One of the single greatest decisions a player can make is deciding what race to play. This adds so many advantages and flavor to their class that some players can take hours or days to come up with a character concept. While this can be a difficult decision, some dm’s run worlds that are exclusively one player race and can simplify this decision quite easily. Other more colorful, and elaborate worlds tend to have a large variety of races, and what may be outright discrimination in one area for a race could very well be awe and admiration in another. No choice is wrong. Some selections are just more right than others.
10. Aasimar
The opposite side of the coin from tieflings, this one's bloodline is graced by angels. They make great clerics or paladins as the heavens quite literally flow through their veins. They’re countenance reminds humanity of everything they could live up to. They embody the potential of mankind. With that being said, that’s a lot of pressure and responsibility placed on every aasimar that takes up the sword and shield for a deity.
- One of the shiniest races to play for paladins and clerics, their racial advantages and abilities stack up well
- Play this race if you really want to embody that holier-than-thou vibe
- Much like the tiefling, you’ll stand out wherever you go
9. Gnomes
Eccentrics and fanatics of whatever they set their mind to, gnomes are the mad scientists of the d&d world. Perhaps one of the few races that treasures gems more than the dwarves, gnomes are expert jewelers and craftsmen, and enjoy experimenting with many things. With their many subraces from the svirfneblin to the tinker gnomes, almost any idea can be envisioned.
- Master of illusions means always having a trick up your sleeve
- In older editions can be split-class illusionist/thief without penalty
- Gnomes of Lantan are great inventors and may bring gunpowder in campaigns.
8. Dwarves
Dour and taciturn, Dwarves are the alcohol brewing, metal workers that reside under the mountain. Rivals to the elves and sometimes holding them in contempt, their sandpaper-like personality can make them hard to like at first, however a friendship formed with a dwarf is one long treasured.
- Can forge some of the best weapons and armor in all the realms
- Some of their kits and prestige classes “Dwarven Defender” are neat
- Brew the strongest alcohol
7. Halflings
The little folk, they are lazy inclinations in all of us. Those that adventure are rare and not often understood by the rest of their race. As is befitting of their attitude, most that become adventurers are rogues, trying to take the easy way to profit and make the most of their barely there stature.
- With bonuses to stealth and dexterity, these little fellows are a min/maxers dream for rogues
- They are often seen as children by most and treated accordingly. A halfling villain would be terrifying for all the things they may hear.
6. Elves
The fanciful and magically talented elves who are often seen with a sense of wonder, the elves dominate as the most magically inclined race in traditional d&d lore. They taught humans the arcane and brought them out stone age, the elves are cautious now of humans after the fall of Netheril. Much like dragons, elves can be slow to act, no need to risk your life when you can just outlive your foes.
- Make for some of the best wizards in all the realms
- Can play a drow if you need that edgy dark vibe
- Often have access to forgotten lore that the rest of the races just weren’t around for
5. Half-Orcs
Usually the result of an unwanted tryst between conquering orcs in the human lands, ½ orcs tend to be reviled wherever they go. This isn’t for the evil in them but because they remind humans of the savage orcs waiting outside their walls and what happens to some when those walls fall.
- Stronger and hardier than humans, they make for great tanks
- Role-played well, a ½ orc can become very endearing or comedic relief.
Demonspawn. Tieflings are the mixture of a demon getting busy with someone else along in the family tree. The chaos and a couple abnormalities show up in the bloodline and develop in unique and unusual ways. Often treated with caution or disdain; very, very few trust a tiefling as they are impulsive and usually can’t help giving in to their darker urges.
- Good for that brooding edgelord that we all want to play
- Tieflings are as different from each other as they are from every other race. Wild looks and gifts should be encouraged and role-played accordingly. Afterall it would make sense for a tiefling descended from a Balor to be very different from a tiefling descended from a Hezrou.
3. DragonBorn
Often this race is largely dependent on the DM’s rules as being related to dragons gives a plethora of benefits. Their benefits largely depend on what dragon they descend from and can greatly determine their abilities, temperament and mechanics.
- Resistances to certain elements
- Can stand out wherever you go
- Depending on draconic lore in the world, you can be a pivotal role in decision making
Given a splash of variety, the half-elves fit into almost any campaign setting and their unique situation allows them to have a much more open outlook. Living longer than humans but understanding their ambition, and being younger elves but having a bit more of an understanding of the long game, half-elves are unique in that they can travel everywhere but belong nowhere.
- The most split class-potential, only race that can triclass in older editions
- Being a mixed race opens the door to great backstory potential
1. Humans
The most populous race on most worlds and in the realms, humans account for a quarter of all created characters in d&d beyond. They are the benchmark for which all other races are measured and balanced against.
- The humans have the dual-class advantage
- No level limitations, and can play any class
- No experience penalties or split class penalties.