Hulk vs Doomsday: Here's Who Would Win

08 Jan 2022

Hulk vs Doomsday: Here's Who Would Win

Hulk Powers And Abilities

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Hulk smash

Soft spoken Genius and Master Physicist, Bruce Banner was working on a gamma bomb when a twist of fate caused him to absorb extremely high doses of radiation. What would have melted a normal man, instead awakened a hidden behemoth inside Banner. Now whenever the gentle Scientist gets angry, years of repressed rage bubbles up from the depths and the Hulk reveals himself. The nearly indestructible Green Machine of Rage takes over, and there is only one thing on his mind—Utter annihilation..  

List of Powers and Abilities

  • Superhuman strength. The Hulk has been known to save planets by literally shifting  tectonic plates to avert catastrophic destruction. The Hulk is arguably one of the strongest physical forces in the universe.  
  • Healing factor. His healing ability is well on par with Wolverine, especially since healing is directly affected by Hulk’s anger. The more angry he gets, the better he heals. There’s nothing quite like an unstoppable wrecking ball that can regenerate. 
  • Superhuman speed. For someone so big, he is also incredibly swift. Hulk can run as fast as the speed of sound. That sonic boom is Hulk's fist when it connects with bad guys. 
  • Invulnerability. This green mound of meat can withstand extreme cold and heat, even the heat of the sun. Bullets and explosions bounce off the hulk like water droplets off a duck’s back. Hawkeye’s arrows have bounced off the Hulk’s eyeball. I get a speck of dust in my eye and I’m completely incapacitated.
  • Limitless stamina. Hulk can fight at full capacity for days and not break a bead of sweat.
  • Hulk Thunderclap. Hulk can clap his hands together with the force of a hurricane that can deflect explosions and energy beams.  
  • Can’t fly, but he can leap completely around the earth in only a few bounds. 

Doomsday Powers And Abilities

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Bye bye superman

Genetically engineered in the depths of prehistoric Krypton, fed on pure hatred and a desire for total annihilation, Doomsday lives up to his name. He gained his powers by being cloned, left to die, or was killed savagely, then was cloned again but had evolutionary resistance added each time he died. What that means is, whatever killed Doomsday, certainly made him stronger. This hellish nightmare went on for years, possibly centuries. Because of this tortured existance,  all living creatures in Doomsday’s eyes are an abomination, and his goal is to destroy life itself. Doomsday is now an unstoppable killing machine.

Doomsday's List of Powers and Abilities

  • Ultra superhuman strength, speed, stamina and agility. Doomsday took on and defeated the Justice League with one arm literally tied behind his back when he landed on earth. 
  • Reactive adaptation. Doomsday is granted resistance to anything that can harm or kill him. 
  • Nigh invulnerability. With the reactive adaptation and self-evolving abilities, Doomsday can never be harmed the same way twice. 
  • Regeneration. If Doomsday were to become injured, his body will heal itself before any more harm can come to him. 
  • Immortality. Every single time Doomsday has died, he only came back stronger, more resistant, and more determined to kill everything. He’s worse than a bad cold in kindergarten.
  • Bony spurs and sharp claws and teeth. As if immortality, invulnerability, and regeneration weren’t enough, Doomsday can also slice and dice heroes with the razor sharp teeth and claws. He can also use those bony spurs like spears and regenerate them as needed. He has an unlimited arsenal of spears. 

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Meet my fist

How the Battle Would Go

The combatants enter the fray; green behemoth against gnarled, bony life-ender. The battle ensues with earth-shaking blows. The descriptions that followed eyewitness accounts say it was akin to scenes from Greek Mythology and the battle of the Titans.

Physical blows don’t harm Doomsday because he gained that immunity when he battled Superman. Hulk pounds on the life destroyer with everything he has, but even the mightiest of blows does nothing to the evil tyrant.

Neither can Doomsday Harm the Hulk with physical blows as he is invulnerable to most extremes. Doomsday does have a secret weapon though and that is his reactive adaptability. With each blow and each move the Hulk makes, Doomsday is learning and reacting.

Soon Doomsday realizes he can cut the Incredible Hulk with those super sharp claws and his bony spears. Hulk gets angrier, with that he grows stronger, but no matter how much strength he gains, the punches, blows, kicks, do nothing to Doomsday.

Doomsday keeps cutting the Hulk, eventually impaling him several times with the bony protrusions to the point where the Hulk’s healing can’t keep up. Anger wanes and consequently so does his legendary strength and regenerative powers. Overtaken by constant pain, the Hulk weakens.  Sensing weakness, Doomsday moves in for the kill.  

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Doomsday is coming

Battle Conclusion

And The Winner Is...Doomsday. Doomsday was created to accelerate and surpass evolution. He was cloned, died by brutal means, and cloned again with immunity to what killed him before. This constant state of death and rebirth means that each time he dies there are fewer and fewer ways to destroy him. Hulk is purely physical, albeit one of the strongest anywhere but Doomsday is impervious to physical harm. Unless Bruce Banner was able to create a weapon that Hulk would use on Doomsday, Hulk just wouldn’t stand much of a chance against Doomsday and his adaptive evolution. 

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