Each day, players from around the world enter the wonderful world of Final Fantasy 14, and there is so much to discover that you can spend your time here as if it were real life. Each Eorzean serves a different purpose in the game and feels at home in a different setting.
Are you a resident of North America, Japan, Europe, or Oceania? Do you consider yourself a die-hard endgamer or do you wear your sprout sign proudly, like me? Do you prefer to immerse yourself in Roleplay Valhalla: Limsa Lominsa? Would you rather be surrounded by a lively environment, or would you prefer peace.
No matter what setting you choose, you'll find a place to fit. Check out these top 10 servers and discover where you fit best.
10. Materia, Any
Miqo'te girl enjoys the Oceanean sun
Imagine waking up at 7 am to join your European buddies for a cozy map run, or defeating that impossible boss with your raid static late at night. Always have your matchsticks equipped in your eyes slot. Thankfully, those days are gone. As of January 2022, Oceania has its own dedicated Data Center.
The communities are still settling in, so whatever server you choose within the world of Materia, it is going to be an excellent choice!
In short:
- New Oceanic Data Center
- All servers are excellent to join
9. Light, Lich
Lalafell in search of her perfect home
Lich is an average-sized server in the European Light Data Center, with a very good balance between casual and end-game players. Since I'm a proud resident of Lich, I couldn't hold back my first-hand experience.
There is a very active hunt community, which organizes hunt trains every day. Additionally, the housing areas do offer many opportunities for role-playing. Since I started playing, I have known Lich as a warm bath of kind-hearted people.
Lich is a great place to start as a new player since you'll find that people are always willing to help you clear a run or level up faster. Also, new players can participate in a lot of events, and players can play at the pace they choose.
Additionally, if you have a work- or family life, Lich is a great choice. Those who play here have a mantra that says: Real life always comes first, which is extremely helpful if you want to enjoy this game and also balance real-life responsibilities.
In short:
- European server
- Balanced between casual and end-game
- A lot of role-playing in housing areas
- Perfect server for work-life balance
8. Aether, Faerie

Prince asking his princess to marry him
There is nothing like a Faerie party. The players often host competitions in which they show off their new outfits to other players, being the fashionistas they are.
New to Eorzea? You will feel right at home here. Everyone will greet you with open arms and there is a laid-back vibe around here.
At Faeries, social interaction is a top priority; at Limsa, you can marvel at the elaborate costumes and bardic performances of all the players. There is no doubt that Limsa is the place to be (and to be seen) in Faerie.
As evidence of Faerie's open-minded customer base, there is a large LGBTQIA community where everyone can be themselves.
In short:
- North American server
- Laid-back vibe
- Social interaction
- Large LGBTQIA community
7. Elemental, Tonberry

Hunting for Materia
Even though many players have moved to Materia, Tonberry is still known for its English-speaking community.
Tonberry was originally a Japanese Data Center, so this is unique. You'll mostly find Australians, New Zealanders, and English-speaking players from Asia and the Middle East.
The hunter community is the largest you'll find on Elemental. The majority of players gather near areas where a hunt boss has spawned by using link shells and shouts.
You can raid to your heart's content on Tonberry. The World First clear is contested by many statics.
Here, the story matters a lot. Players will always wait in battles until you have completed your cutscene, so you can play at your own pace.
In short:
- Japanese server with an English-speaking community
- Large hunter community
- World First clear raider contestant
- Story focused
6. Light, Zodiark
Lalafell crafting at her 'smol' workbench
Numerous players from Italy have gathered here to play. Additionally, there have been a lot of German players recently thanks to a collaboration with Square Enix, which established a large German FC in Zodiark.
Can you spend hours searching for plants in the open world? Is your heart racing when you're cooking, brewing magic potions, or crafting gear? If so, this is the server for you. Specifically, Zodiark focuses on Disciples of the Land and Hand.
In short:
- European server
- Large Italian community
- Large German FC
- Crafting and gathering focused
5. Gaia, Durandal
Fashionistas posing in front of a Japanese tree
If you are a Japanese player, or you would prefer to play on a Japanese server, this is your go-to server. It's a very tight-knit community, so it might take a while for you to feel at home. Nevertheless, once you're in, you'll never want to leave again.
In Durandal, there is a community for everyone. It has a thriving crafting community, as well as a decent raiding community. And one other fact that’s pretty exciting these days with too many house buyers and too few available houses; You won’t have a problem finding one in Durandal! Finally, you can fulfill your dream of owning a house.
In short:
- Japanese server
- Close community
- Crafting focused
- Lots of housing available
4. Chaos, Ragnarok
No matter what you look like, you are welcome at Ragnarok
Embrace multiculturalism in a Final Fantasy 14 world. The Ragnarok server brings together a wide range of cultures. For example, we have a large community of Arabic-speaking players, and French-speaking players, and this server even covers the largest population of Italian players.
Are you a fan of role-playing and do you speak French? Then you should get ready because Ragnarok has an amazing role-playing scene. Dress up in your finest glamour and visit the numerous venues in the residential area to bring your character to life.
Are you interested in raiding at a high level? In European Data Centers, Ragnarok has the highest clearance rate for savage raids. Also, it is home to a Free Company named Entropy. This FC is known for their fierce competition in World First clears for savage raids, and they are quite successful.
There is a lot of traffic on the server, but on the plus side, it is also very beginner-friendly. There is a big advantage to this network because it is multilingual, so you can use it in whatever language you speak. You'll find people who speak yours.
In short:
- European server
- Large Arabic, Italian and French-speaking community
- Role-play focused
- High-level raiding community
- Beginner-friendly
3. Light, Odin
Odin is home for a true warrior
A cradle for Scandinavian players. Here is Odin. Everyone is always ready to discuss many subjects. Whether it is how you cleared that raid or how you slept the night before. Odin is known for its chatty nature. So if you like to shoot the breeze, you will fit right in.
Here, players are still clearing content from A Realm Reborn and Heavensward in the early game areas. So you can find many people of like-minds to chat with if you are a new player.
Raiders are a pretty hardcore bunch. Casual players may not find that the raider community is for them, but if you are up for some old-school boss bashing, and you have first-rate raiding skills, you will certainly find a group that suits you.
Odin's competitiveness is also evident in its hunt community. It is common for bosses to be sniped instead of shared with the group. There is also fierce competition on the market board.
In short:
- European server
- Scandinavian focused
- Chatty nature
- Players in low-level areas
- Hardcore raiding and hunting community
2. Aether, Cactuar
Enjoy your time in FF14 with your goofy friends
The sense of community is significant to you, right? How about friendliness? What about being a bit goofy? Still you? You can't go wrong with Cactuar. Final Fantasy 14's second-largest Spanish-speaking community is based on this server in North America.
Become a part of one of the most active raiding communities in the game. Cactuar Raiders are the third highest-ranking team in Final Fantasy 14. Hunting is organized pretty well, and people who pull early won't be tolerated.
There are many inexpensive potions for sale on the market board, and the board itself is in good condition. Crafting bots are used by a relatively large number of people, which can make selling somewhat difficult.
In short:
- North American server
- Friendly and goofy vibe
- Many Spanish players
- High ranking raiding community
- Potions are cheap
1. Aether, Jenova
You will make friends for life
The US Server Jenova has the honor of being the best Final Fantasy 14 server. This open community welcomes all players. Whatever your style is, casual, raider, crafter, or role-player, it won't matter here. Friendship and helpfulness are highly valued here.
The role-play community, which is very active via Jenova's Discord server, regularly organizes events. You can feel safe here because the world of role-playing in Jenova is relatively private.
You're going to have a blast on the hunt. Hunt content is very well organized, is very active and players are very friendly to each other. Raiding groups are highly competitive, in particular with the number two raiding group, Cactuar.
The server is well-balanced, allowing people with all kinds of interests to freely interact. I believe this server is the essence of Final Fantasy 14s tolerant and friendly image.
In short:
- North American server
- Open and community
- A place for all play styles
- Active role-play community
- Hunt content well organized
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