Do you have over 1000 hours logged in HOI4? You can always do better!
Hearts of Iron is a grand strategy game played in real-time set in the WWII era. One of Paradox’s most popular titles, Hearts of Iron 4 was released in 2016 and continues to be very popular among strategy and historical game fans. As with other Paradox games, Hearts of Iron 4 received new content via DLCs and expansions. Technically, you can play the game without any DLCs but it offers very little immersion and feels pretty incomplete. We’ll review the best Hearts of Iron 4 DLCs to date to help you choose the right content for your ultimate WWII experience.
10. Radio Pack
Hearts of Iron 4 Axis Armor + radio pack release trailer
The DLC was released back in 2019 and introduced a brand new game feature: the ability to use in-game radio stations to play your favorite songs. All the major factions, Allies, Axis, and the Comintern, have their own unique radio stations that come with a few historical-themes songs or adaptations of actual WWII songs or marches. It’s a nice cosmetic DLC and can help enhance the historical aspect of the game. There aren’t that many songs, however, and most of them will feel rather generic.
Find this DLC on Steam
DLC score: 4/10
9. Allied Armor
Another cosmetic DLC, it introduces new British, American, French, and Soviet 3D armor models based on real-world tanks used by the Allied countries during WWII. Among the new tank models are the Soviet T-26, the British Centurion, and America’s post-war Patton tank. Unfortunately, the more well-known tank models such as British Matilda and Crusader tanks, and the Soviet T-34 are not present. In the end, this DLC doesn’t add much flavor to the game and we think you shouldn’t be paying an extra $8 just to get a few minor tank models.
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DLC score: 4.5/10
8. Allied Speeches Music Pack
Using this DLC won’t add anything in terms of gameplay, it’s a small DLC that adds extra historical flavor that makes your game feel more authentic. It features a total of 13 historical speech excerpts that will trigger when certain game conditions are met. For example, Winston Churchill’s famous ‘We shall fight on the beaches’ speech will trigger when the fall of France becomes imminent. Alternatively, you can play any speech by clicking on the ‘Allied Speeches’ radio station in the in-game playlist.
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DLC score: 5/10
7. Death or Dishonor
The first proper DLC included in our list, Death or Dishonor, according to Paradox, ‘expanded upon players’ ability to experience history’s greatest conflict.’ It focuses on countries in Central and Eastern Europe, aiming to give your more choice when playing some minor European nations such as Hungary, Romania, and Yugoslavia which have all received their own unique focus trees (plus Czechoslovakia). Although the DLC comes with a few cosmetic features as well, that’s pretty much it. You should get this DLC if you want to pursue an alt-history path, such as recreating Austria-Hungary as Hungary.
You can get the DLC here
DLC score: 5.5/10
6. Together for Victory
Watch Paradox's release trailer for this DLC on YouTube
This DLC focuses entirely on the British Empire and its dominions. As a member of the British Commonwealth, you can to stay loyal to the UK and provide the mother nation with assistance in the struggle against the Axis or pursue an independent policy. Options such as lend-lease and technology sharing are quite useful if you want to offer support or require assistance from an allied nation. Another useful feature of this DLC is the ability to review your troops’ performance by looking at the land battle log. Additionally, you can now play as a releasable nation. While a useful DLC to own, it could’ve been so much more in terms of adding content and making it more fun to play as a member of the British Commonwealth.
You can get the DLC on Steam
DLC score: 6/10
5. Battle for Bosporus
A much-marketed DLC, the Battle for Bosporus felt like a bit of a flop. As the name implies, the main focus of the DLC is Turkey, a country that remained neutral in WWII. Playing as Turkey, you can pursue alternate history paths and even attempt to restore the Ottoman Empire or create a new faction. Greece and Bulgaria have also received new focus trees. Apart from new 3D models for Balkan nations and new voiceovers, there’s not much else. All things considered, we feel it makes a mediocre expansion.
Get the DLC on Steam
DLC score: 6.3/10
4. La Resistance
Release trailer for La Resistance
The main feature of the DLC is the introduction of spy agencies and the ability to send your agents on missions. You can now steal enemy technological secrets, sow dissent to weaken hostile nations or infiltrate their armed forces. The brand new resistance and compliance mechanic makes it harder to control occupied areas. You will need to spend manpower to garrison occupied enemy states.
To gain useful intel and short-term battlefield boosters you can now break the enemy ciphers by using the decryption feature in the intelligence service menu. France and Portugal have new and expanded focus trees, allowing for a more detailed experience and making it possible to pursue alternate history paths. While not a bad DLC, we feel like it doesn’t fulfill its potential. Using spies and being able to change occupation laws is nice but doesn’t have too big of an impact on gameplay.
You can La Resistance on Steam
DLC score: 6.7/10
3. Man the Guns
Hearts of Iron 4 Man the Guns release trailer
Naval warfare mechanic in Hearts of Iron 4 has suffered a lot of criticism from fans after the initial game release back in 2016. Man the Guns expansion sought to fix some of the issues with naval combat. It gives you access to a brand new ship designer, new naval tactics, and technology. The ship design certainly makes life easier for players who like to focus on naval combat and makes it more realistic and enjoyable to play as the USA or the UK. The downside is that you will have to do a lot of micromanaging and that can become a bit tedious. The option to lay naval mines to protect yourself from enemy naval invasions is quite useful and the new alternate history paths for the USA and the UK can be interesting if you don’t like historical games.
You can get it here
DLC score: 7.5/10
2. Waking the Tiger
Waking the Tiger was released in March 2018
If you enjoy playing as one of the major Asian nations this DLC is a must-have. China is the main focus of the expansion that will give you the ability to resist Japan through new mechanics and a new expansive focus tree. You will also be able to play as Mao’s Communists and carefully balance between fighting the Japanese invaders and overthrowing the nationalists. While we feel that the Chinese modifiers make it very difficult to stop the Japanese onslaught, the more experienced players will be able to adapt and claim victory. Another notable feature of the DLC is the alternate history path for Germany, letting you get rid of Hitler and either restore the German Empire or seek an alliance with the UK by choosing to do down a democratic path. In addition, you can now appoint field marshals to lead entire army groups and receive combat boosts and new abilities.
You can get the DLC here
DLC score: 7.7/10
1. No Step Back
The latest expansion for Hearts of Iron 4, No Step Back received positive reviews from fans of the game
We had to wait a long time before Paradox released the largest and probably the most important HOI 4 expansion to date. No Step Back introduced major changes to land and air combat and a completely new supply system. In addition, the Soviet Union received a brand new, large focus tree that makes the homeland of socialism much more interesting to play. The Polish focus tree was revamped and the three Baltic nations received new and unique focus trees allowing players to pursue alternate history paths and resist their powerful neighbors. A much-requested feature, the tank designer, finally became a reality, giving players the ability to produce custom tank units. The weather system has also been revamped to make it more realistic and have a bigger impact on combat.
The way combat width works has seen the most changes. Combat width now depends on the terrain. For example, a forest province tile has a lower combat width than a plains tile, making it harder to fight in difficult terrain. Coupled with the new supply system, it makes the game much more interesting and unpredictable. No Step Back is a must-have DLC for veterans of the game and new players alike.
Get the DLC on official Hearts of Iron 4 Steam page
DLC score: 8/10
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