Marvel's Avengers Best Minor Artifacts For Each Character

13 Jun 2022

Confused on what Minor Artifacts you should use for a certain character? No need to fear, we got you.

10. Ms. Marvel

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Ms. Marvel’s strength not only comes from her powers, but from her gear too. Especially her Minor Artifacts. Ms. Marvel already has a skill that heals her, so we don’t have to worry about defense unless it’s really low, so what’s the best Minor Artifacts to use?

That would be Red and Yellow ISO-8’s. The Red ISO-8 is for melee damage, and the Yellow ISO-8 is for Heroics. Kamala is primarily a melee character. Even though she does have a range attack, it’s not as effective as her melee attacks. Which is why the Red and Yellow ISO-8’s is perfect for her.

Best Minor Artifacts for Ms. Marvel

Red ISO-8

  • Increases melee stats.
  • Obtainable in Drop Zone missions and Faction Vendors.

Yellow ISO-8

  • Increases Heroic stats.
  • Obtainable in Drop Zone missions and Faction Vendors.


9. Spider-Man

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Spider-Man relies on his powers and gadgets, which he developed himself. Although in any other game, that would be enough. In Marvel’s Avengers however, he’s going to need more gear. Spider-Man isn’t a range character, no matter how effective his webshooters are. He is, however, a melee character.

Naturally, you would want to have the Red ISO-8. But if you want to focus on dealing more damage with his Heroics, then you can use the Yellow ISO-8. Although, using two at the same time is ideal, you can use 2 Red or Yellow ISO-8’s should you choose.

Best Minor Artifacts for Spider-Man

Red ISO-8

  • Increases melee stats.
  • Obtainable in Drop Zone missions and Faction Vendors.

Yellow ISO-8

  • Increases Heroic stats.
  • Obtainable in Drop Zone missions and Faction Vendors.


8. Kate Bishop

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Kate Bishop is a range character through and through. While she does have a great melee moveset, it’s not on the same level as her range moveset. From her skills to her range attacks, you can tell that Kate Bishop is a master archer first, swordsman second.

The perfect Minor Artifacts for Kate are the Blue and Yellow ISO-8. Now, you know what the Yellow ISO-8 does, but what about Blue? Simple. While Red increases melee damage, Blue increases range damage.

Best Minor Artifacts for Kate Bishop

Blue ISO-8

  • Increases range stats.
  • Obtainable in Drop Zone missions and Faction Vendors.

Yellow ISO-8

  • Increases Heroic stats.
  • Obtainable in Drop Zone missions and Faction Vendors.


7. Black Widow

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Black Widow is a master spy, and a good one at that. She’s skilled in all sorts of weaponry, as she is trained in the Red Room. Although the big question is: what is the best Minor Artifact for her? If we take into account her moveset, one can assume that her melee is where she shines. Sure, she’s skilled with weaponry, but a Black Widow’s most dangerous weapons are their hands.

With that in mind, we can assign a Red ISO-8 to her. The second best, however, would be different. I bet you’re guessing Blue, right? Since she is great in range combat too. No, it’s Yellow. While some characters like both Hawkeyes and Iron Man benefit from a Blue ISO-8, the rest of them don’t really feature great range capabilities on the same level as both Hawkeyes and Iron Man.

Best Minor Artifacts for Black WIdow

Red ISO-8

  • Increases melee stats.
  • Obtainable in Drop Zone missions and Faction Vendors.

Yellow ISO-8

  • Increases Heroic stats.
  • Obtainable in Drop Zone missions and Faction Vendors.


6. Hawkeye

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The Master Archer #1 (#2 being Kate) also utilizes the same Minor Artifacts, Blue and Yellow. Like Kate, Hawkeye has bow and arrows, plus a sword. But deep in his core gameplay, Hawkeye plays best as a range character.

Best Minor Artifacts for Hawkeye

Blue ISO-8

  • Increases range stats.
  • Obtainable in Drop Zone missions and Faction Vendors.

Yellow ISO-8

  • Increases Heroic stats.
  • Obtainable in Drop Zone missions and Faction Vendors.


5. Hulk

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The big guy is a pretty obvious choice here. The Hulk wants to smash? We let him smash. But we have to make him stronger first. Blue ISO-8 isn’t going to work. Yes, he can throw rocks hard and fast, but his fists will do more damage, as well as his Heroics. Which is why Red and Yellow ISO-8’s are Hulk’s best artifacts.

Best Minor Artifacts for Hulk

Red ISO-8

  • Increases melee stats.
  • Obtainable in Drop Zone missions and Faction Vendors.

Yellow ISO-8

  • Increases Heroic stats.
  • Obtainable in Drop Zone missions and Faction Vendors.


4. Iron Man

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When it comes to Iron Man, it can be a tough decision to make. Iron Man is tough enough to be a melee fighter, but his weapons potentially make him a range juggernaut. However, majority of the community prefers a fully range Iron Man, which makes sense. Thus, the result is amazingly powerful range Iron Man builds that can melt bosses in seconds.

With that in the way, Iron Man will do much better with Blue and Yellow ISO-8’s.

Best Minor Artifacts for Iron Man

Blue ISO-8

  • Increases range stats.
  • Obtainable in Drop Zone missions and Faction Vendors.

Yellow ISO-8

  • Increases Heroic stats.
  • Obtainable in Drop Zone missions and Faction Vendors.


3. Black Panther

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The King of Wakanda can do large amounts of damage thanks to his Devastating Daggers and its debuff perks, but does that mean you should focus on range? Yes, his daggers having a debuff perk is great, but by itself the daggers don’t do much damage. The debuff is what makes players repeatedly use the daggers, and nothing else.

Players normally use Red and Yellow ISO-8’s with Black Panther, and that normally results in some of the strongest builds for the King.

Best Minor Artifacts for Black Panther

Red ISO-8

  • Increases melee stats.
  • Obtainable in Drop Zone missions and Faction Vendors.

Yellow ISO-8

  • Increases Heroic stats.
  • Obtainable in Drop Zone missions and Faction Vendors.


2. Captain America

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Captain America’s shield is good for both melee and range. While having a Yellow ISO-8 for Cap is an option, most players would opt for either Red ISO-8 to focus on melee, or Blue ISO-8 to focus on range. Both options make for powerful results, and can lead to powerful builds that the player base has created and shared with to the community.

Best Minor Artifacts for Captain America

Red ISO-8

  • Increases melee stats.
  • Obtainable in Drop Zone missions and Faction Vendors.

Blue ISO-8

  • Increases range stats.
  • Obtainable in Drop Zone missions and Faction Vendors.


1. Thor

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Thor’s a great character in Marvel’s Avengers, and can be either range, melee, or Heroic based hero. However, Thor is at his best when the focus of his power goes into range and Heroics. Thor’s thunder rains down on his enemies as range attacks, and his Heroic capabilities can shatter enemies with a single blast. With that information, it’s safe to say that Blue and Yellow ISO-8’s are his go-to artifacts.

Best Minor Artifacts for Thor

Blue ISO-8

  • Increases range stats.
  • Obtainable in Drop Zone missions and Faction Vendors.

Yellow ISO-8

  • Increases Heroic stats.
  • Obtainable in Drop Zone missions and Faction Vendors.


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