Navigating through over 250 characters in Marvel Strike Force can be like finding a needle in a cosmic haystack. I’ve managed to collect 263 characters myself, so I understand the struggle! Let me be your guide through the galaxy of choices with insights on the top 10 teams worth assembling.
10. Thanos + Ebony Maw + Cull Obsidian + Corvus Glaive + Proxima Midnight
Black Order, once the most feared team in Marvel Strike Force, has been facing an unfortunate decline from the meta due to power creeping. However, I have joyous news for the fans of these villainous conquerors! Their glory days are back with a vengeance!
The entire team has been given kit reworks and stat increases to help them compete, and more often out do, the more recently released characters! Presenting, the new and improved, and extra deadly, Black Order! In the past, Thanos needed his entire team to unleash his Empowered state, but now only one Infinity Stone is needed, allowing more unique team formations.

Thanos and the Black Order are no threat to be taken lightly. With the power to erase half of existence in a single snap, you will want them on your side!
Black Order strengths:
- Thanos, the Mad Titan, comes in two forms, both having awesome benefits. First, his original form, commonly referred as a battery, can unleash a powerful Taunt, granting himself 1000% increase in Resistance allowing him to withstand most debuffs, but he also grants adjacent allies with the Cosmic tag energy upon an enemy being defeated. His Empowered state provides higher survivability, but loses the energy generation. Thanos grants himself and the team a 50% boost to the entire team’s speed bar and Regeneration any time an ally or himself drops below 50% health. Any enemy he faces also loses 10% Armor and Damage!
- Ebony Maw (Reality, Time, and Soul Stones) is the Envoy of Thanos, his right hand alien. He provides Thanos with three of the Infinity Stones that allow him to reach his Empowered State, but that’s just the tip of the iceberg! He gains Regeneration, Deathproof and Immunity at the start of battle, and grants the same to Thanos while also filling Thanos’s speed bar by 25% per Black Order ally. Killing opponents that fall under the categories of both Hero and Controller will grant Ebony and his crew Immunity and provide everyone with a barrier from damage!
- Cull Obsidian (Power Stone) is a literal tank, he starts the match with Defense Up for two turns and grants the same to Thanos after he takes his turn. He also gains Deathproof as his health drops to give him a chance to heal, which he does on his own if he has Taunt and his health drops below 30%, giving him a 40% max health heal putting him back into the fight! He also provides the team with a 30% max health increase and provides Thanos with the Power Stone.
- Corvus Glaive (Mind Stone) is the stealth assassin of the group. When played properly he will remain in stealth for the majority of the fight, which grants him increased critical hit chance and damage! Not only does he grant himself Offense Up, but grants the same to Thanos after he takes his turn. He provides the team with a 20% damage increase and grants the Mind Stone to Thanos.
- Proxima Midnight (Space Stone) is the speedster of the group, she provides the Space stone to Thanos and provides him with a Speed Up boost as well. Although she hits like a Mac truck herself, her main role is support. When she’s with her team she increases everyone's Focus by 80%, allowing for the team to easily debilitate the opponent.
How Black Order Works:
- Corvus and Promixa have a beautiful Synergy, but that is to be expected of a married couple, they assist each other’s single attacks leading to massive damage!
- Thanos is definitely the main focus of this team, once he’s empowered, he can become a one man show! He typically starts the fight by not just erasing all buffs from his opponents, but flipping them as well, so he works extremely well against teams that begin with Defense Up.
- Ebony Maw is one of the most feared Supporters in the game! He fills his teams speed bars while applying Defense Up and Counter to them, while also reducing the enemies speed bar and applying Offense Down to them. That’s not even his best feature though, he steals 3% of all enemies health and gives it back to his team, 4 times, and then applies slow to the enemies. He’s an absolute force to be reckoned with!
- Cull Obsidian like stated previously is the Tank. Invest heavily into him first and your team will have no issues! Not only does he have an insane amount of health and defense, he forces the enemy to attack him while regenerating his own health with certain attacks. It doesn’t matter if defense is the best offense for him, because he brings everything to the table!
- I’ve saved the greatest little easter egg for last, one that all fans or the Marvel universe will appreciate, especially the movie fans. Thanos has an ultimate ability that will rain down pieces of a destroyed planet onto the entire enemy team, which is super cool of course. It gets much cooler though…because if the remaining enemy team has low enough health, this attack turns into the Snap from Avengers: Infinity War and you see the enemy disappear in the same fashion!
- Although you do not require the entire squad to grant Thanos his empowered state, because of the way the team synergizes with each other I highly recommend keeping this happy family together!
9. Ghost Spider + Scarlet Spider + Spider-Man + Spider-Man (Miles Morales) + Spider Punk
Web Warriors, Marvel Strike Force's high-flying, web-slinging team, is making waves and sticking the landing in the game! Here's the buzz for all you spider-fans: this team is all about synergy and making Raids look like a walk in the park. This team is my personal favorite, being a web-head myself, I invested heavily into all characters! This is a team that works tremendously well with each other, but if one member is missing they are not quite as good.

With Ghost Spider leading this team with her punk rock drum solo's, you will find yourself wishing she'd leave the beating for her drums only!
Web Warriors strengths:
- Ghost Spider is probably the most versatile of the entire team. She provides healing, increases damage for the entire team AND provides ability energy! Raid battles are where she especially shines, granting Speed Up and Evade to her team, making it easier to stay in the fight and come out victorious!
- Scarlet Spider is mostly support/healing. He grants the team 30% more health and increases everyone's critical hit damage by a whopping 50%! Most importantly though, when he lands attacks in Raids the team gets a percent of that damage back as health, and believe me, he is good at causing damage. One of his attacks drops a car on the entire enemy team!
- Spider-Man (Peter) is one of the original characters in the game's existence. In fact, he is the character you get with the tutorial for the game but he is no slouch. He’s responsible for increasing the team's dodge chance and applying buffs to his team, every time an enemy gets hit with a debuff!
- Spider-Man (Miles) is the speedster of this group, always providing Speed Up to his team. He is also a fairly consistent debuff provider, hitting the enemy with Defense Down normally, but also applying Offense Down if the other is already present. He keeps the team relentlessly attacking before the enemy can even take a turn!
- Spider-Punk, the powerhouse of the team hits hard and applies debuffs consistently. He applies one of the rarest debuffs as well, only given to a select few characters called Trauma, preventing the ability from other debuffs to be removed by any other methods. He also applies a sizable critical hit chance boost to the entire team, keeping everyone hitting their hardest!
How Web Warriors Work:
- The team is amazing at controlling the fight by debuffing and buffing strategically. Original Spider-Man will apply the positive buffs while Spider-Man Miles will apply Defense down, keeping the team strong and the enemy weak! Ghost Spider also has the ability to take the debuffs from one enemy and spread it to all enemies while dishing out a ton of damage.
- Spider-Punk amps up the team’s damage and Scarlet Spider increases the team’s critical damage, meaning that when they land a hit, it's a good one. This combination allows the team to come in and end a fight before it gets going. Ghost-Spider adds to the mix by counter attacking every time a teammate gets hit, making enemies with low health think twice before attacking.
- The team can be frustratingly good at staying alive if they are your opponents. Original Spider-Man enhances dodge chance and Scarlet Spider applying Slow to enemies while healing his team is an amazing defense! The combination makes it difficult to land consistent hits and keeps the team healed in between taking damage. They not only survive during the fight, but thrive!
- Speed is key in this game, if your team gets to act first, you can easily dictate the flow of battle and this team is best for that. Spider-Man Miles allows the team to outmaneuver and outplay the enemy with consecutive attacks. This fast-paced playstyle allows them to be successful in all modes of the game!
- Healing and buffs are provided by Ghost-Spider and Scarlet Spider. Scarlet Spider provides continuous heals and Ghost-Spider provides ample energy and buffs for the team. This combination is boosted even further during Raids, making them incredibly sustainable, allowing them to survive prolonged fights. They allow the team to outlast and overpower the toughest of opponents!
8. Anti Venom + Scream + Carnage + Spider-Man (Symbiote) + Venom
The Symbiotes, Marvel Strike Force’s ferocious Bio team bring raw power and survivability. While they may not be the shining stars in the current games meta, they are receiving a buff to bring them back to their former glory AND a new member suspected to be Silver Surfer (Symbiote), aka Void Knight. The team does currently provide extreme usefulness in Raids, and are able to punish those that underestimate them. Let’s take a look at how they synergize as a formidable force!

Any fan of Spider-Man knows what happens when the Symbiote takes over. Now imagine an entire team of them ready to take literal bit out of the opponent. Best to stay on their good sides if you can find it!
Symbiotes strengths:
- Anti-Venom, the team’s lifeline, is a master healer, capable of removing debuffs and reviving fallen allies. With his special abilities, he not only keeps the team in the fight but also spreads positive effects, making him a crucial part of the team's survival strategy.
- Scream, a fierce controller is all about disrupting the enemy lines. Her attacks apply Bleeds, clear positive effects, and, most importantly, reduce the enemy's Speed Bar significantly. Her passive ability also heals Symbiote allies on the death of any character, turning every opponent's downfall into a tactical gain for the team.
- Carnage, the team’s main brawler, thrives on chaos. His special attack does extra damage for each negative effect on the target, making him a nightmare for debuffed enemies. His passive ability boosts the team's speed and healing whenever an enemy's health drops below a quarter, ensuring the Symbiotes strike fast and hard.
- Spider-Man (Symbiote), a more versatile brawler, reduces enemy defenses while applying Bleeds and prolonging debuffs. His ultimate attack is a controlling masterpiece, stunning the primary target and slowing all enemies, proving his prowess in manipulating the battlefield to the team's advantage.
- Venom, the bleed specialist, flips the script on enemies by converting their buffs into debuffs. His ultimate spreads all negative effects from the primary to adjacent targets, making him a strategic asset in spreading chaos among enemy ranks. His passive healing and ability to apply Defense Up boosts the team's resilience, ensuring they're ready for a long fight!.
How Symbiotes Work:
- The Symbiotes excel at debuffing their enemies while simultaneously healing themselves. Spider-Man (Symbiote) plays a pivotal role, with his ability to heal the team whenever a negative effect is applied to an enemy. This synergy between applying debuffs and self-healing makes them resilient in battles.
- Carnage boosts the team's speed every time an enemy drops below 25% health, allowing the Symbiotes to take more turns and maintain momentum in combat. This speed bar increase helps the team capitalize on weakened enemies and turn the tide in their favor.
- The Symbiotes follow a specific turn order: Carnage, Spider-Man (Symbiote), Scream, Anti-Venom, and Venom. This sequence allows them to maximize their debuffing and healing abilities effectively, ensuring a consistent flow of attacks and support throughout the battle.
- Carnage and Venom are the team's heavy hitters, specializing in applying Bleed effects. Venom's ability to flip positive effects into negative ones, combined with Carnage's extra damage for each debuff on the target, makes them a devastating duo for dealing significant damage to enemies.
- Scream controls the battlefield by reducing enemy speed bars and clearing positive effects, while Anti-Venom's healing and revival abilities keep the team in the fight. Their combined roles of control and support ensure the Symbiotes' survivability and effectiveness in battles!
7. Luke Cage + Iron Fist + Colleen Wing + Misty Knight + Shang-Chi
Welcome to the bustling streets of Marvel Strike Force where the Heroes for Hire are not just a team; they're the new sheriffs in town, making the bad guys think twice before starting a ruckus. They excel particularly as a defense team in War, but they are viable throughout many game modes, enforcing peace one punch at a time!

This is the team that every player dreads seeing as the opponent. They ALL can hit like tanks and revive constantly in War Defense, making them feel invincible when faced!
Heroes for Hire Strengths:
- Luke Cage is as sturdy as they come, Luke is the backbone of this team. When his pals get in trouble, he's there with a Taunt faster than you can say "Sweet Christmas!" His extra health bonus for teaming up with his H4H buddies means he's not just the Hero for Hire; he's your personal bodyguard.
- Iron Fist is a mystical martial artist who doesn't just pack a punch; he heals with one too! If the going gets tough, Iron Fist ensures his team stays in the fight, dishing out Defense Ups like candy on Halloween.
- Colleen Wing is the Skill Brawler who doesn't wait for her turn to strike. She takes the fight to the enemy, targeting the weakest link and hitting them where it hurts. With piercing precision, she ensures that the enemy's War Defense becomes their biggest offense.
- Misty Knight is the Tech Controller with a knack for energy distribution, Misty keeps her team juiced up and ready to go. Taking down an opponent? That's just her way of saying "You get an ability, you get an ability, everyone gets an ability!"
- Shang-Chi. This martial arts master fills his spot with sheer power. Shang-Chi not only buffs his teammates but also turns their critical hits into a shield wall of Deflects. He even causes more damage the more buffs his target has and carries that damage to the entire enemy team!
How Heroes for Hire Work:
- They've turned the tables in Alliance War defense, forcing opponents to use up more resources than they'd want. They're the team that makes your enemies think, "Is this really worth it?" And when victory comes, it’s all the sweeter knowing the heavy price your rivals paid.
- Their Charged mechanic is like a game of hot potato with a grenade, and your opponents are holding the pin. Every time you think you've got them, they just heal up, dust off, and come back swinging. It’s a spectacle of resilience that makes them nearly invincible, frustrating enemies with every comeback.
- They're not just tough; they're smart. The team's synergy makes them a fortress that can withstand the toughest of assaults. When one falls, another steps up. It's like trying to take down a hydra with a toothpick—and each head is just as deadly as the last.
- Just when the enemy thinks they've got the upper hand, Heroes for Hire pull a comeback that would make a phoenix envious. They're not just playing the game; they're rewriting the rules with each match, showing that in the world of Marvel Strike Force, they're the ones with nine lives.
- And let's not forget, they're just plain cool. This is the team that brings comic book flair to your screen, making every match feel like the climax of a superhero blockbuster. With each move, they’re not just fighting; they’re putting on a show that would sell out theaters. I’d pay to watch Shang-Chi pummel an entire team with his powerful kicking barrage!
6. Lady Deathstrike + Wolverine + Silver Samurai + Sabretooth + Omega Red
Gather around, my friend, because it's time to dive into the sensational world of the Weapon X team in Marvel Strike Force! This squad is not just any team; they're like the rockstars of the battlefield, bringing a mix of raw power, razor-sharp strategies, and a flair for dramatic entrances.

Omega Red and his crew of not so merry bandits make short work of their opponents. When he unleashes his carbonadium tentacles, his team will claim victory shortly after!
Weapon X Strengths:
- Lady Deathstrike, talk about a powerhouse! She is like the tech-savvy ninja of the team. She's got this killer move, Reaver Revenge, where she snatches Deflect from her target and smacks them with some serious piercing damage. If her target is bleeding, she hits them again and slaps on Defense Down. Her ultimate move, Adamantium Flurry, is like a whirlwind of pain, clearing negative effects from her allies, and ensuring immunity. She’s the kind of ally you want when things get tough.
- Wolverine, our good ol' Wolverine, has seen some significant stat boosts, turning him into an even more fearsome fighter. His Adamantium Claws and Slice and Dice are perfect for bleeding enemies dry. His ultimate, Primal Berserker, is a spectacle of sheer power, especially when he's at low health. He's the tough guy who just won't stay down, with a chance to revive even after being taken out.
- Silver Samurai is like the armored tank of the team. High health and armor stats, and he loves to assist his buddies during attacks. His Tachyon Slash is all about transferring Counter from the enemy to himself and then hitting them with a piercing attack. His ultimate, Bushido Barrage, is like a samurai movie scene, stunning the primary target and dealing a series of bonus attacks. Talk about flashy and effective.
- Sabretooth has got some seriously upgraded stats, making him a beast in battle. His Thrash and Blood Rush attacks are all about dishing out massive damage and applying Bleed. If he's fighting alongside Omega Red, things get even nastier for the enemies. In WAR scenarios, Sabretooth becomes even more formidable, making him a key player on any team.
- Omega Red is legendary! Literally. Omega Red was the first to brings the rare debuff to the game called Trauma, which stops negative effects from being removed or flipped. His attacks are all about stealing health and redistributing it, which is pretty handy in a pinch. Plus, he's a major player in boosting the team's power through his passive abilities. With Omega Red around, the team's health is always in good hands.
How Weapon X Works:
- The team excels at causing Bleed while also having healing capabilities. Omega Red's health redistribution combined with Sabretooth and Wolverine's Bleed effects creates a vicious cycle of damage and recovery.
- With their high damage output and piercing attacks, the Weapon X team can take down enemies quickly. Lady Deathstrike and Silver Samurai, with their piercing attacks, ensure that the team keeps the pressure on.
- Omega Red’s Trauma and Sabretooth’s Offense Down, along with Lady Deathstrike’s ability to apply Defense Down, mean the team can effectively weaken and control enemy teams, making them easier to take down.
- In Alliance Wars, this team shines even brighter. Their abilities are enhanced, making them a formidable force. Wolverine and Sabretooth's abilities to assist and gain bonuses in WAR scenarios give the team an edge!
- Silver Samurai’s role as a protector and his ability to assist his teammates’ attacks, combined with Lady Deathstrike's and Omega Red's boosts to team defense, ensure that the team can withstand enemy onslaughts while dishing out their own.
5. Dazzler + Fantomex + Gambit + Rogue + Sunfire
The Unlimited X-Men have arrived in Marvel Strike Force, and they’re bringing a mutant revolution with them! With their astonishing powers and unparalleled teamwork, they're here to claim their spot at the top of the Cosmic Crucible leaderboard. In Marvel Strike Force, the Unlimited X-Men aren't just playing the game, they're redefining it with every match, every victory, every show-stopping moment that makes being a mutant the coolest thing in the universe!

Potentially the team with the coolest members in the game, the show style and flare with every turn they take! One is so dazzling in fact; she can blind the entire opponents team in one attack!
Unlimited X-Men Strengths:
- Dazzler, the superstar striker of the team, turns the battleground into her stage, dazzling enemies with her brilliance. Her attacks are not just powerful; they're a performance, leaving foes in awe and allies inspired. With each move, she illuminates the path to victory, combining combat prowess with showbiz flair.
- Fantomex, a master of misdirection, keeps the enemy guessing with elusive moves and sharpshooting. His presence on the battlefield is like a dance, weaving through enemy lines with grace and lethal precision. In the heat of battle, he's the cool-headed marksman who never misses his mark, delivering critical strikes when they're least expected.
- Gambit, the charming Cajun with a penchant for turning the tide. Gambit's turn-stealing and high-damage attacks make him a crucial support member. He plays the battlefield like a poker game, always holding the winning hand, ensuring the team capitalizes on every opportunity. With a flick of his cards, Gambit turns enemy strategies into chaos.
- Rogue, the team's tank, has power absorption that changes the tide of battle. Her ability to withstand punishment and retaliate with equal ferocity makes her an invaluable asset. In the thick of the fight, she's the immovable object and the unstoppable force, a one-woman army who can turn an enemy's strength into their downfall.
- Sunfire, the fiery finisher, brings a burning intensity to every fight. His flames scorch opponents, ensuring that no battle ends without a blaze of glory. Sunfire's presence heats up the battlefield, creating openings for his teammates and closing the door on enemy comebacks. His pyrotechnic prowess is the spark that ignites the team's explosive potential by providing ample energy to everyone!
How Unlimited X-Men Work:
- With a mix of Strikers and Raiders, the team slices through enemy lines, led by the sparkling Dazzler and the smoky Fantomex. Their approach is both offensive and dazzling, a combination of raw power and finesse that leaves opponents dazed and defeated. This dynamic duo turns every battle into a mesmerizing display of mutant might.
- Gambit's turn-stealing antics keep the team steps ahead, turning the Cosmic Crucible into their playground. His prowess and unpredictable nature keep allies safe and enemies second-guessing. In Gambit's hands, every encounter is a game of chess, and he's always thinking three moves ahead. He can win you the match before he gets to take his turn!
- Rogue's resilience and power absorption provide the team with a safety net that turns the tide in dire situations. Her ability to absorb and repurpose enemy attacks makes her a living, breathing counter-strategy. In the heart of battle, Rogue is a bastion of strength, turning enemy assaults into opportunities for counterattacks.
- Sunfire, the ace in the hole, ensures every battle ends with a burst of brilliance. His fiery attacks not only damage but demoralize opponents, creating a psychological edge. Sunfire's presence is a constant reminder to foes that in the world of Marvel Strike Force, playing with fire means getting burned by the best.
- The Unlimited X-Men's synergy is a marvel to behold, with each member complementing the others' strengths and covering their weaknesses. This team doesn’t just fight; they create a symphony of mutant powers, where every attack is harmonized to create an overwhelming force of nature!
4. Morgan Le Fey + Doctor Strange (Heartless) + Agatha Harkness + Scarlet Witch + Wong
The Darkhold team in Marvel Strike Force, known for their significant impact in the game's meta, consists of four new heroes alongside a significantly boosted Scarlet Witch. Their team mechanics are straightforward but powerful, focusing on preventing enemies from being buffed and their members from being debuffed and cleansed. They also excel in sustaining themselves and disabling the competition!

Morgan Le Fay is a power to be reckoned with, and easily defeated by if you oppose her. Adding the rest of her Darkhold team into the mix bolsters her destructive capability and survivability, leaving more opportunity to wreak havoc!
Darkhold Strengths:
- Morgan Le Fay plays first in most situations due to her high speed. Morgan initiates fights by clearing immunity, placing debuffs like Disrupted and Slow, and automatically debuffing enemy controllers with Trauma and Ability Block. She passively buffs Darkhold allies with barriers and Safeguard, preventing enemies from flipping or stealing buffs. Morgan's damage output is immense, and she can reset hero rotation, giving her team a strategic advantage.
- Doctor Strange [Heartless] enhances the critical chance and damage for all Darkhold members. He initiates fights by clearing and stealing positive effects, applying Slow, and reducing the enemy's Speed Bar. His AOE attack is extremely powerful but can't be used before his third turn. Additionally, Strange increases the team's overall survivability by granting barriers at the end of each turn.
- Agatha Harkness grants a Drain ability to all Darkhold allies and significantly increases their Focus. She prevents the team from dying when their health drops below 30%, while pushing enemies towards defeat under similar conditions. Agatha's ultimate attack is particularly strong against mystic heroes and controllers, providing healing and barriers to her allies while dealing damage to enemies.
- Scarlet Witch has a brand new bag of skills that allows her to adapt her approach based on the battle's context. She can equalize the health of all allies in critical situations or prolong debuffs while applying Defense Down to enemies. A key feature is her ability to spread debuffs to adjacent heroes, providing a strategic advantage in battles.
- Wong, the team's protector, grants Defense Up at the battle's start and can steal and flip positive effects. His Taunt is enhanced by barriers from other members and his own, making him a formidable defender. Wong also punishes enemies with a powerful attack that ignores Defense Down, adding an offensive edge to his defensive role.
How Darkhold Works:
- The Darkhold team excels at controlling the battlefield by applying debuffs. Morgan Le Fay's ability to debuff controllers and apply disruptive effects, combined with Doctor Strange's ability to steal and clear positive effects, creates a powerful opening salvo that disrupts enemy strategies. This sets the stage for the team to dominate from the very start of the battle.
- The team's remarkable sustenance is a key aspect of their synergy. Agatha Harkness's Drain ability and healing powers, along with Scarlet Witch's health equalizing and Wong's barriers and defense buffs, ensure the team can endure and recover from enemy attacks. This makes them exceptionally tough to take down in prolonged fights.
- Morgan Le Fay's unique ability to reset the hero rotation and grant Speed Up to all allies, coupled with Doctor Strange's Speed Bar reduction, allows the Darkhold team to frequently take turns ahead of their opponents. This speed manipulation gives them a significant tactical advantage, allowing them to outpace and outmaneuver enemy teams.
- Doctor Strange's passive increases in critical chance and damage for all Darkhold members, amplifying their already formidable offensive capabilities. This, combined with the team's ability to apply numerous debuffs, results in devastating attacks that can quickly overwhelm opponents.
- The team's ability to control the battlefield extends beyond debuffs. With multiple members capable of providing barriers, the Darkhold team can effectively stack defenses, making them incredibly resilient. Additionally, their area-of-effect attacks, especially Doctor Strange's powerful AOE, ensure they can deal damage to multiple enemies simultaneously, maintaining control over the battle area.
3. Archangel + Nemesis + Dark Beast + Magneto + Psylocke
Leading this fantastic team known as Death Seed is Archangel, a character with a rich history in the X-Men universe, now turned into a formidable force in MSF. This team isn't just another group of characters; they're a Raid lane's worst nightmare! Their abilities and synergies are tailor-made to dominate and control the battlefield, making them a go-to choice for players looking to make a statement in the game.

Archangel waits for no one. With the ability to attack outside of his turn, he makes devasting the other team a breeze and with Dark Beasts aid, members of the team can be revived upon falling in battle!
Death Seed Strengths:
- Archangel, most people are only familiar with Angel from the X-Men but with a hardcore upgrade from Apocalypse, now he's Archangel, the Horseman of Death. His Wing Wrath? It’s like a ninja slicing through enemies – swift and deadly!
- Nemesis is the VIP of Apocalypse's club and coincidentally his son. He’s like a health-draining vampire, sapping enemies' strength and sharing it with his buddies. Talk about caring and sharing!
- Dark Beast is just like the friendly Beast everyone knows and loves, but now make him darker and meaner. He’s the mad scientist of the team, throwing nasty status effects around like confetti at a party! His experiments wreak havoc and inflict the enemy with crippling side effects while reviving his team.
- Magneto is the master of magnetism and is here to rearrange the battlefield like its furniture in his living room. He's the team's battlefield tactician. His magnetic powers aren't just for show either. they disrupt enemy formations from the start of the match!
- Psylocke is the team's psychic ninja star and is all about flipping the script. She takes all debuffs off her pals and slaps them onto the enemy team! Plus, her Telekinetic Armament is like a ballet of blades and bleeding – it’s a sight to behold!
How Death Seed Work:
- Nemesis acts as a strategic health redistributor, weakening enemies to empower allies. He has the ability to bypass Heal Block and keep his team fighting fit. In Raids he can be even more of a powerhouse, inflicting all enemies with Bleed, Slow and Trauma, everyone's favorite debuff, while bringing stolen health back to his team!
- Magneto and Dark Beast masterfully manipulate the battlefield, controlling the flow of the fight. Magneto pulls the enemy team into a nicely lined up row of bowling pins and Dark Beast gets a strike every time! He spreads his negative effects while stripping the enemy of their buffs. Sounds like the new dynamic duo to me!
- Archangel and Psylocke are the damage-dealing duo, ensuring their attacks have both style and substance. Aside from damage, Psylocke's primary focus is to keep debuffs of her team and keep buffs off of the enemy, and she does it masterfully. Archangel on the other hand is constantly slapping the team with insane damage, even when it’s not his turn. If an enemy dies, he rains the pain down on another, almost like he’s saying “that’s two for flinching”.
- The team strikes a perfect balance between offense and defense, showcasing their adaptability. On top of the constant healing, the constant damaging dealing, enemies losing buffs and getting hit with debuffs left and right, Dark Beast can revive his fallen teammates! I honestly didn;t realize this because they pretty much never die!
- Visually, their attacks are a spectacle, combining raw power with awe-inspiring effects. The Death Seed team isn't just powerful; they're a tactical force in Marvel Strike Force, blending strength, strategy, and a touch of flair.
2. Hulk + Red Hulk + She-Hulk + Brawn + Abomination
The Gamma Team in Marvel Strike Force isn't just a group of characters; they are a force of nature. With the Hulk family at its core, the team embodies raw power, strategic depth, and unyielding resilience. Whether it’s Red Hulk's rampaging or She-Hulk's strategic countermoves, the Gamma Team turns every battle into a display of unbridled strength and clever tactics!

If you thought the Hulk had a rage issue, let me introduce to Red Hulk! He enjoys the thrill of battle so much that he grabs a meteor from space to devastate his opponents and leave the battlefield saturated with gamma radiation.
Gamma Strengths:
- Hulk, the indomitable Protector, stands as the immovable force on the battlefield. His sheer resilience and ability to gain extra turns make him a wall of green muscle that enemies struggle and more often fail to overcome.
- Red Hulk, a powerhouse of destruction, brings devastating attacks to the fray. His ability to flip positive effects of enemies and rapidly charge up for a game-changing Ultimate attack marks him as a fearsome adversary.
- She-Hulk is a tenacious cleanser, she ensures her team stays free of negative effects while dishing out significant damage herself. Her ability to transfer negative effects from her team to enemies makes her a pivotal player in the Gamma lineup.
- Brawn, the strategic heart of Gamma, excels in stealing and spreading positive effects from foes to allies, bolstering the team’s strength and resilience. He is also capable of cleansing his allies while healing them with stolen health from the enemy!
- Abomination, the supportive brawler of the team, Abomination is adept at flipping enemy buffs and bolstering the team’s sustainability with his significant drain ability. He self-sustains by regaining his own health every time he takes a turn and increases the max health of his team!
How Gamma Works:
- Red Hulk initiates the onslaught with powerful basic attacks, followed by Abomination’s debuffing moves. Hulk, with his extra turns and defensive might, follows up, leaving Brawn and She-Hulk to strategically apply buffs and cleanse the team.
- The team’s strategy often revolves around Red Hulk’s Charged Mechanic, enabling him to unleash his Ultimate, turning the tide of battle with his Gamma Radiation Effect.
- She-Hulk plays a crucial role in keeping the team free from negative effects and turning enemy strategies against them. Brawn’s ability to manipulate buffs across the battlefield provides the team with tactical advantages, ensuring they remain a step ahead in the fight.
- The Gamma Team, led by the Hulk family, can dismantle any defense and withstand formidable offenses. Their synergy and raw power keep them among the top offensive teams. In the Cosmic Crucible, Gamma's formidable presence is equally felt, especially in defense during crucial stages.
- Whether it’s Red Hulk's rampaging or She-Hulk's strategic countermoves, the Gamma Team turns every battle into a display of unbridled strength and clever tactics. In the world of Marvel Strike Force, facing the Gamma Team means bracing for a storm of green fury and strategic genius!
1. Apocalypse + Red Hulk + Rogue + Morgan Le Fay + Archangel
The Horseman team in Marvel Strike Force, was the most anticipated team in the game's existence! Each Horseman required a significant amount of investment to unlock, and once unlocked, their respective teams required just as much work to unlock the Apocalypse, the first mutant. I’m here to report that the hype was real and the time and effort put in paid off two-fold. When this team shows up, be ready to grovel for mercy and then accept your loss graciously!

The team to rule all others. The last 4 teams leading up to this are not only amazing, but necessary to gain access to this unstoppable force led by the first mutant himself, Apocalypse!
The Horsemen & Apocalypse Strengths:
- Apocalypse, the leader and centerpiece, brings unparalleled support and devastating power to the team. His abilities focus on buffing allies, debuffing enemies, healing himself and drastically altering the tide of battle with his Empowered state.
- Red Hulk, a brute force on the battlefield, delivers crushing blows and specializes in dealing massive damage, complementing the team's aggressive approach. As the Horseman of War, he supplies additional Focus to the team and gains the ability to Revive after death once!
- Rogue, known for her power absorption, her presence on the team adds both offensive and defensive versatility, turning enemy strengths into her own. As the Horseman of Famine, her punches gain a significant power boost, 100% more power to be exact. She’s still a tank, but now with an extra cannon attached!
- Morgan Le Fay, using her mystical abilities, offers a blend of offensive spells and supportive enchantments, enhancing the team's magical prowess. As the Horseman of Pestilence, she keeps the team sped up for max damage while keeping a hefty barrier around her allies in Arena, making the team a nuisance to deal with!
- Archangel, soaring above the fray, Archangel strikes with precision and agility, providing aerial support and swift attacks to overwhelm opponents. As the Horseman of Death, all the positive effects that make him an unstoppable force in Raids now transfer over to the Arena game mode, allowing for even more domination!
How The Horsemen & Apocalypse Works:
- Apocalypse's Empowered state after using his Ultimate ability "The End is Here" can be a game-changer, allowing him to deal massive damage and potentially eliminate a key target instantly.
- The team excels in manipulating the battlefield with buffs and debuffs. Apocalypse's "Seismic Sands" clears negative effects and applies crucial buffs like Safeguard and Immunity, while Morgan Le Fay and Archangel contribute with their mystical and aerial advantages.
- Rogue's ability to absorb powers and Red Hulk's raw strength offer the team flexibility in responding to various threats, making them unpredictable and versatile.
- Apocalypse's ability to target enemies based on their health percentage in his Empowered state synergizes well with the team's focus on weakening and controlling enemy units.
- The combination of Rogue's defensive capabilities, Red Hulk's offensive might, and the magical support from Morgan Le Fay and Archangel, anchored by Apocalypse's leadership, makes the team a formidable presence in any game mode.
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