Far Cry Primal Best Skills to Get First

The warrior Takkar poses for a close-up
23 Nov 2022

The year is 10,000 BC, and the land of Oros is filled with dangerous animals and ruthless enemy tribes. If you don’t have the skills to survive, you will not last very long. Skills are essential, and having the best skills unlocked early allows you to navigate this hostile and unforgiving land with a better chance of survival.

Some basic information about obtaining skills in the game:

  • You must recruit certain individuals scattered around Oros to your village.
  • Gather supplies needed to upgrade huts.
  • Do missions for the new members of your tribe at the village and upgrade their huts.

What are the 10 best skills to obtain first in the game and how do you get them? Here is the breakdown of the top 10 skills that pay the bills:


10. Tag Enemies:

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The skills menu showing where the skill Tag Enemies can be found

The Tag Enemies skill is highly recommended but not required to finish the game. This is definitely a helpful skill and it allows you to “tag” enemy tribe members with a mark above their heads so you will constantly know where they are.

Stats and Benefits:

  • Tagging an enemy costs 1 skill point to unlock from Jayma.
  • This skill is only limited only by the number of enemies in the area.
  • Requires Jayma’s Hut to be present in your village.
  • Attacking an enemy camp is much easier if you know where all the enemies are.
  • Makes sneaking into an enemy camp and doing takedowns much easier.
  • Special enemies and leaders get a special tag, so you know who the top dog is within the camp.

9. Tag Animals:

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The skills menu showing where the skill Tag Animals can be found

Tagging animals is just as useful as tagging enemies, especially for hunting. Tagging animals allows you to see the animals in the area and can spot some sneaky wildcats that may be already hunting you.

Stats and Benefits:

  • This skill costs 4 skill points to unlock from Jayma.
  • This skill is only limited by the number of animals in the area.
  • Gives an overall view of any animals in the area that might be prey or predator.
  • Makes hunting an animal much easier, especially when you have to chase it down.

8. Owl Companion:

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Far Cry Primal skills menu shows where the Owl Companion skill can be found

The owl companion is a special companion with special abilities. This skill is found in Tensay’s list of skills. The owl is useful for a number of things, and gains skills later that make it even more useful.

Stats and Benefits:

  • You must have Tensay’s hut in your village first.
  • This skill is free to obtain from Tensay and is a short mission-type skill to obtain.
  • The owl can fly over a camp or area and tag enemies and animals, with upgraded skills added to it.
  • Can learn skills itself to drop bombs you have unlocked on enemies, causing burning, berserk, or a bee attack.
  • Can also learn skills to improve the tagging range of the owl.

7. Tame Apex Predators:

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The skills menu showing where "Tame Apex Predators" is located

Yes, there is a better skill after this to tame the Cunning Beasts. However, this is a skill that you should strive to obtain as soon as you can. Taming apex predators is the skill needed for taming sabretooth tigers.

Stats and Benefits:

  • Sabretooth tigers are the fastest beasts in the game. They are basically the best form of transportation across the land of Oros that you will find. This skill is required for taming a sabretooth.
  • You will need to have Tensay’s hut in your village to unlock this skill.
  • This skill costs 2 skill points to unlock.
  • Brown bears are also tamable with this skill, and bears are tough beasts that make great bodyguards.

6. Primitive Heal III:

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Primitive Heal III is in a different location than the other Primitive Heal skills

Of course you will need to unlock Primitive Heal I and II first, but gaining this last version of the skill is not unlockable in the same place as the other 2 versions, and is the best healing skill in the game

Stats and Benefits:

  • You must have Primitive Heal I and II unlocked first (from Takkar’s hut).
  • You must them have Dah in your village and he must have a hut (not in his cage).
  • This skill costs 4 skill points to unlock.
  • Opens the most food options for healing in the menu.
  • Heals an extra health bar when healing yourself (2 total).


5. Extra Health Bars:

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The Extra Health Bars skills look like a heart divided into 4 sections, with sections filled in

All of the health bar upgrades are needed, I through IV. Get them all as soon as you can to reach maximum health bars. You don’t need to heal as often when you have more health bars available.  

Stats and Benefits:

  • Gain an additional health bar with each upgrade (6 in total).
  • Requires Takkar’s Hut in your village.
  • Extra health III is found in Karoosh’s hut upgrades, different than I, II, and IV, but must be obtained before IV is available.
  • The less health bars you have available, the more you find yourself healing and using up food resources. It is more comfortable to lose a bar and a half of health from a large attack with 6 bars of health available, rather than just 2 or 3.
  • Total points cost for all health bar upgrades: 13 skill points.

4. Double Spears:

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The Double Spears skill is extremely useful for saving cradting materials

The Double Spears skill is in the number 4 spot of the countdown because it is a much better use of crafting materials to make a weapon that inevitably gets thrown often and recovered rarely, especially if your aim isn’t on par.

Stats and Benefits:

  • You must have Wogah’s hut in your village to gain this skill.
  • The skill costs 3 skill points to unlock.
  • Crafts 2 spears for the material cost of one spear.
  • When you have tossed all of your spears in an enemy camp raid and you only recover about half of them, crafting more to finish the raid costs less.

3. Craft Arrows III:

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Craft Arrows III is great for making a lot of ammo with little resources

Like the spears, crafting arrows can get expensive in material cost. It is much better to craft more at a time for the same cost. Each upgrade will add a number of arrows crafted for the same cost as the original 1 arrow cost.

Stats and Benefits:

  • You must have Jayma’s hut in your village first.
  • Craft Arrows III crafts 8 arrows for the cost of crafting just one.
  • The first upgrades are Craft Arrows I, and II, and they work as follows:
  • Craft Arrows I = 2 arrows crafted instead of 1
  • Craft Arrows II = 3 arrows crafted instead of 2

2. Melee Resistance II:

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Melle resistance is essential to survival against humans and animals

Melee resistance I and II are only available after you have finished the Dah missions and have Dah in your village. These skills come from the strengths of the Udam enemy tribe.

Stats and Benefits:

  • To obtain these skills, you must have Dah missions completed, have Dah out of his cage, and have his hut built.
  • Melee Resistance I will cost 2 skill points to unlock, and then 4 more skill points for Melee Resistance II, for a total of 6 skill points spent.
  • With the first upgrade, you will take less damage from enemy melee attacks and animal attacks. This upgrade also makes knocking you down more difficult.
  • With the second upgrade, you will take even less damage from animal and enemy melee attacks.


1. Fire Master II:

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The best skill in the game because fire is a constant issue throughout the game

The best and most recommended skill to get as soon as you can is Fire Master II. This is another special skill you can only get after finishing the Roshani missions and having him in your village.

Stats and Benefits:

  • You must have finished the Roshani missions and have Roshani out of the cage with a hut.
  • This is a special skill from the Izila enemy tribe. This tribe’s main skill set is fire attacks.
  • Fire Master allows you to set your weapons on fire without the use of animal fat.
  • Fire Master II does the same, but when you light one, you light them all. Any weapon you switch out will be on fire once you have lit one weapon.
  • You can extinguish the fires at any time, and if you do not, they will get used up and tossed away when burnt down to the handles or arrow feathers.
  • You do not need to keep lighting each arrow or spear, they all stay lit when equipped.


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