ESO Best Templar Ultimate Abilities (Ranked)

ESO Best Templar Ultimate Abilities
19 Oct 2022

Which of the Templar class's awesome ultimate abilities in Elder Scrolls Online is the best?  Join me as I rank each ultimate ability alongside its morphs so that you don't have to.

9. Radial Sweep

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Radial Sweep summons a spectral spear to whack your enemies.

While Radial Sweep is certainly a powerful ability, dealing 2323 magic damage immediately and an extra 1161 magic damage every 2 seconds for 6 seconds, it’s the weakest of the Templar Ultimates. However, it is a very low-cost ability (costing only 75 magicka or stamina), so it comes in handy for lower level-players who don’t want to spend too much at once.
What Radial Sweep excels in:

  • This is a great power for lower-leveled magicka players.
  • The low cost allows you to use it more frequently without worry of being out of commission for the next few moments.
  • Does quick and lingering damage.
  • Affects the whole nearby area.
  • Has a quick cast time.

Radial Sweep Details:

  • Cast Time: 4008. 
  • Target: Area
  • Cost: 75
  • Deals 2323 magic damage to all nearby enemies and an additional 1161 magic damage every 2 seconds for 6 seconds.

This Ultimate is suitable for:

  • When you’re being overrun with enemies
  • PvE battles

Ability Rating: 45/100

8. Crescent Sweep

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Crescent Sweep allows you to clear out all enemies in front of you.

One of the two morphs of Radial Sweep, this ability shares a lot in common with its predecessor. However, this does some extra upfront damage, dealing a blow of 2399 magic damage instead of the previous 2323. This also hurts the enemies right in front of you more, damaging them by an extra 60%.
What Crescent Sweep excels in:

  • Knock out enemies in front of you by dealing them some extra damage.
  • The low cost (75 magicka or stamina) makes it great for lower level players.
  • It has a quick cast time, making it ideal for emergency situations.
  • It does some decent lingering damage, hitting enemies for 1161 magic damage every 2 seconds for 6 seconds after the initial 2323 md.

Crescent Sweep Details:

  • Cast Time: 400
  • Target: Area
  • Cost: 75
  • Deals 2399 Magic Damage to all nearby enemies and an additional 1161 Magic Damage every 2 seconds for 6 seconds. 
  • Enemies in your path will be hit for 60% more damage.

This Ultimate is suitable for:

  • Fast paced PvE battles 
  • Solo dungeon crawls

Ability Rating: 50/100

7. Empowering Sweep

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If you're ever surrounded by enemies, pull this trick out of your sleeve.

Make no mistake, just because the Sweep powers are ranked the lowest, doesn’t make them weak. This power in particular gives a great power boost for the same low cost of 75 magicka or stamina. Empowering Sweep deals the same damage as Crescent Sweep, but the duration of the lingering damage is extended 2 seconds for every enemy hit. This ability also temporarily gives you “Empower”, increasing the player's heavy attack damage against monsters by 80%.
What Empowering Sweep excels in:

  • This ability is great for when you’re surrounded and outnumbered by enemies, as it deals extra damage for every enemy hit.
  • Empowering Sweep is especially great for dps players, as it increases heavy attack damage.
  • Like its sister abilities, this one only costs 75 stamina or magicka, making it ideal for lower level players.
  • It can have a huge lingering damage bonus, since the duration is increased by 2 seconds for every enemy hit.

Empowering Sweep details:

  • Cast Time: 400
  • Target: Area
  • Cost: 75
  • Deals 2399 Physical Damage to all nearby enemies and an additional 1161 Physical Damage every 2 seconds for 6 seconds.
  • Duration is extended by 2 seconds for each enemy hit.
  • Gain Empower for the duration, which increases the damage of your heavy attacks against enemy monsters by 80%.

This Ultimate is suitable for:

  • PvP battles
  • Fighting low-level high-quanity enemies

Ability Rating: 55/100

6. Nova

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Call down the very sun with this powerfully destructive ability.

This ability allows you to call down a piece of the very sun, hitting your enemies with 1161 magic damage every 1 second for 8 seconds. Nearby allies are also able to activate the sub-ability Supernova Synergy, which hits enemies with an extra blow of 2607, while also stunning them for 3 seconds. This makes it a very powerful weapon, at the cost of a lot of magicka.
What Nova excels in

  • This is a great ability for group dungeons, as it allows for a collaborative power.
  • Great if you want to deal massive damage over an extended period of time.
  • Reduces enemy damage done by 10%. Alongside potential stunning, this can render nearby enemies temporarily harmless.
  • Ideal for mid-high level players who can risk a higher punch to their magicka levels.
  • Covers a large area, making it great for when a player is being bombarded with enemies.

Nova details

  • Target: Ground
  • Range: 28m
  • Cost: 250
  • Deals 1161 magic damage every 1 second for 8 seconds.
  • Afflicts enemies with Major Maim, reducing their damage done by 10%.
  • Allies can activate Supernova Synergy, which deals 2607 Magic Damage to all enemies in the area and stuns them for 3 seconds.

This Ultimate is suitable for:

  • High volume PvP battles
  • Group and solo dungeons
  • When you and your group are being overrun

Ability Rating: 65/100

5. Solar Disturbance

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Give your enemies the ultimate sunburn with Solar Disturbance.

Solar disturbance is much like its forefather, Nova. The main difference is the cost, which has been lowered to 225, and the fact that it continues to affect enemies even after they leave the ability area. Allies can still use the sub-ability Supernova Synergy, stunning them for the same amount of time as before. 

What Solar Disturbance excels in:

  • Lower cost than its predecessor, allowing for more spell usage alongside this.
  • Great for busy battles, as it reduces enemy damage even after they leave your area.
  • If a friend activates Solar Synergy, you get even more bang for your buck, and knock out more enemies.

Solar Disturbance details:

  • Target: Ground
  • Range: 28m
  • Cost: 225
  • Does 1161 magic damage every 1 second for 8 seconds
  • Major Maim reduces enemy damage by 10% for 10 seconds
  • Allies can join in and do 2607 Magic Damage to all enemies in the area, and stun them for 3 seconds.

This Ultimate is suitable for:

  • PvP battles
  • Group dungeons
  • Boss Battles

Ability Rating:70/100

4. Rite of Passage

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Make quick friends by healing your group with this powerful ability.

This power is different from the previous ones on this list, as it focuses on healing rather than damage. This powerful healing spell affects both you and all nearby allies, healing them for a total of 11,148 health over a period of four seconds. This ability is also relatively low cost and quickly done, making it great for an emergency health boost. It also grants immunity to all disabling effects, but at the cost of player movement for the duration.
What Rite of Passage excels in:

  • As a healer, this ability will save both you and your teammates from some rough spots, as it heals a lot in a short amount of time.
  • This ability is perfect for group dungeons, as it will heal all nearby allies.
  • This ability is perfect for low level players, as the cost is low, being only 125 magicka.
  • Grants you immunity to all disabling effects, basically making it impossible for anyone to stop you from healing your buddies… unless they kill you quicker than you can punch out the spell. 

Rite of Passage details:

  • Target: Area
  • Cost: 125
  • Restores 2787 Health every 1 second for 4 seconds.
  • You cannot move while channeling
  • Grants immunity to all disabling effects.

This Ultimate is suitable for:

  • Emergency health boosts
  • PvP battles
  • Group Dungeons

Ability Rating: 80/100

3. Remembrance 

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Bring forth the light of the sun rather than its heat with this amazing healing spell.

Much like its predecessor, Remembrance is an ideal healing power. It heals the player and their allies for a total of 11,152 over 4 seconds, and grants immunity to all disabling effects. The player is still unable to move while channeling the spell, however, you are now granted Major protection. This extra boost reduces the damage you take by 10% for 10 seconds.

What Remembrance excels at:

  • This ability is great for dungeons and battles alike, as it reduces damage taken.
  • Great when playing with friends, as it heals them for a total of 11,152 health. They’ll thank you later.
  • Grants you immunity to all disabling effects, making taking you down a nigh impossible mission.
  • Quick and low cost, making it great for emergencies

Remembrance details:

  • Target: Area
  • Cost:125
  • Heals you and nearby friends for 2788 Health every 1 second for 4 seconds.
  • Grants Major Protection, reducing damage you take by 10% for 10 seconds.
  • You cannot move while casting.
  • You gain immunity to all disabling effects.

This Ultimate is suitable for:

  • PvP Battles
  • Group Dungeons

Ability Rating: 85/100

2.Solar Prison

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Not even SPF 10,000 can save your enemies from this Ultimate ability.

Solar prison is gonna be your weapon of mass destruction is ESO. This killer ability does 9,592 magic damage over the course of 8 seconds, as well as an additional 5215 damage if an ally activates Gravity Crush. This also reduces enemy damage, and stuns them for a total of 5 seconds, which is a long time when you can kill another player with just a few pushes of a button.
What Solar Prison excels in:

  • Great for boss battles, as it deals a huge blow over an extended period of time. 
  • Ideal for fighting with friends, as Gravity Crush adds a big punch.
  • The perfect power for when you’re overwhelmed with enemies, as it stuns them for 5 whole seconds.
  • Reduces enemy damage, further helping yourself and allies.

Solar Prison details:

  • Target: Ground
  • Range: 28m
  • Cost: 250
  • Does 1199 Magic Damage every 1 second for 8 seconds
  • Afflicts enemies with Major Maim, reducing their damage done by 10%
  • An ally can activate Gravity Crush synergy, hitting enemies with 5215 magic damage and stunning them for 5 seconds

This Ultimate is suitable for:

  • Group Dungeons
  • PvP Battles
  • Boss Battles
  • When you want to feel really cool

Ability Rank: 95/100

1.Practiced Incantation

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This spell will always save you when you're in between a rock and a hard place.

If you’re a healer, this power should be your ultimate goal. This amazing ability heals you and your allies for a total of 22,304 over the course of 8 seconds. You read that right. Over twenty two thousand. You’re also finally able to move at a reduced rate while casting this ability, allowing for a little more flexibility while you channel. However, don’t think that costs you your immunity to disabling effects; you still have that too.
What Practiced Incantation excels at:

  • The ultimate healing power, as it heals you nearly 5,000 more than the maximum damaging power on this list. 
  • The low cost gives you some huge bang for your buck.
  • Great for boss battles and difficult dungeons as it heals your friends more over time. They’ll thank you later.
  • You can move, giving you more time to run and help even more allies.
  • Immunity to all disabling effects basically makes you an unstoppable beam of hope for your teammates.

Practiced Incantation details:

  • Target: Area
  • Cost: 125
  • Heals you and your friends for 2788 Health every 1 second for 8 seconds.
  • Grants immunity to all disabling effects.
  • Allows you to move at a reduced rate while channeling

This Ultimate is suitable for:

  • PvP Battles
  • Boss Battles
  • Group Dungeons
  • When you want to show off how great of a healer you are

Ability Rating: 100/100

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