Playing a champion that excels in the later stages of the game is a huge advantage as you can’t always end games before 30 minutes. It’s almost always inevitable when you're playing alone that there's randomness and a coinflip in your games. These late game champions don’t rely on the team to be somewhat responsive to end games early. You can just take the game into your own hands with this list of LOL best late game champions.
15. Graves
Battle professor Graves comes in at number 15, with actual good early game power. Because of this reason Graves finds it reasonably easy to find success in reaching his late game power spikes. Despite the critical strike nerfs, he still performs really well with one of the highest win rates around the 40 minute mark. Graves also has the ability to farm quickly and be healthy by the end of it. So you won't have to worry about being invaded, or worry that his early game may be punishable. This is not the case for graves. It’s actually the opposite, Graves is able to kite all melee junglers and abuse them. (most of them are melee). I would even advice you to invade because of Graves early strength as a jungler.
Why Graves Wrecks Hard In the Late Game:
Fits into all team compositions.
Good early, helping his transition to the late game.
Healthy clear, always staying at around full HP.
One of the few ranged Junglers that perform really well.
graves guide
14. Rammus
“OK”, The tank Rammus comes in at the number 14 spot, with a struggle in the early stages of the game. He ramps up quickly and nightmarishly becomes the most obnoxious pick to play against, with his point and click taunt locking down anyone he wills.
Once it reaches the late game he becomes an invincible peel tank and it doesn't help that the items are in a perfect state for him. Safe reliable pick to always stay useful and make the enemies seethe at the sight of him rolling around…
Why Rammus Wrecks Hard In the Late Game:
Easy to pick up and play and be really effective.
Really good mobility, engage and gap close.
Powerful CC effects.
rammus guide
13. Vayne
Finally the first adc on this list came in at number 13. Vayne is an auto attack late game hyper carry champion. But she’s even better now than she has ever been, because of the new lethal tempo changes gaining attack speed for each stack. And even better, Vaynes biggest weakness gets solved since lethal tempo now gives extra range too. She can fight from range! This paired up with the true damage from silver bolts, she now shreds the enemies apart with ease.
Why Vayne Wrecks Hard In the Late Game:
Scales extremely well.
Can single-handedly carry a game if it lasts long enough.
If Vayne’s ultimate Final hour is used correctly she can duel and even flank as an adc - the invisibility and movement from ulti allows her to be unlike other adc’s.
vayne guide
12. Corki
Corki the hybrid artillery mage comes in at number 12. Corki has always been the best midlane scaler but right now there's a ludens tempest, ravenous hydra and muramana build which takes over games. Corki is known to be hybrid, making him hard to build against. This is because he dishes out a lot of damage from the ap and ad side, which gives him multiple playstyle options. You’d think someone as versatile as Corki would be difficult to play? You’ll be mistaken, he is an easy champion to pick up while also giving you everything you need. You won't have to worry about the enemy stacking armour or mr to nullify your carry potential either.
Why Corki Wrecks Hard In the Late Game:
Safe pick.
Versatile playstyle (adc auto style or ranged artillery style).
High amounts of burst.
corki guide
11. Malzahar
Malzahar might be the simplest champion coming in at number 11. Malzahar’s lane is simple and the game plan isn’t too complicated. Anyone can pull off Malzahar with just a few games of practice.You could master his whole kit in a single game, while also being a thorn in the side of the enemies. What's especially amazing about Malzahar is his ultimate ability, Nether Grasp. This ability is a point and click 2.5 seconds suppress, but feels like Malzahar's locking you down for eternity. If there’s an enemy Katarina jumping onto your backline or if there's an enemy Camile leaping into your team. You don't have to fear these champions when you have a Malzahar on your team.
Why Malzahar Wrecks Hard In the Late Game:
Easy to play.
Scales really well.
Good waveclear.
Amazing gank setup.
Doesn’t fall out of meta.
malzahar guide
10. Karthus
Grim Reaper Karthus killing people beyond the grave and across the map coming in the number 10 spot. Karthus has always been a great scaler, all he needs to do is quickly power farm to level 6. Once he has Requiem, his global presence nets him many kills.
Once Karthus reaches the late game his ultimate doesn't become annoying anymore, it’s devastating. If the enemy doesn't build zhonyas just for the active then they’ll have to suffer the single button nuke blowing up any squishy up to 80% of their health bar. Easy and not much counter potential, because at the end of the day all Karthus needs to do well is press R.
Why Karthus Wrecks Hard In the Late Game:
High damage and insane burst.
Great in teamfights.
Has pressnese almost for the whole game (once he unlocks Requiem).
karthus gameplay/guide
9. Zilean
Sugar rush Zilean, more like salt rush Zilean - feeding on the enemy's salt, comes in at the number 9 spot. Zilean is the most obnoxious champion to face on the list by far because all it takes is a button to deny anyone from either killing or attempting to kill the carries on his team. You’ve been on the opposite team when you could kill a carry but see a Zilean lurking around. The presence of his abilities stops enemies from playing too aggressively and forces them to play passively sometimes. Chronoshift also counters all the resets in the game, cucking a lot of plays in the process.
Chronoshift can even reach up to 19 seconds, imagine such a broken ability being the same CD as a basic ability. It’s game changing, giving carries not only a safety net but also the confidence to play like they’ve never played before - pushing limits to the extreme lengths. Essentially, Zilean forces enemies to play passively and allows his team to be more aggressive, which leads them to victory.
We didn’t even scratch the surface because his ultimate isn’t the only thing annoying about him. His bombs do a lot of damage and the speed/debuf he can dish is also strong.
Why Zilean Wrecks Hard In the Late Game:
AoE stun on basic ability.
Amazing Ultimate.
Very fast.
Good in team fights.
zilean guide
8. Jax
Warden Jax, abusing anyone in his way like any corrupt warden coming in at the number 8 spot. Jax is the scariest level 16+ TopLaner because of the DPS he gains from items. The attack speed gained allows him to stack his passive super quick and get multiple empowered autos off (W ability).
Jax can shut down anyone, even the beefiest tanks in the game because once he gets Blade of the Ruined King he slices through them like butter. In the late game he’s able to proc his abilities and passives more often, which makes him feel oppressive almost. A warden being oppressive isn't anything new…
Why Jax Wrecks Hard In the Late Game:
Amazing duelist.
Can't fight literally anyone in the late game.
Great split pusher.
jax gameplay/guide
7. Kayn
Back to the jungle here we have Kayn in the number 7 spot. It’s a fact that Kayn in the later stages of the game will either be unkillable in the Darkin form, or he’s going to oneshot your entire team with the Shadow Assassin setup.
Red kayn with Conqueror and goredrinker makes him an obnoxious tank while also being able to be hyper mobile and engage. His prowless claw, lethality setup making all squishies disappear the moment Kayn appears through the weirdest angles (in a wall). You’d think his mobility was already high but in the Shadow Assassin form he accelerates at the highest speeds.
Why Kayn Wrecks Hard In the Late Game:
Versatile runes/builds - strong with both forms.
Good clear and sustain.
High mobility and good engage potential.
Easy to pull off ganks, utilising his E.
kayn guide
6. Camile
The list is finally valid, Camile has made the list at the number 6 spot. Who doesn't like getting hit by a camile true damage Q for a thousand damage? It becomes especially aggravating because it isn’t an ultimate ability, she’s able to use it too often. It’s a basic ability, somehow…This paired up with the rest of her kit, diving in and out, ulting and duelling people for free in the middle of a teamfight just makes her so oppressive. And despite all the nerfs Riot dishes out to Camile, she still remains one of the strongest late game picks.
Why Camile Wrecks Hard In the Late Game:
Can’t build against True damage - so she can oneshot literally anyone (tank destroyer).
Extremely mobile.
Strong split pusher.
Can find picks easily.
camile guide
5. Senna
True damage Senna certainly does a truck load of damage once she reaches the later stages of the game, coming in at the number 5 spot. Senna is a marksman/enchanter hybrid designed in a way for her to be versatile. The extra damage Senna gets in the late game passes a point when she becomes too hard to handle. At this stage of the game you’ll see Senna auto attacking people from halfway across their screens. Even if you’re playing support Senna, you are going to probably out damage your adc purely because your passive starts to come alive in the late game. Just make sure you don’t support a friend and make him feel insecure in his adc skills - it’s what Senna does.
Why Senna Wrecks Hard In the Late Game:
Good damage and healing.
Passive comes alive in the late game.
Global ult to turn the teamfights crossmap.
Infinite scaling.
Versatile runes and build path.
senna guide
4. Yummi
Bewitching Yummi is a curse to play against, coming in the number 4 spot. Yummi hasn’t got the highest win rate, but she is still one of the most banned champions. Why is that? Because no one wants to risk the chance of facing a late game Yummi. Whoever she jumps on, becomes the big Raid Boss you need to kill. Sometimes it feels like you need more than 5 enemies to kill the carry yummi decides to hop on. My advice would be if you don't plan to play her, ban her.
Why Yummi Wrecks Hard In the Late Game:
Easy to pilot.
Makes carries almost unkillable.
Nice heals and speed boost - she provides constant buffs.
3. Yone
Yasuo’s dead brother Yone makes it to the Rift, coming in the number 3 position. Yone is the stronger brother but doesn't even require half the mechanics needed for Yasuo. Once Yone gets 3 items the game is most likely over. The Dps, healing and survivability with his e is too broken. Also, his teamfight potential with both his E and ultimate makes him a Raid Boss in the late game even without a Yummi.
Why Yone Wrecks Hard In the Late Game:
Solo carry potential.
Strong in all stages of the game (especially in the late game).
Can melt through squishies and tanks due to his mixed damage.
His Soul Unbound (E) is one of the best abilities in the game.
Almost no CD on main abilities which doesn't use any mana.
yone gameplay/guide
2. Ahri
One of the most popular champions in the game, Ahri coming in at the runners up spot. The 12.3 patch was revolutionary for Ahri, she was a mediocre champion at best for years. Never being an amazing champion nor falling out of the meta, she was the definition of average.
The mini rework gave her reset’s on her ultimate ability. Reset mechanics are broken, why do you think every broken champion has a reset mechanic? She’s a mage that can do everything from assassinating squishies to setting up kills, and she’s also able to play in the backline peeling for her team. Very versatile with very few weaknesses which is why she was able to grab the number 2 spot. Abuse Ahri for free LP before she gets nerfed.
Why Ahri Wrecks Hard In the Late Game:
Great mobility.
Lots of play styles and gameplans to win a game.
Great roaming.
Can fit into many team compositions.
1. Kassadin
Kassadin is a ticking time bomb and the best late game champion for season 12. But to be fair he’s been the best late game champion since his release. It’s a literal fact that once Kassadin hits level 16 and has crown, archangels, and deathcap (whatever he builds) his damage will be absurd. Paired with an almost instant teleport ultimate also able to do immense damage. Get 4 stacks on the Rift walker and the enemy's HP disappears - just watch out, don't use 4 stacks ultimate too much or you’ll run out of mana quickly. If you can reach level 16 on Kassadin, the game becomes a guaranteed win; It’s almost the same as seeing the Nexus explode.
The thing that makes Kassadin different from the rest of the champions on the list is that not only is he untouchable in the late stages of the game but he’s also able to output damage faster. Making him an assassin mage style champion!
Smashing buttons from cradle to adulthood. I’ve got XP in the gaming world (but it got nerfed one day), and so I transitioned that knowledge into writing for games instead.
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