Far Cry Primal Best Weapons (Ranked)

A warrior rides a sabretooth and carries a spear
23 Nov 2022


In the year 10,000 BC, the land of Oros is filled with dangerous animals and ruthless enemy tribes. Weapons are essential to survival. A warrior without a weapon is like a tiger with no teeth. Try to beat a sabretooth into submission with bare fists and you are likely to become dinner. 

Some basic weapons are available at the beginning of the game after you finish the opening sequence. The bow and the club are your starting weapons, and although they are effective at first, you will quickly see the value in obtaining better weapons, or at least upgrading to something better. Here are the basics for obtaining and upgrading weapons:

  • Finish the opening sequence to get the basic bow and the club.
  • Gather important tribespeople by doing missions for them and bring them back to your camp.
  • Do missions for the new members of your tribe at the camp and upgrade their huts to unlock better versions of your weapons, and some new ones.
  • Gather supplies needed to craft those weapons.

What are the best weapons in the game and how do you get them? Here is the breakdown of the top 5 best weapons in Far Cry Primal:


5. The Berserk Bomb:

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Made of clay and poison, this bomb drives enemies insane

The berserk bomb gets the number 5 spot because it is not only useful for taking camps, but it’s just so entertaining to watch the chaos that ensues after throwing one into a group of enemies.  [A picture containing dark, jar Description automatically generated]

Stats and Benefits: 

  • 2 North Yellow Leaves and 1 Clay Pot required to craft.
  • Requires Dah’s Hut to be present in your village.
  • If you are too close to the explosion, you will temporarily be poisoned, but not berserk.
  • Makes enemies crazy and attack each other. Causes regular enemies to attack the berserker enemies before attacking you.
  • Causes most hostile animals to run away, but not attack other animals.

4. The Sting Bomb:

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This bomb swarms the enemy with thousands of deadly bees

The sting bomb is a bag of angry bees that you throw to distract and take out lesser enemies.  Chieftains and animals are not killed by the bombs, however, they provide excellent distractions while you pummel them with arrows.

Stats and Benefits: 


  • 4 animal hides and 2 bee clusters are required to craft.
  • Must do a mission for Tensay in your village to unlock.
  • Being too close when the bomb explodes will cause you to have to swat away the bees and keeps you from being able to attack.
  • Distracts large enemies and animals.
  • Causes regular enemies to stop attacking you and quickly die.


3. The Two-Handed Club:

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Better than a one-havded club

The two-handed club takes the number 3 spot because of its power and effectiveness, especially when fully upgraded. This is a heavy weapon and swinging it takes longer than the one-handed club, but it does more damage.  [A close-up of a lizard Description automatically generated with low confidence]

Stats and Benefits: 


  • You must have Karoosh’s hut in your village first.
  • Full upgraded, the two-handed club has damage 9, durability 8, and agility 4.
  • To fully upgrade, you will need 4 Rare North Cedar, 4 Blood of Oros, and 20 North Clay, in addition to the original pieces required for level 1 (8 North Cedar and 8 Bone).
  • Takes out most enemies in one swing, throwing them aside as you plow through an enemy camp.

2. The Spear:

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For melee and short distance attacks and defense

The Spear is just a great weapon to have in hand wherever you go. Durable, deadly, and stylish, this weapon is a must-have for the successful warrior on the go. Poke your enemies to death up close or throw the spear and do some real damage.

Stats and Benefits: 

  • Fully upgraded spears have Damage 3, Durability 4, and Agility 4.
  • To unlock spears, you must finish the “Deep Wounds” mission first.
  • Fast attacking with this weapon makes close quarter battles a breeze.
  • Throw the weapon long distances for more damage.
  • Ignite the spear on fire and throw it into a group of enemies to start a fight.

1. The Double Bow:

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The best weapon in the game, and twice the damage

By far the best weapon in the game is the Double Bow. Besides looking super cool, it is powerful, accurate, fast to use, and it fires 2 arrows at once. This is the last bow to unlock, but getting it is worth the wait. 

Stats and Benefits: 

  • You must have Jayma’s hut in your village, and it must be level 2.
  • This weapon cost to craft is 5 Rare North Cedar, 5 Rare South Maple, and 5 Rare Reeds.
  • This weapon boasts impressive stats: Damage 6, Accuracy 8, and a Fire Rate of 6 (fast reload).
  • Fires 2 arrows at once, and if ignited, fires 2 flaming arrows at once.
  • If 2 enemies are close together, each arrow has a chance to hit both.


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