence 8.
- Race. Going Tiefling with the bloodline of Levistus from Mordenkainen’s Tome of Foes bumps our Charisma and Constitution to 16 as well as the ability to cast the Armor of Agathys spell at 2nd level once we become 3rd level.
- If your DM allows variant humans, use that option instead. Rearrange your scores and use the variant human racial ability score bumps to increase Charisma to 16 and Constitution to 14; take Sentinel for the free feat.
- Background. Any background which satisfies your roleplaying needs will work. Soldier or Sage is a safe bet.
- Equipment. Since we’ll be dishing it out in melee, we recommend making the best out of your proficiencies by donning medium armor and a weapon with the reach property of your choice.
- Class. At level 1, pick the Warlock class. We’ll level up solely as a warlock for this build.
- Pick the Hexblade patron, now you are proficient with medium armor, shields, and martial weapons, and the influence of your patron lets you use your Charisma for attacks with one weapon which lacks the two-handed property…until 3rd level.
- At level 2, pick Grasp of Hadar as one of your Eldritch Invocations. Now you can keep your foes from getting away!
- At level 3, choose the Pact of the Blade and get your hands on a nice polearm.
- At level 5, make sure to choose the Thirsting Blade and Eldritch Smite Invocations.
- As you grow in power, you will gain the following:
- The ability to temporarily bind the soul of people you slay to fight at your side.
- By using your Hexblade’s Curse on a target, as a reaction, you can negate a hit on you by rolling a d6 and getting a 4 or higher.
- Your strikes are a curse itself. Once you slay the victim of your Hexblade’s Curse, you can then afflict a different creature with it.
- Every time you gain an Ability Score Increase, make sure to increase your Charisma by 2 until you reach a score of 20. Afterward, consider increasing your Constitution or Dexterity score. If your game uses feats, take Polearm Master and War Caster if you had not already acquired one or the other.
Spell Selection
Bladelocks have a more combat-oriented focus when picking their spells. Rather than a list, we recommend an outline of the playstyle.
Thus build focuses on melee damage, augmented by Hex. Armor of Agathys makes sure you stay in the fight longer and cantrips like Booming Blade and Green Flame blade greatly increase your melee power.
Build Overview
Ability Score Priority. Charisma, Constitution, Dexterity > Everything else is Interchangeable.
Class. Hexblade Patron Warlock.
Race. Tiefling (levistus) or Variant Human.
3. The Occult Sniper.
With their soul on the line because of a debt, our warlock has perfected their ability to shoot down foes from afar. They want nothing more than to keep their spirit intact, and no one is too far from their grasp.
This build is a bit wackier than most, focusing on staying as far away as possible from the actual fight to deliver death upon unsuspecting foes by maximizing our Eldritch Blast damage.
What the Occult Sniper Excels in.
- Uncommon defense. Rather than relying on high AC, the Occult Sniper’s best defense is the fact that it participates in combat way outside its opponent’s reach.
- Unorthodox combat. Shining where others struggle, you will never have to worry about hitting an opponent far away, you relish it!
- Single Stat Dependency. Unlike most combat-oriented builds, you only need to worry about increasing your Charisma.
Build Details.
- Ability Scores. Using the standard array, we’ll get Dexterity 15, Constitution 14, Constitution 13, Wisdom 12, Intelligence 10, Strength 8.
- Race. Any race which boosts Charisma will do nicely. Choosing Half-elf will serve us nicely by increasing our Charisma and Dexterity to 16 and our Constitution to 14!
- If your DM allows variant human, use that option instead. Rearrange your scores and use the variant human racial ability score bumps to increase Charisma to 16 and Constitution to 14; take Spell Sniper for the free feat.
- Background. As long as it fits your character concept, any background will do for you. Sage is a safe choice.
- Equipment. Since we’re relying on Eldritch Blast for damage, there are no particular recommendations regarding gear.
- Class. For this build, we’ll focus solely on warlock. At level 1, pick the Fiend Patron. We’ll rely on Dark One's Blessing for survival, so prioritize foes with low health first!
- At level 2, pick the Agonizing Blast and Eldritch Spear Invocations to get that extra damage and 300 feet range Eldritch Blast, 600 if you went variant human!
- At level 3, choose the Pact of the Tome. This will help you expand your arsenal of ranged doom.
- As you grow in power, you’ll gain the following:
- The lords of hell enjoy the show you put on, altering fate in your favor once every rest, letting you add a d10 to a d20 roll.
- You become resistant to one damage type and can change it when you finish a short or long rest.
- As a mark of your service, you can send a creature you hit with an attack, yes, including spell attacks, to a horrific landscape that scars them gravely!
- Every time you gain an Ability Score Increase, make sure to increase your Charisma by 2 until you reach a score of 20. Afterward, consider increasing your Dexterity score. If your game uses feats, take Spell Sniper and Lucky if you had not already acquired one or the other.
Spell Selection.
Spellcasting is the main dish of all spellcasting classes. The Occult Sniper, however, gives you all the freedom you need to choose spells as you see fit. The only real requirement is to double down on your Eldritch Blasts!
Build Overview.
Ability Score Priority. Charisma, Dexterity > Everything else is Interchangeable.
Class. Fiend Patron Warlock
Race. Half-elf / Variant Human.
2. The Spy.
If you are looking for a less combat-oriented build and wish to spice up your roleplaying options, the Spy is for you!
The Spy is a name that evokes what this warlock build excels at. Drop the Eldritch Blast convention and embody...anyone you can think of; a single appearance just won’t do.
We exchange some of our damage scaling for access to utility most would normally avoid.
What the Spy Excels in
- Information Gathering. By never staying in one form, you can get even the shadiest thugs to spill their beans by impersonating their mother!
- Social Encounters. With your high charisma, you will naturally orbit the role of the face of the party, with more than enough skills to back it up!
- Avoiding Conflict. Rather than sneaking around, the Spy is better at not being the one the blame falls on.
Build Details
- Ability Scores. Going with the Standard Array, we’ll get the following: Dexterity 15, Charisma 14, Intelligence 13, Wisdom 12, Constitution 10, Strength 8.
- Race. Starting as Changeling from Eberron - Rising from the Last War lets us bump our Charisma and Dexterity to 16 as well as giving us one of our main features: The ability to change our appearance at will!
- Background. If it works with the character concept you’re going for, any background will do. We recommend the Spy background, however.
- Equipment. Since we’re mostly focusing on staying out of combat, a nice set of unsuspecting light armor and Disguise kit will always come in handy.
- Class. At level 1, take your first level in Warlock and pick the Archfey Patron. Now you can become irresistible to those around you!
- At level 2, grabbing the Eyes of the Rune Keeper and Mask of Many Faces eldritch invocations lets you understand all forms of written language and have even more control over your appearance change. Now even your clothes can be disguised!
- At level 3, the pact of the Talisman gives our Spy an emergency buff to their ability checks – of which we’ll do a lot – that lets them add a d4 to a check they failed.
- As you grow in levels, you become capable of:
- Get out of sticky situations by vanishing in a puff of smoke as a reaction!
- Become unreadable as your patron shields your mind from charms, throwing them back at them!
- Like a villain out of a fairy tale, you can throw a creature into a deep slumber.
- Every time you gain an Ability Score Increase, make sure to increase your Charisma by 2 until you reach a score of 20. Afterward, consider increasing your Dexterity score. If your game uses feats, take Actor or Skilled if you had not already acquired one or the other.
Spell Selection
As a master of disguise and deception, Spy’s spells are geared towards confounding the minds of those around them. Here are our recommended spells for you
- Warlock Cantrips: Friends, Minor Illusion.
- Warlock 1st-level spells: Cause Fear, Charm Person.
- Warlock 2nd-level spells: Invisibility, Misty Step.
- Warlock 3rd-level spells: Gaseous Form, Hypnotic Pattern.
- Warlock 4th-level spells: Banishment, Hallucinatory Terrain.
- Warlock 5th-level spells: Scrying.
Build Overview
Ability Score Priority. Charisma, Dexterity > Everything else is Interchangeable.
Class. Archfey Patron Warlock.
Race. Changeling.
1. The Mind Slayer.
Once a scholar devoted to unraveling the secrets of the multiverse, our warlock found a truth that scarred them deeply. They remember a time when everything was simple, but now they carry a message from beyond the void between the stars…and people will listen.
The mind slayer has sworn service to a Great Old One locked beneath the realm of reality, terrorizing their foes with maddening truths.
We’ll impersonate an eldritch connoisseur who focuses on disabling their enemies with the weight of impending doom!
What the Mind Slayer Excels in
- Battlefield Monitor. Thanks to the Awakened Mind feature, we can communicate with any creature we can see, letting us disclose information without the need to speak.
- Crowd Control. Rather than damage, we’ll manipulate our foes with debilitating effects that render them incapable of coherent thought.
- Unique niche. Most of your subclass features aren’t replicable by spells, giving you a broader array of options when tackling challenges.
Build Details
- Ability Scores. With the standard array, we’ll get the following: Charisma 15, Dexterity 14, Constitution 13, Intelligence 12, Wisdom 10, Strength 8.
- Race. Starting as a Lightfoot Halfling will raise our Charisma and Dexterity to 16 each, as well as give us a bit of an edge when bad luck comes our way.
- Background. There are many ways to come in contact with an Eldritch quasi-deity so you can pick whichever fits your backstory. The Acolyte background works wonders.
- Class. At level 1, pick the warlock class. The Great Old one will sponsor us for this ride, opening our minds to connect with others through telepathy.
- At level 2, pick the Agonizing Blast and Armor of Shadows invocations as a way to bolster your combat abilities.
- At level 3, choosing the pact of the tome will broaden our spell selection.
- As we level up and unlock more boons from our patron, consider taking the following invocations:
- Beguiling Influence. We speak words that carry weight. This grants us proficiency in Deception and Persuasion skills.
- Book of Ancient Secrets. Glimpse cabalistic secrets which can become powerful assets. Now you can learn and cast spells with the Ritual tag, an ability comparable to a feat!
- Bewitching Whispers. A save or suck ability that lets you control a creature with the same influence a Great Old one would exert. You need to be at least 7th level for this feature.
- Every time you gain an Ability Score Increase, make sure to increase your Charisma by 2 until you reach a score of 20. Afterward, consider increasing your Dexterity score. If your game uses feats, take Tough or Inspiring Leader if you had not already acquired one or the other.
Spell Selection
As a build geared towards messing with others, your Patron takes care to expand your spell list with the tools you will need. However, we recommend some spells that fit nicely.
- Warlock Cantrips: Eldritch Blast, Minor Illusion.
- Warlock 1st-level spells: Armor of Agathys, Hex, Cause Fear.
- Warlock 2nd-level spells: Borrowed Knowledge, Crown of Madness.
- Warlock 3rd-level spells: Hunger of Hadar, Fear.
- Warlock 4th-level spells: Psychic Lance, Summon Aberration.
- Warlock 5th-level spells: Contact Other Plane.
Build Overview
Ability Score Priority. Charisma, Dexterity > Everything else is Interchangeable.
Class. Great Old One Patron Warlock.
Race. Lightfoot Halfling.
Honorable Mentions
A bar of chocolate, longer vacations, or a gaming PC, there’s a myriad of things an adventurer would bargain their soul for, and for each of them, there’s a flavor of warlock.
While not full builds, here are some more subclasses that give you the power to embody an eldritch emissary:
- The Undead Patron from Van Richten's Guide to Ravenloft offers a different form of flavor that lets you share some of the features of your patron.
- The Fathomless Patron from Tasha's Cauldron of Everything gives Davy Jones a run for their money if you’re itching for some nautical adventuring.
Artifacts from the Void
With their alien minds and occult powers, warlocks are powerful spell casters with a wide repertoire of eldritch tools, however, like most adventurers, the rich smell of enchanted treasure is something that all Patrons would delight in.
Here are some of our recommendations for items you should buy your DM pizza for:
- Illusionist’s Bracers from Guildmaster's Guide to Ravnica are any warlock’s best friend. These bad boys let you cast a whopping TWO cantrips in a turn, which means more Eldritch Blasts to vaporize your foes.
- Staff of Power now this is a mighty item. Not only does it increase your AC and Spell Save DC by 2, but it also has 20 charges which can be used to cast several nasty spells from it.
- Robe of the Archmagi Now you can dominate the magic world with style. While being the top fashionista of the warlock guild, you also get a whopping boost to your AC, advantage on saving throws against magic, and a +2 to your Spell Saves!
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