Wizards…. The word brings wonder, awe, and terror to the minds of the people of the realms. These figures bend magic through intense study and sheer force of will, and unlike clerics, wizards are not beholden to a deity to work their magic. Some of the realms wizards are so powerful, they are like a deity unto themselves. These are some of the most powerful wizards in the dnd cosmos.
15. Mordenkainen
Perhaps the most powerful wizard to ever walk Oerth, many know him by his spells and his help in founding the circle of eight. Mordenkainen has many powerful associates such as those within the circle of eight as well as Elminster of Faerun.
2nd edition had Mordenkainen as a 28th lv wizard but his power far exceeds what the level depicts. With many unique spells, some that can even unmake artifacts, Mordenkainen is a force to be reckoned with. He survived the fall of the Citadel of eight as well as the Circle of eight and survived battle with Vecna. He is also a member of Elminster’s group the “Wizards Three”.
Wizards everywhere love his spells “Mordenkainen’s sword” or “Mordenkainen’s Magnificent Mansion”. Everyone agrees that his disjunction spell is the thing of nightmares, ending magic items within its area of effect permanently.
14. The Simbul
Also known as Alassra Silverhand, it is agreed by the Wizards Three that she can take any two of them in Combat. Dalamar only grudgingly accepts this as he feels his master could beat her and that he is a worthy successor to his master. She is one of the seven sisters of Mystra and is strongly believed to be one of, if not the most powerful wizard in existence. She was trained by the people of Rashemen and is an advocate against the wizards of Thay. She is also the queen of Aglarond.
She is a 30th lv wizard with a bit of knowledge in other classes. Many Wizards of Thay have tried to kill her, all have failed or died in the attempt. It is rumored that she may have died while saving Elminster but this is conjecture and none have a solid answer.
Spells favored by her and those close to her would be Simbul’s spell trigger and the Simbul’s synostodweomer which allows her to transfer spell levels into healing. She is one of the few wizards able to breach the gap between arcane and divine magic by translating arcane magic into healing energy.
13. Khelben “Blackstaff” Arunsun
Another Chosen of Mystra, Khelben was one of the masked lords of Waterdeep and strove to keep the peace in the North. He is joined in tower Blackstaff by his lady love, Laeral Silverhand and together they prevent problems before they happen. When he isn’t found slumming it with commoners, he can be found in Laeral’s company, training apprentices or consorting with other powerful wizards of the age.
Khelben was last seen as a 27th level wizard though as a chosen of Mystra, he has many innate abilities that come along with that including enhanced vitality and use of the “silver fire”.
Khelben has created a multitude of spells including Blackstaff and Khelben’s warding whip. As befits his nature most of his spells were crafted for combat.
12. Larloch
A former Sorcerer-King of Netheril, he is now a lich who resides in the ruins of the Warlock’s crypt. As he is incredibly old and virtually timeless, he is powerful beyond reckoning. He is one of the oldest beings on Faerun. He appears as a severely emaciated corpse, (his preservation magics do nothing to alter his appearance), with streaks of emerald energy dancing about his figure. A veritable crown of Ioun stones orbits his head.
At his age, his level of power would be meaningless as he possesses knowledge and magical items that have long been forgotten. Many powerful wizards have entered his crypt never to return. If the traps do not get them, then other magical and arcane constructs will end them. Those that are unlucky enough to make it to the lich often regret entering the crypt in the first place.
Larloch is so old that many spells of his creation have had their names altered over time, though some still retain his original name. Larloch’s minor drain is a famous spell that low-level necromancers are very happy to employ.
11. Iggwilv
The mother of Iuz and sometimes consort of Demon Prince Graz’zt, Iggwilv has done much within her time. She famously crafted the Demonomicon of Iggwilv, renowned for the lore on demons it possessed. She is thought to be one of the most powerful demonologists to ever exist and with a son that is a demi-god and a husband/lover who rules over a few abyssal planes, few would contest that fact.
Sitting somewhere around the 30th level of power as a wizard, she got there by cunning, guile and an ambition that few could match. Early in her life she took on the name Tasha and apprenticed herself to very powerful wizards. After learning all she could, she would depart for greener pastures. Still some of those spells remain such as “Tasha’s uncontrollable hideous laughter”.
Iggwilv has clashed with many powers over her time and has awkward relationships with most. She has a love/hate relationship with Graz’zt and has opposed the circle at times. She always seems able to escape however and none have found a way to stop her ambitions.
10. Karsus
Arguably the most powerful wizard of all time. Karsus is the only mage to have ever successfully created a 12th lv spell and cast said spell. One of the most prolific mages of the Netherese age, he was a genius who was mastering spells before he was even a teenager. His ambitions were never sated and he forever reached for more and more. The battle with the Phaerimm and their ability to drain magic pushed him over the edge and in his madness…. Karsus Folly happened.
Karsus was a 40th level mage before his death. Properly classified as an arcanist, he believed that magic itself was the answer to everything. He didn’t revere any of the gods for he was convinced that gods were just wizards who had happened upon a secret that the others didn’t know about. With so many problems happening during his time as an archmage of his conclave, Karsus seized the opportunity to both raise his own power and solve the many problems of the world simultaneously. Unfortunately for him, in his casting of Karsus Avatar, he seized the portfolio of the god of magic. Mystryl lost their ability to govern their own portfolio at that moment and Karsus, who couldn't handle the burden of a greater deity, watched in horror as all magic ceased to function. His final moments saw him plunging to the earth along with all the floating cities of Netheril.
Karsus has many accomplishments and magical accolades accredited to him. However the most famous would be “Karsus Avatar'', a spell which enables the caster to ensnare a deity’s portfolio as their own. This spell may have worked had Karsus had the foresight to capture a different deity’s powers. This spell can never be used again as Mystra has rendered all spells beyond 9th circle unusable. Karsus is single-handedly responsible for the mages' plight.
9. Ioulaum
One of the most powerful mages of his era within the Netherese times, Ioulaum is most famous for the crafting of the Mythallar. These wellpools of magic dug deep into the untapped reservoirs of the weave and allowed a constant stream of magic to be accessed within their area of effect. This gave rise to quasi-magic items and further enhanced the advancement of magic within Netheril.
Ioulaum was on par with Karsus but fled Netheril due to the life/magic draining effects of the Phaerimm. Ioulaum was already well past his lifetime and exceeded it via magic enhancements and was not ready to be reduced to dust quite yet. His foresight to leave led to him surviving the fall of netheril.
He took to the ground and continued his existence as a lich, having become a lich/elder brain hybrid for the illithids. Not much is known of his existence after this point.
8. Szass Tam
The Zulkir of Necromancy within Thay, Szass Tam seeks to control the kingdom of Thay and to subvert the powers of his fellow Zulkirs. To this end, he went to Larloch's Crypt and through masterful negotiation and trade managed to not only escape but to leave with some gifts in hand. With the artifact known as Thakorsil’s seat, he managed to imprison the demon lord Eltab. This greatly accelerated his knowledge and power allowing his influence over Thay to deepen.
A 30th level wizard, his ambitions have garnered him much power and fame. He has run afoul some of the most powerful wizards of the age and survived. This, if nothing else, proves the power and resourcefulness of the great zulkir/regent of thay.
Mage tunnel, a powerful spell of Szass Tam’s design, would be a large contribution to the wizarding world. However the zulkir isn’t keen on sharing his magic with everyone. Thus only a select few know of this spell.
7. Sammaster
Once a chosen of Mystra, this fallen star is responsible for the rise of the cult of the dragon and is one of the most powerful necromancers of the age. He has even done battle with an avatar of Lathander and survived.
A deeply distrubed individual, Sammaster was brilliant but sought to understand and dominate everything he set his hands on. He wanted Lady Mystra herself as his lover and grew discouraged when he realized her true love was Azuth. He tried to console himself by forming a relationship with Alustriel but she turned him down as well when she saw his domineering personality. In his rage, he almost killed her but her friends came to her aid and after a great battle Sammaster was killed. The chosen blessing was withdrawn from his corpse and that should have been the end of him, however a servant of Bane had other plans for the brilliant wizard. He was brought back as a lich and formed the cult of the dragon. His path of terror would continue for many years until he was finally killed, phylactery and all, some years later.
Sammaster did create some spells but was noted for his wielding of other ancient spells such as Thrice supremacy and Algarth’s embattlement.
6. Elminster Aumar
Perhaps one of the most famous mages of his time, Elminster has many accolades to his credit. He is responsible for the training and upbringing of the seven sisters as well the crafting of one of the last known Mythals since the fall of Myth Drannor. He has a working relationship with all the Chosen and a bit of a rivalry with Khelben Arunsun. He has formed the alliance of the Wizards Three with Mordenkainen of Oerth, and Dalamar of Krynn.
A 30th level wizard, Elminster has learned much over his time. He is virtually immortal thanks to being one of the chosen of Mystra. He has learned many things from the seven sisters and under the tutelage of Mystra and Azuth has created many potent ideas/magics that many would think are still impossible.
Elminster is credited with being the creator of Elminster’s Effulgent Epuration and Elminster’s Evasion.
5. Vecna
One of the most powerful liches of all time, Vecna achieved his lich state with the help of Orcus, the demon prince of undead. Vecna is a wizard of Oerth who seeks power and knowledge and after ascending to godhood his quest is ongoing. Many know of Vecna through the two artifacts, the hand and eye of Vecna.
Levels are now meaningless to a demi-god, what is known is that he travels the planes with his fortress in tow. He has a burning hatred for his treacherous lieutenant Kas and despises the Raven Queen for having powers that he lacks. He does battle on multiple fronts and seeks to kill the Raven Queen and absorb her powers.
Does anyone want to try using the head of vecna?
4. Dalamar
Once Raistlin’s apprentice, this head of the black tower of sorcery has had a complicated life. He was born into a house that was in a servant role to a greater house but often shirked his responsibilities so that he could more readily study magic. He was meant to be a member of the white robes, but his ambition and study of forbidden magic led him to eventually don the black robes.
Typically the world of Krynn does not allow for the advancement past 20th level however with the gods coming and going from the world it is very possible that Dalamar has exceeded these limits. He is a member of the Wizards Three and on fairly good terms with Mordenkainen and Elminster.
3. Malchor Harpell
Malchor was one of the first students of Khelben Arunsun and perhaps it was this training that made him not be similar to the rest of his eccentric Harpell family. Studious and blunt, Malchor stayed away from most and studied magic within his tower. He keeps to himself but has aided good adventurers in their times of need. He provided Drizzt Do’urden with horseshoes that would help his horse move far quicker and also provided him with the scimitar Twinkle.
While not nearly as powerful as some others on this list, his connections allow him to wield might far beyond what he would normally be capable of. He is a harper and is well protected within his Tower of Twilight.
2. Alustriel Silverhand
Known as one of the seven sisters and as the founder of SIlverymoon, Alustriel is well loved by her people. She is a powerful wizard but prefers negotiation to combat. She is on good terms with her sisters and works to be a positive force in the region. Some harpers operate out of her city and she is envoys from all over the world who come to seek an alliance or just to hear her wisdom. She was once a lover to Sammaster but that soured when she saw him for what he was, now she has a good friendship with the famous dark-elf and uses most of her time trying to aid her people.
Though she was an adventurer in her youth, Alustriel found that she could do more as the leader of a city. With her connections and work with the harpers, she has been a positive force in the region. While not nearly as powerful as some of her sisters, she is far more grounded. She lacks the chaos of Alassra and is far more of a people person than most.
Alustriel has created many spells but is most well known for her spells; Alustriel’s Mantle and Turtle Soup.
1. Raistlin Majere
Few have faced Takhisis and lived. Or continued to endure as Raistlin has died a few times but has always been brought back. Raistlin's power as a mage runs counter to his physical wellbeing. He seems to be cursed in that regard, with all that genius comes a weak and frail constitution that for the longest time caused him to be dependent on his brother and others for care and transportation.
Though Raistlin is a villain for much of his life, his sacrifice to stop Takhisis ends his story as a hero. He was one of the most powerful wizards of his age and became the most powerful wizard on Krynn. Paladine saved his soul and Raistlin refuses to move onto the after-life until he is reunited with his brother Caramon.