What are the best champions to put on defense in Marvel: Contest of Champions? Take a look below!
Alliance War is one of the most challenging pieces of content available in Marvel: Contest of Champions as it is one of the most significant Player vs. Player (PvP) modes in the game. However, you never actually fight your opponent in a live battle. Instead, each alliance places fighters on a board crafted by the game developers for your opponents to fight. These champions are referred to as defenders. Though some champions are good on defense and on offense (the more significant portion of the game requiring offensive champions), there are some champions that are particularly well-suited to defending your alliance’s map.
5) Apocalypse
Apocalypse in all his glory
Apocalypse is an infuriating champion to face on defense. Due to his intense powerset and ability to transform other characters into Horsemen of Apocalypse, he is invaluable on offense, but he is also excellent as a defensive champion.
- Apocalypse gains immunity to specific debuffs after he has been under them, making him become stun-immune very quickly into the fight. Because of this, the opponent must be skilled at combat against stun-immune champions
- His Special 1 and Special 2 are both difficult to dodge, and deal quite a bit of chip damage through his block.
- If you are skilled at dodging specials and playing against stun-immune champions, the fight becomes much easier
- He was the Alliance Quest boss for a very long time, meaning that many players are experienced in taking him down over and over again.
4) Iron Man (Infinity War)
Iron Man (Infinity War), the bane of many a player's existence
Iron Man (Infinity War) has the pleasure of being this game’s first usable version of Tony Stark, unfortunately (still waiting for the Iron Man or Superior Iron Man buff, Kabam!) until the Hulkbuster buff later on in the game’s history. He handles well enough on offense, but defense is where he shines.
- Difficult to parry, partial immunities
- Special 1 is difficult to dodge, Special 2 easier but still a pain
- Auto-block automatically triggers parry
- Can be countered with a solid armor break champion
3) Wolverine Weapon X
Wolverine but without the pants
Wolverine Weapon X is a very frustrating champion to see on defense for two reasons. #1 is that he is very annoying to fight. #2 is that you see him so rarely that practicing against him is notoriously difficult.
- Bleed damage on almost every hit
- Excellent regeneration
- Has an easily triggerable phase where he gains stun immune AND unblockable, a death sentence for an unskilled player.
- Currently impossible to obtain
- Has his fair share of counters
2) Nick Fury
Nick Fury (not shown - Nick Fury's body double)
I can’t stand it when I cue up for a fight and see Nick Fury as one of the bosses on my lane. He is an excellent champion on offense, and an infuriating one on defense.
- Solid bleed damage
- Special 1 is one of the most difficult to dodge in the game (and becomes unblockable later on in the fight)
- When he is killed, he regenerates his health and forces you to fight him again, this time even more difficult to beat. His health degens to 30% and then stays there, but he becomes stun immune and each of his hits deal massive damage
- No immunities to bleed or poison
1) Korg
This guy rocks.
A stacked Korg is one of the worst champions to find on defense. His abilities make him a terrible offensive champion, but also an incredibly annoying pain to fight.
- Immunities to most debuffs
- Unblockable chip damage applies throughout the fight
- Special 1 is a pain to dodge
- Abilities allow him to go unstoppable AND unblockable frequently
- Terrible on offense
- And there you have it! Those are five of the best MCoC defenders in the game. Not only are they great champions to rank up for defense (if your alliance needs them, as diversity of champions in war is almost as important as quality), but they are the best champions to practice against, as you will be seeing them in AW quite a bit!