It's dangerous to go alone! Take this list of the top 20 f2p gear pieces!
Even in f2p osrs, there’s more than enough gear to get our heads spinning. I’ve put together this little list so that you don’t have to slog through all the charts and data to know what gear is right for you. Now go on! take this list and go break a rib cage or two!
20. Maple Shortbow (BIS ranged)
ah yes, the colour of oatmeal
This one is pretty simple, the Maple Shortbow is the best 2h ranged weapon in f2p. It’s statistically superior to its big brother, the Maple Longbow, because it has the same ranged bonus but higher attack speed; making the Maple Longbow look like a bit of a dunce.
- +29 ranged attack
What makes the Maple Shortbow awesome:
- BIS 2H ranged weapon
How to get the Maple Shortbow (purchasable at the grand exchange): https://secure.runescape.com/m=itemdb_oldschool/Maple+shortbow/viewitem?obj=853
Maple Shortbow Details: https://oldschool.runescape.wiki/w/Maple_shortbow
19. Amulet of Power (Best multi-class amulet)
kind of looks like a gold coin on a shoelace
As the veritable switchblade of amulets, the Amulet of Power is one of the overall best amulets available in osrs. Its overall stat spread is fantastic for all classes and there’s really no situation where it’ll disappoint you, unlike the Maple Longbow, which sucks.
- +6 stab attack
- +6 slash attack
- +6 crush attack
- +6 magic attack
- +6 ranged attack
- +6 stab defence
- +6 slash defence
- +6 crush defence
- +6 magic defence
- +6 ranged defence
- +6 strength
- +1 prayer
What makes the Amulet of Power awesome:
- Best stat spread of any neck
- Generally high stat bonuses
How to get the Amulet of Power (purchasable at the grand exchange): https://secure.runescape.com/m=itemdb_oldschool/Amulet+of+power/viewitem?obj=1731
Amulet of Power Details: https://oldschool.runescape.wiki/w/Amulet_of_power
18. Amulet of Defence (Best defence neck)
apple flavoured necklace
The Amulet of power may be the best multi-class amulet, but the Amulet of Defence has it beat as the overall best defensive amulet in f2p. It’s particularly useful for situations where you’re focused on mitigating damage and aren’t too concerned with bonking monsters, such as skilling in the wilderness.
- +7 stab defence
- +7 slash defence
- +7 crush defence
- +7 magic defence
- +7 ranged defence
What makes the Amulet of Defence awesome:
- Highest defence neck
How to get the Amulet of Defence (purchasable at the grand exchange): https://secure.runescape.com/m=itemdb_oldschool/Amulet+of+defence/viewitem?obj=1729
Amulet of Defence Details: https://oldschool.runescape.wiki/w/Amulet_of_defence
17. Holy Symbol (Best prayer neck)
only for church cosplay
The Holy Symbol is the highest prayer neck available in osrs and has the added bonus of looking like a ninja star, which is pretty cool. It’s commonly used in conjunction with the monk robes by players who like to walk around monasteries, pretending to be monks and yelling profanities at people. Oh, and the item also provides a great prayer bonus.
- +2 stab defence
- +2 slash defence
- +2 crush defence
- +2 magic defence
- +2 ranged defence
- +8 prayer
What makes the Holy Symbol awesome:
- Highest prayer neck
- Generally decent defensive bonuses
How to get the Holy Symbol (purchasable at the grand exchange): https://secure.runescape.com/m=itemdb_oldschool/Amulet+of+defence/viewitem?obj=1729
Holy Symbol Details: https://oldschool.runescape.wiki/w/Amulet_of_defence
16. Staff of Fire (Best magic weapon)
I wonder what the top part is made of
The Staff of Fire looks like a very disappointing lollipop, but its effectiveness in turning alive stuff into dead stuff is just about enough to forgive its misleading design. “So why the Staff of Fire?” I hear you ask; it’s because the strongest f2p spell (fire blast) costs 5 fire runes, 4 air runes and 1 death rune. The fact that fire and air runes are the same price (and that the spell requires a higher number of fire runes) means the Staff of Fire is the most economical option for casting the strongest f2p spell- making it the best staff!
- +3 stab attack
- -1 slash attack
- +9 crush attack
- +10 magic attack
- +2 stab defence
- +3 slash defence
- +1 crush defence
- +10 magic defence
- +6 strength
What makes the Staff of Fire awesome:
- Free fire runes
- Best magic weapon
How to get the Staff of Fire (purchasable at the grand exchange): https://secure.runescape.com/m=itemdb_oldschool/Staff+of+fire/viewitem?obj=1387
Staff of Fire Details: https://oldschool.runescape.wiki/w/Staff_of_fire
15. Green D’hide Body (Best ranged chest)
doubles as a purse!
Equipping the Green D’hide Body requires the completion of the “Dragon Slayer 1” quest as well as 40 ranged and defence. It’s the best ranged chest option for f2p players and it also only looks slightly ridiculous!
- -15 magic attack
- +15 ranged attack
- +40 stab defence
- +32 slash defence
- +45 crush defence
- +20 magic defence
- +40 ranged defence
What makes the Green D’hide Body awesome:
- Best ranged chest
- Good defensive stats
How to get the Green D’hide Body (purchasable at the grand exchange): https://secure.runescape.com/m=itemdb_oldschool/a=12/Green+d%27hide+body/viewitem?obj=1135
Green D’hide Body Details: https://oldschool.runescape.wiki/w/Green_d%27hide_body
14. Zamorak Monk Bottom (Best magic legs)
as Lovecraft would say: something something sanguine
Surprisingly, the Zamorak Monk Bottom is the best f2p magic legs, this is because the wizard robe legs (blue skirt) provide a fat 0 in everything. Now strap on this lovely murder skirt and get to killing! Just don’t show too much ankle.
The Stats:
- +2 magic attack
- +3 magic defence
- +3 prayer
What makes the Zamorak Monk Bottom awesome:
- Best magic legs
- Provides prayer bonus
How to get the Zamorak Monk Bottom (purchasable at the grand exchange): https://secure.runescape.com/m=itemdb_oldschool/Zamorak+monk+bottom/viewitem?obj=1033
Zamorak Monk Bottom Details: https://oldschool.runescape.wiki/w/Zamorak_monk_bottom
13. Guthix/Saradomin/Zamorak Platebody (Best melee chest)
it's worth paying extra for the cool trimming alone!
Have you ever wanted to slice, bonk or stab your enemies while singing the praises of your favourite god? The God Armour Platebodies let you do just that, provided you’ve completed the “Dragon Slayer 1” quest and have 40 defence. They have stats almost exactly the same as regular old rune, with one minor difference: a prayer bonus. This little bonus makes them the best melee chest in f2p. They also come in fun colours, and who doesn’t love that?
The Stats:
- -30 magic attack
- -15 ranged attack
- +82 stab defence
- +80 slash defence
- +72 crush defence
- -6 magic defence
- +80 ranged defence
- +1 prayer
What makes the God Armour Platebodies awesome:
- Best melee chest
- Great defensive stats
How to get the God Armour Platebodies (purchasable at the grand exchange): https://secure.runescape.com/m=itemdb_oldschool/Guthix+platebody/viewitem?obj=2669
God Armour Platebodies Details: https://oldschool.runescape.wiki/w/Guthix_platebody
12. Guthix/Saradomin/Zamorak Kiteshield (Best shield)
apple flavoured shield?
Just like our previous entry, the only difference between the glorious, majestic God Armour Kiteshields and the stinky ol’ Rune Kiteshields is that +1 prayer bonus, making them the best Kiteshields available.
“But why should I use a Kiteshield over a Square Shield?” I hear you ask. Well, despite being a little heavier, Kiteshields have overall higher defensive stats than Square Shields and the defensive bonuses that Kiteshields provide are enough to make up for that weight difference – just don’t use these shields against magic enemies.
The Stats:
- -8 magic attack
- -3 ranged attack
- +44 stab defence
- +48 slash defence
- +46 crush defence
- -1 magic defence
- +46 ranged defence
- +1 prayer
What makes the God Armour Kiteshields awesome:
- Best overall shield
- Prayer bonus
How to get the God Armour Kiteshields (purchasable at the grand exchange): https://secure.runescape.com/m=itemdb_oldschool/Guthix+kiteshield/viewitem?obj=2675
God Armour Kiteshields Details: https://oldschool.runescape.wiki/w/Guthix_kiteshield
11. Anti-Dragon Shield (A dragon slayer’s best friend)
i wonder if they scratch the shield during smithing, cause all the shields look like that
This little beauty is only available to players who’ve started the “Dragon Slayer 1” quest. Now I know what I said: that the God Armour Kiteshields are the best shields. On any normal occasion, I stand behind that statement. That is, unless there’s a dragon around, in which case I’ll be standing behind the Anti-Dragon Shield.
What makes this shield so special is that it protects the player from dragonfire by reducing the maximum hit of most dragon-breath attacks by roughly 80%.
The Stats:
- +7 stab defence
- +9 slash defence
- +8 crush defence
- +2 magic defence
- +8 ranged defence
What makes the Anti-Dragon Shield awesome:
- Mitigates a large portion of damage from dragons
How to get the Anti-Dragon Shield (purchasable at the grand exchange): https://secure.runescape.com/m=itemdb_oldschool/Anti-dragon+shield/viewitem?obj=1540
Anti-Dragon Shield Details: https://oldschool.runescape.wiki/w/Anti-dragon_shield
10. Decorative Boots (BIS melee boots)
the boots have no holes to put your feet in
These boots may not be the most fashionable, but they certainly are the best at what they do! The Decorative Boots have stats comparable to adamant boots, but with a bonus of +1 strength, making them the best in slot melee boots available in f2p. They require 30 defence and can be purchased with Castle Wars tickets. You’ll look like a bit of a clown wearing them, but a dangerous clown nonetheless!
The Stats:
- -3 magic attack
- -1 ranged attack
- +10 stab defence
- +11 slash defence
- +12 crush defence
- +1 strength
What makes the Decorative Boots awesome:
- BIS melee boots
- Strength bonus over adamant
How to get the Decorative Boots: https://youtu.be/NZmgZksHoZk?t=159
Decorative Boots Details: https://oldschool.runescape.wiki/w/Decorative_boots_(gold)
9. Cabbage Cape (Best cape) and Chronicle (Teleportation)
the cabbage head goes great with the frog head
I’ve put both of these items in the same spot because they’re both toys available at Daingo’s toy store in Draynor village and I don’t think each deserves their own spot. The cabbage cape is the best cape available to f2p players, why? Well, it’s got a cool emote, that’s why! Other than that, it’s got the same stats as other capes.
The Chronicle is a must-have for all players as, with the use of teleport cards, it allows the player to teleport to the champions guild, making it a great way to get around.
The Stats of the Cabbage Cape (The Chronicle has no stat bonuses):
- +1 slash defence
- +1 crush defence
- +2 ranged defence
What makes the Cabbage Cape and Chronicle awesome:
- Fun cape
- Chronicle is a great transportation method
How to get the Cabbage Cape and Chronicle: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ErrnyDKS7Tg&ab_channel=BelowRS
Cabbage Cape Details: https://oldschool.runescape.wiki/w/Cabbage_cape
Chronicle Details: https://oldschool.runescape.wiki/w/Chronicle
8. Monk’s Robe Top (highest prayer bonus)
ah, yes. brown shirt
Not only does the Monk’s Robe Top have the highest prayer bonus in f2p, but it also has 0 requirements. Meaning anybody can throw on this robe and run willy-nilly around the monastery.
The Stats:
- +6 prayer
What makes the Monk’s Robe Top awesome:
- Highest prayer bonus
How to get the Monk’s Robe Top: https://secure.runescape.com/m=itemdb_oldschool/Monk%27s+robe+top/viewitem?obj=544
Monk’s Robe Top Details: https://oldschool.runescape.wiki/w/Monk%27s_robe_top
7. Green D’hide Vambraces (BIS melee and ranged gloves)
I've been misspelling this piece for years
The Green D’hide Vambraces aren’t only useful for ranged, they’re also best in slot for melee, making them extremely valuable in f2p. But don’t go and use them for magic, they have a -10 magic attack penalty that’s sure to make all your attack spells only slightly more painful than moderately hot soup.
The Stats:
- -10 magic attack
- +8 ranged attack
- +3 stab defence
- +2 slash defence
- +4 crush defence
- +2 magic defence
What makes the Green D’hide Vambraces awesome:
- BIS gloves for melee and ranged
How to get the Green D’hide Vambraces:
Green D’hide Vambraces Details: https://oldschool.runescape.wiki/w/Green_d%27hide_vambraces
6. Coif (BIS ranged head)
batman wears one of these, equally as silly-looking too!
The Coif (despite looking utterly ridiculous) is the best ranged headgear available in f2p. It's an improved version of the cowl and requires 20 ranged to equip. There’s not much more to be said about this one, just make sure you have a permit for looking ridiculous because the fashion police might just lock you up!
The Stats:
- -1 magic attack
- +2 ranged attack
- +4 stab defence
- +6 slash defence
- +8 crush defence
- +4 magic defence
- +4 ranged defence
What makes the Coif awesome:
- BIS ranged head
- Good defensive stats
How to get the Coif:
Coif Details: https://oldschool.runescape.wiki/w/Coif
5. Hill Giant Club (BIS crush weapon)
yes,yes,yes! big stick!
The Hill Giant Club weapon provides the highest crush bonus of any f2p weapon and requires 40 attack to equip, it’s also tied with the Rune 2h sword for highest strength bonus. It provides the perfect opportunity to bonk to your heart’s content!
- -4 stab attack
- +50 slash attack
- +65 crush attack
- -4 magic attack
- -1 ranged defence
- +70 strength
What makes the Hill Giant Club awesome:
- Highest crush damage weapon
- Tied for highest strength bonus
- Overall great stats
How to get the Hill Giant Club (purchasable at the grand exchange): https://secure.runescape.com/m=itemdb_oldschool/Hill+giant+club/viewitem?obj=20756
Hill Giant Club Details: https://oldschool.runescape.wiki/w/Hill_giant_club
4. Swift Blade (training for strength and defence pures)
now with 50% less blade!
[A picture containing outdoor object, propeller, device Description automatically generated]
The Swift Blade has the fastest attack speed of any f2p weapon and fills a very niche role, it has no stat requirements, which actually makes it the best in slot training weapon for strength and defence pures. Oh, and the other thing: it has 0 stat bonuses- but it is incredibly quick.
- 0
- Literally 0
- I wasn’t kidding, it’s 0 in everything
What makes the Swift Blade awesome:
- High damage potential
- High attack speed
How to get the Swift Blade (purchasable at the grand exchange): https://secure.runescape.com/m=itemdb_oldschool/Swift+blade/viewitem?obj=24219
Swift Blade Details: https://oldschool.runescape.wiki/w/Swift_blade
3. Rune 2h (BIS slash weapon)
very big, very rune, very damage
The Rune 2h Sword is the strongest 2h sword in f2p. This weapon provides the highest slash bonus of any f2p weapon and requires 40 attack to equip, it’s also tied with the Hill Giant Club for the highest strength bonus. There’s not much more to say about the weapon, but it’s a really big sword, and those are always fun!
- -4 stab attack
- +69 slash attack
- +50 crush attack
- -4 magic attack
- -1 ranged defence
- +70 strength
What makes the Rune 2h Sword awesome:
- Highest slash damage weapon
- Tied for highest strength bonus
- Overall great stats
How to get the Rune 2h Sword (purchasable at the grand exchange): https://secure.runescape.com/m=itemdb_oldschool/Rune+2h+sword/viewitem?obj=1319
Rune 2h Sword Details: https://oldschool.runescape.wiki/w/Rune_2h_sword
2. Rune Mace (BIS prayer weapon)
osrs should get flails too, that would be cool
The Rune Mace is the strongest mace in f2p, it also provides the highest prayer bonus of any f2p weapon. If you’re the kind of person who likes to mercilessly shatter the knees of your enemies while singing songs of praise to your chosen god, then you’ll be needing the Rune Mace!
- +20 stab attack
- -2 slash attack
- +39 crush attack
- +36 strength
- +4 prayer
What makes the Rune Mace awesome:
- Strongest mace
- Highest prayer bonus of any f2p weapon
How to get the Rune Mace (purchasable at the grand exchange): https://secure.runescape.com/m=itemdb_oldschool/Rune+mace/viewitem?obj=1333
Rune Mace Details: https://oldschool.runescape.wiki/w/Rune_mace
1. Rune Scimitar (High damage and attack speed)
in a weird way, this sword kind of reminds me of a tooth
Not only is the Rune Scimitar fantastic if you like hanging around Port Sarim, roleplaying as a pirate and bopping your head to the musical masterpiece that is Sea Shanty 2, it’s also arguably the best f2p weapon available! It requires 40 attack and is revered for its high attack speed and high damage stats.
- +7 stab attack
- +45 slash attack
- -2 crush attack
- +1 slash defence
- +44 strength
What makes the Rune Scimitar awesome:
- High damage
- High attack speed
How to get the Rune Scimitar (purchasable at the grand exchange): https://secure.runescape.com/m=itemdb_oldschool/Rune+scimitar/viewitem?obj=1333
Rune Scimitar Details: https://oldschool.runescape.wiki/w/Rune_scimitar
And there it is, folks! The definitive list of the: [Top 20] Old School RuneScape Best F2P Gear Pieces (And How To Get Them). We hope you found this list helpful and hope to see you again soon at Gamers Decide. Until next time, happy murdering!