[Top 25] D&D: Greatest Legendary Armor

D&D best Legendary Armor
16 Mar 2022

Just as important as any weapon, is the armor worn to prevent you from being impaled on sharp objects. Whether shield, plate or some other miscellaneous object, some heroes are known more for the armor they wear, than the weapon they wield. 

Shields that reflect gaze attacks or armor that makes one impervious to damage. These are all just as important as a blade that can slay any foe. Oftentimes great quests are built around the obtaining of said legendary armor and can be very rewarding to finally complete.

All items that fit under this category should elicit a feeling of awe from the players. Armors such as these can change play styles and help players approach the game from a direction they may not have initially. 

25. Armor of Command

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Dorg the ½ orc stands before his troops with his new armor gleaned from a knight he had slain a fortnight ago. This gaggle of layabout miscreants were sloppy and oftentimes undisciplined. But today they had some semblance of a formation and a few of the goblins were even trying to buff their rusted helmets. Maybe this new armor wasn’t half bad. 

  • A great way to allow a character with dump-stat of charisma to feel charismatic
  • Can make for excellent role play for the quiet player
  • Allows for the wearers appearance to be known (enter bounty hunters and other would be trouble makers)

Item Stats

  • Functions as plate mail +1
  • The wearer is treated as if they had a charisma of 18 for all encounter reactions
  • Friendly troops within 360 feet will have their morale boosted by two points

24. Armor of Blending

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Elysian the bard seldom overstayed his welcome but was prepared for when he had. It was one such night when his preparation saved him, as he had just bed the mayor’s wife. The mayor came home early and if not for this armor disguised as clothing, Elysian’s nickname of the “the dapper” may have become “the pierced”.

  • For the party goer who wishes to look fancy but still be safe
  • Armored clothing is all the rage
  • Who would ever forget the tale of the character that charged the troll clad only in their pajamas

Item Stats

  • Can be given any type of magic armor stats; ie (leather +2 or plate +4)
  • When the command word is uttered, the armor changes shape into the appearance of normal clothing. However the armor still has its protection and weight in this new form.

23. Elven Chain Mail

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There is something magical about the elves. Maybe it’s their crafting method by moonlight or some other secret of forging, but the elves are always stylish. As strong as chainmail but as light as regular clothing, the elves have formed grace, style and comfort into one item. This is something the Dwarves have still failed to emulate. 

  • An amazing reward for helping the elves
  • Always fun to rope into a ½ elves lineage
  • So comfortable it can be slept in. Hard to beat that.

Item Stats

  • Base Elven chain gives 5 points of Armor class, but very seldom is elven chain without at least a +1 enchantment. 
  • Is light enough to allow rogues to use their abilities without penalty

22. Plate of Etherealness

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When you need to be immune to damage quickly, this is the armor for you. Go into the ethereal plane. You may be useless now but at least your party may have the peace of mind knowing they aren’t going to have to resurrect you because you went and got yourself killed.

  • Even if you don’t use its ability, it’s very solid armor
  • Hit and run 

Item Stats

  • Starts as platemail +5
  • Allows the wearer to enter the ethereal plane. This renders the wearer immune to attacks but also prevents them from attacking
  • Armor starts with 20 charges; every 5 charges used knocks the armor enchantment down by 1. Example: If 5 charges are used the armor is +4. 

21. Plate of Fear

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If you aren’t already a fearsome adventurer, now you can be. Watch all of your experience points run away when you activate this armor’s power. Reclaim experience points with ranged weapons. Bows sold separately .

  • Good for when you need to stop combat or need help isolating foes
  • Helps build that reputation as a great warrior
  • Just because your blade skills suck doesn’t mean your reputation has to

Item Stats

  • Functions as platemail +1
  • Comes with 2d12 charges 
  • Each charge when expended radiates a 30 foot aura of fear
  • All creatures caught in the aura must save versus spell or flee in panic for 1d4+1 rounds. 
  • Armor still functions as +1 plate when all charges are expended

20. Dragon’s Armor

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What could possibly be more imposing than wearing the hide of a dragon you killed. With added resistances and generally good protection you can’t really go wrong with this. The most dangerous thing now is that other people want your armor. But hey, you killed a dragon so what’s there to worry about?

  • Can outfit the party in matching sets
  • Anger dragons everywhere by wearing the flesh of their kin
  • Impart the resistances of the dragon scales upon yourself

Item Stats

  • Equivalent of Scalemail plus whatever bonuses form enchantment
  • Based on the color of the dragon it was taken from, imparts resistances to the elements and breath weapon types of that dragon. (White= frost/cold, Red= heat/flame)

19. Ring of Invisibility

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Sometimes the best protection is just not being seen. Hard to be a target of harm if you aren’t seen on the battlefield. So many reasons to be invisible, add not being hurt to the list.

  • Free to move unhindered by opponents
  • Allows you to be the invisible helper, healing friends or moving into attack position

Item Stats

  • Allows wearer to become invisible instantly (at will)
  • A rare 10% of these rings silence the sounds of the wearer as well

18. Cloak of Displacement

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Bending light around yourself to avoid hits, where do I sign up? This cloak has saved many an unprepared adventurer by simply allowing them to dodge the first part of danger. It’s up to the wits of the adventurers to handle the rest

  • Great for avoiding nat 20’s
  • Buff your meatshields or give your squishies a little more protection
  • Can’t really go wrong wearing this

Item Stats

  • +2 bonus to armor class
  • +2 bonus to saving throws for the wearer when spells are directed at them
  • The first melee or missile attack against the wearer automatically misses

17. Cloak of Protection

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An excellent shield of sorts, this item makes you harder to hit and provides a bonus to avoiding nasty spells. What other items might make up for in utility or flash, this one makes up for in blanket protection.

  • The bonus for saves is useful for anyone
  • Spellcasters and rogues love these 
  • Useful if your armor class has been slacking

Item Stats

  • Ranges in protection from +1 to +5 though if it’s legendary it’s probably at least+4.
  • Its bonus is applied both to Armor class and saving throws
  • Can be worn with other rings and bracers for added defense or non-magical leather armor.

16. Robe of the Archmagi

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Every wizard needs a cool robe. What better robe than one that looks fashionable and is like wearing a suit of armor wherever you go? It can be a great find at the end of a quest, and can boost the wizards reputation amidst their peers. 

  • Can be useful for boosting certain types of spells
  • If they haven’t already, they can ditch the armor spell for another spell slot
  • Adds a bit to resistances

Item Stats

  • Provides a 5 point bonus to armor class
  • Grants 5% magic resistance
  • Provides a -4 penalty to saving throws for intended targets when using these spells: charm monster, charm person, friends, hold monster, hold person, polymorph other, and suggestion.

15. Bracers of Defense

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Bracelets that can provide protection as good as a suit of armor, say no more. These are wizards or rogues best friends but can be used by almost anyone who isn’t dragging a clanking, noisy suit of armor around.

  • Excellent for warriors who want to move stealthily 
  • Great protection for wizards who tend to not have a lot going for their armor class
  • Can be a great fashion accessory

Item Stats

  • Armor class bonus is based on level of enchantment
  • Gives anywhere from a +2 to +8 bonus to armor class

14. Armor of Cure Wounds

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The knight stood before the troll, she was wounded and exhausted, both were on their last legs. She knew the longer this fight wore on, the greater advantage the troll would have. Just as the troll would regenerate, so too would she.

  • Can keep a frontliner healthy
  • Damage mitigation
  • The cleric can use it so they can use their healing spells on others

Item Stats

  • Once per day it can cure ½ the damage the user has taken no matter the amount.

13. Ioun stones (Lavender & Green)

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Ioun stones… items from a lost age. These stones possess powers most only dream of and this particular stone is like carrying a big bag of spell negation around with you. If just one stone can do that, why not collect the whole set?

  • Not class specific so anyone can benefit
  • Every Ioun stone has a different capability 
  • These are a great utility item

Item Stats

  • The Lavender & pale green ioun stone absorbs (2d4x10) spell levels. Up to 8th level spells can be absorbed by the stone. After it has exhausted its ability it becomes a gray or “dead stone”.
  • The stones are Armor Class (-4) and take 10 points of damage to control. They make saves as if they were hard metal, with a +3 bonus

12. Ring of Protection

Another item of “protection”. The ring, cloak and bracers can be stacked together to make oneself invincible. Well, okay maybe not that far, but you’ll be really hard to hit.

  • Utility of rings is that they can be worn by anyone
  • Stacks with all forms of protection except magical armor

Item Stats

  • Bonus of protection extends to Armor class and Saving Throws.
  • Some rings exude their protection in a 5-foot radius, this allows party members to benefit from its effects.

11. Ring of Spell Turning

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The best way to give an opposing caster the finger is by rebounding their spell upon them. And hey guess what? This ring can do just that. Ah yes, the image of an opposition wizard being scorched by their own lightning bolt is sure to elicit cheers around the table.

  • Great anti-magic defense
  • Put it on your point warrior and let him charge the mage
  • Even if it only partially turns the spells, that is still less damage taken

Item Stats

  • When a spell is cast at the wearer, roll 1d10 and multiply by 10. That number is the percentage that is turned or sent back. The wearer gains a bonus to their save equal to whatever they rolled on that d10. 
  • The rarity of the ring should ensure that both the wearer and caster are not both wearing rings of spell turning. Should that happen, chaos ensues.
  • A spell that normally does not allow saves now permits one if at least 20% is turned.

10. Amulet of Dragon Warding

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Truly game breaking items are few and far between. However this happens to be one such item. If you happen to get your hands on this, rejoice for you could be unstoppable, or…. Dread that the DM has something so nasty planned that they had no choice but to give the party this item.

  • The party may fight over this item for the powers it gives
  • Place on a versatile character and watch them grow exponentially in what they can do

Item Stats

  • Grants its wearer a +10 armor bonus as well as the combined power of a ring of spell turning.

9. Greenstone Amulet

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Mind Flayers are a nasty bunch, heck any psionic monster is. Few items provide adequate protection against this rabble yet here is one that does. A party should never willingly confront the Illithid without at least one of these if at all possible.

  • Good at keeping one crucial character in the fight
  • If given to the person with the worst saves versus mental attacks it could provide them with a fighting chance.

Item Stats

  • This amulet provides immunity equal to the mind blank spell as well as immunity to: chaos, forget, geas, hold person, hypnotism, mass charm, quest, scare, and sleep. 
  • Wearer gains a +4 protection to saving throws versus: fumble, ray of enfeeblement, and trip.
  • Wearer is allowed a saving throw versus Otto’s irresistible dance and maze spells.
  • Protection extends to (1d4x11) spell levels 
  • Amulet recharges at the rate of 1 charge every 10 minutes.

8. Aslyferund’s Armor

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Perhaps some of the greatest Elvish armor ever crafted. This armor makes someone damn near impossible to kill via conventional means. Crafted of golden dragon scales with the protection granted by an elvish crafter, the wearer is a force to be reckoned with.

  • Give to the cleric or warrior to create someone very difficult to kill
  • The multitude or resistances enable the melee combatants of the group to shrug off attacks that otherwise would have been a problem.

Item Stats

  • Grants protection equivalent to chainmail +5
  • Wearer is immune to all non-magical weapons and missiles
  • Grants immunity to normal and magical fires as well chlorine gas

7. Armor of Horus

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If you ever need to inject a bit of Egyptian spice into the campaign world, this armor could do the trick. Harkening back to the shifting sands of the forgotten empires, the quest could very well take the adventurers through the desert to find this, or perhaps it resides in the lair of an ancient blue dragon. 

  • The lore alone would make this armor amazing
  • Well placed in a campaign with an Egyptian inspired pantheon would be an excellent choice

Item Stats

  • Gives Armor Class equivalent to scalemail +4
  • Imparts lightning and fire resistance upon the wearer, wearer takes half damage from such attacks and only ¼ damage if their saves are made

6. Keolish Plate Mail of the Seas

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Nothing sucks more than being a warrior in heavy armor engaged in ship to ship combat. A common problem for many is falling overboard. That whole swimming in plate mail thing doesn’t tend to go so well. However, if you happen upon this armor, some of your worries can be put at ease. 

  • Either a frontliner or the cleric would benefit greatly from this
  • Good for any water-based campaign
  • Comedy gold, having to watch the fighter doggy paddle back to the ship

Item Stats

  • Acts as platemail +1
  • The wearer of this armor will float in water and can tread it indefinitely. 
  • May not swim deeper than 2 feet and swimming speed is not affected

5. Shield of Harmony

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Never a good thing when your frontliner gets dire-charmed and is added to the opposition. Now, not only do you have to worry about the regular enemies but now you have to make sure that the min/maxed killing machine doesn’t shred the back ranks. The added penalty of making the player mad if you negate them with a meteor swarm is an unfortunate side-effect. Give them this shield and that issue is solved.

  • A magic shield with mental protection Does not get much better than that
  • Consider having the cleric use it to prevent losing your healer mid-ambush

Item Stats

  • Gives 3 points of Armor Class
  • Wielder is immune to charm, confusion, domination, and hold person

4. Reflection Shield

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It’s like the ring of spell turning except for pointy ranged weapons. Now even the best archer will curse in irritation as their well aimed shot finds them instead their target. While total immunity isn’t a sure thing, it will certainly help prevent you from becoming a pin-cushion.

  • Helps alleviate nasty ambushes
  • Can shut down an archer that is zeroed in on your fighter
  • Helps to prevent your clerics spells from being interrupted

Item Stats

  • Grants a +2 bonus to armor class
  • Reflects 1 shot missile attack per archer/per round

3. Plate of Solamnus

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If your knight or paladin has been adhering to that stringent Lawful Good code, then be a pal and get them this armor. With its stylish rose emblazoned on the front and massive increase to armor class, your do-gooder paladin will be less impeded in their quest for holiness, justice and ass-kicking of all things evil.

  • Massive armor class boost for your fighter or paladin
  • Makes the tank even more deadly if damage reduction rules are in place

Item Stats

  • Equivalent to Field Plate +5
  • Damage reduction equivalent to 6 pts/per attack if optional rules are used
  • Any neutral or evil character wearing this takes an extra 1d10 damage whenever they are hit

2. Armor of Haste

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Now you can haste yourself and be a whirling dervish of death. This will increase both your defense and offense and means the party wizard no longer has to burn a spell slot on haste.

  • Give to the warrior with the most attacks in a round
  • Can swing the tide of a battle

Item Stats

  • Base enchantment of the armor
  • Allow the wielder to haste themselves as per the spell
  • Haste lasts for 10 rounds and may be used 1 time/per day

1. Laeral’s Storm

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Crafted by one of the chosen sisters, if you manage to get your hands on this armor you are a truly blessed character. Despite all the bonuses this armor gives you, one could say the best protection would be the favor of the sister you curried to get this armor in the first place.

  • The immunities it gives make it great for assaulting enemy spellcasters
  • Good for anyone that wears medium to heavy armor

Item Stats

  • Functions as plate mail +2
  • Wearer is immune to lightning, fire, and cold-based attacks
  • Wearer can stand firm or move forward against gale force winds
  • The only danger is that the armor can be shattered if both ice and fire attacks are applied to it in the same combat round


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