10 Ways to Kill Freddy Krueger (Or Get Rid of Him for Good)

How to Kill Freddy Krueger, Ways to Kill Freddy Krueger
12 Oct 2022

10. Believe it or Not! 

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I Ain't Scared!

Freddy’s powers of hunting teenagers are boundless in the dreamworld. One way to get rid of Freddy Krueger for good is by pulling him into reality, as Nancy does in the first movie. 

Freddy Krueger’s power is derived from his victims' fear. 

By bringing Freddy into reality, he loses ultimate power over his victims. Although still a tyrant in the real world, your strongest power is disbelieving he can cause you harm. Without fear, his powers are useless, and he vanishes into nothingness. 

9. Give Him a Big Smoothie

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Kiss of Eternal Death

If you can get close enough to Freddy Kreuger, try giving him a kiss. Say, you’re lying in bed with your partner, and Freddy attacks them. Freddy can’t contain his vulnerability to love and affection. This hinders his haunting power. 

While the power of love blurs Freddy’s mind, your partner has a fighting chance to kill Freddy Kreuger once and for all. Let’s just hope you have a partner with the willingness to kiss such a revolting figure. If so, they’re a keeper (and you owe them a fancy date night)!

8. Buried on Holy Grounds

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Holy Moly, It Worked!

Freddy’s mother appears as a ghost in A Nightmare on Elm Street: Dream Warriors to alert the authorities that one way to defeat Freddy Kreuger is by burying him on holy ground. 

In this installment, a group of misfit teens accompanied by their psychiatrist, devise a plan to defeat Freddy Kreuger. The teens use their superpowers to occupy Freddy in the Dream Realm. In the real world, the psychiatrist tracks down Freddy’s remains. 

His remains are tossed into the grave and drenched in holy water. To ensure Freddy’s demise, the psychiatrist burns him on the forehead with a crucifix. The holy light shreds Freddy Kreuger to pieces in the dreamworld. Springwood can finally sleep easily again. 

Thanks, Freddy’s mom – you’re the real MVP.

7. Nursery Rhymes Save the Day

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Life Is But A Dream

“Three-Four -- better lock your door. Five-six -- grab your crucifix.”

Another way to destroy Freddy Kreuger is by reciting nursery rhymes or poems. 

In Dream Master, the main character, Alice, remembers a poem her mother taught her as a child. While tormented by the dream demon in a nightmare, she recites the poem while using a mirror to reflect Freddy’s evil back at him. 

In doing so, the souls of his previous slayings awaken in rage within Freddy. They destroy him from the inside out. The tortured souls escape Freddy’s control for good. Powerless and empty, Freddy Krueger is reduced to a dirty pile of clothes and a janky bladed glove. 

6. Vacuum Baby

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Boy, Oh, Boy! That Was Close...

Freddy Kreuger has another obstacle — Alice’s unborn fetus, Jacob. In the dreamworld, Jacob transforms from a fetus into a powerful young boy. Freddy becomes his mentor and teaches him the fine art of dream-slaying. 

At the end of The Dream Child, Jacob turns on his mentor. He uses a grotesque fleshy-vacuum appendage to free the souls trapped within Freddy Kreuger. By doing this, Freddy is transformed into a freaky monster fetus and is absorbed back into Freddy’s mother’s womb (again, MVP). 

With Freddy Kreuger sent back to where he came from, the children’s sweet dreams in Springwood will remain.

5. Blow Him Up, Literally

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In Freddy’s Dead: The Final Nightmare, Freddy Kreuger’s long-lost daughter obliterates Freddy. 

She brings him into the real world and wreaks havoc on him. She unleashes her pent-up aggression with a multitude of weapons, ranging from ninja stars and knives to his own glove!

She lights a pipe bomb, lodges it into his chest, and blows him into pieces. The dream demons within Freddy Kreuger are released, sending Freddy Kreuger back to where he belongs—hell! 

4. The Beheading of Freddy Krueger

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Help Us, Jason! You're Our Only Hope.

When all else fails, we call on Jason from Friday the 13th. 

Freddy Kreuger finds himself yanked into the real world, facing off with the maniac Jason. 

After a grueling battle of the supernatural killers, Jason impales Freddy with his own bladed glove (dismembered arm included). 

Then, Freddy’s head is lopped off with a machete brought to him by one of the end characters in Freddy vs. Jason.  

A simple ‘phone a friend’ and beheading does the trick. 

3. Death by Paper Cutter

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Slice'n and Dice'n!

Nancy is back in the remake of A Nightmare on Elm Street. Nancy and her friend Quinten are told of Freddy’s crime of molesting preschool children, including Nancy. They uncover proof of the secret location of Freddy’s dark crimes. 

Nancy is hospitalized due to nightmarish hallucinations caused by microsleeps. They steal adrenaline to stay awake but fall victim to sleep. 

Leaving Nancy for his last victim doesn’t pay off for Freddy Kreuger. She pulls Freddy into the real world, slices his throat with a paper cutter, and torches Freddy’s body, burning him to death.

2. Preheat to 475f

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Charred and Broiled 

In Wes Craven's "A New Nightmare," a demonic entity shapeshifts into Freddy Krueger. 

The imitator hunts the famous actor, Heather Langenkamp. Her prized role is depicting Nancy from A Nightmare on Elm Street. 

Remaining in the real world, the demonic entity kidnaps Heather’s son Dylan. Heather follows a trail of sleeping pills to the boiler room to find her son trapped in the furnace. 

Heather and Freddy battle each other as her son is stuck in the furnace. Finally, Heather pulls Dylan from the furnace. With one last effort to kill ‘Freddy’, Heather and Dylan push him into the furnace and ignite it. 

The demonic entity is torched. Heather and Dylan are finally free from their terrifying reality. 

1. Firepower

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Ready, Aim, FIRE!

Another option to kill Freddy Krueger is by shooting him. 

You’ll need a gun, the means to bring him into the real world, and no hesitation. Pulling Freddy into reality is tricky, but can be done. Since he’s mortal in the real world, unloading bullets into him will do the trick. 

By unloading a full magazine into Freddy Kreuger, you can rest assured he’ll stay dead, never to return. 

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