[Top 10] Mobile Legends Best Assassins That Wreck Hard!

Mobile Legends Best Assassins
02 Dec 2021

Assassins in Mobile Legends: Bang Bang offer a fun variety of playstyles that is both challenging and very rewarding to pull off.

This Top 10 list will show you the top 10 assassins in MLBB in the current patch so you may get a grasp on which assassin you should pick up on your next match!

Equipped with high burst damage and high mobility, assassins are able to infiltrate team fights and finish off opposing targets who are low in health or are trying to escape. Timing is essential in making an assassin shine—while some of these assassins deal high damage and have enough mobility to survive a clash, some assassins are better off waiting until the final moment to strike. 

Assassins are usually used as junglers or they may focus on defending the Gold Lane. A good assassin is more likely to ensure victory because of how agile they can be during team fightss. As with any hero, the best way to improve with them is to play. There are currently 19 assassins and all of them are good in their own ways. However, listed below are the best ones of this season!

10. Fanny

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Fanny (Assassin)

Fanny is an agile hero who can travel around the map using her cables. This movement quirk allows her to dive into the enemies swiftly and deal a lot of damage while being hard to catch. She is one of the most difficult heroes to learn and master. However, a great Fanny player can dominate the game from the start. 

Her kit allows her to deal, with quick succession, attacks while flying with her cables. These cables allow her to move from one side of the map to the other in almost an instant. However, since her abilities cost a lot of Energy (similar to mana), this locks her in the jungler position to be most effective with the regen and cooldown buffs the jungle creeps give. 

What makes Fanny great?

  • Extremely High Mobility
  • High Damage
  • Can deal damage to multiple enemies at a time

Fanny details here!

See Fanny in action! 

9. Natalia

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Natalia (Assassin)

Natalia is an assassin that specializes in stealth and invisibility to ambush unsuspecting enemy heroes. Bushes are Natalia’s best friend as she can go invisible if she does not take or deal damage in the bush for a while. When she is in the stealthed state, she gains buffs to her movement speed and physical attack. 

Her skills enable her to ambush an unsuspecting target by attacking them while invisible, unleashing a smoke bomb that slows the enemies down, and finishing them off in a few seconds. She is one of the assassins who are best at avoiding team fights and are better at waiting for the perfect opportunity to strike. 

What makes Natalia great?

  • High Mobility
  • High Damage
  • Invisibility

Natalia details here!

See Natalia in action! 

8. Karina

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Karina (Assassin)

Karina is a powerful assassin that specializes in cleaning up the battlefield by going after low-health enemies. Her passive is great at initiating 1-v-1 scenarios as attacking three times in a row with Karina allows her to deal more damage on the third attack. Although she can initiate a 1-v-1 fight, she is more effective in waiting for the enemies’ health bars to go low before attacking during team fights. 

Her kit allows her to be immune to basic attacks for a few seconds while also dealing damage to the attacker. Her ultimate ability makes Karina charge at an enemy hero and deal high damage while leaving a mark. If the marked enemy dies, her ultimate ability’s cooldown is reset—allowing her to attack immediately. This cooldown reset is what makes Karina a lethal assassin, especially at the end of team fights. 

What makes Karina great?

  • High Mobility
  • High Damage 
  • Short Skill Cooldown

Karina details here!

See Karina in action! 

7. Selena

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Selena (Assassin/Mage)

Selena is one of the few heroes who can transform into different forms. She can turn into a long-ranged attacker in Elven Form and a melee attacker in Abyssal Form. She is a great asset to the team and can dominate the Mid Lane with ease. 

Selena’s kit grants her the ability to summon three traps at a time. These traps give her vision around its surroundings and are great at revealing heroes hiding in a bush. She can send out arrows that damage and stun enemies depending on how far the arrow has traveled. This stun duration allows her, and her team, to jump on the target. She is great at initiating 1-v-1 situations and almost always comes out victorious.  

What makes Selena great?

  • High Mobility
  • High Damage and CC
  • Gives Vision Around the Map

Selena details here!

See Selena in action! 

6. Ling

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Ling (Assassin)

Ling is an assassin who excels in chasing enemies around the map because of his extremely high mobility. He can stand on and jump across walls and is the only hero to do so. Because of this, he can navigate the map very quickly to take care of escaping enemies. Similar to Fanny, Ling’s movement abilities cost Lightness Points (similar to mana and energy). Therefore, Ling benefits greatly as a jungler. 

His kit enables him to quickly chase and attack enemies. He is capable of engaging in team fights because of the ability that grants him invincibility and movement speed before knocking up enemies in a circle. His ultimate ability allows him to recover Lightness Points quickly. This allows Ling to continuously deal damage to the enemies in his range. 

What makes Ling great?

  • Extremely High Mobility
  • High Damage
  • Can deal damage to multiple enemies at a time

Ling details here!

See Ling in action! 

5. Benedetta

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Benedetta (Assassin)

Benedetta is an assassin whose skills have a dash-damage element to them. This makes Benedetta a great pick against enemies with low mobility. She can infiltrate team fights and retreat from them very easily. Her mobility and constant dashing make her a bother to chase around the map. 

Benedetta’s abilities are geared towards a hit-and-run type of combat where she can enter fights and escape from them as soon as she has killed the enemies off. When timed correctly, she is also able to avoid crowd control effects. Benedetta is quite difficult to master but is a very terrifying assassin to go up against if you manage to play her well. 

What makes Benedetta great?

  • Extremely High Mobility
  • High Damage  
  • Can deal damage to multiple enemies at a time

Benedetta details here!

See Benedetta in action! 

4. Hayabusa

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Hayabusa (Assassin)

Hayabusa is an assassin who specializes in deception using his phantom clones. He is great both at poking and chasing enemy heroes. Hayabusa is excellent at 1-v-1 encounters and is also very efficient in cleaning up a team fight.

His abilities rely on the use of his phantom clones where he releases three of them in different directions. He can immediately teleport to a clone’s place making him quite troublesome to catch or chase. This speedy tactic also enables him to be very unpredictable allowing him to succeed in 1-v-1 encounters especially against heroes with low mobility. His ultimate ability makes Hayabusa untargetable while he damages enemy heroes, and this grants him an easy kill against heroes who are low in health. 

What makes Hayabusa great?

  • High Mobility
  • High Damage 

Hayabusa details here!

See Hayabusa in action! 

3. Saber

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Saber (Assassin)

Saber is a powerful assassin who excels at 1-v-1 ambushes. His kit allows him to delete heroes off the battlefield in only a few seconds—especially when they are alone. His passive ability reduces the enemies’ Physical Defense every time he damages them. This gives Saber an increased advantage and makes him strong even in the early game.

Saber’s abilities are geared towards a hit-and-run playstyle. His ultimate ability is the main reason why he is deemed very dangerous: he locks on an enemy hero and deals high burst damage. This is usually enough to eliminate squishy heroes such as marksmen, mages, and assassins. His first skill also grants him skill cooldown reduction and that allows him to engage in fights more often. 

What makes Saber great?

  • High Mobility
  • Extremely High Damage 

Saber details here!

See Saber in action! 

2. Harley

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Harley (Mage/Assassin)

Harley is a Mage/Assassin who can charge into battle, deal high burst damage, and then escape unharmed. He specializes in hit-and-run tactics like some other assassins mentioned so far. However, the main difference is that Harley deals delayed damage. This allows him to enter a team fight, lock on a target, and then leave as his ultimate ability deals the final blow from afar. 

His kit is great at making Harley a very aggressive hero. His passive ability decreases an enemy’s  Magic Defense whenever he damages them. As his ultimate ability deals the bulk of his damage, he can increase this number by continuing to attack the target. This usually ensures the death of Harley’s target. 

What makes Harley great?

  • High Mobility
  • High Damage 

Harley details here!

See Harley in action! 

1. Lancelot

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Lancelot (Assassin)

Lancelot is a very agile hero who can quickly travel from the frontlines to attack the squishy heroes located at the back of a team fight. This disrupts the enemy team’s formation and sends targets to panic. Similar to Benedetta, his skills have a dash-damage element to them. However, what makes Lancelot different is that his dash has no cooldown when he hits an enemy for the first time. 

Lancelot’s kit makes him great at chasing and diving to enemies. He is capable of engaging in a team fight because of his short skill cooldown and invulnerability when he dashes. This makes Lancelot quite hard to pin down especially in the hands of a skilled player. He is quite hard to master but the payoff is high as his damage output is also high. 

What makes Lancelot great?

  • High Mobility
  • High Damage 
  • Can deal damage to multiple enemies at a time

Lancelot details here!

See Lancelot in action!

A skilled assassin is a powerful asset in a team. They are able to eliminate heroes quickly and are packed with power. These assassins are all unique but what ties them together are their high damage and high mobility. Each assassin’s playstyle is different with varying difficulty levels. However, each assassin is viable, and having a good one in a team will increase your chances of winning. 



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