Final Fantasy 14 characters are known for their vivid personalities that make you laugh, cry, and wonder.
MMORPGs do not lack glamour, either. Players are not afraid to be inspired by their admired Scion of the Seventh Dawn, favorite villain, or side story characters who have made their mark.
Find out which characters from Final Fantasy 14 will leave the greatest impression while strolling through the cobblestone paths in Eorzea's main cities.
15. Merlwyb Bloefhiswyn, Chief Admiral of the Maelstrom
Merlwyb Bloefhiswyn Lore Video
In spite of her pale skin, short spiky white hair, and tall Roegadyn appearance, Merlwyn leaves an impression on many players. With white sleeves and gloves, she wears a long black coat and black boots. Maelstrom's logo is proudly displayed on both shoulders, and her revolver is never far from her side.
Traditionally, Merlwyb has been a pirate. Currently, she leads one of the three great Grand Companies: The Maelstrom of Limsa Lominsa. Her piracy rules, however, are very strict these days.
Merlwyb has a steely will and can't be pushed around. She firmly believes that if the Garlean Empire collapses, Limsa Lominsa will be able to restore trade and have a brighter future.
14. Edmont de Fortemps, Lord of House Fortemps
Meet Count Edmont
With his black hair, a mustache, a side burn, and white skin, he always wins the heart of players. There is a red undercoat with gold details, a luxurious black overcoat with leather gloves, and a pair of leather boots. His right-hand carries a black staff.
Edmont is lord of the House of Fortemps, one of the most prosperous and influential families in Ishgard. Unlike many Ishgardians, Edmont is far from narrow-minded.
Visitors are always welcome to stay with him, and he lends a helping hand to those with good intentions. Two of his sons are named Artoirel and Emmanuellain. In addition, he has a son, Haurchefant Greystone, who plays an important role in Final Fantasy 14's lore and moves many players to tears.
13. Cid Garlond, Leader of the Garlond Ironworks engineers
Cid Garlond's Past
A not-too-tall Garlean Hyur with a beard and semi-long white hair parted in the middle. As Eorzea's airship pilot, he sports a tech look and braves the skies.
Black armor surrounds his arms and legs, topped by a sleeveless tank top and a sleeveless vest with stitching. His blue goggles on his forehead are meant to hide his Garlean heritage so that he is not mistaken for a pure-blood badass.
Cid is highly intelligent and has a good heart. Master in everything related to Magitek, he lives to see his creations change other people's lives. Meanwhile, he is heartbroken when he sees his former people bringing death and destruction to his beloved Eorzea.
12. Gaius van Baelsar, Legatus Legionis within Garlean Empire
Gaius Returns
When you begin the story, you'll see Gaius in his intimidating black armor suit with a red overcoat and a helmet shaped like a horn. Anyone who has watched Star Wars will recognize the heavy breathing sound from his gas mask.
Stormblood shows just how handsome Gaius is. His brown skin and pale green eyes make Gaius a sight to behold. Often, he hides his appearance with masks resembling those worn by Ascian warriors.
“Such devastation, that wasn't my intention". These words have been repeated many times by Final Fantasy gamers. Gaius makes his entrance as a general leading the invasion of Eorzea. He believes that enslaving the weak is the responsibility of the powerful.
While pursuing great ideals, he doesn't overlook the negative impact and devastation these ideals often bring. Having suffered the great loss in the Praetorium, he retreats into the shadows as a mercenary, calling himself "the Shadow Hunter." It appears that there is some goodness in Gaius after all.
11. Godbert Manderville, owner of the Manderville Gold Saucer
The best of Godbert
Those who are unfamiliar with Godbert Manderville have missed out. It's a master goldsmith with a penchant for almost nakedness who brings new heights to Final Fantasy 14.
Snow-white hair and beard, red-rimmed sunglasses, and an eight-pack make him impossible to ignore. It isn't uncommon for him to wear little more than tight boxer shorts so that his muscles can be on full display. I've never been a big fan of muscular characters, but Godbert is growing on me.
The side quest story of Hildibrand (Godbert's son) will show you that Godbert is just as funny as his son. Unlike Hildibrand, Godbert is very skilled in his chosen profession, Goldsmithing, and possesses an aura that enhances his strength and speed.
10. Raubahn Aldynn, leader of the Immortal Flames
Heavensward: Raubahn Aldynn
Raubahn's body bears the marks of years of battle. He has dark skin, a tall stature, and broad shoulders. His neck and face are marked by battle scars. His hair is braided and he wears a beard. With his muscle-toned tank top and two swords and a shield on his back, he is hard to miss.
Before the Garleans destroyed Ala Mhigo, Raubahn was an Ala Mhigan. Currently, he is the leader of the Grand Company of Ul'dah: The Immortal Flames. In the Coliseum of Ul'dah he won his position in the Syndicate. Unlike other members of the Syndicate, Raubahn is fiercely loyal to his Sultana Nanamo.
A strong sense of honor and a strong sense of pride. Nanamo is watched over by this tree-like warrior, like a true father figure. Though his appearance may suggest otherwise, Raubahn is a goodhearted man. Raubahn's anger however, occasionally surfaces when his loved ones are attacked.
9. Moenbryda Wilfsunnwyn, aetheric expert of Sharlayan
Moenbryda knows how to make an entrance
She is a Roegadyn woman with silver hair and pale skin. Her Circle of Knowing tattoo is proudly displayed on her left leg, like the Archon tattoos we've found on other Scions of the Seventh Dawn.
Her outfit consists of a beautiful blue coat with a white hood, a short blue skirt, and tall gray boots. At first glance, she seems intimidating.
In reality, nothing could be further from the truth. Mooenbryda is a happy and spontaneous young woman. Witnessing Moenbryda and Urianger flirting is fantastic. Then Moenbryda takes it up a notch and Urianger's cheeks turn red.
Originally a Sharlayan expert, Moenbryda is particularly knowledgeable about Aether. She joins the Scions in order to assist them, and secretly she is glad to join forces with her childhood friend, Urianger.
8. Lyna, Captain of the Crystarium’s guards
Who is Lyna
Having pink eyes and light blue hair, Lyna has a stunning appearance. She always wears Cystarium armor and always carries her Krishna.
Born in Fanow in the Rak'tika Greatwood, she loses both her parents at a young age. When the crystal Exarch rescues her, she grows up to become the captain protector of the Crystarium and saves the world from the sin-eaters, a race of white monsters that don't do much good.
Her experience in battle makes her a real fighter. She cares deeply about the people of Crystarium and has an extremely close relationship with the Exarch that is almost as strong as a father-daughter bond. Lyna is always on her guard and will not trust you easily. But once you gain her trust, you have a friend for life.
7. Urianger Augurelt, Sharlayan member of Scions of the Seventh Dawn
Reuniting with Urianger
If Final Fantasy had Shakespeare as a character, Urianger would be his embodiment. By speaking in riddles and poetry, a player is often forced to pay attention to make sense of his narrative knowledge. There is no doubt that this Arcanist has charm.
Urianger attracts attention with his mysterious appearance and stories. Initially, he is a Sharlayan Archon and a member of the Scions. Like Moenbryda, he has both the Archon and Circle of Knowing tattoos. He is known for his long black and white robes and hat pulled over his head. His eyes are hidden by goggles.
He has a weakness for his childhood friend Moenbryda, but he will do anything to hide it. The bigger picture often requires him to betray his friends for the greater good. It can consume him, since he has a great sense of loyalty to his fellow Scions.
6. Venat, Azem of the Convocation of Fourteen
Speaking with Venat
Having dazzling blue eyes, long hair almost as white as silver, and a long white robe, Venat is a sight to behold. Several players have felt their hearts beat faster when Venat first appeared in Final Fantasy 14.
Venat is an ancient Amaurotine with a big heart who carries the pain of the whole world on her shoulders. Her mission is to protect the world and all its creatures. At heart, she is a gifted scholar with a sense of adventure.
Her journey through Etheirys makes her fall in love with all life on this planet. Venat will play a surprising, yet prominent role in Final Fantasy 14.
5. Ysayle Dangoulain, Leader of Heretics
Ysayle saves you
Ysayle leads the heretics who have sworn their allegiance to the dragons, rather than to humanity. She is truly a Lady Iceheart with her ice-blue eyes in her icy blue hair and her pale blue lips.
Lady Iceheart is so committed to her goal of freeing the dragons from centuries of oppression in war with humanity that she is not afraid to take life here and there in order to accomplish it. Although this initially makes her out to be a villain, it is later revealed that all she wants is to restore harmony between man and dragon.
Ysayle's story is both tragic and interesting. It's one of the better-developed stories in Heavensward.
4. Y’shtola Rhul, Sharlayan conjurer and Scion of the Seventh Dawn
The early life of Y'shtola
The Seeker of the Sun Miqo'te has been claimed by many players as their “waifu”. There is a reason why Y'shtola is one of the most popular characters in Final Fantasy 14.
She has slightly tanned skin, turquoise eyes, and white hair cut into a bob style with bangs. With her catlike stripes on her face and pointed ears, she has a playful appearance.
Her life began as a student of Master Matoya, where she learned the art of conjuration. Later, she became a prominent member of the Scions of the Seventh Dawn. She is smart and composed, but her fresh perspective and keen insight can surprise others.
She often comes across as cynical, but that's mainly because she doesn't readily trust others. My favorite thing about her is her dry sense of humor. It often comes out of nowhere and makes me giggle like a schoolgirl.
3. Ser Aymeric de Borel, Representative of Ishgard
Meet Ser Aymeric
A knight with deep black hair who can look deep into your eyes with the seriousness of his gaze and the courtesy of his words. Is there anyone who doesn't get excited about that? Aymeric wears golden armor with a blue coat that is also worn by members of the Ishgardian church.
As one of the most prominent Ishgardians, he is surprisingly open. He sees himself as a realist who fights for the equality of all races and statuses. Aymeric's ideals are similar to those of Haurchefant.
Aymeric feels a bit unreachable as a player, which makes him more interesting as a character. As he places all his trust in his people and always views situations as optimists, he is seen as the savior of Ishgard.
2. Hythlodaeus, Chief of the Bureau of the Architect
Hythlodaeus is your greatest friend
Tall with light lilac hair and dark eyes that would drown you. A personality to fall in love with. We all need a man like Hythlodaeus in our lives.
He possesses the gift of seeing into the soul of others, which enables him to fathom their true nature. Hades is his best friend, and he is often able to tease him with humorous remarks. Though he has a caustic personality, he remains humble and shows great respect for his friends.
1. G’raha Tia, Historian with the Students of Baldesion
G'raha Tia is the best boy
In all honesty, I'm a bit biased when it comes to catboys. In character, I am Miqo'te, and I have lost my heart to G'raha Tia, the brave, but somewhat awkward Student of Baldesion with a penchant for history.
The body of Gr'raha is muscular, and his hair is red. The 'Allagan Eye', which is a green and red eye, is a nice touch. His arm bears the sign of the Scions and the Archon tattoo on his neck.
When you hear G'raha talk, you may think he is ancient, but he is also very unsure of his place with the Scions, which brings out his youthful characteristics. We Warriors of Light find him to be very friendly, and sometimes he can be shy in our presence, which our comrades are only too happy to joke about.
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