So you’ve bunkers on sale in GTA online and you’ve started to get kind of curious. You have no idea what they are, what they do or even what they mean. Today I'm going to be giving you guys a rundown on the bunkers. The cost of upgrades, the locations, even how to get you up and running. GTA Online is a nonstop expanding world with add ons and DLC so things are always changing.
What is a bunker?
Bunker’s are large underground military facilities in GTA online, they are located around the map in different locations. Inside you have room for storage, gun ranges you can even set up living quarters. Bunkers were added in the game with the gunrunning update. There is also an area where research new weapons and vehicles.
Getting Started

The very first thing that will have to happen is you need to become a VIP, CEO or a Biker Club President. Then you will get a call from someone named Agent 14, Once this step is done you can choose to buy a bunker which is located around the map in different locations. Once you have a bunker you will be shown around by agent 14. Once that is over you can roam around and check out your bunker, you can walk or drive your little buggy around. Once you have your bunker and you’re ready to start doing
business/Missions in a public session, you need to go to your laptop in the RnD area in your bunker. The very first mission you will have is collecting supplies located at your local ammunation. It won’t take you more than a few minutes for you to complete it.
Once this mission is over you will have three bars in the bottom right corner of your screen that say stock, research and supply. Stock shows you how much stock you have to sell. The research will be done by your staff which will unlock weapons and vehicle upgrades depending on what you choose.
Making money

Now you’re gonna want to have all your staff to be manufacturing, now you research bar won’t go up. On the other hand, the stock bar will go twice as fast because of this. Now you want to get the staff and equipment upgrades the both will increase how much money the bunker will make. Buy the staff upgrade first and save up to get the equipment upgrade because it will take a little longer to collect enough money for that specific upgrade. Now buying a resupply is only gonna cost you 75,000 but make sure you steal supplies until you have both equipment and staff upgrades. If you are doing most of this solo it will take you 5 steal-missions to resupply your bunker fully which frankly just takes too much time.
- No Upgrades: 40,000/HR
- Staff Upgrade: 54,000/HR
- Equipment Upgrade: 55,000/HR
- Both Upgrades: 75,000/HR

This just comes down to personal preference there are eleven bunkers available around the map. The best one that I have researched is Chumash because of how close it is to the city so the sales missions will go by a lot quicker. Now the Route 68 bunker is also really nice because of how many businesses surround the location. In your head you’re like I’ll buy the cheapest one but that would be a mistake, buying the cheapest one means you are in the most northern part of the map. This means if you have sales missions with multiple vehicles you’re most likely not gonna have the time to finish. The best bet would be going for one of these two locations.

Now all the bunkers vary in price from bunker to bunker. The minimal amount of money you’ll spend is 1,650,000 this does not include upgrades, Including upgrades it's gonna be another 1,748,000. Which will bring you to a total of 3,398,000. If you are low on cash remember that Rockstar usually has discounts and sales on a pretty regular basis, it is worth the wait if you’re trying to get the best bang for your buck. So just be on the lookout for those awesome sales prices.
- Paleto Forest Bunker: 1,165,000
- Raton Canyon Bunker: 1,450,000
- Lago Zancudo Bunker: 1,550,000
- Chumash Bunker: 1,650,000
- Grapeseed Bunker: 1,750,000
- Route 68 Bunker: 1,950,000
- Grand Senora Oilfields Bunker: 2,035,000
- Grand Senora Desert Bunker: 2,120,000
- Smoke Tree Road Bunker: 2,205,000
- Thomson Scrapyard Bunker: 2,290,000
- Farmhouse Bunker: 2,375,000
Now upgrading your bunker there are a couple of essentials and cosmetics some just know once you upgrade one thing It makes your product more valuable. Now upgrading does make your supplies run out slower then if you had none. Personal quarters can be added if you want to spawn in the bunker. You can purchase a gun locker now this is helpful, you can make custom load-outs in your bunker. Gun range is also available black or white targets can be selected but the price difference between them is 115,000. With the range you can hone your shooting skills and increase your accuracy. The bunker still makes you income even if you are doing races or messing around with friends in the city.
- Bunker Style 1: 0
- Walls are grey
- Bunker Style 2: 215,000
- Walls are blue
- Bunker style 3: 290,000
- Walls are yellow
- Personal Quarters: 265,000
- Shooting Range: 740,000
- Black targets with red dots
- Shooting Range: 845,000
- White targets with red dots
- Gun Locker: 175,000
- Transportation: 85,000
- Non extended Caddy
- Transportation: 120,000
- Extended Caddy
- Resupply: 75,000
- Re-Up on supplies.
- Research Upgrade: 45,000
- Assigned staff will work on research of weapons and vehicle modifications.
- Equipment Upgrade: 1,155,000
Purchase to install higher quality equipment that will speed up your manufacturing and research times.
- Staff Upgrade: 598,500
This is to hire more staff.
- Security Upgrade: 351,000
Install surveillance and security personnel this will make it less likely for your supplies to get stolen.
Selling Missions

You want to start selling no earlier than when your product hits 175,000 which is one vehicle. Also if your lobby is populated you will get an extra 1% for every player in your lobby. You will have two choices on who to sell to Blaine County or Los Santos always sell to Los Santos, you will receive 50% more money. There are many selling missions, most of them are the same. Get into a vehicle, drive it to a location to collect your money there are only two that you might have trouble with. Like the “Merryweather” or the “Dune FAV Sale.” You might need some backup with these two missions just to be safe. The dune fav mission needs four people complete and each person will have to get to five drops. That does include dealing with griefers with one explosive your vehicle will go boom. With the Merryweather mission you have three insurgent pickup customs and each player must do five drops. After each drop you complete you must wait for your rest of your team to do their drop as well, then you have to fight a horde of Merryweather just to complete so these two missions be on the lookout for. Now if you start to get killed by random players in your session during these missions will hinder you from completing them you can find a new session but that will cost you 7,000.
- 1 Vehicle: 175,000
- 1-2 Vehicles:350,000
- 2-3 Vehicles: 525,000
- 2-4 Vehicles: 70,000
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