With so many warriors, so many books dedicated to their exploits and so many battles won, it is only natural that a selected few have been immortalized in the annals of history. Do you wish to know which of these Vikings have conquered death? Then let us show you.
5. Leif Eriksson
Leif Erikson discovers America.
Probably one of the few men who could be claimed to have beaten Christopher Columbus in the discovery of the American continent. Although arriving in America 500 years prior to Columbus is indeed a noteworthy accomplishment, it was, and is, hardly his only act of note; a bodyguard to King Olaf and a man who preached Christianity across Greenland, he had a significant effect on the history of that part of the world. Even having an effect on another famous Viking, Eric the Red.
4. Ragnar Lothbrok
The real Ragnar Lothbrok
The name may be familiar to some, especially to those who are fans of the History Channel’s Vikings TV series or familiar with the Icelandic Saga, the Saga of Ragnar Lothbrok, and His Two Sons. Debated by some as to whether he really existed or if his supposed exploits were true, despite this his name has endured to the modern era.
3. Rollo, King of Normandy
Rollo and the Viking colony of Normandy.
Starting off as either an exile from Denmark due to the king considering him too dangerous or a Norweigian so tall, no horse could carry him, either way, he would become a king in his own right. Taking advantage of a destabilized empire, Rollo one day became the first ruler of Normandy as the King, Charles the Simple as he was known, found it was the only way to ward off the Norn’s attacks. But this would prove beneficial for both parties as Charles would find an ally to defend his kingdom whilst Rollo himself would marry the King’s daughter.
2. Cnut the Great
Who was Cnut the Great? The real story.
Many a Viking warrior reached the shores of England, seeking to rule the isle, but Cnut is one of the few who managed it. Particularly brutal and ruthless at the start, banishing and killing multiple English noblemen who defied him, later in his reign he became a shrewd and efficient ruler, knowing how to play the politics of the time, both foreign and domestic. His power grew so great that he ended up ruling England, Denmark, and Norway.
1. Harald Hardrada
Harald Hardrada- Rise of a Viking Legend.
Much like Ragnar, he is a figure of such great renown that his existence and accomplishments are still debated. But from what scholars have been able to dig up, the man was a warrior, mercenary, and eventually a king. Waging year-long wars, serving emperors, and amassing great wealth, his deeds truly do sound like the works of a hero from the legends of the Norse Gods.
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