Think again if you believe that retainers are just extra bag space. Our adventurous workhorses are always up for an adventure. Also, they bring us the cutest surprises. Final Fantasy 14's world of Retainer ventures is my topic today, so let's dig into it.
10. Quick Exploration

Two explorers ready to bid for their masters
Once you reach level 10, you can hire a retainer and send your walking inventory on an adventure. Quick Exploration runs for 1 hour, and it takes 1 random item.
These items vary in value or fun based on your level. Also, your gear is imperative. If your item is equipped with badass gear, you are also more likely to get a high-quality item.
What is great about Quick Exploration?
- Playing for many hours consecutively is the fastest way to level up your Retainer by sending it on Quick Exploration ventures over and over.
- It can provide you with the Fantasia Potion, an item that will change your race.
- If you'd like a bouncing melon companion, this is the way to venture.
Quick Exploration Details
- Unlocks at level 10.
- Delivers one item per hour.
9. Open Exploration

Explore and collect from the world endlessly
With Open Explorations, your adventurer explores a wide world and embraces freedom. We can trust him to spend hours wandering around markets and stalls and picking up treasures wherever he sees fit.
Although your retainer may take a while to return home, it is well worth the wait. The chances of obtaining rare items are high, and you will gain a lot of experience.
What is great about Open Exploration?
- A chance to obtain rare items.
- Provides a great deal of experience.
Open Exploration Details
- An extended journey around the globe.
- Possibility to find items, minions, and crafting materials.
8. Hunting Exploration

Exploring the fields of Eorzea armed with bow and arrow
Only a Disciple of War or Disciple of Magic can conduct a hunting expedition. The battle- or magic-ready retainer embarks on a golden treasure hunt on your behalf.
A mob that he encounters will drop an item that he proudly gives back to you. Hunting exploration is a normal venture.
At lower levels, the venture lasts one hour; at 21+ levels above the item level, the duration reaches 40 minutes.
What is great about Hunting Exploration?
- As your level increases, you will receive more items.
- You receive a specific item within a short period of time.
Hunting Exploration Details
- A mob drop-focused adventure.
- A quick trip to collect valuable items.
7. Mining Exploration

Taking a rest between sweaty mining jobs
Upon setting your retainer to Miner, he will be able to collect mining items for you with his pick. This exploration is a normal venture.
Would you like to receive a coveted item that you have never drawn before? Unfortunately. First, you will need to add it to your collection. You will only be able to retain an item that you already own.
What is great about Mining Exploration?
- Specific Mining items with high demand or high sale price on the market.
- The higher your level, the more items you will receive (although Grade 3 soil does not count).
Mining Exploration Details
- A retainer collects mining items that you can use to craft.
- All items must be previously collected by you.
6. Botany Exploration

Chop until you get the gold
Is your assistant fond of plants, seeds, vegetables, and fruits? He'll be glad to pick Botany items for you because he's an expert in the field. But beware, don't let the white scorpion sting your loyal friend. Alternatively, your friend might send you a Mistletoe as a romantic gesture.
Normal ventures begin with 1 hour and can gradually be shortened to 40 minutes over time as they progress.
What is great about Botany Exploration?
- Plant-collecting is therapeutic in a way.
- Botany gives you a lot of Gil when you sell on the Market board.
Botany Exploration Details
- The retainer covers botany items for you, which you can use in your crafts.
- A short venture with high retainer stats can yield a lot.
5. Fishing Exploration

The fish are chill, but the catches are lucrative
Loaded with his Fishing Gear, your retainer braves the waters of Eorzea to catch fish for his master.
Select the fish you would like to receive. However, this fish must already have been entered into your Fishing Log before.
The fish you receive can be used for your cooking skills or other crafts, or they can be exchanged for EXP.
What is great about Fishing Exploration?
- You can select which fish to receive.
- Level 80 retainers can catch 'Blue Crabs', which are worth lots of Gil.
Fishing Exploration Details
- Select a fish from your Fishing Log.
- Level your Fishing Retainer quickly by receiving high EXP from fish.
- It takes 40 minutes to an hour, depending on your stats.
4. Field Exploration

Looking for some coin in the pretty fields of Eorzea
With a Field Exploration, your Disciple of War or Disciple of Magic can go out into the field and collect high-demand items for you.
The advantage is that you have a high chance of receiving Allagan Pieces, which can be exchanged for Gil.
Also, a Field Exploration offers you a great chance to gain experience, especially if your retainer has a high item level.
It takes 18 hours to complete a Field Exploration, so be patient.
What is great about Field Exploration?
- Chance to get Allagan Pieces (Gil).
- An excellent source of experience.
Field Exploration Details
- An 18-hour open adventure.
- A crafting item will be given to you upon return.
3. Highland Exploration

This chap found his gold
Highland Exploration is led by a Miner Retainer and can bring crafting items, very cute minions, and Allagan pieces.
Are you a fan of minions? Highland Exploration is for you. Here you can find minions you won't find anywhere else in the game, like Wind-Up Hobgoblins, Mystic Weapons, and Mameshibas.
What is great about Highland Exploration?
- Earn Gil by acquiring Allagan pieces.
- Collect cool minions that are exclusive to Highland Exploration.
Highland Exploration Details
- Your retainer explores the open world and buys you a Miner item.
- 18-hour duration.
2. Woodland Exploration

After the exhausting Pig Hunt I needed a break
This is one of the most effective ventures to execute when you're interested in rare minions. Does the word Porxie ring a bell? This is a very rare pig-like minion called Bacon Bits. Do you want one? Grab your Botanist retainer and go for it.
Your Botanist friend roams the world for you, looking for desirable plants and veggies.
Also, it is a worthwhile source of experience, since you can get up to 5 million EXP from it.
What is great about Woodland Exploration?
- Bacon Bits, a rare minion, can be found. There's Greener Gleaner, Koala Joey, and Littlefoot, too.
- Earn Gil if your retainer finds an Allagan Bronze or Silver piece.
Woodland Exploration Details
- This venture is only open to Botanist retainers.
- A rich source of desirable and rare minions.
- Excellent source of EXP and Gil.
1. Waterside Exploration

While I work hard to get that Axolotl, I'm secretly on vacation
In Final Fantasy 14, fishing is a game within a game. Many players participate avidly in the many fishing activities available in Eorzea. As part of the Waterside Exploration, your retainer would be delighted to help.
The Waterside Exploration can only be completed by a Fisher retainer and takes 18 hours.
Final Fantasy 14 players are all familiar with the Fat Cat minion, which costs a fortune via the Market Board. However, did you know that you can also get him through Waterside Exploration? To accomplish this, you will need patience and a lot of luck.
What is great about Waterside Exploration?
- You can get the iconic Fat Cat minion, as well as the Axolotl Eft, Crabe de la Crabe, Domakin, Gestahl, Minute Mindflayer, or Old Otter.
- Selling minions or Allagan Pieces can earn you a lot of Gil.
Waterside Exploration Details
- Exploration at the water's edge is only possible with Fisher retainers.
- You can get many rare minions.
- Good GIL maker.
- 18-hour duration.
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