One simple change could be the big difference-maker for a player. Making it easier to get information on the map or simply making it mechanically easier to pilot a champion. This could result in a massive change in performance and rank in turn. This article is here to reveal the best settings that most professionals use, to make sure you aren't being bottlenecked.
15. Quick cast your abilities
Turning Quick cast on makes you cleaner, faster, and smoother when it comes to dishing out your abilities. The difference between a win or loss in League usually comes down to just a fraction of a second shaved or a tiny amount of damage missed out on.
Turning Quick cast on will make your abilities faster and more instinctive making you better mechanically. We understand it’s hard to get used to but it’s definitely worth it. But, there are some cases where normal cast will be more beneficial. Playing champions like Viktor and Rumble with abilities that require normal cast and knowing the ranges of your abilities. Other than that Quick Cast will almost always be better in every scenario.
How Quick Cast will give the user an advantage:
- Faster and less clunky compared to normal cast
- Helps in mechanical improvement
How to Apply Quick Cast:
- Open options menu
- Go to hotkeys
- Click “Quick Cast All”
- And save
14. Adjust Minimap size
The number one most imperative skill you must improve on to climb the ladder is looking at the map more frequently. It’s just that the original size of the map is sometimes too small for many players, decreasing the number of times they look which in turn reduces their game quality.
Higher-level players check the map every 3-5 seconds so they can make the best play with the bits of information they have gathered. The more someone looks at a map is usually a sign of how high their rank is. Looking at the map can gather you so much knowledge you can take advantage of, or simply avoid any incoming danger. This is why increasing the Minimap size will help anyone looking to improve. Increasing the size of the minimap will make it easier to look at the minimap naturally, making it become a habit much quicker leading to more wins and improvement in turn.
How Adjusting Minimap will give the user an advantage:
- Take advantage of the information on the map
- Avoid danger using the information you gather from the map
- Increase quality of games – more methodological and less coinflip
How to Apply Adjusting Minimap:
- Open options menu
- Go to the interface
- Find “minimap scale” and slide it to the desired location
13. Target Champions Only
Have you ever lost a close 1 v 1 duel by misclicking and hitting a minion instead of the enemy champion? Have you tried diving someone under a tower that's 1hp but instead hit the tower? – These embarrassing moments are inevitable if you don’t have the target champions only settings key turned on.
The most frustrating things can happen if you don't have target champions only when you need it most. Turning it on increases confidence in your dives, and fighting in big minion waves leads to more wins and fewer spam pings from your team.
How Target Champions Only will give the user an advantage:
- Less misplays
- More confidence to make necessary plays
- Won't get tilted so hard
How to Apply Target Champions Only:
- Open options menu.
- Go to hotkeys
- Clicking on “abilities and summoner spells” and scrolling to target champions only
- To turn it on as a toggle go to options menu
- Go to game
- Under gameplay select “treat target champions only as a toggle”
12. Disable your chat
Who wants to see their jungle crying about no scuttle crab help when he’s clearly in the wrong. Or who needs to see bot-lane having a mental breakdown, fighting like little kids between one another. League of Legends is a team game and once people start focusing more on chat, rather than playing the game – it becomes almost impossible to win.
This is why you should disable chat and not feed into it. You aren’t a babysitter or their mothers, just focus on your gameplay and you will win most of the games you decide to focus up. If you focus on chat instead, it makes you perform way worse and tilting you in the process. Possibly affects any future games you plan to play in the same day…
Most of the time chat is useless and pings are enough to navigate the game anyways, so don't put too much importance on chat.
How Disabling your chat will give the user an advantage:
- More focus on the game – leading to more wins.
- Won't get as tilted from team fighting between each other. Keeping a good mentality for current games and future games are imperative in climbing and having fun in general.
- Increases chances of wins, no more idling around in chat.
How to Apply Disable chat:
- Open options menu.
- Go to interface.
- Scroll down to the chat section and uncheck “show all chat” and “show allied chat”.
11. Show Timestamps
You may think this is an irrelevant setting because what can you do with the time in chat? When teammates ping enemy laners summoners. Or for when you burn your laners summoners you can ping it and easily calculate when the summoner comes back up. League of legends is all about abusing the smallest windows, and having a summoner down is a huge thing. If summoners are up you could calculate a play for that.
When someone uses summoners it doesn't need to be a surprise to you anymore. You can be more methodological and this could also lead to prediction plays.
More information leads to making the right plays at the right moment, leading to more kills, and wins.
How Showing Timestamps will give the user an advantage:
- Huge window of opportunity to abuse no summoners up.
- Methodological approach to the game.
- More predictions and plays you can pull off with this information - information is gold in LOL.
How to Apply Timestamps:
- Open options menu.
- Go to interface.
- Scroll down to “chat” and select “Show timestamps”.
10. Turn sound effects up or down
Having low sound effects could lead to you missing important information because as I mentioned earlier information is gold. So missing information could lead to death or missed opportunities. You have the ability to hear someone ulting from cross-map or pings on the map. But there are a lot of useless sounds that League has like the ambiance, music, and others which could be distracting.
Turning necessary effects up increases focus and makes sure you don't miss out on any information – improving play. How many times has your team pinged missing and you didn't even realize?
How Turning on sound effects up will give the user an advantage:
- More focus.
- Less information missed.
How to Apply Turning on sound effects up:
- Open options menu.
- Go to sound.
- Slide and increase desired sound effects.
9. Binding F keys
All types of information are important to make the best judgment plays leading to more wins. There are many small ways to gain information but players are too lazy or don’t think it's worth the effort. The small things add up making the difference between the higher ranks and the lower ranks.
I know we have all heard and seen pro players using F-keys effortlessly and sometimes it feels like it's extra. I'm here to tell you that every little bit of information you can get could lead to a different play you would go for. The more information the more calculated and the higher likelihood something will work. This is why using the F-keys to get a single frame of exactly how your laners are doing – is the quickest way to grab information almost effortlessly. The problem is that the f keys are so far away and out of reach. What I and many people do is bind the f keys to somewhere reachable like the “Z, X, C, V” buttons.
How Binding F keys will give the user an advantage:
- More information leading to better judgment plays – more wins.
- The fastest and most efficient way of knowing what's going on - state of all lanes.
How to Apply Binding F keys:
- Open options menu.
- Go to hotkeys.
- Scroll down to “Camera control”.
- And change the bindings of the F keys to something more comfortable for you.
8. Toggle off Locked camera
Most people start off playing league of legends with their camera locked onto their champion. It isn’t bad when starting out, but it becomes a bigger problem once you make it a habit.
Unlocking the camera every now and then and not keeping it perma center locked onto your champion, allows you to make the right decisions in deciding team fights. Also allows for effortless information grabs in the lane and outside of the lane. Having a locked camera constantly is a hindrance because you aren’t using space efficiently. Wasting 20%-50% of your screen on useless information most of the time. This can become a real bottleneck, being the big reason you aren’t seeing any significant improvements recently.
How Toggle off Locked camera gives the user an advantage:
- Less wasted space on the screen
- Efficient playstyle only centering when needed
How to Toggle off Locked camera:
- Open options menu.
- Go to hotkeys.
- Scroll down to “Camera control”.
- Change keybind for “toggle camera lock” to “center camera on champion”.
7. Show spell cost
Show spell costs are important for any champion in a game that uses mana or energy. If you don't have it turned on, it could lead to a lot of misplays and whiffed combos resulting in a death which the enemy could snowball off.
Having it turned on leads to much fewer mistakes and a much more calculative approach to league of legends. You instantly know whether you should all-in someone or not, and when you can engage or not. Increasing judgment leads to more successful plays and fewer failures.
How Show spell cost gives the user an advantage:
- Won’t mess up combos as much.
- Increase in judgment plays - higher success rate in plays leading to more wins.
How to Show spell cost:
- Open options menu.
- Go to Interface.
- Scroll down to “ability and attack display”.
- Select “show spell costs”.
6. Attack move on cursor
For ADC or ranged players, this is an especially important point to keep into consideration or implement to level yourself up to the next level. When you attack move it attacks the closest thing on the cursor, not needing to be 100% accurate. As you have seen the rest of the things on the list make your life much easier leading. Resulting in fewer mistakes and allowing you to mess up sometimes without getting punished for it.
Attack move on cursor is important to learn to optimize performance as a ranged player. Kiting to perfection and not getting hit by any cc or hard-hitting abilities because as you know ADC’s and ranged champions, in general, can easily get one shot. You don't want to be a victim anymore so use this tool to your advantage.
How Attack move on cursor gives the user an advantage:
- Kite easier.
- Focus on the targets you want to actually hit - fewer mistakes.
- Play like all the best players.
How to show Attack move on cursor:
- Open options menu.
- Go to game.
- Scroll down to “gameplay”.
- Select “Attack move on cursor”.
5. Optimize your in-game Graphics
For those of you with a really good computer, you can skip this step. But most people don't have the best pc and optimizing your framerates is important so you don't play with any lags. What's more frustrating than fps lag in the middle of a game?
If you don't optimize your fps, playing will be a nightmare. It can occur in the deciding big team fights or when a big minion wave crashes your tower and you're just about to get dived. In the worst-case scenario, fps lagging gives you no chance to outplay. Changing this will make your gameplay more smooth and playable.
How Optimizing your in-game graphics gives the user an advantage:
Smooth and proper gameplay.
Can play in all scenarios of the game, not smooth when you're farming a single minion.
How to Optimize your in-game graphics:
- Turn of eye-candy found in the video section.
- Turn off shadows completely - a big one.
- Then mess around with character quality, environmental quality, and effects quality until you reach something you can play with.
- Then mess around with character inking, vertical sync, and anti-aliasing - all affecting your fps.
4. Uncheck move camera on revive
This setting makes it so the camera automatically moves back to you reviving in base. When it isn’t necessary at all to see yourself spawn in base.
Instead of looking at your champion, you could be looking at an important team fight. This setting makes it so you miss out on vital information for no gain. This is a huge interruption that you should immediately uncheck.
How Uncheck move camera on revive give the user an advantage:
- Won't miss out on information.
- Useless to see champion spawning in base, better use of time.
How to show Uncheck move camera on revive:
- Open options menu
- Go to game
- Under “controls”
- Uncheck “Move camera on revive”
3. HUD size
Seriously, do you really need the HUD to cover the entire bottom half of your screen?
It isn’t necessary and again it's another form of wasted space that could be better used on something else. It’s also a distraction.
Reducing all forms of distractions is a plus in League of Legends. And the game needs to be optimized to the max if you are planning on reaching the higher ranks. Reducing the size also increases awareness, resulting in better performance and fewer mistakes. If you want to climb a few divisions these small changes stack up.
How HUD size gives the user an advantage:
- Increases awareness.
- Decreases distractions.
How to show HUD size:
- Open options menu.
- Go to interface.
- Slide the HUD scale down and try out a smaller size.
2. Colorblind mode
If you’ve watched pro players you might have noticed that their health bar is yellow. Made for the color blind, but people use it to see things clearer than without using colorblind mode. becoming really important in big team fights. Everything nowadays has special effects with colors overlapping each other.
So to increase team fight awareness, and awareness in general it's imperative to at least try out colorblind mode. Don't knock it, till you try it. It’s popular for a reason.
How Colourblind mode gives the user an advantage:
- More awareness.
- Fewer distractions.
How to show Colourblind mode:
- Open options menu.
- Go to video.
- Under resolution, you can select “colorblind mode”.
1. Turn on Area is Warded ping
You’d be surprised at the number of people that don't know this exists. It’s a relatively new feature compared to the other settings but it comes unbinded so you have to go out of your way to bind it.
This setting explains itself, it's a ping that simply says a place has been warded. It's essential in communicating efficiently with your teammates that may want to gank your lane for example. Saving time for yourself having to explain in chat or wasting the team's attempt in a roam or gank.
How Turn on Area is Warded ping gives the user an advantage:
- You don't waste yours or the team's time.
- Jungler could take a different route to gank.
How to show Turn on area is warded ping:
- Open options menu.
- Go to hotkeys.
- Scroll down to “communication”.
- Then scroll down to the “area is warded ping”.
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