Would you like to know which starting units are the best to use? With the easiest ways to get free units, mostly that are just 5 star units, not Neo Visions. These units tend to be easy to level up and awakened easily to a Neo Vision.
For this article, we will focus on units that are easily accessible. Most of these units are available easily through events, ticket summon pools, or tickets that let you choose any of the listed units. Keep in mind some of these units are also available through quests and story mode.
So for now, we will find out which units that are easily acquired in the beginning of the game for new players. This article will help new players find free units to power up until they get their own desired units.
10. Star Player Tidus
Star Player Tidus is the 2nd unit variation of Tidus from Final Fantasy X. Currently, as of now he is easily recruited in the Final Fantasy X event. He is also available through the 5 star unit summon ticket pool.
This Tidus can do massive damage when he is awakened as a NV. His SLM does a huge amount of damage compared to his LB. Tidus has access to fire, water, wind, and light elemental damage. He can add those elements, except light, to all of his other skills.
Physical Attacker-
- Recover MP for the whole team for 3 turns
- Boosts stats for whole team
- Equip Caladbolg, when enhanced 3 times, for a huge ATK boost
- When equipped with Yuna’s Necklace and Auron’s Jug, Tidus gets another huge stat boost
- NV Auron’s vision card will boost Tidus’s ATK even further
9. Summoner Yuna
Summoner Yuna is another free unit you can get right now through login bonuses of this month. Get her by logging in, along with her NV fragments to awaken her. This is not a chance you want to miss. Also, the current FFX event also provides another NV fragment to use for her.
Yuna can summon any of your unit’s esper in your active party. She is a white mage with limited spells. However, her true strengths lie in her brave shift form. Her STMR and vision card boosts her stats greatly. Keep in mind, you can equip both STMR to Yuna for a higher stat boost. Enhancing Yuna’s abilities also increases her stats as well.
- Deals light evoke damage in brave shift form
- Can heal HP and status ailments to your team
- LB in both forms do massive damage
8. Lone Lion Squall
A few months ago, this Squall was easily obtainable in a FFVIII event, and is still easily recruited in the 5 star unit selector ticket summon pool. This Squall can be awakened to a NV.
Squall’s STMR, when enhanced, greatly boosts his attack. Laguna’s STMR and (Kiros & Ward’s)vision card can greatly increase his stats. He has access to fire, lightning, and wind elemental damage. His LB and SLB is no joke, since it can deal a lot of damage.Be sure to equip ability materia that boost LB damage, as you don’t need any stat boost from any materia since it’s capped for Squall. His ATK can reach 8000 currently as of now.
Physical Attacker-
- Can reduce an enemy’s stat for 2 turns
- Can add fire and lightning damage to skills
7. Balthier
A month ago, Balthier was obtainable through the FFXII event. He can be awakened into a NV. Just like Squall and Tidus, you can summon him easily with a 5 star unit selector ticket by choosing him.
His TMR can be enhanced to further his ATK stat. Enhancing his abilities will also increase Balthier’s stats. He has access to lightning, light, and water elemental damage.
Physical Attacker-
- Can reduce lightning resistance
- Abilities do high damage
6. Cetra Descendant Aerith
Aerith’s NV version of this unit was free last year, along with her awakening fragments. Her STMR is really great for any Aerith, Zach, or Cloud units, since it boosts their stats greatly.
Her standard form is a buffer and does light damage. But her brave shift form does fire damage, and can add fire element to your whole team. Her LB does massive damage in brave shift form.Red Mage-
- Adds light element to whole team
- Limited buff spells
5. Golden Rizer
Rizer finally has a NV form. His STMR is probably the best right now, as it increases ATK by 100, for anyone that can equip helms. Also, his STMR increases his static ATK by 1000.
Rizer does fire damage. His LB does many hits and high damage, which is good for chaining. He can lower an enemy’s ATK for 3 turns.
Physical Attacker-- Deals fire damage
4. Beast King Crocodine
This unit was free from the Adventure of Dai collaboration. He was easy to awaken to max. Crocodile is a physical tank and attacking unit.
His skills and LB can do massive damage. He does wind damage in his LB. Crocodine inflicts paralyze aliament, lowers ATK and MAG, and decreases fire, wind, and lightning resistance to all enemies.Physical Tank/Attacker
- Guards allies from attacks
- Deals damage while defending
- Debuffs enemies
- Grants barrier
Zell is easily summoned in any summon pool, along with being free this year in a FFVIII event. His fragments were easy to get and if you have many copies of this unit, you can awaken them to a 5 star, and convert them to fragments to awaken Zell quickly.
Anyways, Zell deals water damage with one of his skills, LB, and SLB. His SLB does massive damage and can debuff enemies ATK, MAG, and water resistance as well.Physical Attacker
- Deals water damage
- SLB allows him to use 5 skills in one turn
- SLB does high damage
2. Blue Mage Fina
This Fina is free in the season 3 story mode. One of the first blue mages in FFBE. You would have to play season3 story mode to acquire her skills and awaken her to NV form.
Fina has access to healing your party, buffing the team, and debuffing SPR to an enemy. She can deal MAG SPR scaling damage.Blue Mage-
- Healer with reviving and healing HP and MP to team
- Mage that deals damage based on SPR
- Buff teams with spells
1. Machina
A few months ago, Machina was free along with his awakening materials that you can acquire through the FF Type-0 event. His STMR lets you dual wield and it is great to enhance that sword for a better stat boost.
Machina does fire and dark physical damage. He can decrease an enemy’s stat for a few turns based on which skills he uses. Machina can mitigate physical and magical damage for the whole team. He can heal HP to one ally and deal lightning magical damage, that are both not high.Jack of All Trades-
- Can debuff enemies
- Mitigate physical and magical damage
- SLB does high damage
There you have it. This is the Top 10 Most Powerful Starting Units. Most of these units are free during events or other means, such as free ticket summons, 5 star unit selector tickets, quests, and missions. If you happen to come across these units, definitely invest in them.
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