Fun is the main reason why this weapon exists in the entire game. You’ll have the ability to sustain flight thanks to the glaive vault. Although not that strong when compared to grounded attacks, floating above the monster, and avoiding attacks are just some of the perks this weapon offers.
In co-op, insect glaive wielders can do more mounting and inflict status, which is why any hunter holding this weapon is welcome in any quest.
Yes, the glaive was significantly nerfed in base World, which is why veteran hunters who abused this broken weapon in 4U and Generations Ultimate were a bit, turned off by this weapon. But in reality, this weapon was balanced and thus divided the community in half when it came to this weapon's effectiveness.
10. Kjarr Glaive “Paralysis”
Although the Kulve Taroth glaives aren't as impressive as the pre-Iceborne incarnation of the weapons, the Paralysis stood out. Not only does it look good with its white gold aesthetic, but the stats are also in the top 10.
The 899 raw damage, the 10% affinity, the 330 paralysis, the +20 defense, and the generous white sharpness are what make this stand out of all the Kjarr insect glaives. The paralysis part is not something you should ignore, as it is one of the best considering the fast attacks the insect glaive can do.
It doesn't have a weapon slot decoration, which isn't really a bummer since the weapon itself has a free critical status skill to go along with it. Just think of the missing slots as critical status instead, and you’ll be maximizing this weapon's potential in no time.
Weapon Highlights:
1. It deals pretty high raw damage for a status weapon.
2. Constant paralysis procedures will make your quest co-hunters adore you.
3. free critical status skill!
4. +20 defense is good, especially since endgame monsters hit pretty hard.
Kjarr Glaive Paralysis Weapon Build:
9. Kjarr Glaive “Water”
Another Kjarr weapon on this list would definitely be the Kjarr Glaive "Water." Since glaives hit fast, it will be a darn good elemental weapon against fire monsters.
It’s got a whopping 899 raw, a high 10% affinity, 420 water, +20 defense, and a pretty abundant white sharpness. This is high raw damage for an elemental weapon.
With that high affinity and a bonus critical element just by wielding this weapon, this weapon is just asking for a Master’s Touch build. Plus, having 20 defense to defend against hard-hitting monsters makes this weapon a force to be reckoned with.
Weapon Highlights:
1. One of the best water elements and raw damage weapons in the game
2. Free critical element with the Kjarr weapon!
3. Plenty of endgame monsters are weak against the water element.
See the Kjarr Glaive “Water” in action:
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