Is your heart racing when you win that awesome mount? Or are you a collector at heart? With more than 200 mounts to collect, Final Fantasy 14 is the mount Mecca of MMOs.
The following 15 mounts will make your collection stand out.
15. Alte Roite
Ride your Japanese Dragonsnake
Fans of Final Fantasy V will recognize this mount as a classic since this creature appeared in the fifth game in the series. An impressive dragon based on Japanese mythology.
Why this mount is awesome:
- Alte Roite is a wizard in the form of a dragon.
- A variety of colors: blues, greens, and golds, with long white feathers for wings.
- As he flies, he moves his body in circular motions.
How do I get my Alte Roite mount?
In Deltascape V4.0 Savage, part of the Stormblood expansion, Alte Roite can be unlocked fairly easily. Alte Roite prisms can be looted here, one of which you'll need to summon your mount. Each run guarantees a drop.
You can unlock Deltascape V4.0 by completing the Omega questline (highly recommended). Talk to Wedge in Rhalg'rs Reach (12.6; 12.4) to begin this quest line.
Alte Roite Mount Video
14. Portly Porxie

The cutest pig mount ever
Players will be smothered in cuteness with this endearing Porxie. In the land of the pixies, you must be patient to earn this sweet companion.
Why this mount is awesome:
- A flying piglet, hello! Need I say more?
- Her ears flutter as she flies through the air (“adorbs!”).
- Her long eyelashes certainly contribute to her snoozy personality.
How do I get my Porxie mount?
If you want your own Porxie, you have to be persistent. In order to start the Pixie Beast Tribe quest line, you must defeat Titania in the Main Scenario Quest line. The quest is titled "The Wheel Turns".
Next, you will need to speak with Pink Pixie in the Crystarium (13.2; 15.3) to receive the quest 'Manic Pixie Dream Realm'. By doing so, you unlock the reputation you need to do quests for the Pixies.
Turning in quests earns you Fae Fancies, a special currency for pixies. Porxies can be purchased with a total of 18 Fae Fancies.
Now, as the go-getter you are, travel as fast as you can to Il Mheg for your Porxie (12.4; 32.2).
13. Ginga Pipe
Have a badass look on top of your GARO mount
Fans of the Ryyga-verse or the Japanese GARO series will appreciate this mount, based on Madoba horses. Imagine yourself as the Golden Knight on an adventure in the land of the Fanged Wolf.
Why this mount is awesome:
- Developed in collaboration with the iconic GARO TV series.
- Silver-and-gold armor with blue details, as well as majestic wings, gives your character a badass look!
How do I get my Ginga Pipe mount?
First, you must have a Makai title to be able to purchase this gorgeous horse. You can obtain it from the Disreputable Priest in Wolves' Den Pier (5.0; 5.3). It allows you to enter the PVP instances Frontline or Rival Wings.
You must win these instances 10 times to receive your mount. Go to the Achievements menu to claim your mount.
12. Firebird
The shiniest bird in Final Fantasy 14
Back in the Heavensward Expansion, the Firebird was one of those mounts that made heads follow it wherever it traveled. With its golden feathers and grand appearance, it certainly qualifies as impressive.
Why this mount is awesome:
- The most desired mount in the Heavensward expansion.
- Golden feathers spread wide and glitter around them, reminding us of Eorzea's skies.
How do I get my Firebird mount?
In order to display your golden bird, you must collect all the Lanner Mounts. There are seven of them, and you can collect them by completing Heavensward's Extreme Trials and looting the Lanner Whistles.
You can unlock the Extreme Trials of Heavensward in Mor Dhona (6.1; 5.2). Once you have collected all the Lanner whistles, visit Idyllshire and complete the quest 'Fiery Wings, Fiery Hearts' from Walking Atlas (7.5; 6.1) to obtain your Firebird.
11. Demi Ozma
You can fly to the skies on this otherworldly mount
Demi Ozma is one of the most unique mounts in the game. It constantly changes shapes, so you won't get bored any time soon. Sit in a Zen position on top of your ever-changing mount and enjoy the view.
Why this mount is awesome:
- Continually changes shape, from a globe to a triangle or square-shaped object.
- Demi Ozma suggests that you hold a portal to another world.
- The mount gives your character a Zen-like appearance.
How do I get my Demi Ozma mount?
Unlocking Demi Ozma is not an easy task. First, make sure you're level 70 and have completed the Stormblood Main Scenario.
By completing the quest 'And We Shall Call It Eureka' in Rhalgr's Reach, you will unlock Eureka. Gain access to the Baldesion Arsenal by defeating the final boss in Eureka.
To unlock the achievement 'We're on your side I', you must clear the entire Baldesion Arsenal. This will enable you to collect the mount through the Achievement Menu.
10. Forgiven Reticence

At the top, a lion belongs
Shadowbringer's version of the terrifying Sin-Eaters undoubtedly has a cool look. The lion-like mount was the Ultimate Boss of Mt. Gulg, but thankfully tamer than its counterpart.
Why this mount is awesome:
- It resembles a white-haired Greek statue with wings and a crown.
- For those who like the Sin-Eater story in Shadowbringers, this mount is a worthwhile addition.
How do I get my Forgiven Reticence mount?
Participate in the 'Nutsy Clan Hunt' and earn no less than 3200 Sacks of Nuts. These nuts can also be earned by defeating Elite Marks in Norvrandt.
When you have collected all 3200 nuts, you can redeem them at any of the following Nut Vendors:
- Xylle at the Crystarium (9.4; 9.5)
- Ilfroy in Eulmore (11.0; 10.8)
9. Arion
Badass Lalafell riding his Pegasus
When you arrive in Endwalker, the mount hunt certainly does not stop. Arion is certainly a sight to behold. This Pegasus, which looks like a statue, should not be left out of your collection.
Why this mount is awesome:
- Statue-like form.
- Beautiful blue/purple wings.
- Combines both armored sturdiness and serenely beautiful details with the wings. This is a mount that everyone will enjoy.
How do I get my Arion mount?
Consider Final Fantasy XIV: Endwalker Collector's Edition if you haven't already purchased Endwalker. This collector's edition costs $59.95, and you will receive an email from Square Enix with a code you can use in-game at a Mail Moogle after purchasing.
8. Albino Karakul
Most adorable sheep mount ever
It is perhaps the most adorable mount in all of Final Fantasy 14. There's no escaping this fluffy ball's appeal right away.
Why this mount is awesome:
- Its snout and tail are too adorable to resist.
- Karakul are usually black, but in this game, they look more like real-life sheep. A black sheep among the Karakul.
- His running animation is too cute. Occasionally, you see him shake his head and wiggle his ears as he carries the bell around his neck.
How do I get my Albino Karakul mount?
Take part in the Ishgardian Restoration and collect 8400 Skybuilders' Scrips. Crafting and gathering are the only ways to obtain these scrips.
As soon as you have collected the 8400 scrips, you can visit Enie in Mendicant's Court in the Firmament (12;14) to purchase your horn.
7. Kamuy Of The Nine Tails

Majestic and Fierce Dog Mount
The Firebird was the highlight in Heavensward, however, this dog-like mount was the star in Stormblood. Certainly, it is deserved.
Why this mount is awesome:
- The fox god appeals to the hearts of people with his ferocious appearance.
- Perfect hiding place for Lalafells.
- His coat is a striking contrast of red and white.
How do I get my Kamuy Of The Nine Tails mount?
In order to obtain the Ninetails Kamuy, you must first acquire the Stormblood Kamuy dog mounts. They can be obtained by farming them from the Extreme Trials you can unlock in Kugane.
Talk to the Wandering Minstrel (11.6; 12.6) to unlock all the Extreme Trials. As a reminder, you have to complete the Stormblood Main Scenario first and be level 70. Take advantage of the undersized party system to farm them quickly.
After you've collected all the Kamuy mounts, head to the News Hawker in Kugane (11.6; 10) and complete the quest "A Lone Wolf No More".
6. Sabotender Emperador

This cactus mount means fun guaranteed
Would you like to bring some joy into the world? Understandable! As with any JRPG, Final Fantasy 14 has its drama, and this cactus is a welcome breath of fresh air.
Why this mount is awesome:
- Its dancing position and carnivalesque accents will lift your spirits immediately.
- The mounting music will certainly remind you that the world needs more Manderville.
- The cutest ghost- and cat-balloons will appear above its head when it flies.
How do I get my Sabotender Emperador mount?
At the Entrance Square (5; 7), the Prize Attendant will sell this mount for a pricey 2,000,000 MGP. That makes it the most expensive mount available in the Gold Saucer.
Manderville Gold Saucer Points, or MGPs, are the currency of the Gold Saucer. You can earn these by playing mini-games, participating in card tournaments, and even trying your luck at the Cactpot lottery.
Sabotender Emperador Mount Review
5. Amaro

Our dearest Amaro Mount
Those who have been fully immersed in Shadowbringers' story cannot pass up the Amaro. Chocobo's predecessor caters to the true collector. I'll explain why.
Why this mount is awesome:
- Another Chocobo (sort of) that totally fits the Final Fantasy vibe.
- The Amaro has the feel of an ancient pet you'd like to keep close to you at all times.
How do I get my Amaro mount?
Amaro is only owned by 18% of the entire Final Fantasy 14 player base. Amaro is a hero for those who persevere.
You see, to get this mount, you have to bring all your magic and battle classes up to level 80. This rewards you with the "Life of Adventure IV" achievement. You can then collect the mount in the Achievement Menu.
4. Cloud Mallow
The most Tranquil and Gentle Mount in FF14
This mount always reminds me of my daughter going after dandelions like an absolute madwoman, only to blow them all away. Don't we all want that youthful, dreamy vibe in our Eorzean lives?
Why this mount is awesome:
- It's a reminder of the playfulness of childhood.
- This mount is very soothing, blowing gently through the air.
- Fluffiness, a bunch of fluff, need I say more?
How do I get my Cloud Mallow mount?
You can purchase the Cloud Mallow as part of the Moogle Beast Tribe quest line for 200,000 Gil.
You must also attain rank 7 before Mogmul Mogbelly in Bahrr Lehs (14; 28) can offer it for sale.
3. Rathalos

Fiercest and most detailed Dragon Mount
When it comes to dragon mounts in Final Fantasy 14, Rathalos is the best. His fiery eyes and detailed dragon skin make him a sight to behold.
Why this mount is awesome:
- Rahalos is the Monster Hunter collaboration mount.
- Its dragon skin is one of the most detailed in Final Fantasy 14.
- Its blue eyes, wide wings, and sharp teeth make it look fierce and majestic.
How do I get my Rathalos mount?
It is not easy to obtain this mount. It's a rare drop in 'The Great Hunt Extreme', in which you have to defeat this massive dragon with four people. In trials, there are normally eight people, so defeating him is already challenging.
Should Rathalos not drop, and this is very likely, you can farm 50 Rathalos Scales+ by repeating The Great Hunt Extreme. One scale will drop per run.
Once you have all the scales, visit Smithy (9.7; 8.9) in Kugane to exchange them for your coveted dragon.
2. Astrope

Feel like royalty on top of this horse mount
Are you a real compiler and do you enjoy helping other players become just as good as you? If so, this awesome Mentor Roulette mount is for you.
Why this mount is awesome:
Astrope is the hardest mount to obtain in Final Fantasy 14.
This horse mount looks like a king with his red-silver shield, white feathers, and golden armor.
How do I get my Astrope mount?
We'll be riding for quite a while, so please sit down. Ensure you have level 80 classes for all roles (DPS, Tank, Healer). Additionally, you must have received 1500 commendations from at least 1000 raids, trials, and dungeons.
When you have accomplished this, you will play the daily Mentor Roulette. You must first have completed a full list of raids, dungeons, and trials.
Did you play 50 roulettes? Congratulations! You are now a Battle Mentor. It's still a long way to the Astrope mount, however, since you need to run 2000 Mentor Roulette runs. This is likely to take years.
1. Alkonost

The newest mount in Endwalker
Is it a deer? Or is it a bird? This Thavnairian mount was added to the 6.1 patches for Final Fantasy 14, also known from the Bozjan Front.
Why this mount is awesome:
- It has beautiful peacock-like feathers.
- Its horns have tribal patterns with green shiny parts, which are stunning.
How do I get my Alkonost mount?
You need 3 Resplendent Feathers to get the whistle to summon this beautiful creature. You can exchange these at Nesvaaz (10.6; 10) in Radz-at-Han.
Feathers drop from the Excitatron 6000 (Endwalker maps instance) or can be purchased on the Market Board for a great deal of Gil.
If you want to do a map run, ensure that you decipher Timeworn Kumbhiraskin Maps and dig them up where they belong. Feathers are typically found in the treasure map dungeon's lower levels.